345 research outputs found

    Skinner’s view on hallucinations. Validity and revision

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    This work outlines the vision that B.F. Skinner held on hallucinations as psychological phenomena, and defends its validity and relevance nowadays. Our thesis starts with the Skinner’s conception on the behaviors of perceiving, imagining and dreaming. It is highlighted that, in Skinner’s point of view, the differences between perception on one hand and imagination or dreaming in the other, focus on what kind of variables control the behavior in question. Thus, the perceptive behavior would be controlled primarily by stimulus surrounding the person, while the imagination or dreaming would be by variables that are “under the skin” of the subject and, therefore, are private and directly inaccessible to the verbal community. On this basis, Skinner comes to an understanding of hallucinations as perceptual behaviors that occur in the absence of a perceived stimulus, similar to the behavior of imagining or dreaming, but, when hallucinating, the person, for various reasons, does not recognize his / her behaviour as controlled mainly by private stimulation. Finally we made some critical remarks regardingthe lack in Skinner’s psychology of a radical theory on the human person

    Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso aplicada a la esquizofrenia. Estado actual y direcciones futuras

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    El presenta trabajo ofrece una visión crítica y reconstructiva de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT) aplicada a la esquizofrenia. Dado que la terapia partía de concepciones psicopatológicas transdiagnósticas, no fue difícil expandir el tratamiento al ámbito de los síntomas psicóticos, existiendo razones conceptuales, clínicas y experimentales que avalaron esta extensión. Se analiza y explica el procedimiento estándar de la terapia, ilustrándolo, cuando es posible, con viñetas con diálogos. Se resumen cada una de las fases y se adapta a las peculiaridades de la población a la que está dirigida este trabajo. Igualmente se hace una revisión de los resultados de la terapia, resaltando las dificultades encontradas y, en general, la pérdida de resultados sólidos en comparación con otras intervenciones menos sofisticadas. La parte final del artículo presenta varias propuestas de futuro, tendentes a mejorar la terapia, que pasarían, en primer lugar, por reformular el propio concepto de esquizofrenia como un desorden del “yo” y, por otro lado, por adaptar ACT a la cultura española partiendo de las concepciones ratio-vitalistas de José Ortega y GassetThis paper provides a critical and reconstructive vision of Acceptation and Commitment Therapy (ACT) applied to psychotic symptoms. Taking into account that the therapy was based on transdiagnostical conceptions, it was not difficult to expand the scope of the treatment to psychotic symptoms; with experimental, conceptual, and clinical reasons that supported this extension. The article analyzes and explains the standard procedure of ACT, illustrating, when possible, with vignettes. Each of the phases of the Therapy are summarized and adapted to the peculiarities of psychotic patients. Also a review of the results of the therapy is exposed, highlighting the difficulties found for its application and, in general, the loss of solid results compared with other less sophisticated interventions. The final part of the paper presents several proposals for the future, aimed at improving the therapy. The first one could be to reformulate the concept of schizophrenia as a disorder of the “self”. The second proposal for the future could be adapt ACT to the Spanish culture, with José Ortega y Gasset as a reference for this tas

    La Real Fábrica de Tabacos de Sevilla. Dicotomía entre la representación del estado y la funcionalidad

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    This paper conducts a study of the functionality of a building for industrial use of the largest in Europe in the eighteenth century, the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville. It analyses the relationship between site, space, design and construction valuing the military engineers involved in the project and the direction of the works, with an academic training oriented to respond to fortification works, far from the development of industrial projects. As a symbol of the architecture of power represented by the State, it conveyed the idea of an empire that stood above other kinds of restrictions of the time. With the advent of new inventions such as automation and mechanisation, the space was gradually equipped with new machinery until the building was finally destined for a use far removed from its origins, namely as a military barracks and headquarters of some university faculties and the Rectorate, conveying the idea of malleability that responds to unprojected future demands.El presente trabajo realiza un estudio de funcionalidad de un edificio proyectado para uso industrial de los mayores de Europa en el siglo XVIII, La Real Fábrica de Tabacos de Sevilla. Analiza la relación entre ubicación, espacio, diseño y construcción, valorando los ingenieros militares que intervinieron en el proyecto y en la dirección de las obras, con formación académica dirigida para dar respuesta a obras de fortificación, alejada de la elaboración de proyectos industriales. Símbolo de la arquitectura de poder representada por el Estado, transmitía la idea de imperio por encima de otro tipo de restricciones de la época. La llegada de nuevos inventos con la automatización y maquinización hizo que el espacio se fuera acomodando a la nueva maquinaria hasta que finalmente el edificio fuera destinado a un uso alejado de su origen, como cuartel militar y sede de algunas facultades universitarias y el Rectorado, lo que nos transmite la idea de maleabilidad, respondiendo a demandas futuras no proyectadas

    La Real Fábrica de Tabacos de Sevilla. Dicotomía entre la representación del estado y la funcionalidad

