172 research outputs found

    Análisis del comportamiento cíclico del carbón en España = Analysis of the cyclical behavior of the coal in Spain

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    175 p.La presente tesis doctoral pone de manifiesto las diferencias existentes entre los modelos público y privado de gestión de la minería del carbón en España, los efectos que han tenido sobre el conjunto del sector y las repercusiones económicas, sociales y territoriales derivadas de una política de intervención asimétrica y desigua

    Moodle and Facebook as virtual learning teaching tools of mediation: the opinion of teachers and university students

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    Introduction of tools as virtual platforms or social network to the university means a new construction of learning-teaching process. This research analyzes the educational and didactic utility of Moodle platform and Facebook to identify its potentialities and controversies. It is presented a descriptive and interpretative study which combines qualitative and quantitative design, in order to know the opinion of the professors and students in degrees in the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Huelva (Spain). The results stress the importance of the previous training, the positive assessment of its didactic use, the increase of the collaboration due to its accessibility. In conclusion, the information we collected shows the relevance of using these tools in student learning and as the need for a change in both as much educational structures and teaching training in order to improve the quality of the teaching

    La escuela rural en la formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Infantil y Primaria: un campo por explorar

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    Rural schools are often the first experience of teaching. However, the curricula of the qualifications that give access to teaching do not usually reflect specific training around this topic, except in some specific optional subjects. In this sense, a documentary analysis was developed with the purpose of analyzing the introduction of rural schools in the teaching guides of Early Childhood Degrees and Primary Education Degrees in the Spanish context (2 224 documents analyzed). The results showed that the training acquired at university does not guarantee the specificity of skills for this type of school when facing an organization and operation different from that of the majority urban school. The conclusions indicate the scarce presence of rural schools in the training plans of future teachers, both with regard to the offer of specific disciplinary subjects and in others with a more transversal character.Con cierta frecuencia, la escuela rural suele ser la primera experiencia como maestro. No obstante, los planes de estudio de las titulaciones que dan acceso al ejercicio de la docencia no suelen reflejar formación específica sobre esta temática, exceptuando alguna asignatura puntual de carácter optativo. En este sentido, se planteó un análisis documental con el propósito de analizar la introducción de la escuela rural en las guías docentes de los Grados de Educación Infantil y de los Grados de Educación Primaria en el contexto español (2 224 guías analizadas). Los resultados mostraron que la formación adquirida en la universidad no garantiza la especificidad de competencias para este tipo de centros educativos a la hora de afrontar una organización y funcionamiento distintos al de la escuela mayoritaria (urbana). Las conclusiones recogen la escasa presencia de la escuela rural en los planes de formación del futuro profesorado, tanto en lo que respecta a la oferta de materias disciplinares concretas como en otras con un carácter más transversal

    Prácticas de aula de los profesionales de pedagogía terapéutica para atender a la diversidad : hacia un enfoque inclusivo

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    En el presente estudio se analizan las prácticas de aula del especialista de atención a la diversidad en los centros de educación infantil y primaria (CEIP) de Andalucía. Mediante un diseño de naturaleza cualitativa de carácter transversal, se obtienen los datos con dos fuentes principales de información (entrevista semiestructurada diseñada ad hoc y observación directa y no participante) sobre una muestra de 142 especialistas. Los resultados revelan el desarrollo de prácticas inclusivas respecto al uso de estrategias didácticas y metodologías activas; la importancia de recursos plurales y funcionales; la puesta en práctica de un apoyo pedagógico coordinado o colaborativo, y la flexibilización en la dinámica y la organización de aula. También se identifican posibilidades, dificultades y limitaciones. Las conclusiones apuntan que las prácticas que están desarrollando los especialistas pretenden contribuir a la mejora de las escuelas en relación con la atención a la diversidad, siendo el apoyo colaborativo a la comunidad educativa la función principal para la promoción de una escuela inclusiva que atienda a todo el alumnado.En el present estudi s'hi analitzen les pràctiques d'aula de l'especialista d'atenció a la diversitat als centres d'educació infantil i primària (CEIP) d'Andalusia. Mitjançant un disseny de naturalesa qualitativa de caràcter transversal, s'obtenen les dades a partir de dues fonts principals d'informació (entrevista semiestructurada dissenyada ad hoc i observació directa i no participant) sobre una mostra de 142 especialistes. Els resultats revelen el desenvolupament de pràctiques inclusives respecte a l'ús d'estratègies didàctiques i metodologies actives; la importància de recursos plurals i funcionals; la posada en pràctica d'un suport pedagògic coordinat o col·laboratiu, i la flexibilització en la dinàmica i l'organització d'aula. També s'hi identifiquen possibilitats, dificultats i limitacions. Les conclusions apunten al fet que les pràctiques que estan desenvolupant els especialistes pretenen contribuir a millorar les escoles en relació amb l'atenció a la diversitat, de manera que el suport col·laboratiu a la comunitat educativa esdevé la funció principal per promoure una escola inclusiva que atengui tot l'alumnat.This research analyzes the classroom practices of diversity care specialists in early childhood and primary education schools of Andalusia. A cross-sectional qualitative design was used to obtain data from two main sources: a semi-structured interview designed ad hoc and direct and non-participant observation with a sample of 142 participants. The results reveal the development of inclusive practices regarding the use of didactic strategies and active methodologies, the importance of plural and functional resources, the implementation of coordinated or collaborative pedagogical support, and flexibility in the dynamics and organization of the classroom. Opportunities, difficulties, and limitations are also identified. The conclusions indicate that the practices being developed by these specialists aim to contribute to improving schools in relation to attention to diversity, with collaborative support for the educational community being the main function for the promotion of an inclusive school that attends to all students

