4,218 research outputs found

    Encuentros y desencuentros en la Etnografla

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    Dans cet article, je veux émettre quelques réflexions sur la construction des connaissances a l’anthropologie, les rapports entre le chercheur et le sujet étudié, ainsi que la présence du pouvoir dans la recherhe sociale. Je pose ces réflexions sur la base de mon expérience avec des entrepreneurs d’origine européene et americaine et des zapoteques d’Oaxaca. Je présente les obstacles rencontrés dans la recherche sociale qui affectent l’objectivité du travail scientifique, comms le sont: les différentes valeurs morales, les états d’áme du chercheur. Tout cela influence la recherche sociale et je veux le démontrer à partir de mon expérience. Je présente aussi le théme des rapports avec le pouvoir dans la recherche, surtout quand le chercheur appartient à un groupe social qualifié comme inférieur au groupe social qu’il étudie

    Solar Photovoltaic Installation in Lys School

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    Nowadays, renewable energies are widely spread around the world. The urge to find alternatives to the conventional ways of creating energy is more than obvious. In particular, Spain is one of the most appropriate countries in Europe for solar energy on account of the solar irradiation that receives. Facilities such as schools, commercial business, industries, offices, etc. that consume energy during the daylight are the perfect target for using solar energy. This is exactly the aim of this project: the design of a photovoltaic installation in a school. The school is “Escola Lys”, near the centre of Barcelona, a small and familiar school that tries implement different activities that respect the environment. This is why a commission for environmental projects was created, it includes different sections to carry out projects, from solutions for waste and recycling to energy measures. The intention is to obtain energy from a clean source following the aim of the school to become a “Green School”. To implement this measure, it is needed to obtain information of the electrical needs, the available space for placing the panels and the measures of the near buildings. Thanks to the administration of the school it was possible to obtain enough information to do the bases of a future project. This thesis is thought to be studied an improved for another student in the near future and turn the project into reality. In the first place, a study of the parameters of the school has been done: analysing the electrical needs, and therefore the peak capacity that should be installed. After this, two possible location for the panels were presented, the PV array will be conditioned by the emplacement and therefore it will be studied a particular installation for each case. Finally, a simulation for both options has been carried out with PVsyst. This software allows to calculate the energy that would be generated taking into account the losses that the installation will suffer, among many other things. The results of these simulations will determine the best emplacement for the PV generator. Also, the project has been complemented with an economic study and the evaluation of the environmental impac

    Application of Genre and the Harkness Pedagogy for the Advanced Development of Writing Skills in Spanish in Foreign Language Courses

