1,404 research outputs found

    Automated Functional Testing based on the Navigation of Web Applications

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    Web applications are becoming more and more complex. Testing such applications is an intricate hard and time-consuming activity. Therefore, testing is often poorly performed or skipped by practitioners. Test automation can help to avoid this situation. Hence, this paper presents a novel approach to perform automated software testing for web applications based on its navigation. On the one hand, web navigation is the process of traversing a web application using a browser. On the other hand, functional requirements are actions that an application must do. Therefore, the evaluation of the correct navigation of web applications results in the assessment of the specified functional requirements. The proposed method to perform the automation is done in four levels: test case generation, test data derivation, test case execution, and test case reporting. This method is driven by three kinds of inputs: i) UML models; ii) Selenium scripts; iii) XML files. We have implemented our approach in an open-source testing framework named Automatic Testing Platform. The validation of this work has been carried out by means of a case study, in which the target is a real invoice management system developed using a model-driven approach.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2011, arXiv:1108.208

    Hipótesis sobre la posición tectónica de la Sierra Arana (Granada)

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    La unidad de Sierra Arana, situada al NE de Granada, presenta caracteres estratigráficos bastante diferentes de las unidades más próximas (Sierra Elvira e Iznalloz). Por consideraciones paleogeográficas no es posible explicar satisfactoriatnctite el heteropismo entre la serie de Sierra Arana y las otras dos mencioriadas, como un simple cambio lateral de facies. De otro lado, es grande el parecido estratigráfico de Sierra Arana con unidades alóctonas del Subético Interno. En consecuencia se propone, como hipótesis verosímil, el carácter alóctono de la unidad de Sierra Arana

    Last-mile delivery optimization using GPS data a case study

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    The development of GPS data analysis and processing is contributing to new solutions in urban logistics, such as route characterization or client detection. The city of Quito, Ecuador, has problems regarding freight transportation. The reduction in magnitude of these problems, through the implementation of a responsible enterprise logistics system, can contribute to a better urban and economic development of this Latin-American capital city. This study proposes and analyses a solution in GPS data manipulation methodologies applied to urban freight distribution. The reliability of traditional routing software methods and truck drivers’ empiric knowledge are evaluated by comparing it to mathematical optimization algorithms which consider the city’s transportation network, modeled after the Asymmetric Traveling Salesperson Problem (ATSP). Tools used include Python for manipulating data and optimizing, CartoDB for Graphical Information Systems (GIS), and Compass (a logistics application developed by MIT) for generation of route indicators. The results of this study represent a better understanding of solutions to last-mile delivery operations in Quito, and suggest mathematical optimization is a reliable way to develop freight transportation routes

    El estudio de la comunicación interna en el contexto del grado de publicidad y RR PP de la universidad de Cádiz

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    The importance and the need of communication with the stakeholders that organizations is growing but the attention that they pay to internal communication is still limited. Taking in consideration a material level, internal communication suffers from poorly consolidated budgets and unskilled employment for management. Also, on a psychological level, internal communication receives little attention from the head of the organizations. Many authors (Piñuel , 1997 : 103; Villafane, 1999 : 301; Hernandez, 1991 : 268 ) have shown the low importance given by companies to internal communication. Training competent university students in this type of communication should help to resolve this situation. According to the White Book in Communication Sciences, Advertising and Public Relations the degree students, as corporate communication managers, should be able to manage the internal communication of the company correctly. In this paper we analyse the learning process of the students of the degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Cádiz, focusing in the internal communication training. Reflexing about this process, improvement will reflect on the learning process of internal communication and deficiencies detected can help to forecast future shortfalls. 119 students of the subject Business Communication Systems were chosen to this study. They were tasked to develop an internal communication plan for a small and medium sized businesses, created for themselves, in which they should carry out a situation analysis, strategies, goals, and tools to perform the plan. The results show difficulties defining the organization’s internal stakeholders that result in objectives and tools unsuitable for the internal communication plan. This confusion could justify the low awareness with internal communication detectedFrente a la creciente importancia y necesidad de comunicación con los públicos que tienen las organizaciones de todo tipo, la atención que las empresas prestan a la comunicación interna es todavía escasa. A nivel material la comunicación interna adolece de presupuestos poco consolidados y de personal poco cualificado para su gestión. Además, a nivel psicológico recibe escasa atención desde las direcciones de las organizaciones. Numerosos autores (Piñuel, 1997: 103; Villafañe, 1999: 301; Hernández, 1991: 268) han puesto de manifiesto la escasa importancia que le otorgan las empresas a este tipo de comunicación. Formar a universitarios competentes en este tipo de comunicación debería ayudar a solventar esta situación. De acuerdo con el Libro blanco de los títulos de grado en Ciencias de la Comunicación los estudiantes del grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, como gestores de la comunicación corporativa, serán capaces de gestionar la comunicación interna de la empresa correctamente. En este trabajo se analiza el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes del Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad de Cádiz desde el punto de vista de la formación en comunicación interna. De esta forma se reflexiona sobre el propio proceso de aprendizaje de la comunicación interna y se detectan carencias presentes que permitan prever insuficiencias futuras. Para ello se eligió a los 119 alumnos de la asignatura de Sistemas de Comunicación Empresarial I a quienes se les encargó la tarea de desarrollar un plan de comunicación interna para pequeñas y medianas empresas creadas por ellos mismos en el que desarrollasen un análisis situacional, estrategias, objetivos, y herramientas para poder llevar a cabo la implementación real de dicho plan. Los resultados muestran dificultades para definir los públicos internos de una organización que se traducen en objetivos y herramientas poco acordes a un plan de comunicación interna. Esta confusión podría justificar la escasa concienciación con la comunicación interna detectad