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    [EN] This paper conducts a study of the functionality of a building for industrial use of the largest in Europe in the eighteenth century, the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville. It analyses the relationship between site, space, design and construction valuing the military engineers involved in the project and the direction of the works, with an academic training oriented to respond to fortification works, far from the development of industrial projects. As a symbol of the architecture of power represented by the State, it conveyed the idea of an empire that stood above other kinds of restrictions of the time. With the advent of new inventions such as automation and mechanisation, the space was gradually equipped with new machinery until the building was finally destined for a use far removed from its origins, namely as a military barracks and headquarters of some university faculties and the Rectorate, conveying the idea of malleability that responds to unprojected future demands.[ES] El presente trabajo realiza un estudio de funcionalidad de un edificio proyectado para uso industrial de los mayores de Europa en el siglo XVIII, La Real Fábrica de Tabacos de Sevilla. Analiza la relación entre ubicación, espacio, diseño y construcción, valorando los ingenieros militares que intervinieron en el proyecto y en la dirección de las obras, con formación académica dirigida para dar respuesta a obras de fortificación, alejada de la elaboración de proyectos industriales. Símbolo de la arquitectura de poder representada por el Estado, transmitía la idea de imperio por encima de otro tipo de restricciones de la época. La llegada de nuevos inventos con la automatización y maquinización hizo que el espacio se fuera acomodando a la nueva maquinaria hasta que finalmente el edificio fuera destinado a un uso alejado de su origen, como cuartel militar y sede de algunas facultades universitarias y el Rectorado, lo que nos transmite la idea de maleabilidad, respondiendo a demandas futuras no proyectadas.Castillo García, M.; Racero Montes, FJ.; Barrera-Vera, JA. (2023). The Royal Tobacco factory of Seville. Representation of the state versus functionality. EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la Edificación. (19):51-64. https://doi.org/10.4995/ege.2023.2073651641

    From ELF to compressibility in solids

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    International audienceUnderstanding the electronic nature of materials’ compressibility has always been a major issue behind tabulation and rationalization of bulk moduli. This is especially because this understanding is one of the main approaches to the design and proposal of new materials with a desired (e.g., ultralow) compressibility. It is well recognized that the softest part of the solid will be the one responsible for its compression at the first place. In chemical terms, this means that the valence will suffer the main consequences of pressurization. It is desirable to understand this response to pressure in terms of the valence properties (charge, volume, etc.). One of the possible approaches is to consider models of electronic separability, such as the bond charge model (BCM), which provides insight into the cohesion of covalent crystals in analogy with the classical ionic model. However, this model relies on empirical parametrization of bond and lone pair properties. In this contribution, we have coupled electron localization function (ELF) ab initio data with the bond charge model developed by Parr in order to analyze solid state compressibility from first principles and moreover, to derive general trends and shed light upon superhard behavior

    Exploiting medical-expert knowledge via a novel memetic algorithm for the inference of gene regulatory networks.

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    This study introduces an innovative memetic algorithm for optimizing the consensus of well-adapted techniques for the inference of gene regulation networks. Building on the methodology of a previous proposal (GENECI), this research adds a local search phase that incorporates prior knowledge about gene interactions, thereby enhancing the optimization process under the influence of domain expert. The algorithm focuses on the evaluation of candidate solutions through a detailed evolutionary process, where known gene interactions guide the evolution of such solutions (individuals). This approach was subjected to rigorous testing using benchmarks from editions 3 and 4 of the DREAM challenges and the yeast network of IRMA, demonstrating a significant improvement in accuracy compared to previous related approaches. The results highlight the effectiveness of the algorithm, even when only 5% of the known interactions are used as a reference. This advancement represents a significant step in the inference of gene regulation networks, providing a more precise and adaptable tool for genomic research.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Aproximación al abordaje clínico de los síntomas psicóticos desde la Aceptación

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    El presente trabajo ofrece una revisión de las aplicaciones de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT) en sintomatología psicótica. En primer lugar, se presenta brevemente la Terapia, sus objetivos, el procedimiento canónico de aplicación y las técnicas más habituales. Posteriormente se analizan las adaptaciones que sería conveniente tener en cuenta al aplicar ACT a sintomatología psicótica, repasando los resultados habidos hasta la fecha. Así, se exponen los dos ensayos clínicos aleatorizados de ACT con pacientes diagnosticados de esquizofrenia, que suponen el mayor aval empírico de la Terapia. Igualmente se presentan tres estudios de caso relativos, por este orden, a alucinaciones auditivas, delirios y síntomas psicóticos negativos. Por último, se revisan las afinidades de ACT con otros enfoques basados en la aceptación de síntomas psicóticos y se propone un mayor énfasis en las variables sociales por parte de AC

    Ensemble-based genetic algorithm explainer with automized image segmentation: A case study on melanoma detection dataset