    La implantación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en los centros educativos de la comunidad de Madrid. Impacto en la docencia y en los alumnos

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    La valoración, amplia y detallada, de los diferentes aspectos de la implantación de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) en los centros educativos es imprescindible para conocer la realidad de esta incorporación a la actividad educativa cotidiana mejorar, progresivamente, su adaptación en todos los ámbitos educativos. Se presenta aquí un proyecto en marcha que consiste en una investigación surgida de una colaboración entre el Departamento de Didáctica y Teoría de la Educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) y la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. El objetivo es realizar una valoración de los aspectos materiales, personales y funcionales que confluyen en la implantación de las TIC en los centros educativos de dicha comunidad, así como su impacto en la docencia y en los alumnos. El plan objeto de estudio, inició en abril de 2002 las actuaciones del Plan Global para el desarrollo de las TIC en los centros docentes, Educamadrid, con el objetivo de impulsar la plena incorporación del sistema educativo madrileño a la Sociedad de la Información. En esta investigación se utiliza la encuesta como herramienta básica y los procesos de aplicación están informatizados. Ello permitirá obtener información de una gran cantidad de sujetos de forma rápida y económica, siendo posible, de esta forma, obtener datos de toda la población de estudio. Son tres los cuestionarios desarrollados: uno dirigido al Director del Centro, otro al Coordinador TIC en el centro y, el tercero, al Asesor de TIC de los centros de actualización pedagógica. El estudio se realiza sobre totalidad de los centros educativos no universitarios de la Comunidad y abarca las etapas y enseñazas siguientes: Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria (IES, FP), Educación de Régimen Especial (Escuelas de Idiomas, Enseñanzas artísticas), Educación de Personas Adultas y Centros de Apoyo al Profesorado. El modelo de evaluación utilizado es el llamado CIPP “Contexto‐Entrada‐Proceso‐Producto”. Estas fases se estudian a través de unos indicadores perfectamente definidos y sobre los que se obtendrá la información necesaria.A wide and detailed valuation of the different aspects of the introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at schools it is essential in order to understand its reality in the daily educational activity and to improve, progressively, its adaptation in all the educational fields. A working project is enclosed here and consists of an investigation arisen from a collaboration between the Department of Didactics and Theory of the Education of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and the Department of Education of the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. The objective is to make a valuation of the material, personal and functional aspects that come together in the implantation of TIC at schools of this community, as well as its impact on teaching and students. In April of 2002 the plan of this object of study started the performances of the Global Plan for the development of the ICT in the teaching institutions, Educamadrid, with the objective of giving way to the total incorporation of Madrid’s educational system to the Information Society. In this investigation the survey is used as a basic tool and the application processes are computerized. It will allow to obtain data from a great amount of people in a fast and economic way, being possible, of this way, to collect data of all the population of study. There are three developed questionnaires: one addressed to the Director of the Centre, another one to the ICT Coordinator in the centres and, third, to the ICT Adviser of the centres of pedagogical update. This study is made on all the non‐university educational centres of the Community and includes the following: kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Education, Special Regime Education (Schools of Languages, artistic Lessons), Education of Adult People and Centres of Teaching staff support. The used model of evaluation is called CIPP “Context‐Input‐Process‐Product”. These phases are studied through perfectly defined indicators and on which the necessary information will be obtained

