86 research outputs found

    Jardín Infantil Teach-arte. Parque Sie Viva

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    Artículo de investigaciónCon el fin de mitigar la problemática presentada en el sector de intervención Parque Milenta Tejar, en donde el borde del río fucha presenta falta de apropiación, inseguridad y carencia de espacio público. Se plantea la pregunta principal enfocada a la intervención a escala urbana, ¿Cómo integrar el río Fucha como elemento de identidad histórica y ambiental? Cuyo objetivo es integrar la identidad histórica y ambiental que contiene al río para lograr una apropiación espacial y cultural por parte de la comunidad. Por medio de la metodología analítica de documentos normativos e históricos como punto base de la investigación, donde establece la necesidad social de contar con equipamientos de bienestar social y cultural que se amarren a una propuesta de espacio público del parque y así revitalizar el borde de río con su contexto inmediato. A través de estrategias de vinculación al contexto y la aplicación de conceptos de diseño; “Integración de paisajes” (natural, urbano y social).RESUMEN 1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. METODOLOGÍA 3. RESULTADOS 4. DISCUSIÓN 5. CONCLUSIONES 6. AGRADECIMIENTOS REFERENCIASPregradoArquitect

    Propuesta para el desarrollo de un protocolo de trabajo seguro en alturas en el área de planta externa de la empresa COMFICA soluciones integrales SL sucursal Colombia

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    80 p.1. Problema de investigación 2. Objetivos de la investigación 3. Justificación y delimitación 4. Marco de referencial 5. Tipo de investigación 6. Diseño metodológico 7. Fuentes para la obtención de información 8. Recursos o presupuesto 9. Cronograma de las actividades 10. Conclusiones 11. Recomendaciones 12. Referencias (bibliografía) AnexosLa presente monografía consiste en la elaboración de una propuesta de un protocolo de trabajo seguro en alturas en el área de planta externa para la empresa COMFICA soluciones integrales SL sucursal Colombia, la cual se dedica a la instalación y mantenimiento de redes de telecomunicaciones, donde actualmente no se cuenta con un procedimiento para mitigar los incidentes y posibles accidentes que puedan ocurrir en el desarrollo de esta actividad. Para realizar esta propuesta, en primera instancia se efectuó una investigación nacional e internacional de las normas y procedimientos que se tienen para realizar este tipo de actividades, basándonos específicamente en la resolución 1409 de 2012, donde se relacionan los lineamientos para trabajo en alturas. Posterior a esto se hizo una visita de campo, donde se realizó el respectivo análisis a los empleados de planta externa de la empresa, identificando, valorando y evaluando los riesgos a los que se encuentran expuestos, llegando a la conclusión, que una de las tareas que se ejecuta y es considerada una actividad de alto riesgo, es el trabajo en alturas. Por esta razón, se vio la necesidad de realizar este protocolo, con el fin de que la empresa lo implemente, teniendo un punto de referencia para garantizar unas condiciones de trabajo óptimas para sus colaboradores, y especialmente para aquellos que realizan este tipo de actividades

    Convergence between emerging technologies and active methodologies in the university

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    In today's educational environment, the convergence of emerging technologies and active methodologies has become a fundamental driver of change in university education. Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, machine learning, and data analytics, are redefining the dynamics of higher education. Active methodologies, such as problem-based learning, collaborative learning, and flipped learning, center the pedagogical focus on the student, encouraging active participation and problem-solving. The combination of emerging technologies and active methodologies creates a powerful synergy, enabling the effective implementation of personalized and immersive learning experiences. This convergence not only enhances learning, but also prepares students to be autonomous learners, critical thinkers, and 21st century problem solvers

    Effect of Cultivar Resistance and Soil Management on Spatial–Temporal Development of Verticillium Wilt of Olive: A Long-Term Study

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    Verticillium wilt, caused by Verticillium dahliae, challenges olive cultivation and an Integrated Disease Management (IDM) approach is the best-suited tool to combat it. Since 1998, an IDM strategy in an orchard (called Granon, Spain) of the susceptible cv. Picual was conducted by increasing planting density with moderately resistant cv. Frantoio, chemical weed control, and replanting of dead olives with cv. Frantoio following soil solarization. The Verticillium wilt epidemic in Granon orchard was compared to the epidemic in a non-IDM orchard (called Ancla, Spain) with plowed soil and dead Picual olives replanted with the same cultivar. Field evaluations (2012–2013) showed an incidence and severity of the disease as Picual–Ancla > Picual–Granon > Frantoio–Granon. The spatiotemporal dynamics of the Verticillium epidemics from 1998 to 2010 were monitored with digital images using SIG. The annual tree mortalities were 5.6% for Picual olives in Ancla orchard, and 3.1 and 0.7% for Picual and Frantoio olives in Granon orchard, respectively. There was a negative relationship between the mortality of olive trees (%) by the pathogen and the height (m) above sea level. The annual mortality of cv. Picual olives was positively correlated with spring rainfalls. The Index of Dispersion and beta-binomial distribution showed aggregation of Verticillium-dead olives. In conclusion, this IDM strategy considerably reduced the disease in comparison with traditional agronomic practices