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    [ES] La instrucción de género denominada narrativa personal de no ficción o memorias, junto con el método de enseñanza Harkness en la expresión escrita del español como lengua extranjera, demostrará en el contexto particular de una universidad americana en España y en Estados Unidos un desarrollo superior de esta habilidad y desempeño. A la autora de esta tesis le gustaría contribuir a una tan esperada presencia de la escritura del español como L2 en la literatura de investigación. Este estudio trata de desarrollar en las clases de ELE para estudiantes americanos nuevos métodos que logren despertar el deseo, ya que no existe en este contexto la necesidad, de aprender español. A partir de la experiencia en la enseñanza del español a estudiantes universitarios y de secundaria estadounidenses, por un lado, en Estados Unidos como requisito obligatorio por parte de la universidad para el crédito en lenguas extranjeras y, por otro lado, en programas académicos estadounidenses de inmersión en España (en ambos casos siguiendo los libros y el método impuesto por las universidades) es común que estudiantes y profesores estén insatisfechos. La intención es demostrar que con la pedagogía Harkness y la enseñanza de la expresión escrita a través del género ensayo personal, es posible crear un currículo académico donde se obtienen claras mejoras en el aprendizaje final. Además, crea un ambiente donde los estudiantes están motivados y felices de aprender un segundo idioma. Se podría llevar a cabo la construcción de género y de la pedagogía basada en el género en un primer plano socio-contextual, de manera que permitan a los alumnos de ELE ver el contenido en términos de lenguaje desde el principio, en lugar de tener que integrarlos más tarde. Los programas de estudios universitarios de ELE tienen a su disposición la configuración de su destino, la calidad de su programa y el de los aprendizajes de sus alumnos. El objetivo se habrá logrado si el estudio ha convencido a los lectores de que los programas universitarios de ELE pueden revitalizarse aplicando una orientación humanística, al mismo tiempo, basada en el lenguaje.[CA] L'orientació cap al gènere denominat non-fiction de la narrativa personal o Memoirs juntament amb el mètode Harkness d'ensenyament en l'expressió escrita d'ELE, en el context particular d'una Universitat Americana a Espanya i als Estats Units, demostrarà un desenvolupament més elevat de aquesta habilitat i del seu rendiment. L'autora d'aquesta tesi desitjaria contribuir a una llargament esperada presència de l'escriptura de l'espanyol com a L2 en la literatura d'investigació. Aquest estudi tracta de desenvolupar en les classes d'ELE per a estudiants americans nous mètodes que aconsegueixin despertar el desig, ja que no existeix en aquest context la necessitat, d'aprendre espanyol. Basat en l'experiència en ensenyar a estudiants universitaris americans espanyol, d'una banda, als Estats Units com a requeriment obligatori per part de la universitat de crèdit en llengües estrangeres i, de l'altra, en programes acadèmics americans d'immersió a Espanya (en els dos casos seguint els llibres i el mètode que imposen les universitats) és comú el desistiment i descontentament per part dels estudiants i professors. La intenció és demostrar que amb el mètode d'ensenyament Harkness juntament amb l'ensenyament de l'expressió escrita a través del gènere de l'assaig personal és possible crear un contingut acadèmic on no només s'obtenen clares millores de l'aprenentatge final, sinó que s'arriba a crear un ambient on els estudiants estan motivats i contents d'aprendre una segona llengua. Es podria dur a terme la construcció de gènere i de la pedagogia basada en el gènere en un primer pla soci-contextual, de manera que permetin als alumnes d'ELE veure el contingut en termes de llenguatge des del principi, en lloc d'haver de integrar-los posteriorment. S'haurà obtingut l'objectiu si l'estudi obté lectors convençuts que es poden revitalitzar programes universitaris d'ELA mitjançant l'aplicació d'una orientació humanista, a el mateix temps, basada en el llenguatge.[EN] The gender instruction called the non-fiction personal narrative or memoirs, together with the Harkness method of teaching in the written expression of Spanish as a Foreign Language, will demonstrate in the particular context of an American University in Spain and in the US a higher development of this ability and performance. The author of this thesis would like to contribute to a long-awaited Spanish writing presence as L2 in the research literature. This study tries to develop in SFL classes for American universities and students' new methods that manage to awaken the desire since there is no need in this context to learn Spanish. Based on the experience in teaching Spanish to American university and high school students, on the one hand, in the United States as a mandatory requirement by the university for credit in foreign languages and, on the other hand, in American academic programs of immersion in Spain (in both cases following the books and the method imposed by the universities) it is common for students and teachers to be dissatisfied. The intention is to demonstrate that with the Harkness pedagogy and the teaching of written expression through the personal essay genre, it is possible to create an academic curriculum where clear improvements are obtained in the final learning. Besides, it creates an environment where students are motivated and happy to learn a second language. The construction of gender and gender-based instruction could be carried out in a socio-contextual foreground to allow SFL students to see the content in terms of language from the beginning, rather than having to integrate them later. SFL's university study programs have at their disposal shaping their destiny, the quality of their program, and that of their students' learning. The objective will have been achieved if the study has convinced readers that SFL university programs can be revitalized by applying a humanistic, at the same time, language-based orientation.García Montes, P. (2021). Application of Genre and the Harkness Pedagogy for the Advanced Development of Writing Skills in Spanish in Foreign Language Courses [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171795TESI

    Can ecosystem properties be fully translated into service values? an economic valuation of aquatic plant services

