54 research outputs found

    Flexible Fuzzy Rule Bases Evolution with Swarm Intelligence for Meta-Scheduling in Grid Computing

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    Fuzzy rule-based systems are expert systems whose performance is strongly related to the quality of their knowledge and the associated knowledge acquisition processes and thus, the design of effective learning techniques is considered a critical and major problem of these systems. Knowledge acquisition with a swarm intelligence approach is a recent learning strategy for the evolution of fuzzy rule bases founded on swarm intelligence showing improvement over classical knowledge acquisition strategies in fuzzy rule based systems such as Pittsburgh and Michigan approaches in terms of convergence behaviour and accuracy. In this work, a generalization of this method is proposed to allow the simultaneous consideration of diversely configured knowledge bases and this way to accelerate the learning process of the original algorithm. In order to test the suggested strategy, a problem of practical importance nowadays, the design of expert meta-schedulers systems for grid computing is considered. Simulations results show the fact that the suggested adaptation improves the functionality of knowledge acquisition with a swarm intelligence approach and it reduces computational effort; at the same time it keeps the quality of the canonical strategy

    Specific Parameter-Free Global Optimization to Speed Up Setting and Avoid Factors Interactions

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    Meta-heuristics utilizing numerous parameters are more complicated than meta-heuristics with a couple of parameters for various reasons. In essence, the effort expected to tune the strategy-particular parameters is far more prominent as the quantity of parameters increases and furthermore, complex algorithms are liable for the presence of further parameter interactions. Jaya meta-heuristic does not involve any strategy-specific parameters and is a one-stage technique. It has demonstrated its effectiveness compared to major types of meta-heuristics and it introduces various points of interest, such as its easy deployment and set-up in industrial applications and its low complexity to be studied. In this work, a new meta-heuristic, Enhanced Jaya (EJaya) is proposed to overcome the inconsistency of Jaya in diverse situations, introducing coherent attraction and repulsion movements and restrained intensity for flight. Comparative results of EJaya in a set of benchmark problems including statistical tests show that it is feasible to increase the accuracy, scalability and exploitation capability of Jaya while keeping its specific parameter-free feature. EJaya is especially suitable for a priori undefined characteristics optimization functions or applications where the set-up time of the optimization process is critical and parameters tuning and interactions must be avoided

    Fuzzy controller applications in stand-alone photovoltaic systems

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    One of foremost problems in stand-alone photovoltaic systems consists on the election of a strategy for charge controllers. The charge controllers main function is the accumulation system protection, and this leads to an extension of the batteries lifetime, thus reducing, the long term economic cost of the installation. This document describes a Fuzzy Logic based charge controller. In order to show the designed charge controller operation, firstly, a succession of simulations have been carried out to try out the mentioned controller efficiency. Afterwards, the designed charge controller has been used on a real target system to control the charge and discharge processes of a battery in a real stand-alone photovoltaic system, that is installed, on the flat roof of the E.P.S. Jaén of the University of Jaén (Spain). Finally, comparative operation results of the fuzzy charge controller developed are exposed in this document