    The mRNA degradation factor Xrn1 regulates transcription elongation in parallel to Ccr4

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    Co-transcriptional imprinting of mRNA by Rpb4 and Rpb7 subunits of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) and by the Ccr4–Not complex conditions its posttranscriptional fate. In turn, mRNA degradation factors like Xrn1 are able to influence RNAPII-dependent transcription, making a feedback loop that contributes to mRNA homeostasis. In this work, we have used repressible yeast GAL genes to perform accurate measurements of transcription and mRNA degradation in a set of mutants. This genetic analysis uncovered a link from mRNA decay to transcription elongation. We combined this experimental approach with computational multi-agent modelling and tested different possibilities of Xrn1 and Ccr4 action in gene transcription. This double strategy brought us to conclude that both Xrn1-decaysome and Ccr4–Not regulate RNAPII elongation, and that they do it in parallel. We validated this conclusion measuring TFIIS genome-wide recruitment to elongating RNAPII. We found that xrn1Δ and ccr4Δ exhibited very different patterns of TFIIS versus RNAPII occupancy, which confirmed their distinct role in controlling transcription elongation. We also found that the relative influence of Xrn1 and Ccr4 is different in the genes encoding ribosomal proteins as compared to the rest of the genome

    Low incidence of congenital neural tube defects at the Neiva University Hospital: possible effect of folic acid supplementation

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    El propósito del presente estudio es comparar la incidencia de las anomalías del cierre del tubo neural en el Hospital Universitario de Neiva durante 1998 con la de años anteriores, con el fin de establecer un posible indicador del impacto de las medidas de intervención adoptadas desde 1996 y como punto de partida para evaluar la eventual fortificación de la harina de trigo con ácido fólico

    The standardisation of vernacular architecture: Wine buildings in Andalusia

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    Production buildings constitute a specific section of vernacular architecture, with distinct characteristics. In Andalusia, within this group, the architecture of wine, acquires an important relevancne, the wine cellars. They are a large number of buildings, which were built in the 18th, and 19th centuries. This happened when traditional Andalusian wine production was transformed into a modern wine industry. An industrial development generated a vast architectural ensemble of unique characteristics. This has been studied especially in the Sherry wine region, but it is also present in other regions such as MontillaMoriles or El Condado de Huelva. The architectural, and industrial wine development in the 19th century was fundamentally based on the repetition of a specific model: the basilica cellar. A simplified formal, and constructive system that comes from the standardisation of the vernacular cellar, and that establishes early points of convergence with the industrial building. A model that continues the tradition in terms of construction, and structure, but conceptually modern in its modular, and repeatable condition. Its reiteration, and extreme simplification made possible the construction of large industrial complexes, and the city transformation. The industrial importance achieved by the wine agro-industry, and the vernacular quality of its architecture introduce different references in Spanish industrial historiograph

    Assessment of the denaturation of collagen protein concentrates using different techniques

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    The use of collagen and gelatin in the field of regenerative medicine is widely extended. However, most of the studies in this topic are focused on the scaffolds’ properties, but only a few are related to the properties of the raw material used. The raw material analysis not only consists of a study of the composition, but also of the denaturation degree that can influence the processing and properties of the structure of the scaffold. Thus, the denaturation degree analysis of different collagen proteins was performed and assessed by the comparison of four different methods: differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and circular dichroism (CD) spectra and sulfhydryls content analysis. DSC measurements put forward a glass transition between 88°C and 95°C as well as from the FTIR measurements; the characteristic peaks for proteins are evidenced. However, from the sulfur content, only a small proportion of free sulfhydryls are present with respect to their total amount. In addition, CD spectra allow to estimate the secondary structure of the protein by the analysis of the α-helix and β-strand and also quantify the denaturation degree with the ‘positive/negative ratio’ (RPN) from the CD profiles, obtaining values in the range between 25% and 100%.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spanish Government) / MINECO/FEDER (UE) CTQ2015-71164-

    Biocompatible and Thermoresistant Hydrogels Based on Collagen and Chitosan

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    Hydrogels are considered good biomaterials for soft tissue regeneration. In this sense, collagen is the most used raw material to develop hydrogels, due to its high biocompatibility. However, its low mechanical resistance, thermal stability and pH instability have generated the need to look for alternatives to its use. In this sense, the combination of collagen with another raw material (i.e., polysaccharides) can improve the final properties of hydrogels. For this reason, the main objective of this work was the development of hydrogels based on collagen and chitosan. The mechanical, thermal and microstructural properties of the hydrogels formed with different ratios of collagen/chitosan (100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 0/100) were evaluated after being processed by two variants of a protocol consisting in two stages: a pH change towards pH 7 and a temperature drop towards 4 °C. The main results showed that depending on the protocol, the physicochemical and microstructural properties of the hybrid hydrogels were similar to the unitary system depending on the stage carried out in first place, obtaining FTIR peaks with similar intensity or a more porous structure when chitosan was first gelled, instead of collagen. As a conclusion, the synergy between collagen and chitosan improved the properties of the hydrogels, showing good thermomechanical properties and cell viability to be used as potential biomaterials for Tissue Engineering.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RTI2018-097100-B-C2