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    Ecological Applications 21. 5 (2011): 3083-3103 copyright by the Ecological Society of AmericaWe carried out an integrated analysis of ecosystem services in the Doñana social-ecological system (southwestern Spain), from the providers (different aquatic plant functional groups) to the beneficiaries (different stakeholders living in or visiting the area). We explored the ecosystem services supplied by aquatic plants by linking these services to different plant functional traits, identifying relevant ecosystem services and then working our way backward to ecosystem properties and the functional traits underpinning them. We started from 15 ecosystem services associated with aquatic systems (freshwater marshes, salt marshes, ponds on aeolian sheets, temporal coastal ponds, and estuaries) and related them to plant traits (directly or indirectly through intermediate ecosystem properties). We gathered information from the literature on the functional traits of 144 plants occurring in the aquatic ecosystems of Doñana. We analyzed the species×trait matrix with multivariate classification and ordination techniques and obtained seven functional groups with different potentials for delivering ecosystem services. A survey was then administered to 477 stakeholders to analyze, through the use of a contingent valuation exercise, how the ecosystem services provided by the different functional groups were valued. We identified connections between individual plant traits, ecosystem processes, and ecosystem services, but a mismatch appeared between the functional groups and the economic values placed on them by the beneficiaries. We found that contingent valuation applied to ecosystem services tended to ignore the ecosystem properties and biodiversity underpinning them. Our results cast doubts over the suitability of the economic valuation framework of ecosystem services to capture the full value of biodiversity and ecosystems to peopleThis research was partially supported by a grant from the Madrid Regional Government of Education, which was co-funded by the Social European Fund (F.S.E.), the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Project CGL2006- 14121/BOS), and the Spanish Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs through project 018/2009. S. Díaz acknowledges support from FONCyT and CONICET (Argentina) and IAI (CRN 2015, supported by US NSF GEO- 0452325

    Efectividad en la atención de las peticiones quejas y reclamos (PQR) que presentan los usuarios del transporte aéreo

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    En Colombia el transporte aéreo se desarrolla debido a la necesidad de desplazamiento masivo y rápido de las personas y de la carga, en razón de las actividades desempeñadas, la comercialización de los productos agrícolas e industriales y para salvar los obstáculos topográficos, de tiempo y distancia que esto implica. Hoy en día existen empresas de cobertura nacional e internacional que prestan este servicio, transportando pasajeros, carga y mixto, las cuales están sujetas a la normatividad existente reglamentada principalmente por el Ministerio de Transporte y habilitadas por la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Aeronáutica Civil (Aerocivil)

    Breve introdución á Terminoloxía. Exemplo de elaboración dun traballo terminolóxico en galego

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    O presente artigo divídese en dúas partes ben diferenciadas. Unha primeira parte onde se fai unha pequena aproximación á teoría termonolóxica. Para isto comezamos polo repaso de diferentes traballos e persoas dende o s. XVI ata os nosos días. Logo tentamos delimitar e definir a disciplina á quen nos estamos a referir e o seu obxecto de estudo. A segunda parte consiste na descrición dos pasos que seguimos para elaborarmos un pequeno traballo terminolóxico sobre a lingua da ecoloxía. Os termos foron extraídos da sección “O noso planeta” da revista O correo da Unesco. - El presente artículo se divide en dos partes bien diferenciadas. Una primera parte donde se hace una pequeña aproximación a la teoría termonológica. Para esto comenzaremos por el repaso de diferentes trabajos y personas desde el s. XVI hasta nuestros días. Después intentamos delimitar y definir la disciplina a la que nos estamos a referir y a su objecto de estudio. La segunda parte consiste en la descripción de los pasos que seguimos para elaborar un pequeño trabajo terminológico sobre la lengua de la ecología. Los términos fueron extraídos de la sección “O noso planeta” de la revista O correo da Unesco.This article is divided into two distinct parts. One area that is a little closer to the theory termonologic. To begin this review by the different papers and people from s. XVI until today. After trying to define and delimit the discipline to which we refer to as its object of estudy. The second part consists of a description of the steps we take to develop a small terminology work on the language of ecology. The terms were extracted from the section “O noso planeta” into the magazine O correo da Unesco.O presente artigo divídese en dúas partes ben diferenciadas. Unha primeira parte onde se fai unha pequena aproximación á teoría termonolóxica. Para isto comezamos polo repaso de diferentes traballos e persoas dende o s. XVI ata os nosos días. Logo tentamos delimitar e definir a disciplina á quen nos estamos a referir e o seu obxecto de estudo. A segunda parte consiste na descrición dos pasos que seguimos para elaborarmos un pequeno traballo terminolóxico sobre a lingua da ecoloxía. Os termos foron extraídos da sección “O noso planeta” da revista O correo da Unesco. - El presente artículo se divide en dos partes bien diferenciadas. Una primera parte donde se hace una pequeña aproximación a la teoría termonológica. Para esto comenzaremos por el repaso de diferentes trabajos y personas desde el s. XVI hasta nuestros días. Después intentamos delimitar y definir la disciplina a la que nos estamos a referir y a su objecto de estudio. La segunda parte consiste en la descripción de los pasos que seguimos para elaborar un pequeño trabajo terminológico sobre la lengua de la ecología. Los términos fueron extraídos de la sección “O noso planeta” de la revista O correo da Unesco

