404 research outputs found

    Hemoperfusion as an Advanced Practice Technique in Nursing

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    Efectividad del uso de una plataforma online (Red Sinapsis) de seguimiento en la calidad de vida de las personas con fibromialgia

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Cirugía. Fecha de lectura: 18-05-2016Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 18-11-201

    Editorials No 19

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    Assessment and Modeling of the Influence of Age, Gender, and Family History of Hearing Problems on the Probability of Suffering Hearing Loss in the Working Population

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    Hearing loss affects hundreds of millions of people all over the world, leading to several types of disabilities, ranging from purely physical to psychological and/or social aspects. A proper analysis to ascertain the main risk factors is essential in order to diagnose early and treat adequately. An exploratory analysis based on a heterogeneous sample of 1418 workers is presented in order to identify the main trigger factors for hearing loss. On the one hand, we recorded several medical and environmental parameters, and on the other, we created a model based on Bayesian networks in order to be able to infer the probability of hearing loss considering different scenarios. This paper focuses on three parameters: gender, age, and a family history of hearing problems. The results obtained allow us to infer or predict the best or worst auditory level for an individual under several different scenarios. The least relevant factor is the existence of a family history of deafness, followed by the gender factor, which slopes considerably toward better hearing for females, and most prominent of all, the age factor, given the large differences identified between the various age groups when the gender and family history of deafness variables remain constan

    New ways to evaluate learning. Assessing teamwork using TPM and a Poka-Yoke design

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    Trabajo presentado en: 2nd International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’16. 2016. ValenciaIn this paper we present a hands-on experiment for measuring learning through teamwork applied to solving a real problem. The experiment is part of the Production Systems course and involves designing a Poka-Yoke, but not theoretically, as is usually the case, rather an actual working mechanism. To this end, a practical problem is proposed for which a physical machine has to be designed to solve the problem. As part of the same exercise, a TPM is developed, also applied to a real case, such as assembling a bicycle. In the case of the Poka-Yoke, two simultaneous objectives are pursued: to avoid a defective product, and to maximize the production per unit time. The final score is assigned based on a measurement of these two parameters. Once the exercise is assigned, the teamwork is verified to be measured efficiently, even when the number of students is high. The physical design of the elements, as well as the simultaneous engagement by all the students in the exercise, served to considerably raise the motivation of the students

    Competencias informacionales en ciencias de la salud: una propuesta formativa para estudiantes de Grado en enfermería

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    We present the first results of an investigation that aims to promote information skills in undergraduate nursing students through an educational project that integrates information literacy in the curriculum of the Red Cross Nursing School in Madrid. In collaboration with the library, the information needs of the students are evaluated and also measure the effectiveness learning process from previous training experience taught from the university library. The results show satisfaction with the skills acquired in previous training and the methodology followed; and reflects the need for training and information skills transversely distributed in different subjects of the degree. The training proposal reveals the importance of the acquisition of information skills by future nursing professionals and also the advantages of the involvement of information professionals have in their teaching

    Influence of demand, control and social support on job stress. Analysis by employment status from the V European working conditions survey

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    Work stress increasingly affects many workers from different countries. Conditions such as high demand, low social support and low job control are considered predictors of increased stress. With data obtained from the V European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) a Bayesian network model was made. It provides information on the levels of stress in relation to model demand-control-social support (DCS), differentiating into work situations as they are, self-employed, private and public. To deepen understanding of the interrelationships between these variables sensitivity analysis of individual and overall were performed to check the DCS model assumptions. This model applied in the V EWCS identified the variations and similarities between different work situations, proving that having low levels of demand, together with control and high social support, the likelihood of stress decreases.El estrés laboral afecta cada vez en mayor cantidad a trabajadores de diversos países. Condiciones como la alta demanda, bajo apoyo social y bajo control sobre el trabajo se consideran predictores del aumento de estrés. Con datos obtenidos de la V Encuesta Europea sobre Condiciones de trabajo (EWCS), se planteó un modelo de red bayesiana que proporciona información sobre los niveles de estrés en relación al modelo demanda-control-apoyo social (DCS), diferenciado en situaciones laborales como son, autónomo, privado y público. Para profundizar en las interrelaciones existentes entre dichas variables se realizaron análisis de sensibilidad individuales y en conjunto para comprobar las hipótesis del modelo DCS. Este modelo aplicado en la V EWCS permitió identificar las variaciones y similitudes entre las diferentes situaciones laborales, comprobando que al tener niveles bajos de demanda, en conjunto con control y apoyo social alto, la probabilidad de sufrir estrés disminuye