    Significados funcionales de la fotografía de guerra: las víctimas de Chiapas

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    Las fotografías que muestran a las víctimas de la guerra, tanto a los combatientes heridos y fallecidos como al pueblo que habita el área de conflicto, guardan diversos significados funcionales. Desde la denuncia social a la intimidación psicológica, las escenas de guerra que se publican en los diarios mundiales ofrecen diferentes lecturas para el espectador común, al que se le muestran a través de un lenguaje espectacular. Analizamos las funciones que residen en algunas imágenes de prensa sobre el conflicto de Chiapas

    The agricultural, the defensive and the anthropological: cultural keys to sustainable management of heritage in the rural context

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    La tutela del patrimonio en el contexto andaluz ha evolucionado para atender al espíritu de los nuevos tiempos: de los procesos lineales de conocimiento a un abordaje integral y multidimensional de las realidades patrimoniales, desarrollando metodologías interactivas, donde no existen fases de trabajo. En este contexto, las administraciones deben, además, dar respuesta a los requerimientos de la participación como mecanismo que garantiza el consenso con la ciudadanía. Gobernanza, tutela sostenible o gestión del cambio, son algunos de los términos que empiezan a adquirir protagonismo en estos momentos para dar cuenta del giro social al que se somete lo patrimonial. Ante este panorama, es necesario revisar los instrumentos que han sido formulados para el registro y la documentación del patrimonio en el territorio, pero también para avanzar en la necesaria planificación de los procesos de tutela, desde una visión integral y transdisciplinar. Especialmente interesantes resultan las experiencias del Inventario de Cortijos, Haciendas y Lagares, el Plan Andaluz de Arquitectura Defensiva y el Atlas de Patrimonio Inmaterial. Estas muestran cómo valores asociados con lo agrícola, defensivo e inmaterial permiten caracterizar un territorio en riesgo. Un contexto rural sometido a procesos desequilibrados, en el que generar nuevas lecturas espaciales capaces de activar los recursos patrimoniales al mismo tiempo que desarrollar mecanismos de puesta en valor. Un patrimonio en riesgo, en un entorno privilegiado, en el que lo medioambiental se convierte en el soporte sobre el que proponer nuevas lecturas culturales para su puesta en valor.Heritage protection has evolved to meet the new times spirit in the Andalusian context: from line processes of knowledge to an integral and multidimensional approach to heritage realities. It has developed interactive methodologies, where there are no work phases. In this context, administrations must also respond to the participation of participation as a mechanism that guarantees consensus with citizens. Governance, sustainable guardianship or management of change, are some of the terms that are beginning to acquire prominence to account for the social turn to which heritage is being subjected. It is necessary to review the instruments that have been formulated for the registration and documentation of heritage in the territory. Particularly interesting are the experiences of the Inventario de Cortijos, Haciendas y Lagares, Plan Andaluz de Arquitectura Defensiva y el Atlas de Patrimonio Inmaterial. These show how values associated with the agricultural, defensive and immaterial allow us to characterise a territory at risk. A rural context subject to unbalanced processes, in which new spatial readings capable of activating the protection of heritage resources must be generated. At the same time, mechanisms to enhance their value can be developed. A heritage at risk, in a privileged environment, in which the environment becomes the support on which to propose new cultural readings for its enhancement

    Microdosimetry in low energy proton beam at therapeutic-equivalent fluence rate with silicon 3D-cylindrical microdetectors

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    In this work we show the first microdosimetry measurements on a low energy proton beam with therapeutic-equivalent fluence rates by using the second generation of 3D-cylindrical microdetectors. The sensors belong to an improved version of a novel silicon-based 3D-microdetector design with electrodes etched inside silicon, which were manufactured at the National Microelectronics Centre (IMB-CNM, CSIC) in Spain. A new microtechnology has been employed using quasi-toroid electrodes of 25μm diameter and a depth of 20μm within the silicon bulk, resulting in a well-defined cylindrical radiation sensitive volume. These detectors were tested at the 18 MeV proton beamline of the cyclotron at the National Accelerator Centre (CNA, Spain). They were assembled into an in-house low-noise readout electronics to assess their performance at a therapeutic-equivalent fluence rate. Microdosimetry spectra of lineal energy were recorded at several proton energies starting from 18 MeV by adding 50μm thick tungsten foils gradually at the exit-window of the cyclotron external beamline, which corresponds to different depths along the Bragg curve. The experimentalyF¯values in silicon cover from (5.7 ± 0.9) to (8.5 ± 0.4) keV μm-1in the entrance to (27.4 ± 2.3) keV μm-1in the distal edge. Pulse height energy spectra were crosschecked with Monte Carlo simulations and an excellent agreement was obtained. This work demonstrates the capability of the second generation 3D-microdetectors to assess accurate microdosimetric distributions at fluence rates as high as those used in clinical centers in proton therapy