    Revolución e iglesia en Nicaragua a través del relato de vida de Fernando Cardenal

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    En este artículo vamos a tratar sobre la figura de Fernando Cardenal, jesuita nicaragüense que, durante su noviciado en Medellín, conoció de cerca la pobreza de sus habitantes. Juró dedicar el resto de su vida a combatirla. Su paso por la clandestinidad, la dirección de la Cruzada de alfabetización, su cargo en el Ministerio de Educación, su expulsión de la Compañía de Jesús (y posterior reingreso), así como su salida del Frente Sandinista son la consecuencia de aquel juramento . A todo ello nos referimos en la presente publicación

    An Analysis of the Influence of Students´ Technological Culture on Their Technology

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    decade has raised the interest among the research community on the acceptance and use of these systems by both teachers and students. At first, the implementation of LMS was based on their technical design and the adaptation of the learning processes to the virtual environment, neglecting students’ characteristics when the systems were deployed, which led to expensive and failing implementations. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) proposes a framework which allows the study of the acceptance and use of technology that takes into consideration the students’ characteristics and how they affect the acceptance and the degree of use of educational technology. This study questions the role of the user’s attitude towards use of LMS and uses the UTAUT to examine the moderating effect of technological culture in the adoption of LMS in Spain. The results from the comparison and analysis of three different models confirm the relevance of attitude towards use as an antecedent of intention to use the system, as well as the important moderating effect of gender and technological culture. The discussion of results suggests the need for a more in-depth analysis and interrelations of cultural dimensions in the adoption of educational technologies and learning management system

    Datos estratigráficos sobre la serie mesozica del río de las Juntas (Montillana, Zona Subbética, Granada)

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    Se describe un corte de la serie mesozoica correspondiente al dominio Subbético medio. Una abundante fauna de Amonites precisa la edad Aalenense-Bajocense de una colada volcánica submarina interestratificada en la serie

    Modelling Acetification with Artificial Neural Networks and Comparison with Alternative Procedures

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    Modelling techniques allow certain processes to be characterized and optimized without the need for experimentation. One of the crucial steps in vinegar production is the biotransformation of ethanol into acetic acid by acetic bacteria. This step has been extensively studied by using two predictive models: first-principles models and black-box models. The fact that first-principles models are less accurate than black-box models under extreme bacterial growth conditions suggests that the kinetic equations used by the former, and hence their goodness of fit, can be further improved. By contrast, black-box models predict acetic acid production accurately enough under virtually any operating conditions. In this work, we trained black-box models based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) type and containing a single hidden layer to model acetification. The small number of data typically available for a bioprocess makes it rather difficult to identify the most suitable type of ANN architecture in terms of indices such as the mean square error (MSE). This places ANN methodology at a disadvantage against alternative techniques and, especially, polynomial modelling

    Functional Analysis of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Bifidobacteria and Their Effects on Human Health

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    Many lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and Bifidobacteria are beneficial components of human, animal, foods, and beverage microbiota [...]This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, grant number RTI2018-097114-B-I00

    Los Mantos apujárrides del tercio central de las Cordilleras Béticas. Ensayo de la correlación tectónica de los Alpujárrides

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    Los Mantos Alpujárrides se componen de una secuencia metapelítica constituída en general por tres formaciones esquistosas (Paleozoico-Triásico inferior), coronada por series carbonatadas triásicas; se detectan diferencias esiratigráficas de unos mantos a otros, sobre todo entre términos permetriásicos. Las superficies de corrimiento han cizallado la sucesión alpujárride y se hallan situadas a niveles diferentes según los mantos. El metamorfismo -y también varias fases de plegamiento- es anterior a la tectónica de corrimiento y ha afectado a los materiales con una intensidad variable, dependiente de las posiciones ocupadas por los mantos en el orógeno. Una vez discutido el valor de estas características como criterios para el agrupamiento de los Alpujárrides y considerando la posición de cada unidad en la pila de mantos, se ha realizado una subdivisión engrupos de mantos que poseen el carácter de subconjuntos con entidad tectónica significativa fundados esencialmente en datos y observaciones de los autores sobre el tercio central de las Cordilleras Béticas, se proponen los siguientes grupos: Lujar, Guadalfeo, Contraviesa y Almijara.Estos grupos tienen validez para el resto de la Zona Bética y se han usado en la correlación de elementos tectónicos de distintas áreas