    Preterm delivery and immigration

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    Prematurity is the main cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. There are many and varied risk factors described: some related to the mother, such as age, parity, socioeconomic situation, lifestyles or obstetric history; others related to pregnancy, such as prenatal care received or gestational complications. Many of them can be found among immigrant women residing in Spain, but the literature is limited. A cross-sectional study is proposed with the objective of identifying the prematurity rate and related factors in a population of immigrant and native women. To do this, the records of 1,874 immigrant women who gave birth at the Hospital of El Ejido (Almería) between January 1997 and June 2003 are exploited, and compared with an equal group of native women, whose birth was immediately afterwards. It was observed that, although the percentage of premature newborns in immigrant women was somewhat higher than in Spanish women (7.31% vs. 6.72%), this difference was not significant. On the other hand, among immigrant women with premature children, a greater history of sexually transmitted infections, hypertensive disease, and inadequate prenatal care was observed (p<0.05).La prematuridad es la principal causa de morbimortalidad perinatal. Son muchos y variados los factores de riesgo descritos: unos relacionados con la madre, como la edad, paridad, situación socioeconómica, estilos de vida o antecedentes obstétricos; otros relacionados con el embarazo, como la atención prenatal recibida o las complicaciones gestacionales. Muchos de ellos pueden encontrarse entre las mujeres inmigrantes que residen en España, pero la literatura es limitada. Se plantea un estudio transversal con el objetivo de identificar la tasa de prematuridad y los factores relacionados en una población de mujeres inmigrantes y autóctonas. Para ello, se explotan los registros de 1.874 mujeres inmigrantes que dieron a luz en el Hospital de El Ejido (Almería) entre Enero de 1997 a Junio de 2003, y se compara con un grupo igual de mujeres autóctonas, cuyo parto fue inmediatamente posterior. Se observó que, aunque el porcentaje de recién nacidos prematuros en mujeres inmigrantes fue algo superior a las españolas (7,31% vs. 6,72%), esta diferencia no fue significativa. Por otro lado, entre las mujeres inmigrantes con hijos prematuros, se observó más antecedentes de infecciones de transmisión sexual, enfermedad hipertensiva, y control prenatal inadecuado (p<0,05)

    Los medios indígenas en América Latina: Usos, sentidos y cartografías de una experiencia plural

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    Este artículo presenta un análisis del estado de la comunicación indígena en América Latina con un enfoque etnográfico y comparativo basado en seis estudios de caso: México, Guatemala, Panamá, Colombia, Bolivia y Argentina. Nuestro estudio se ocupa de la situación de los «paisajes mediáticos», es decir, la proliferación de medios de comunicación tecnológica en cada contexto, sus usos sociales efectivos y sus transformaciones en el tiempo. Para ello destacamos tres aspectos analíticos: 1) las innovaciones en la comunicación indígena, las cuales han pasado de un énfasis en la apropiación tecnológica a la necesidad de su incorporación como valor cultural, así como un cambio de énfasis en la «resistencia» a la idea de «descolonización» de los medios, 2) las características que definen la comunicación indígena, y 3) la constatación de su heterogeneidad e implicación en realidades sociales y políticas concretas y locales

    Hypermedia : taller de configuración arquitectónica

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    El Grupo "Hypermedia. Taller de configuración arquitectónica" lo formamos un colectivo de profesores (doctores y asociados), doctorandos y becarios agrupados en la enseñanza del dibujo y el dibujar como herramienta para la elaboración profesional de proyectos de arquitectura en los primeros (1º y 2º año) semestres de la carrera de Arquitecto Superior. Algunos de nosotros empezamos hace más de 35 años alrededor de los ordenadores, estudiando y simulando procesos de generación de propuestas arquitectónicas. Trabajábamos en el Centro de Cálculo de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (desde el año 1968, en un seminario denominado: "Análisis y generación de formas arquitectónicas"). Después, desde el 1974, en la Cátedra de Análisis de Formas Arquitectónicas, hemos participado y contribuido a la definición del Área de conocimiento denominada "Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica" y hemos constituido la asociación de Departamentos del Área de todas las Escuelas de Arquitectura del Estado Español, que, en paralelo, ha creado una Revista especializada (EGA lleva editados 10 números anuales) y sostiene la convocatoria bianual de un Congreso Internacional sobre los temas propios de nuestra especialización. Hoy el Grupo, amplio por razón de la situación estratégica del dibujar (inespecífico, geométrico y arquitectónico) como medio indispensable en el trabajo de proyectar arquitectura, se organiza en varios subgrupos que se reparten puntualmente las preocupaciones y temáticas globales (colectivas) que sistemáticamente aparecen, produciendo gran cantidad de trabajos que, en forma de encargos subvencionados, tesis doctorales, monografías, ponencias y artículos aparecen año tras año en diversos medios de difusión (u edición). Nuestros trabajos no son todos estratégicos, pero son todos (sean o no aplicaciones) centrales en la formación arquitectónica, concernidos con la fundamentación teórica, social, científica y técnica de lo medio ambiental (lo arquitectónico entendido como lo envolvente adecuado al albergue de actividades humanas socializadas)