    The biological age linked to oxidative stress modifies breast cancer aggressiveness

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    The incidence of breast cancer increases with age until menopause, and breast cancer is more aggressive in younger women. The existence of epidemiological links between breast cancer and aging indicates that both processes share some common mechanisms of development. Oxidative stress is associated with both cancer susceptibility and aging. Here we observed that ERBB2-positive breast cancer, which developed in genetically heterogeneous ERBB2-positive transgenic mice generated by a backcross, is more aggressive in chronologically younger than in older mice (differentiated by the median survival of the cohort that was 79 weeks), similar to what occurs in humans. In this cohort, we estimated the oxidative biological age using a mathematical model that integrated several subphenotypes directly or indirectly related to oxidative stress. The model selected the serum levels of HDL-cholesterol and magnesium and total AKT1 and glutathione concentrations in the liver. The grade of aging was calculated as the difference between the predicted biological age and the chronological age. This comparison permitted the identification of biologically younger and older mice compared with their chronological age. Interestingly, biologically older mice developed more aggressive breast cancer than the biologically younger mice. Genomic regions on chromosomes 2 and 15 linked to the grade of oxidative aging were identified. The levels of expression of Zbp1 located on chromosome 2, a gene related to necroptosis and inflammation, positively correlated with the grade of aging and tumour aggressiveness. Moreover, the pattern of gene expression of genes linked to the inflammation and the response to infection pathways was enriched in the livers of biologically old mice. This study shows part of the complex interactions between breast cancer and aging.JPL was partially supported by FEDER and the MICINN (SAF2014-56989-R and SAF2017-88854R), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PIE14/00066), >Proyectos Integrados IBSAL 2015> (IBY15/00003), the Sandra Ibarra Foundation >de Solidaridad Frente al Cáncer> Foundation and >We can be heroes> Foundation. JHM was supported by the National Institutes of Health, a National Cancer Institute grant (R01 CA116481), and the Low-Dose Scientific Focus Area, Office of Biological & Environmental Research, US Department of Energy (DE-AC02-05CH11231).Peer Reviewe

    The first widespread solar energetic particle event observed by Solar Orbiter on 2020 November 29

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    Context. On 2020 November 29, the first widespread solar energetic particle (SEP) event of solar cycle 25 was observed at four widely separated locations in the inner (.1 AU) heliosphere. Relativistic electrons as well as protons with energies >50 MeV were observed by Solar Orbiter (SolO), Parker Solar Probe, the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO)-A and multiple near-Earth spacecraft. The SEP event was associated with an M4.4 class X-ray flare and accompanied by a coronal mass ejection and an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wave as well as a type II radio burst and multiple type III radio bursts. Aims. We present multi-spacecraft particle observations and place them in context with source observations from remote sensing instruments and discuss how such observations may further our understanding of particle acceleration and transport in this widespread event. Methods. Velocity dispersion analysis (VDA) and time shift analysis (TSA) were used to infer the particle release times at the Sun. Solar wind plasma and magnetic field measurements were examined to identify structures that influence the properties of the energetic particles such as their intensity. Pitch angle distributions and first-order anisotropies were analyzed in order to characterize the particle propagation in the interplanetary medium. Results. We find that during the 2020 November 29 SEP event, particles spread over more than 230◦ in longitude close to 1 AU. The particle onset delays observed at the different spacecraft are larger as the flare–footpoint angle increases and are consistent with those from previous STEREO observations. Comparing the timing when the EUV wave intersects the estimated magnetic footpoints of each spacecraft with particle release times from TSA and VDA, we conclude that a simple scenario where the particle release is only determined by the EUV wave propagation is unlikely for this event. Observations of anisotropic particle distributions at SolO, Wind, and STEREO-A do not rule out that particles are injected over a wide longitudinal range close to the Sun. However, the low values of the first-order anisotropy observed by near-Earth spacecraft suggest that diffusive propagation processes are likely involved.Agencia Estatal de Investigació