    Effectiveness of a fibromyalgia online nursing consultation in the quality of life: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of an online nursing consultation through the Internet platform Red Sinapsis (RS) in improving the perceived quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia (FM). Method: Eighty patients with FM were randomized to an intervention group (n = 40) or control group (n= 40). The intervention group (IG) was monitored by a nursing specialist through the online platform RS while the control group (CG) received standard follow-up at the clinic. The Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) and 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) were used at baseline, 6-month, and 12-month follow-up. Results: The IG showed a 65% improvement in the perception of their general state of health at 12 months into the study, compared with an improvement of 5.6% in the CG (p < .001). The IG also achieved better results for emotional status, with a maintained improvement throughout the study of more than 2 points in the anxiety variable (from 7.64 to 5.36), that remained constant in the CG. The depression variable also showed constant improvement over the 12 months of the study in the IG, rising from an average of 7.72 (standard deviation [SD] = 2.05) to 5.33 (SD = 1.65), while in the CG a slight deterioration was observed. In both cases, the difference in mood evolution was significant (p < .001). Conclusions: Online nursing follow-up for people with fibromyalgia improves patients’ perceived quality of life related to their welfare and emotional state. Fibromyalgia (FM) is among the diseases causing the highest rate of occupational disability in Spain. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a complex condition that causes pain, fatigue, non-refreshed sleep, mood disturbance and cognitive impairmen

    Can we favour growth of multi-centennial beech trees by reducing competition of their offspring?

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    Evaluación del efecto de reducir la competencia entre hayas en el crecimiento de hayas centenarias y de porvenir

    Student perceptions on portfolio as an assessment tool for clinical practical learning

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    Introducción/objetivo: la evaluación de las prácticas clínicas en enfermería es una parte fundamental en la medida que retroalimenta a los profesores y a los estudiantes sobre la eficacia del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y sobre la adquisición de competencias. Una de las posibles estrategias que se están utilizando para la misma es el portafolio. Su uso como metodología de evaluación se considera la alternativa ideal, ya que permite una valoración continua del conocimiento, habilidades y actitudes de los estudiantes, reflejando la evolución de su aprendizaje. El objetivo es conocer la percepción de los estudiantes acerca de las ventajas e inconvenientes de la utilización del portafolio de prácticas como instrumento de evaluación de las mismas. Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo cualitativo, la recolección de los datos se llevó a cabo a través de los portafolios y los cuestionarios de los estudiantes de enfermería de 4º curso de la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería Cruz Roja (España), que realizaron prácticas durante curso 2103-2014. Resultados: los estudiantes consideran al portafolio como un método de evaluación que permite conocer no solo lo que han aprendido, sino también cómo se ha producido el aprendizaje, para emitir una valoración ajustada a la realidad. Discusión: dichos resultados concuerdan con los obtenidos en muchas universidades donde es considerado una opción válida frente a los métodos tradicionales, para una evaluación sumativa y formativa. Conclusiones: los estudiantes perciben que el portafolio es un buen instrumento de evaluación para las prácticas, aunque continúa teniendo algunas limitaciones como el tiempo y el esfuerzo empleado en su elaboración.Introduction: evaluation of clinical practical learning in nursing is a very important item because of the feedback to teachers and students on the efficacy of the learning process and on competence acquisition. Portfolio is one of the alternative strategies being used for such an assessment. Its use as an assessment method is seen as ideal because it allows a continued evaluation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of students, and reflects their learning process. Purpose: to assess students' perception on advantages and disadvantages of practical lessons portfolio use as an evaluation tool. Material and methods: a qualitative descriptive study was performed. Data collection was based on portfolios and questionnaires completed by 4th year nursing students in Red Cross School of Nursing participating in practical learning over the academic year 2103-2014. Results: students consider portfolio to be an assessment method allowing them to know what they have learnt as well as how the learning process has occurred, in order to make an assessment based on real facts. Discussion: such findings are consistent with those found in many universities, where this is a valid option as an alternative to traditional methods, for a summative and educational assessment. Conclusions: according to students perceptions, portfolio is a useful assessment tool for practical learning, but some limitations persist regarding time and efforts needed to use it