    Underwater Quaternary record of the Cartagena Bay (Murcia, Spain)

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    Se perforó un sondeo de 30 m en la Bahía de Cartagena. El doble objetivo del mismo fue obtener datos sobre el antiguo frente marítimo de la ciudad romana y establecer la cronoestratigrafía y evolución paleoambiental. El sondeo (E3) se muestreó con alta resolución. Los sedimentos de la parte inferior (30-11,3 m) con predominio de colores marrones que indican condiciones oxidantes, la fauna de aguas salobres (Cerastoderma glaucum/Cyprideis torosa) y la sedimentación dominada por fangos y arenas, permiten interpretar el medio sedimentario estudiado como una llanura fangosa costera ligada a un abanico aluvial. Las edades AAR obtenidas revelan que todo el MIS5 está incluido en el registro. La parte superior (11,3-3,0 m), correspondiente al MIS 1, consiste en fangos orgánicos negros con arena y grava. Aparece una amplia diversidad de moluscos marinos en estadios juveniles de desarrollo. Todo esto representa el “cul de sac” de una bahía protegida donde se acumulaban restos vegetales, periódicamente afectada por llegadas de detríticos aluviales. Existe una somerización a techo del depósitoA new borehole was drilled at the end of the Cartagena Bay. The twofold aim of this operation was to obtain insights into the ancient Roman city seafront, and to establish its cronostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental evolution. A continuous 30 m long core (E3) was drilled and sampled with high resolution. The sediments of the lower part (30-11.3 m) with predominant brown colour indicating oxydizing conditions, the brackish-water fauna (Cerastoderma glaucum/Cyprideis torosa) and mud/sand dominance, allow to interpret the sedimentary environment as formed in a coastal mud flat linked to an alluvial fan. Consistent AAR dating ages reveal that the whole MIS5 record is included. The upper part of the record (11.3-3.0 m), which belongs to MIS 1, is made of black muddy sand and gravel. It appears a high diversity of marine mollusk species mostly in juvenile stage of development. This represents a complex environment: a “cul-d-sac” at the protected end of the bay where plant debris accumulated, being intruded by alluvial inputs. A growing continental influence likely occurred at the to

