18 research outputs found

    The Feminist Critical Theory as an Epistemic Corrective in Psychology

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    [Resumen] El artículo comienza analizando la situación de las mujeres en la psicología (como sujetos y objetos de conocimiento); para posteriormente abordar cómo el feminismo, como teoría crítica y movimiento social, ha transformado la psicología. En primer lugar, describe cómo las pioneras psicólogas utilizaron sus conocimientos científicos para desmontar mitos sobre la inferioridad de las mujeres y los efectos de la educación en su salud. En segundo lugar, analiza cómo los feminismos de los 70 denunciaron el androcentrismo en salud mental y crearon los grupos de auto-conciencia como formas colectivas de politizar los malestares con efectos terapéuticos. Por último, cómo las psicólogas feministas han criticado la esencialización de las diferencias y los dualismos de sexo/género y la patologización de la diversidad. El artículo termina con una reflexión sobre las relaciones entre el feminismo y la psicología hoy.[Abstract] The article begins by analyzing the situation of women in psychology (as subjects and objects of knowledge); to later address how feminism, as a critical theory and social movement, has transformed psychology. First, it describes how the pioneering psychologists used their scientific knowledge to dismantle myths about the inferiority of women and the effects of education on their health. Second, it analyzes how the feminisms of the 70s denounced androcentrism in mental health and created the groups of self-consciousness as collective forms of politicizing discomforts with therapeutic effects. Finally, how feminist psychologists have criticized the essentialization of sex and gender differences and dualisms and the pathologization of diversity. The article ends with a reflection on the relations between feminism and psychology today

    Intersections around ambivalent sexism: Internalized homonegativity, resistance to heteronormativity andte other correlates

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    This article explores the connections between the construct of sexism and other sociodemographic and attitudinal variables, such as internalized homonegativity and heteronormative resistances, among psychology students. Both unrefined and inferential analyses were used with a representative sample of 841 psychology students from public universities in Madrid. Results showed higher levels of sexism, internalized homonegativity and low resistances to heteronormativity among groups of men, heterosexuals and conservatives. Interactions were found that showed a higher degree of hostile sexism in: heterosexual people with respect to LGB and heterosexual men with respect to heterosexual women. Also, interactions were found to show a greater degree of heteronormative resistance in: LGB people with respect to heterosexuals and left-wing women with respect to right-wing women. Correlations with sexism varied according to gender identity and sexual orientation. In addition, heteronormative resistances correlated negatively with sexism, while some components of internalized homonegativity correlated positively. Political affiliation was the most frequent predictor of sexism. The results highlight the need for an intersectional approach to understanding the phenomenon of sexism.This research and article are made possible by the guidance and support of the project team “FEM2016-76797-R: Epistemologías feministas y activismos en salud”

    Los test de masculinidad/feminidad como tecnologías psicológicas de control de género

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    En este artículo, hacemos un recorrido por la creación y uso de los test de masculinidad y feminidad como tecnologías de género. Desde sus orígenes ligados a la medición de las diferencias entre los sexos (midiendo actitudes e intereses), pasando por su uso en la identificación de desviaciones sexuales (especialmente la homosexualidad-feminidad en varones), sus mediciones conscientes e inconscientes, hasta su uso actual con población trans e intersex o de conformidad con los roles de género y su relación con la salud. De cada instrumento proporcionamos una breve descripción, la crítica recibida y sus secuelas posteriores. Por último, abordamos algunas cuestiones metodológicas y conceptuales que siguen sin resolverse.In this article, we take a look at the creation and use of masculinity and femininity test as gender technologies. From its origins linked to the measurement of gender differences (measuring attitudes and interests), through its use in the identification of sexual deviations (especially homosexuality-femininity in men), its conscious and unconscious measurements, to its current use with trans and intersex populations or in accordance with gender roles and its relationship with health. For each instrument, we provide a brief description, the criticism received and its subsequent aftermath. Finally, we address some methodological and conceptual issues that remain unresolved

    El sexismo como constructo en psicología : una revisión de teorías e instrumentos

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    En el artículo se revisan las contribuciones más relevantes sobre el constructo de sexis-mo. En particular, se analizan las teorías de Masculinidad y Feminidad y los diferentes modelos contemporáneos que han recibido mayor atención en la literatura psicológica española. Además, se discuten los instrumentos generados a raíz de sus correspondientes teorías y se realiza un análisis crítico de los más utilizados. Finalmente se hace una refle-xión sobre los rumbos actuales del constructo de sexismo.The article reviews the most relevant contributions on the construct of sexism. In particu-lar, the theories of Masculinity and Femininity and the different contemporary models that have received more attention in the Spanish psychological literature are analyzed. In addition, the instruments generated as a result of their corresponding theories are dis-cussed and a critical analysis of the most used instruments is carried out. Finally, a re-flection is made on the current courses of the construct of sexism

