2,518 research outputs found

    Latest trends in industrial vinegar production and the role of acetic acid bacteria: classification, metabolism, and applications—a comprehensive review

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    Vinegar is one of the most appreciated fermented foods in European and Asian countries. In industry, its elaboration depends on numerous factors, including the nature of starter culture and raw material, as well as the production system and operational conditions. Furthermore, vinegar is obtained by the action of acetic acid bacteria (AAB) on an alcoholic medium in which ethanol is transformed into acetic acid. Besides the highlighted oxidative metabolism of AAB, their versatility and metabolic adaptability make them a taxonomic group with several biotechnological uses. Due to new and rapid advances in this field, this review attempts to approach the current state of knowledge by firstly discussing fundamental aspects related to industrial vinegar production and then exploring aspects related to AAB: classification, metabolism, and applications. Emphasis has been placed on an exhaustive taxonomic review considering the progressive increase in the number of new AAB species and genera, especially those with recognized biotechnological potential

    Perfiles de ansiedad escolar: Diferencias en clima social y violencia entre iguales

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    Introducción. La ansiedad escolar es definida como un conjunto de síntomas agrupados en respuestas cognitivas, psicofisiológicas y motoras emitidas por un individuo ante situaciones escolares que son percibidas como amenazantes y/o peligrosas. Entre variables escolares relevantes, la ansiedad escolar puede estar influida por la percepción del clima social y la violencia cotidiana observada en el centro por parte del alumnado. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar si existen combinaciones entre las distintas situaciones que provocan ansiedad escolar dando lugar a diferentes perfiles ansiosos. Además, se persigue comprobar si existen diferencias entre estos perfiles en las variables percepción de clima social y violencia entre iguales. Método. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 365 alumnos de educación secundaria. La ansiedad escolar fue medida con el Inventario de Ansiedad Escolar, el clima social se midió con el Cuestionario de Clima Social del Centro Escolar y la violencia entre iguales mediante el Cuestionario de Violencia Escolar Cotidiana. Resultados. Los análisis de conglomerados identificaron tres perfiles de ansiedad escolar. Los resultados indicaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los tres perfiles en las variables clima referente al profesorado entre los grupos con baja y alta ansiedad escolar y en experiencia personal de sufrir violencia entre el grupo con baja y media ansiedad escolar y entre el grupo con baja y alta ansiedad escolar. La magnitud de las diferencias halladas fue de baja a moderada. Discusión y Conclusiones. Los hallazgos de este estudio resultan relevantes ya que aportan un análisis más exhaustivo de la ansiedad escolar y de las diferencias observadas en otras variables relevantes en el ámbito educativo, como son el clima social del centro escolar y la violencia entre iguales.Introduction. School anxiety is often defined as a set of symptoms grouped into cognitive, psychophysiological and motor responses emitted by an individual in school situations that can be perceived as threatening and/or dangerous. School anxiety may be influenced - among other relevant school variables - by the perception of social climate and the daily violence witnessed by students at school. The aim of this study is to identify whether there are different combinations of school anxiety-provoking situations which give rise to different anxious profiles. Furthermore, it claims to verify whether there are differences between these profiles in terms of the variables: perception of social climate and peer violence. Method. The sample consists of 365 high school students. School anxiety was measured using the School Anxiety Inventory; the social climate was measured with the School Social Climate Questionnaire and peer violence with the Daily School Violence Questionnaire. Results. Cluster analyses have identified three profiles of school anxiety. The results showed statistically significant differences among the three anxiety profiles in the following variables: (1) teacher climate (low and high anxiety) and (2) personal experience of suffering violence (low and medium anxiety; low and high anxiety). The differences were of low-to-moderate intensity. Discussion and Conclusion. The findings of this study are relevant because they provide a more comprehensive analysis of school anxiety and differences in other relevant variables in an educational context, such as the school social climate and peer violence

    Computational and analytical studies of the Randic index in Erdös-Rényi models

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    In this work we perform computational and analytical studies of the Randic´ index R(G) in Erdös–Rényi models G(n, p) characterized by n vertices connected independently with probability p ∈ (0, 1). First, from a detailed scaling analysis, we show that R(G) = {R(G)}/(n/2) scales with the product ξ ≈ np, so we can define three regimes: a regime of mostly isolated vertices when ξ 10 (R(G) ≈ n/2). Then, motivated by the scaling of R(G), we analytically (i) obtain new relations connecting R(G) with other topological indices and characterize graphs which are extremal with respect to the relations obtained and (ii) apply these results in order to obtain inequalities on R(G) for graphs in Erdös–Rényi models.J.A.M.-B. acknowledges financial support from FAPESP (Grant No. 2019/06931-2), Brazil, and PRODEP-SEP (Grant No. 511- 6/2019.-11821), Mexico. J.M.R. and J.M.S. were supported in part by two grants from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (MTM2016-78227-C2-1-P and MTM2017-90584-REDT), Spain