    Characterization of protons accelerated from a 3 TW table-top laser system

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    [EN] We report on benchmark tests of a 3 TW/50 fs, table-top laser system specifically developed for proton acceleration with an intrinsic pump rate up to 100 Hz. In two series of single-shot measurements differing in pulse energy and contrast the successful operation of the diode pumped laser is demonstrated. Protons have been accelerated up to 1.6 MeV in interactions of laser pulses focused on aluminium and mylar foils between 0.8 and 25 mu m thickness. Their spectral distributions and maximum energies are consistent with former experiments under similar conditions. These results show the suitability of our system and provide a reference for studies of laser targets at high repetition rate and possible applications.This project has been funded by Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI, Spain) within the INNPRONTA program, grant no. IPT-20111027, by EUROSTARS project E9113, and by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness within the Retos-Colaboracion 2015 initiative, ref. RTC-2015-3278-1.Bellido-Millán, PJ.; Lera, R.; Seimetz, M.; Ruiz-De La Cruz, A.; Torres Peiró, S.; Galán, M.; Mur, P.... (2017). Characterization of protons accelerated from a 3 TW table-top laser system. Journal of Instrumentation. 12:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/12/05/T05001S11212Daido, H., Nishiuchi, M., & Pirozhkov, A. S. (2012). Review of laser-driven ion sources and their applications. Reports on Progress in Physics, 75(5), 056401. doi:10.1088/0034-4885/75/5/056401Macchi, A., Borghesi, M., & Passoni, M. (2013). Ion acceleration by superintense laser-plasma interaction. Reviews of Modern Physics, 85(2), 751-793. doi:10.1103/revmodphys.85.751Ledingham, K., Bolton, P., Shikazono, N., & Ma, C.-M. (2014). Towards Laser Driven Hadron Cancer Radiotherapy: A Review of Progress. Applied Sciences, 4(3), 402-443. doi:10.3390/app4030402Kraft, S. D., Richter, C., Zeil, K., Baumann, M., Beyreuther, E., Bock, S., … Pawelke, J. (2010). Dose-dependent biological damage of tumour cells by laser-accelerated proton beams. New Journal of Physics, 12(8), 085003. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/8/085003Yogo, A., Sato, K., Nishikino, M., Mori, M., Teshima, T., Numasaki, H., … Daido, H. (2009). Application of laser-accelerated protons to the demonstration of DNA double-strand breaks in human cancer cells. Applied Physics Letters, 94(18), 181502. doi:10.1063/1.3126452Fritzler, S., Malka, V., Grillon, G., Rousseau, J. P., Burgy, F., Lefebvre, E., … Ledingham, K. W. D. (2003). Proton beams generated with high-intensity lasers: Applications to medical isotope production. Applied Physics Letters, 83(15), 3039-3041. doi:10.1063/1.1616661Kishimura, H., Morishita, H., Okano, Y. H., Okano, Y., Hironaka, Y., Kondo, K., … Nemoto, K. (2004). Enhanced generation of fast protons from a polymer-coated metal foil by a femtosecond intense laser field. Applied Physics Letters, 85(14), 2736-2738. doi:10.1063/1.1803915Nakamura, S., Iwashita, Y., Noda, A., Shirai, T., Tongu, H., Fukumi, A., … Wada, Y. (2006). Real-Time Optimization of Proton Production by Intense Short-Pulse Laser with Time-of-Flight Measurement. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45(No. 34), L913-L916. doi:10.1143/jjap.45.l913Nishiuchi, M., Fukumi, A., Daido, H., Li, Z., Sagisaka, A., Ogura, K., … Nakamura, S. (2006). The laser proton acceleration in the strong charge separation regime. Physics Letters A, 357(4-5), 339-344. doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2006.04.053Yogo, A., Daido, H., Fukumi, A., Li, Z., Ogura, K., Sagisaka, A., … Itoh, A. (2007). Laser prepulse dependency of proton-energy distributions in ultraintense laser-foil interactions with an online time-of-flight technique. Physics of Plasmas, 14(4), 043104. doi:10.1063/1.2721066Robinson, A. P. L., Foster, P., Adams, D., Carroll, D. C., Dromey, B., Hawkes, S., … Neely, D. (2009). Spectral modification of laser-accelerated proton beams by self-generated magnetic fields. New Journal of Physics, 11(8), 083018. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/11/8/083018Nemoto, K., Maksimchuk, A., Banerjee, S., Flippo, K., Mourou, G., Umstadter, D., & Bychenkov, V. Y. (2001). Laser-triggered ion acceleration and table top isotope production. Applied Physics Letters, 78(5), 595-597. doi:10.1063/1.1343845Lee, K., Park, S. H., Cha, Y.-H., Lee, J. Y., Lee, Y. W., Yea, K.-H., & Jeong, Y. U. (2008). Generation of intense proton beams from plastic targets irradiated by an ultraintense laser pulse. Physical Review E, 78(5). doi:10.1103/physreve.78.056403Yogo, A., Daido, H., Bulanov, S. V., Nemoto, K., Oishi, Y., Nayuki, T., … Tajima, T. (2008). Laser ion acceleration via control of the near-critical density target. Physical Review E, 77(1). doi:10.1103/physreve.77.016401Lee, K., Lee, J. Y., Park, S. H., Cha, Y.-H., Lee, Y. W., Kim, K. N., & Jeong, Y. U. (2011). Dominant front-side acceleration of energetic proton beams from plastic targets irradiated by an ultraintense laser pulse. Physics of Plasmas, 18(1), 013101. doi:10.1063/1.3496058OKIHARA, S., SENTOKU, Y., SUEDA, K., SHIMIZU, S., SATO, F., MIYANAGA, N., … SAKABE, S. (2002). Energetic Proton Generation in a Thin Plastic Foil Irradiated by Intense Femtosecond Lasers. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 39(1), 1-5. doi:10.1080/18811248.2002.9715150McKenna, P., Ledingham, K. W. D., Spencer, I., McCany, T., Singhal, R. P., Ziener, C., … Clark, E. L. (2002). Characterization of multiterawatt laser-solid interactions for proton acceleration. Review of Scientific Instruments, 73(12), 4176-4184. doi:10.1063/1.1516855Spencer, I., Ledingham, K. W. D., McKenna, P., McCanny, T., Singhal, R. P., Foster, P. S., … Davies, J. R. (2003). 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Applied Physics Letters, 94(6), 061107. doi:10.1063/1.3078291Antici, P., Fuchs, J., d’ Humières, E., Lefebvre, E., Borghesi, M., Brambrink, E., … Pépin, H. (2007). Energetic protons generated by ultrahigh contrast laser pulses interacting with ultrathin targets. Physics of Plasmas, 14(3), 030701. doi:10.1063/1.2480610Green, J. S., Carroll, D. C., Brenner, C., Dromey, B., Foster, P. S., Kar, S., … Zepf, M. (2010). Enhanced proton flux in the MeV range by defocused laser irradiation. New Journal of Physics, 12(8), 085012. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/8/085012Zeil, K., Kraft, S. D., Bock, S., Bussmann, M., Cowan, T. E., Kluge, T., … Schramm, U. (2010). The scaling of proton energies in ultrashort pulse laser plasma acceleration. New Journal of Physics, 12(4), 045015. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/4/045015Nishiuchi, M., Daido, H., Yogo, A., Orimo, S., Ogura, K., Ma, J., … Azuma, H. (2008). 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    2,3,9- and 2,3,11-Trisubstituted tetrahydroprotoberberines as D2 dopaminergic ligands