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    Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) makes AI understandable to the human user particularly when the model is complex and opaque. Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME) has an image explainer package that is used to explain deep learning models. The image explainer of LIME needs some parameters to be manually tuned by the expert in advance, including the number of top features to be seen and the number of superpixels in the segmented input image. This parameter tuning is a time-consuming task. Hence, with the aim of developing an image explainer that automizes image segmentation, this paper proposes Ensemblebased Genetic Algorithm Explainer (EGAE) for melanoma cancer detection that automatically detects and presents the informative sections of the image to the user. EGAE has three phases. First, the sparsity of chromosomes in GAs is determined heuristically. Then, multiple GAs are executed consecutively. However, the difference between these GAs are in different number of superpixels in the input image that result in different chromosome lengths. Finally, the results of GAs are ensembled using consensus and majority votings. This paper also introduces how Euclidean distance can be used to calculate the distance between the actual explanation (delineated by experts) and the calculated explanation (computed by the explainer) for accuracy measurement. Experimental results on a melanoma dataset show that EGAE automatically detects informative lesions, and it also improves the accuracy of explanation in comparison with LIME efficiently. The python codes for EGAE, the ground truths delineated by clinicians, and the melanoma detection dataset are available at https://github.com/KhaosResearch/EGAEThis work has been partially funded by grant PID2020-112540RBC41 (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, Spain), AETHERUMA, Spain (A smart data holistic approach for context-aware data analytics: semantics and context exploitation). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA. Additionally, we thank Dr. Miguel Ángel Berciano Guerrero from Unidad de Oncología Intercentros, Hospitales Univesitarios Regional Virgen de la Victoria de Málaga, and Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas (IBIMA), Málaga, Spain, for his support in images selection and general medical orientation in the particular case of Melanoma

    Pattern recognition frequency-based feature selection with multi-objective discrete evolution strategy for high-dimensional medical datasets

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    Feature selection has a prominent role in high-dimensional datasets to increase classification accuracy, decrease the learning algorithm computational time, and present the most informative features to decision-makers. This paper proposes a two-stage hybrid feature selection for high-dimensional medical datasets: Maximum Pattern Recognition - Multi-objective Discrete Evolution Strategy (MPR-MDES). MPR is a rapid filter ranker that significantly outperforms existing frequency-based rankers in recognizing non-linear patterns, effectively eliminating a majority of non-informative features. Then, the wrapper Multi-objective Discrete Evolution Strategy (MDES) uses the remaining features and obtains sets of solutions which are automatically presented to decision-makers. The experiments conducted on large medical datasets demonstrate that MPR-MDES achieves considerable improvements compared to state-of-the-art methods, in terms of both classification accuracy and dimensionality reduction. In this sense, the proposal successfully performs when presenting informative feature sets to decision-makers. The implementation is available on https://github.com/KhaosResearch/MPR-MDES.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA . This work has been partially funded by grants (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/) PID2020-112540RB-C41, AETHER-UMA (A smart data holistic approach for context-aware data analytics: semantics and context exploitation), and QUAL21 010UMA (Junta de Andalucía)

    La dirección escolar. Análisis desde el nuevo enfoque de la reforma de la ley de educación

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    Las organizaciones escolares están formadas por un conjunto de elementos que conforman un sistema cerrado sujeto a variables externas que modifican sus intenciones y fines. La misión fundamental que debe de tener toda institución escolar es la de construir una sociedad cada vez más capacitada para poder satisfacer las demandas de una sociedad dinámica y plural donde deben de converger todas las iniciativas y singularidades humanas. Para ello, el sistema necesita de una organización fuertemente cohesionada y dirigida. Los perfiles de dirección escolar, aunque con patrones similares al de otras organizaciones humanas, se distinguen por el componente humano que conforma el sistema. El aprendizaje del alumnado se produce mediante una fuerte interacción entre todos los elementos, por un lado, en sentido bidireccional alumno-profesor y por otro mediante el aprendizaje cooperativo-colaborativo donde se configuran verdaderas comunidades de aprendizaje. El liderazgo de la dirección y la autonomía de los centros son dos pilares básicos para alcanzar los fines del sistema. En el presente trabajo se analizan los tipos de modelos de dirección escolar desde diferentes enfoques, variables políticas que influyen en el desempeño y desarrollo de las competencias directivas, desarrollo histórico a partir del modelo democrático y por último la potencialidad de la dirección escolar para la mejora de los centros educativos.School organizations are made up of a set of elements that make up a closed system subject to external variables that modify their intentions and purposes. The fundamental mission that every school institution must have is to build a society that is increasingly capable of meeting the demands of a dynamic and plural society where all initiatives and human singularities must converge. For this, the system needs a strongly cohesive and directed organization. School management profiles, although with patterns similar to those of other human organizations, are distinguished by the human component that makes up the system. Student learning occurs through a strong interaction between all the elements, on the one hand, in a bidirectional student-teacher sense and, on the other, through cooperative-collaborative learning where true learning communities are configured. The leadership of the management and the autonomy of the centers are two basic pillars to achieve the goals of the system. In the present work, the types of school management models are analyzed from different approaches, political variables that influence the performance and development of managerial skills, historical development from the democratic model and finally the potential of school management for improvement. of educational centers.Educació