    Estrés y Burnout en médicos familiares

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    Work-related stress is considered as an interaction of unfavorable working conditions and worker attributes and Burnout Syndrome, as a result of chronic stress characterized by exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal accomplishment. Objective: To evaluate the presence of stress and Burnout Syndrome in family doctors of a unit of the first level of care located in the Valley of Mexico. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out on a sample of 35 doctors. We applied them Maslach questionnaires and questionnaire demand-control of Karasek (JCQ 29). Results: The average age of the members of the sample was of 49.9 years. For Burnout Syndrome, 14.3% showed high emotional exhaustion; 11.4%, high degree of depersonalization and 74.3%, low degree of self-realization. Only 14.0%, presented a high degree of demand and under control in the JCQ 29 questionnaire. Association with statistically significant significance existed between the variables shift and control (p: 0.025) and between the variables support of heads and control (p: 0.003). Conclusion: The doctors of the work report a high social support of the superiors and a low personal satisfaction that increases with its antiquitySe considera al estrés laboral como una interacción desfavorable entre los atributos del trabajador y las condiciones de trabajo y al síndrome de Burnout, como resultante del estrés crónico caracterizado por agotamiento, despersonalización y baja realización personal. Objetivo: Evaluar la presencia de estrés y síndrome de Burnout en médicos familiares de una unidad de primer nivel de atención ubicada en el valle de México. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en una muestra de 35 médicos. Se les aplicaron los cuestionarios de Maslach y cuestionario demanda–control de Karasek (JCQ 29) Resultados: La edad promedio de los integrantes de la muestra fue de 49.9 años. Para Síndrome de Burnout, 14.3% presentaron alto agotamiento emocional; 11.4%, alto grado de despersonalización y 74.3%, bajo grado de realización personal. Sólo 14.0%, presentaron alto grado de demanda y bajo control en el cuestionario JCQ 29. Existió asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables turno y control (p: 0.025) y entre las variables apoyo de jefes y control (p: 0.003). Conclusión: Los medicos laborales reportan alto apoyo social por parte de los superiores y baja realización personal que aumenta con su antigüeda

    Estación de ensayos para la caracterización de celdas de combustible de membrana de intercambio protónico con alimentación de H2 (Monocelda) con carga electrónica integrada

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    Estación de ensayos para la caracterización de celdas de combustible de membrana de intercambio protónico con alimentación de H2 (Monocelda) con carga electrónica integrada. Estación de Ensayos Para la Caracterización de Celdas de Combustible de Membrana de Intercambio Protónico (PEMFC) con alimentación de H2 (Monocelda) con Carga Electrónica integrada es un sistema para la gestión de gases en una PEMFC que simplificar el control, integrando componentes industriales de alta fiabilidad y robustez. Un sistema desarrollado para facilitar el procesamiento de la información, dotado de una arquitectura de medida y control de carácter innovador que permite el uso de dispositivos de elevadas prestaciones a coste competitivo frente a los equipos de laboratorio similares existentes en el mercado, con una arquitectura de tratamiento de datos compuesta por un procesador central y 4 subsistemas.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)A1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Tsukamurella pulmonis bloodstream infection identified by secA1 gene sequencing

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    Recurrent bloodstream infections caused by a Gram-positive bacterium affected an immunocompromised child. Tsukamurella pulmonis was the microorganism identified by secA1 gene sequencing. Antibiotic treatment in combination with removal of the subcutaneous port healed the patient

    Autophagic Proteome in Two Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains During Second Fermentation for Sparkling Wine Elaboration

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    A correlation between autophagy and autolysis has been proposed in order to accelerate the acquisition of wine organoleptic properties during sparkling wine elaboration. In this context, a proteomic analysis was carried out in two industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (P29, conventional sparkling wine strain and G1, implicated in sherry wine elaboration) with the aim of studying the autophagy-related proteome and comparing the effect of CO2 overpressure during sparkling wine elaboration. In general, a detrimental effect of pressure and second fermentation development on autophagy-related proteome was observed in both strains, although it was more pronounced in flor yeast strain G1. Proteins mainly involved in autophagy regulation and autophagosome formation in flor yeast G1, and those required for vesicle nucleation and expansion in P29 strain, highlighted in sealed bottle. Proteins Sec2 and Sec18 were detected 3-fold under pressure conditions in P29 and G1 strains, respectively. Moreover, ‘fingerprinting’ obtained from multivariate data analysis established differences in autophagy-related proteome between strains and conditions. Further research is needed to achieve more solid conclusions and design strategies to promote autophagy for an accelerated autolysis, thus reducing cost and time production, as well as acquisition of good organoleptic properties

    SHP-1 Regulates Antigen Cross-Presentation and Is Exploited by Leishmania to Evade Immunity.

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    Intracellular pathogens have evolved strategies to evade detection by cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes (CTLs). Here, we ask whether Leishmania parasites trigger the SHP-1-FcRγ chain inhibitory axis to dampen antigen cross-presentation in dendritic cells expressing the C-type lectin receptor Mincle. We find increased cross-priming of CTLs in Leishmania-infected mice deficient for Mincle or with a selective loss of SHP-1 in CD11c+ cells. The latter also shows improved cross-presentation of cell-associated viral antigens. CTL activation in vitro reveals increased MHC class I-peptide complex expression in Mincle- or SHP-1-deficient CD11c+ cells. Neuraminidase treatment also boosts cross-presentation, suggesting that Leishmania triggers SHP-1-associated sialic-acid-binding receptors. Mechanistically, enhanced antigen processing correlates with reduced endosomal acidification in the absence of SHP-1. Finally, we demonstrate that SHP-1 inhibition improves CD11c+ cell-based vaccination against the parasite. Thus, SHP-1-mediated impairment of cross-presentation can be exploited by pathogens to evade CTLs, and SHP-1 inhibition improves CTL responses during vaccination.Work in the S.I. laboratory is funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), Agencia Estatal de Investigación, and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (RTI2018-094484-B-I00 and RYC-2016-19463). S.C.K. is a recipient of a FPU fellowship (FPU16/03142) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. M.M.-L. is a recipient of an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship (EMBO LTF 463-2019).S
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