333 research outputs found

    "Elige tu propia aventura". Proyecto de intervención socioeducativa para el fomento de la resiliencia ante el fracaso escolar.

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    Elige tu propia aventura es un proyecto de intervención socio-educativa, compuesto de 7 talleres, para la promoción educativa de adolescentes de 1º y 2º de ESO, en situación de riesgo de fracaso escolar, con el fin de educar para la prevención del mismo, y para la resiliencia, así como para descubrir y fortalecer las capacidades de los adolescentes y estos puedan decidir sobre su futuro tratando de disminuir la influencia social, económica o familiar de dicho alumnado. También pretende comprobar cómo el rendimiento académico del alumnado aumenta cuando se han tenido en cuenta y trabajado otros aspectos socio-familiares que pueden ser un hándicap para dicho alumnado corroborando así la importancia de tener presente toda la realidad del alumnado en el Sistema Educativo, si queremos que su educación sea realmente integral y si queremos un sistema educativo que realmente vele por la igualdad de oportunidades de todo el alumnado.Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y LiteraturaMáster en Formación e Intervención sociocomunitari

    Aprendizaje activo utilizando la metodología de aula invertida en la asignatura de alergología

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    Memoria ID-099. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2020-2021

    Políticas públicas medio ambientales y la contaminación ambiental en el Mercado "La Paradita", San Jacinto - 2016

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    "POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS MEDIO AMBIENTALES Y LA CONTAMINACIÓN AMBIENTAL EN EL MERCADO LA PARADITA, SAN JACINTO – 2016” El objetivo general de este proyecto de investigación es determinar la influencia de las Políticas Públicas medio ambientales en la Contaminación Ambiental en el mercado “La Paradita”, San Jacinto – 2016 Se desarrolló una metodología Cuantitativa con el tipo de estudio Descriptivo con 2 variables, que nos permite optar por un diseño de investigación no experimental – transversal; mediante el cual se utilizó como técnica la Encuesta, e instrumento el Cuestionario de Encuesta, el cual fue aplicado a los trabajadores del mercado “La Paradita”, ubicado en el centro poblado San Jacinto. Llegando a la conclusión que la Contaminación Ambiental es un problema actual afectando a nivel mundial a todos los seres vivos; en ese sentido los trabajadores del mercado “La Paradita” se encuentran expuestos a contraer una serie de enfermedades, debido a los tipos de Contaminación que existen en su medio. Tal es así que las Políticas Públicas Ambientales influyen positivamente frente a este problema, resultando ser el medio idóneo para poder combatirlo

    HySEA model verification for Tohoku 2011 Tsunami. Application for mitigation tsunami assessment

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    In many aspects Tohoku-Oki 2011 mega tsunami has changed our perception of tsunami risk. The tsunami-HySEA model is used to numerically simulate this event and observed data will we used to verify the model results. Three nested meshes of enhanced resolution (4 arc-min, 32 arc-sec and 2 arc-sec) will be used by the numerical model. The propagation mesh covers all Pacific Ocean with more of 7 million cells. An intermediate mesh with 5 millions cells contains the Japanese archipelago and, finally, two finer meshes, with nearly 8 and 6 millions cells, cover Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures at Tohoku region, the most devastated areas hit by the tsunami. The presentation will focus on the impact of the tsunami wave in these two areas and comparisons with observed data will be performed. DART buoys time series, inundation area and observed runup is used to assess model performance. The arrival time of the leading flooding wave at the vicinity of the Senday airport, as recorded by video cameras, is also used as verification data for the model. After this tsunami, control forests as well as breakwaters has been discussed as suitable mitigation infrastructures. As particular case, we will analyse the evolution of the tsunami in the area around the Sendai airport (Miyagi Prefecture) and its impact on the airport. A second simulation has been performed, assuming the existence of a coastal barrier protecting the area. The role of this barrier in modifying tsunami wave evolution and mitigating flooding effects on the airport area are discussed. The protection effect of the breakwaters near Kamaishi (Iwate Prefecture) is also assessed. The numerical model shows how these structures, although did not provide a full protection to tsunami waves, they helped to largely mitigate its effects in the area.Acknowledgements. This research has been partially supported by the Junta de Andalucía research project TESELA (P11-RNM7069), the Spanish Government Research project DAIFLUID (MTM2012-38383-C02-01) and Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. The multi-GPU computations were performed at the Laboratory of Numerical Methods (University of Malaga)

    Pharmacogenetics and the Treatment of Asthma

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    [EN] Heterogeneity defines both the natural history of asthma as well as patient's response to treatment. Pharmacogenomics contribute to understand the genetic basis of drug response and thus to define new therapeutic targets or molecular biomarkers to evaluate treatment effectiveness. This review is initially focused on different genes so far involved in the pharmacological response to asthma treatment. Specific considerations regarding allergic asthma, the pharmacogenetics aspects of polypharmacy and the application of pharmacogenomics in new drugs in asthma will also be addressed. Finally, future perspectives related to epigenetic regulatory elements and the potential impact of systems biology in pharmacogenetics of asthma will be considered

    El liderazgo inclusivo desde una perspectiva familiar en la Enseñanza Obligatoria