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    Dopamine-mediated neurotransmission plays an important role in relevant psychiatric and neurological disorders. Nowadays, there is an enormous interest in the development of new dopamine receptors (DR) acting drugs as potential new targets for the treatment of schizophrenia or Parkinson's disease. Previous studies have revealed that isoquinoline compounds such as tetrahydroisoquinolines (THIQs) and tetrahydroprotoberberines (THPBs) can behave as selective D2 dopaminergic alkaloids since they share structural similarities with dopamine. In the present study we have synthesized eleven 2,3,9- and 2,3,11-trisubstituted THPB compounds (six of them are described for the first time) and evaluated their potential dopaminergic activity. Binding studies on rat striatal membranes were used to evaluate their affinity and selectivity towards D1 and D2 DR and establish the structure-activity relationship (SAR) as dopaminergic agents. In general, all the tested THPBs with protected phenolic hydroxyls showed a lower affinity for D1 and D2 DR than their corresponding homologues with free hydroxyl groups. In previous studies in which dopaminergic affinity of 1-benzyl-THIQs (BTHIQs) was evaluated, the presence of a Cl into the A-ring resulted in increased affinity and selectivity towards D2 DR. This is in contrast with the current study since the existence of a chlorine atom into the A-ring of the THPBs caused increased affinity for D1 DR but dramatically reduced the selectivity for D2 DR. An OH group in position 9 of the THPB (9f) resulted in a higher affinity for DR than its homologue with an OH group in position 11 (9e) (250 fold for D2 DR). None of the compounds showed any cytotoxicity in freshly isolated human neutrophils. A molecular modelling study of three representative THPBs was carried out. The combination of MD simulations with DFT calculations provided a clear picture of the ligand binding interactions from a structural and energetic point of view. Therefore, it is likely that compound 9d (2,3,9-trihydroxy-THPB) behave as D2 DR agonist since serine residues cluster are crucial for agonist binding and receptor activation

    Internacionalización de las prácticas de laboratorio en las asignaturas del área de Electromagnetismo del grado de Ingeniería Electrónica

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    En esta memoria se describen los resultados del proyecto num 122, "Internacionalización de las prácticas de laboratorio en las asignaturas del área de Electromagnetismo del grado de Ingeniería Electrónica". Se han realizado más de veinte vídeos divulgativos en ingles sobre las técnicas experimentales que se estudian en las asignaturas del Área de Electromagnetismo de la Ingeniería Electrónica de Comunicaciones. Estos vídeos se han cargado en un canal de Youtube, al que se puede acceder desde la página web www.ucm.es/elec