2,187 research outputs found

    Land Cover Classification Implemented in FPGA

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    The main focus of the dissertation is Land Use/Land Cover Classification, implemented in FPGA, taking advantage of its parallelism, improving time between mathematical operations. The classifiers implemented will be Decision Tree and Minimum Distance reviewed in State of the Art Chapter. The results obtained pretend to contribute in fire prevention and fire combat, due to the information they extract about the fields where the implementation is applied to. The region of interest will Sado estuary, with future application to Mação, Santarém, inserted in FORESTER project, that had a lot of its area burnt in 2017 fires. Also, the data acquired from the implementation can help to update the previous land classification of the region. Image processing can be performed in a variety of platforms, such as CPU, GPU and FPGAs, with different advantages and disadvantages for each one. Image processing can be referred as massive data processing data in a visual context, due to its large amount of information per photo. Several studies had been made in accelerate classification techniques in hardware, but not so many have been applied in the same context of this dissertation. The outcome of this work shows the advantages of high data processing in hardware, in time and accuracy aspects. How the classifiers handle the region of study and can right classify it will be seen in this dissertation and the major advantages of accelerating some parts or the full classifier in hardware. The results of implementing the classifiers in hardware, done in the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC board, will be compared against the equivalent CPU implementation

    Diabetes and vaginal surgery are associated with mixed urinary incontinence in patients treated in a tertiary unit of Rio de Janeiro public healthcare system

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    Introduction: Urinary incontinence (UI) is prevalent in women, and the frequency of its clinical subtypes varies according to the population studied and the choice of diagnostic criteria. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of the most common subtypes – stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and mixed urinary incontinence (MUI) – and their correlation with demographic, clinical and reproductive factors of patients seen at the university hospital of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a referral service of a tertiary care center. A retrospective analysis of records of 770 women referred to the urogynecologic outpatient clinic was performed. The clinical diagnosis of UI subtype was established in accordance with international standardization. Women presenting with SUI and MUI were compared in terms of age, reproductive history, comorbidities, medications used and gynecological surgeries. The effect of independent variables was assessed through multiple regression analyses. Results: The frequency of the clinical diagnosis of MUI and SUI was, respectively, 54.6% and 31.8%. Factors associated with MUI when compared with SUI were diabetes mellitus (odds ratio, OR = 1.75; 95% confidence interval, 95% CI = 1.08; 2.85) and perineoplasty (OR = 1.79; 95% CI = 1.18; 2.72). Age showed a borderline significance (p = 0.05). Conclusion: The distribution of UI subtypes was different from the distribution found in populational studies, which shows the specific aspects of women referred for specialized care. MUI was the most common subtype and was associated with previous vaginal surgery and diabetes mellitus when compared with SUI. Keywords: Urinary incontinence; Urge; urinary incontinence; stress; women’s health; epidemiolog

    Systemic effect of mineral aggregate-based cements: histopathological analysis in rats

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    Objective: Several studies reported the local tissue reaction caused by mineral aggregate-based cements. However, few studies have investigated the systemic effects promoted by these cements on liver and kidney when directly applied to connective tissue. The purpose of this in vivo study was to investigate the systemic effect of mineral aggregate-based cements on the livers and kidneys of rats. Material and Methods: Samples of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and a calcium aluminate-based cement (EndoBinder) containing different radiopacifiers were implanted into the dorsum of 40 rats. After 7 and 30 d, samples of subcutaneous, liver and kidney tissues were submitted to histopathological analysis. A score (0-3) was used to grade the inflammatory reaction. Blood samples were collected to evaluate changes in hepatic and renal functions of animals. Results: The moderate inflammatory reaction (2) observed for 7 d in the subcutaneous tissue decreased with time for all cements. The thickness of inflammatory capsules also presented a significant decrease with time (


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    O trabalho foi realizado na Universidade de Marília, SP, com o intuito de determinar, pela técnica do ?13C, a fase de transição do consumo da dieta exclusivamente líquida (leite) para dieta composta por leite, pasto e/ou ração em cordeiros. Distribuíram-se seis cordeiros mestiços Suffolk em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial (3x2), sendo dois grupos experimentais e três repetições. No primeiro grupo, os cordeiros foram mantidos confinados e mamavam leite de ovelhas alimentadas com dieta de característica C4. Além disso, tiveram acesso à ração de caráter C3 no creep feeding, desde o nascimento. No segundo grupo, os cordeiros foram mantidos em pastagem de Tifton-85 (ciclo fotossintético C4) juntamente com as ovelhas, tendo acesso à ração de caráter C3 no creep feeding, desde o nascimento. A ração de caráter C3 do creep feeding continha farelo de soja, grãos de aveia triturados, feno de alfafa moído e sal mineral. O consumo de ração tornou-se superior à ingestão de leite no período de 30-35 dias após o nascimento dos cordeiros confinados, contudo, os cordeiros em pastejo ingeriram mais leite e pasto, em comparação à ração, até 40 dias após o nascimento. A técnica do ? 13C foi considerada eficaz nos estudos do comportamento alimentar de cordeiros. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Consumo, creep feeding, Cynodon dactylon, isótopos estáveis, Suffolk


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    Este artigo apresenta um posicionamento sobre a arquitetura, o plano de controle e a gerência para redes e infraestruturas de telecomunicações das operadoras de energia num cenário de solução Smart Grid (SG) fazendo uso das redes IP. As novas redes IP são apresentadas, o cenário Smart Grid é introduzido e um modelo de arquitetura e seus aspectos de gerência são discutidos. Os autores argumentam sobre a necessidade da utilização de múltiplas soluções tecnológicas para o atendimento dos requisitos de proteção e supervisão, discutem a adoção de um plano de controle integrador e avaliam os impactos na solução de gerência e na engenharia de tráfego como elementos de controle e otimização da solução. ABSTRACTThis position paper, presents an overview of the architecture, control plane and management for the network and telecommunications infrastructure of an energy utility company in a Smart Grid (SG) solution scenario, using IP networks. The new IP networks are presented, a Smart Grid scenario is introduced, and its architecture model and management issues are discussed. The authors argue about the need of using multiple technological solutions to satisfy protection and supervisory requirements; discuss the adoption of an integrating control plane, and evaluate its impact on the management solution and in the traffic engineering as the solution control and optimization elements