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    Distributed and pedagogical leadership plays a key role in the creation and upholding of inclusive school practices as a strategy for improvement and success in the management of quality education for students. Aims: describe, through an inclusive perspective, the actions and initiatives implemented to promote attention to diversity by school leadership teams, from the point of view of families. Methodology: Descriptive-exploratory design with a cross-sectional, quantitative focus. Sample: 25 schools (public schools, N = 18, and charter schools, N = 7) with 631 families. These families completed the questionnaire, “Leading inclusive education in compulsory-education schools-families”. Results: identifying actions and strategies aimed at the prevention of truancy through a school environment that generates respect, recognition and appreciation of the different needs of their students. Conclusions: Actions taken are advancing the development of a school culture where the family plays a key role. Some of the actions implemented focus on respecting the different needs of students and the educational community in order to develop an inclusive school climate. However, schools should both make families aware of the importance and benefits and promote the participation of students and the educational community in the school.El liderazgo distribuido y pedagógico juega un papel clave en la creación y mantenimiento de prácticas escolares inclusivas como estrategia de mejora y éxito en la gestión de una educación de calidad para el alumnado. Objetivos: describir, a través de una perspectiva inclusiva, las acciones e iniciativas puestas en marcha para promover la atención a la diversidad por parte de los equipos directivos de los centros educativos, desde el punto de vista de las familias. Metodología: Diseño descriptivo-exploratorio con enfoque transversal y cuantitativo. Muestra: 25 colegios (públicos, N = 18, y concertados, N = 7) con 631 familias. Estas familias cumplimentaron el cuestionario "Dirigiendo la educación inclusiva en los centros de enseñanza obligatoria-familias". Resultados: identificar acciones y estrategias dirigidas a la prevención del absentismo escolar a través de un entorno escolar que genere respeto, reconocimiento y valoración de las diferentes necesidades de sus alumnos. Conclusiones: Las acciones realizadas avanzan en el desarrollo de una cultura escolar donde la familia juega un papel fundamental. Algunas de las acciones implementadas se centran en el respeto a las diferentes necesidades de los alumnos y de la comunidad educativa para desarrollar un clima escolar inclusivo. Sin embargo, los centros educativos deben tanto concienciar a las familias de la importancia y los beneficios como promover la participación de los alumnos y la comunidad educativa en la escuela

    RNY3 modulates cell proliferation and IL13 mRNA levels in a T lymphocyte model: a possible new epigenetic mechanism of IL-13 regulation

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    [EN] llergic asthma is the most common type of asthma. It is characterized by TH2 cell–driven infammation in which interleukin-13 (IL-13) plays a pivotal role. Cytoplasmic RNAs (Y-RNAs), a variety of non-coding RNAs that are dysregulated in many cancer types, are also diferentially expressed in patients with allergic asthma. Their function in the development of the disease is still unknown. We investigated the potential role of RNY3 RNA (hY3) in the TH2 cell infammatory response using the Jurkat cell line as a model. hY3 expression levels were modulated to mimic the upregulation efect in allergic disease. We evaluated the efect of hY3 over cell stimulation and the expression of the TH2 cytokine IL13. Total RNA was isolated and retrotranscribed, and RNA levels were assessed by qPCR. In Jurkat cells, hY3 levels increased upon stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin. When transfecting with high levels of hY3 mimic molecules, cell proliferation rate decreased while IL13 mRNA levels increased upon stimulation compared to stimulated control cells. Our results show the efect of increased hY3 levels on cell proliferation and the levels of IL13 mRNA in Jurkat cells. Also, we showed that hY3 could act over other cells via exosomes. This study opens up new ways to study the potential regulatory function of hY3 over IL-13 production and its implications for asthma development.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCLE

    PTGDR gene expression and response to dexamethasone treatment in an in vitro model

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    [EN]Asthma is a multifactorial pathology influenced by environmental and genetic factors. Glucocorticoid treatment decreases symptoms by regulating genes involved in the inflammatory process through binding to specific DNA sequences. Polymorphisms located in the promoter region of the Prostaglandin D Receptor (PTGDR) gene have been related to asthma. We aimed to analyze the effect of PTGDR promoter haplotypes on gene expression and response to corticosteroid therapy. A549 lung epithelial cells were transfected with vectors carrying four different PTGDR haplotypes (CTCT, CCCC, CCCT and TCCT), and treated with dexamethasone. Different approaches to study the promoter activity (Dual Luciferase Reporter System), gene expression levels (qPCR) and cytokine secretion (Multiplexed Bead-based Flow Cytometric) were used. In addition, in silico analysis was also performed. Cells carrying the TCCT haplotype showed the lowest promoter activity (p-value<0.05) and mRNA expression levels in basal conditions. After dexamethasone treatment, cells carrying the wild-type variant CTCT showed the highest response, and those carrying the TCCT variant the lowest (p-value<0.05) in luciferase assays. Different transcription factor binding patterns were identified in silico. Moreover, differences in cytokine secretion were also found among different promoter haplotypes. Polymorphisms of PTGDR gene influence basal promoter activity and gene expression, as well as the cytokine secretory pattern. Furthermore, an association between these positions and response to corticoid treatment was observed