    Multiwavelength optical observations of chromospherically active binary systems V. FF UMa (2RE J0933+624): a system with orbital period variation

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    This is the fifth paper in a series aimed at studying the chromospheres of active binary systems using several optical spectroscopic indicators to obtain or improve orbital solution and fundamental stellar parameters. We present here the study of FF UMa (2RE J0933+624), a recently discovered, X-ray/EUV selected, active binary with strong H_alpha emission. The objectives of this work are, to find orbital solutions and define stellar parameters from precise radial velocities and carry out an extensive study of the optical indicators of chromospheric activity. We obtained high resolution echelle spectroscopic observations during five observing runs from 1998 to 2004. We found radial velocities by cross correlation with radial velocity standard stars to achieve the best orbital solution. We also measured rotational velocity by cross-correlation techniques and have studied the kinematic by galactic space- velocity components (U, V, W) and Eggen criteria. Finally, we have determined the chromospheric contribution in optical spectroscopic indicators, from Ca II H & K to Ca II IRT lines, using the spectral subtraction technique. We have found that this system presents an orbital period variation, higher than previously detected in other RS CVn systems. We determined an improved orbital solution, finding a circular orbit with a period of 3.274 days. We derived the stellar parameters, confirming the subgiant nature of the primary component and obtained rotational velocities (vsini), of 33.57 km/s and 32.38 km/s for the primary and secondary components respectively. From our kinematic study, we can deduce its membership to the Castor moving group. Finally, the activity study has given us a better understanding of the possible mechanisms that produce the orbital period variation.Comment: Latex file with 16 pages, 18 figures. Available at http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/invest/actividad/actividad_pub.html Accepted for publication in: Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A

    A New Multi-Objective Approach for Molecular Docking Based on RMSD and Binding Energy

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    Ligand-protein docking is an optimization problem based on predicting the position of a ligand with the lowest binding energy in the active site of the receptor. Molecular docking problems are traditionally tackled with single-objective, as well as with multi-objective approaches, to minimize the binding energy. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-objective formulation that considers: the Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) difference in the coordinates of ligands and the binding (intermolecular) energy, as two objectives to evaluate the quality of the ligand-protein interactions. To determine the kind of Pareto front approximations that can be obtained, we have selected a set of representative multi-objective algorithms such as NSGA-II, SMPSO, GDE3, and MOEA/D. Their performances have been assessed by applying two main quality indicators intended to measure convergence and diversity of the fronts. In addition, a comparison with LGA, a reference single-objective evolutionary algorithm for molecular docking (AutoDock) is carried out. In general, SMPSO shows the best overall results in terms of energy and RMSD (value lower than 2A for successful docking results). This new multi-objective approach shows an improvement over the ligand-protein docking predictions that could be promising in in silico docking studies to select new anticancer compounds for therapeutic targets that are multidrug resistant.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech