2,061 research outputs found


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    FAREM - CARAZO “Fomentando el espíritu emprendedor y la innovación en los jóvenes, potenciando habilidades y destrezas hacia la cultura empresarial”. El día jueves 05 de septiembre, en el auditorio “Eliseo Carranza” de la FAREM - Carazo, se realizó la Primera Competencia de Innovación y Emprendedurismo Empresarial 2013, presidieron está actividad los miembros del Consejo Facultativo, estuvieron como invitados todos los docentes, estudiantes de las distintas carreras, así como empresarios del departamento de Carazo, las palabras de bienvenida estuvieron a cargo del Decano Msc. Pedro Aburto Jarquín, en sus palabras destacó la importancia del Emprendedurismo y la Innovación como mecanismo de desarrollo económico y como una alternativa para los jóvenes de convertirse en empresarios generadores de empleo

    A Semiparametric Estimation of Liquidity Effects on Option Pricing

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    This paper proposes a semiparametric option pricing model with liquidity, as proxied by the relative bid-ask spread. The nonparametric volatility function with liquidity as an explanatory variable is estimated using the Symmetrized Nearest Neighbors (SNN) estimator rather than the traditional kernel estimator. Moreover, special care is taken in obtaining the smoothing parameter. The in-sample performance of the model turns out to be statistically favorable relative to a competing model without liquidity. However, the out-of-sample performance of both models is quite disappointing despite the fact that we are not to reject the stability of risk-neutral densities estimated over different quarters during our sample period.multivariate kernel regression, bandwidth selection, symmetrized nearest neighbors, volatility smile, option pricing

    Solid flow drives surface nanopatterning by ion-beam irradiation

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    Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) is known to produce surface nanopatterns over macroscopic areas on a wide range of materials. However, in spite of the technological potential of this route to nanostructuring, the physical process by which these surfaces self-organize remains poorly under- stood. We have performed detailed experiments of IBS on Si substrates that validate dynamical and morphological predictions from a hydrodynamic description of the phenomenon. Our results elucidate flow of a nanoscopically thin and highly viscous surface layer, driven by the stress created by the ion-beam, as a description of the system. This type of slow relaxation is akin to flow of macroscopic solids like glaciers or lead pipes, that is driven by defect dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    An empirical comparison of the performance of alternative option pricing models

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    Published as an article in: Investigaciones Economicas, 2005, vol. 29, issue 3, pages 483-523.option pricing, conditional volatility, SNN Nonparametric estimator

    A logarithmic version of the complex generalized Smith Chart

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    Based on the complex analysis of the Lossy Transmission Line Theory, which involves the result of a Generalized Smith Chart, a new version of the last one arises when trying to characterize the wave impedance along the Transmission Line by means of analytical complex functions. Among these functions, the complex logarithm of the reflection coefficient leads to the logarithmic-reflexion coefficient-plane and its parameterized version, the Logarithmic Generalized Smith Chart. This plane is specially useful for characterizing the Transmission Line along its extension. To validate these results, some examples will be presented providing physical interpretations to the behaviour of a lossy TL and pointing out some practical applications

    Presencia de las mujeres en los gobiernos municipales españoles. Perspectivas histórica y territorial (1979- 2019)

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    The aim of this study is, firstly, to assess women’s presence in local government in Spain from 1979 to 2019, a period which coincides with forty years of democracy and has witnessed more than ten elections, and secondly, to determine whether the gender gap has narrowed. In particular, we wanted to identify any possible changes produced as a result of the entry into force of Organic Law 3/2007 on the Effective Equality of Women and Men. Our results show that women’s presence in town councils has increased, but that there are marked differences in internal trends. Besides the historical viewpoint, this research also includes a territorial perspective. Thus, in order to explain the territorial distribution of the results, Moran’s Index of Spatial Autocorrelation was used, analysing data on the presence of female mayors and councillors in more than 8,100 town councils. The variables considered were: territorial proximity, measured using the univariate Moran’s I; degree of rurality, defined according to municipality size; and the presence of women for the first time. For the latter two variables, we conducted a bivariate analysis (bivariate Moran’s I), correlating them with the presence of female mayors and the percentage of female councillors as dependent variables. We found few territorial patterns; instead, our results indicate a high degree of randomness, which could be attributed to the diverse nature of municipalities in the country.El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la presencia de mujeres en los gobiernos locales en España desde 1979 hasta 2019, un perĂ­odo que coincide con cuarenta años de democracia y ha sido testigo de mĂĄs de diez elecciones. En segundo lugar, determinar si la brecha de gĂ©nero en este aspecto ha aumentado o se ha estrechado. En particular, hemos querido identificar los posibles cambios producidos como consecuencia de la entrada en vigor de la Ley OrgĂĄnica 3/2007 para la Igualdad Efectiva de Mujeres y Hombres. Nuestros resultados muestran que la presencia de mujeres en los ayuntamientos ha aumentado, pero que existen marcadas diferencias en las tendencias internas. AdemĂĄs del punto de vista histĂłrico, esta investigaciĂłn incluye la perspectiva territorial. AsĂ­, para explicar la distribuciĂłn territorial de los resultados se utilizĂł el Índice de AutocorrelaciĂłn Espacial de Moran, analizando datos sobre la presencia de alcaldesas y concejalas en mĂĄs de 8.100 ayuntamientos. Las variables consideradas fueron: proximidad territorial, medida mediante el I. univariante de Moran; grado de ruralidad, definido segĂșn el tamaño del municipio; y la presencia de mujeres por primera vez. Para estas dos Ășltimas variables, realizamos un anĂĄlisis bivariante (I. bivariante de Moran), correlacionĂĄndolas con la presencia de alcaldesas y el porcentaje de concejalas como variables dependientes. Encontramos pocos patrones territoriales, y por el contrario, nuestros resultados indican un alto grado de aleatoriedad, lo que podrĂ­a atribuirse a la naturaleza diversa de los municipios del paĂ­s

