1,310 research outputs found

    Un simulador del lenguaje IL del estándar IEC 61131-3 como apoyo a la asignatura de Automática Industrial

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    Los Autómatas Programables Industriales o Controladores Lógicos Programables (en adelante, PLCs, del término inglés Programmable Logic Controllers), son dispositivos electrónicos muy usados en el mundo de la automatización industrial. La programación de los autómatas se realiza con software desarrollados por los fabricantes propios dispositivos. La mayoría de estos entornos son propietarios y requieren el pago de una costosa licencia. Esto supone una dificultad no sólo para la migración de sistemas en la industria sino también para la docencia del funcionamiento de dichos sistemas. En el año 1990 un grupo de trabajo de la Comisión Electrotécnica Internacional (IEC) definió el estándar IEC 61131, que es el primer paso para la estandarización de los autómatas programables y sus periféricos. En este recurso docente se presenta un software que permite la edición, validación y simulación de programas para PLCs, en concreto, para programas escritos en lenguaje Lista de Instrucciones (Instruction List, en adelante, IL) dentro del estándar IEC 61131-3, un lenguaje muy parecido al lenguaje ensamblador. El software desarrollado lleva a cabo el análisis léxico y sintáctico de dicho lenguaje. Además, presenta una interfaz de usuario para presentar los resultados de la simulación de los programas escritos en IL

    Effect of Fattening Period Length on Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Fatty Acid Profiles in Iberian Pigs Finished in the Montanera Sustainable System

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    Twenty-four extensively reared Iberian pigs were used to study the influence of fattening period length (30, 60 or 90 days) on the fatty acid profiles of intramuscular and subcutaneous fat and the relationships between both profiles. Regarding fatty acid (FA) percentage, PUFA was greater in backfat and MUFA was greater in intramuscular fat (IMF), regardless of fattening period length. The longer fattening period increased MUFA content in backfat (which had a more marked change in oleic acid) and decreased PUFA content in backfat and IMF, but it did not affect SFA content. Within the three-layer subcutaneous backfat, SFA content was greater in the inner layer, MUFA was greater in the outer layer and PUFA was greater in both of these layers. The few differences in FA composition between both adipose tissues suggest that the changes due to the feeding regime are slow and, therefore, although the length of the fattening phase was increased, the fatty acid profile did not change substantially. The strong relationship between the FA profiles of IMF and backfat might be used to predict one profile from the other one when the latter is more readily available for sampling or analytical reasons

    Elusive super-hard B6C accessible through the laser-floating zone method

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    Boron carbide is among the most promising ceramic materials nowadays: their mechanical properties are outstanding, and they open potential critical applications in near future. Since sinterability is the most critical drawback to this goal, innovative and competitive sintering procedures are attractive research topics in the science and technology of this carbide. This work reports the pioneer use of the laser-floating zone technique with this carbide. Crystallographic, microstructural and mechanical characterization of the so-prepared samples is carefully analysed. One unexpected output is the fabrication of a B6C composite when critical conditions of growth rate are adopted. Since this is one of the hardest materials in Nature and it is achievable only under extremely high pressures and temperatures in hot-pressing, the use of this technique offers a promising alternative for the fabrication. Hardness and elastic modulus of this material reached to 52¿GPa and 600¿GPa respectively, which is close to theoretical predictions reported in literature

    Buenas prácticas organizativas en Atención Primaria : una organización facilitadora de la seguridad clínica

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    En este capítulo se describen dos experiencias concretas de organización del trabajo en seguridad del paciente en dos áreas sanitarias de dos comunidades autónomas. Cada una tiene ventajas e inconvenientes en el despliegue de la estrategia de seguridad del paciente si bien, cada una tiene la virtud de adaptarse lo mejor posible a las circunstancias organizativas del medio en el que trabaja. La finalidad de ambas experiencias es poner sobre la mesa que la incorporación de la cultura de seguridad del paciente de una manera efectiva no se fundamenta creando estructuras nuevas sino consiguiendo adaptar la realidad existente para que se priorice mejorar la seguridad del paciente en el sistema sanitario

    Effect of confinement by SARS-CoV-2 on the degree of steatohepatitis in university students from Reynosa, Tamaulipas

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    Introduction: Healthy lifestyles are relevant for several diseases, steatohepatitis, although little known, is common in young people. There are reasons to be concerned about homebound college youth who are at risk for steatohepatitis. By restricting the mobility of the population, the risk factors for weight gain and the intake of calorie-dense foods increase, which are elements associated with steatohepatitis. Objective: To determine the effect of confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic on the degree of steatohepatitis by comparing transient elastography results taken before and after confinement. Method: Longitudinal study. A sample of 114 young university students of random sex was included. The transient elastography technique (FibroScan) was implemented, determining the degrees of steatosis and hepatic fibrosis by performing the test before and after the confinement of the participants. Student´s t-test was used to analyse the differences in the degrees of steatohepatitis before and after confinement. Results: the degrees of steatosis during the first sampling were S0 (52.6%), S1 (14.9%), S2 (5.3%) and S3 (27.2%) (m = 250.89, DE= ± 56.91), in the second sampling were presented S0 (56.1%), S1 (13.2%), S2 (5.3%) and S3 (5.4%) (m = 243.81, DE = ± 52.330), the relation of both samples was (p = 0.131). The results in the degrees of fibrosis in the first sampling were F0 (91.4%), F1 (6.1%). F2 (2.6%) (m= 4.80, DE = ±1.11), in the second F1 (95.6%), F2 (3.5) and F2 (0.9%) (m = 4.33, DE = ±1.16) and the relation of the two sampling was (p= 0.000). Conclusions: The degrees of hepatic fibrosis presented significant changes, on the other hand, steatosis tends to decrease, but the change is not significant, however, it is necessary to investigate with third variables to detect other factors involved in the changes

    Bioelectrochemical enhancement of methane production from exhausted vine shoot fermentation broth by integration of MEC with anaerobic digestion

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    [ES] A microbial electrolysis cell integrated in an anaerobic digestion system (MEC-AD) is an efficient configuration to produce methane from an exhausted vine shoot fermentation broth (EVS). The cell worked in a single-chamber two-electrode configuration at an applied potential of 1 V with a feeding ratio of 30/70 (30% EVS to 70% synthetic medium). In addition, an identical cell operated in an open circuit was used as a control reactor. Experimental results showed similar behavior in terms of carbon removal (70–76%), while the specific averaged methane production from cycle 7 was more stable and higher in the connected cell (MECAD) compared with the unpolarized one (OCAD) accounting for 403.7 ± 33.6 L CH4·kg VS−1 and 121.3 ± 49.7 L CH4·kg VS−1, respectively. In addition, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy revealed that the electrical capacitance of the bioanode in MECAD was twice the capacitance shown by OCAD. The bacterial community in both cells was similar but a clear adaptation of Methanosarcina Archaea was exhibited in MECAD, which could explain the increased yields in CH4 production. In summary, the results reported here confirm the advantages of integrating MEC-AD for the treatment of real organic liquid waste instead of traditional AD treatment.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Tethyan versus Iberian extension during the Cretaceous period in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula: insights from magnetic fabrics

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    This work investigates how anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) recorded the strain related to the Early Cretaceous extensional processes in synrift sediments of the Maestrat basin (eastern Spain). Forty-two sites, distributed throughout the Lower Cretaceous sequence with dominant gentle dips, were sampled. Minerals contributing to the AMS are mainly phyllosilicates. The parallelism between magnetic and sedimentary foliation seems to indicate that a primary (synsedimentary and early diagenetic) magnetic fabric was preserved at 84% of sites. Consequently, preferred orientations of magnetic lineations are interpreted to record the effect of extensional processes coeval with sedimentation and diagenesis during this period. At these 35 sites, two main magnetic lineation orientations are found, delimiting two large domains: a NE–SW orientation prevailing in the NW sector of the basin (parallel to the extension direction of the Iberian basin), and NW–SE to NNW–SSE orientations to the SE (parallel to the extension direction controlling the western Tethys margin). Directional variability demonstrates that the Maestrat basin is located at the boundary between two domains (Iberian and Tethyan) undergoing different plate-scale extensional processes. The subsequent Cenozoic tectonic inversion affected the synsedimentary magnetic fabrics at only a few sites at the borders of the basin, where compressive features are more developed