    RevisĂŁo de propostas metodolĂłgicas: uma taxonomia de agrupamento categĂłrico

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    Actualmente, no existe ninguna taxonomĂ­a vinculada a la metodologĂ­a que agrupe diferentes elementos metodolĂłgicos en funciĂłn del carĂĄcter activo e instructivo de los mismos y de la etapa educativa a la que mejor se adecĂșen en tĂ©rminos de utilizaciĂłn. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigaciĂłn fue establecer una taxonomĂ­a considerando 76 recursos, estrategias, tĂ©cnicas y mĂ©todos didĂĄcticos obtenidos tras una revisiĂłn de la principal literatura nacional e internacional. Para establecer la taxonomĂ­a, se elaborĂł y validĂł por medio del procedimiento de juicio de expertos la escala EVEMDT. La misma, fue administrada a un panel de 30 expertos quienes asistieron a un seminario de formaciĂłn impartido por los investigadores, para valorar el carĂĄcter instructivo o activo y la adecuaciĂłn a la etapa educativa de los 76 elementos metodolĂłgicos. Los resultados permitieron establecer una taxonomĂ­a donde aparecen 25 y 51 recursos, estrategias, tĂ©cnicas y mĂ©todos didĂĄcticos instructivos y activos respectivamente, clasificados tambiĂ©n en funciĂłn de la etapa educativa a la que mejor se adapten en tĂ©rminos de utilizaciĂłn. Se concluye que, las taxonomĂ­as con las que comparar los resultados son exiguas, aspecto que permite a esta ser un referente para los docentes a la hora de decidir quĂ© recursos, estrategias, tĂ©cnicas y mĂ©todos didĂĄcticos utilizar en funciĂłn de la etapa educativa en la que se ubique el alumnado y el papel que quieran dotarle en sus procesos de aprendizaje.Currently, there is no taxonomy linked to the methodology that groups different methodological elements based on both their active and instructive nature and the educational stage where they are best suited in terms of use. Hence, the objective of this research was to establish a taxonomy taking into account 76 resources, strategies, techniques and teaching methods obtained after a review of the main national and international literature. In order to establish the taxonomy, the EVEMDT scale was developed and validated through the expert judgment procedure. The EVEMDT scale was administered to a panel of 30 experts who attended a training seminar conducted by the researchers, to assess both the instructive or active nature and the 76 methodological elements adaptation to the educational stage. Results shows a taxonomy composed of 25 and 51 didactic resources, didactic strategies, didactic techniques and didactic methods respectively, also classified according to the educational stage where they are best suited in terms of use. It was concluded that taxonomies to compare the results are reduced, so that this taxonomy could be a reference for teachers when deciding what resources, strategies, techniques and teaching methods to use depending both the studentsÂŽ educational stage and the role they want to give them in their learning processes.Atualmente nĂŁo existe uma taxonomia ligada Ă  metodologia que agrupe diferentes elementos metodolĂłgicos de acordo com o seu carĂĄcter ativo e instrutivo e com a fase educacional a que mais se adequam quanto ao uso. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estabelecer uma taxonomia considerando 76 recursos, estratĂ©gias, tĂ©cnicas e mĂ©todos de ensino obtidos apĂłs uma revisĂŁo da principal literatura nacional e internacional. Para estabelecer a taxonomia, a escala EVEMDT foi desenvolvida e validada por meio do procedimento de perĂ­cia. A mesma foi administrada a um painel de 30 especialistas, que assistiram a um seminĂĄrio de formação ministrado pelos investigadores, para avaliação do carĂĄcter instrutivo ou ativo e a adequação Ă  fase educacional dos 76 elementos metodolĂłgicos. Os resultados permitiram estabelecer uma taxonomia onde aparecem, respectivamente, 25 e 51 recursos, estratĂ©gias, tĂ©cnicas e mĂ©todos didĂĄticos instrucionais e ativos, tambĂ©m classificados de acordo com o estĂĄgio educacional a que melhor se adaptam quanto ao uso. Conclui-se que as taxonomias com as quais comparar os resultados sĂŁo escassas, aspecto que permite ser uma referĂȘncia para o professor na hora de decidir quais recursos, estratĂ©gias, tĂ©cnicas e mĂ©todos didĂĄticos utilizar em função da etapa educativa em que os alunos se localizam e o papel que desejam lhes dar em seus processos de aprendizagem