    Perception of Dating Violence in Teenage Couples: A Cross Validation Study in Spain and Colombia

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    Background: dating violence, or violence in teenage couples, is a socially interesting topic, due to its prevalence and its possible use in predicting violence in adult couples. The perception of violence, or the detection of abusive behaviors by teenagers and young people (which can be considered as equivalent concepts), is essential to prevent violence itself. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to determine which behaviors are identified as abusive by teenagers and young people, and the severity that they attribute to them¿meaning how they perceive them. Moreover, we will be able to determine whether there are differences between boys and girls in two countries: Spain and Colombia. Methods: for this study, we used two samples from both countries, with a total of 389 teenagers (50.9% females and 49.1% males) who were, on average, 16.56 years old (SD = 1.94 years). We analyzed the factorial invariance depending on sex and country of the sample and the different profiles of violence perception. Results: we found evidence of the internal validity of the questionnaire for what concerns the perception of inter-partner violence. The results point out that the perception of violence in the relationship is composed of two factors related to each other (Multiple and Emotional Abuse), which are invariant depending of sex and country of origin of the sample. The internal consistency of the test is adequate (>0.90). The analysis of the violence perception profiles indicates that Spanish teenagers have a higher perception of it, and, also, that girls hold a higher perception than boys. Conclusions: the results of this research have shown how dating violence (or violence in teenage couples) is differentially perceived not only between genders, but also across cultural contexts. Moreover, these outcomes may enhance the development of possible evidence-based interventions approaching the social problem generated by violence in teenage couples

    Antecedentes feministas de los grupos de apoyo mutuo en el movimiento loco: un análisis histórico-crítico

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    Mutual support groups are one of the most important collective actions in the psychiatric survivors movement or mad movement. Among its precursors, different proposals from social movements and community perspectives on collective health have been mainly well-known. In this article we carry out a historical overview of their antecedents, pointing out different actions from the Women’s Liberation Movement and the Women’s Health Movement. From this, we perform a critical analysis considering three axes to understand the emergence of collective actions in mental health: personal experience in relation to the sociopolitical structure; the construction of political subjects in this field; and power relationships in the management of madness and psychological discomfort. We show how mutual support groups, in the context of the mad movement, give continuity to the trajectories of collective and feminist health actions, and are positioned as tools for the creation of political processes in different sociocultural contexts.Los grupos de apoyo mutuo son una de las acciones colectivas más presentes en el movimiento de salud mental en primera persona o movimiento loco. Entre sus precursores se han destacado, principalmente, distintas propuestas de movimientos sociales y de perspectivas comunitarias y colectivas en salud. En este artículo realizamos un recorrido histórico señalando, como antecedentes, diferentes acciones del movimiento de liberación de las mujeres y el movimiento de salud de las mujeres. A partir de dicho recorrido, realizamos un análisis crítico considerando tres ejes para comprender la emergencia de acciones colectivas en salud mental: la experiencia personal en relación con lo sociopolítico; la construcción de sujetos políticos y de conocimiento; y las relaciones de poder en la gestión de la locura y el malestar psíquico. Mostramos cómo los grupos de apoyo mutuo, en el contexto del movimiento loco, dan continuidad a las trayectorias de gestión colectiva y feminista de la salud, y se posicionan como herramientas para la creación de procesos políticos en distintos contextos socioculturales

    El olvido de las mujeres pioneras en La Historia de la Psicología

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    Chesler, Phyllis (2019). Mujeres y locura. Madrid: Continta Me Tienes [Reseña]

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    [Resumen] Reseña: Chesler, Phyllis (2019). Mujeres y locura. Madrid: Continta Me Tiene

    Un viaje por las emociones en procesos de investigación feminista

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    En este artículo enfatizamos el valor epistémico de las emociones en los procesos de investigación (en el saber qué y en el saber cómo). Nos centramos no sólo en cómo las emociones de quien investiga afectan el proceso de investigación sino cómo el propio proceso afecta –emocionalmente- a las investigadoras. En concreto, explicamos las diferentes razones por las cuales es importante reconocer el papel de las emociones en los procesos de investigación: metodológicas e instrumentales, éticas, analíticas, políticas y sanadoras. También exponemos los inconvenientes de enfatizar las emociones en la investigación. Partiendo del concepto de “reflexividad fuerte” de las epistemologías feministas, proponemos un viaje para reflexionar sobre las emociones y sus diferentes implicaciones en una investigación académica: el impacto emocional de la investigación en la investigadora (especialmente cuando se trabaja con población vulnerable), el trabajo emocional que implica la investigación y, en concreto, el trabajo de campo (y los dilemas éticos que puede implicar), las emociones como datos o evidencia y el conocimiento emocionalmente sentido.In this paper, we emphasize the epistemic value of emotions in the research process (to know what and know how). We focus not only on how the researcher's emotions affect the research process but also on how the process itself affects – emotionally- the researchers. Specifically, we explain the different reasons why it is important to recognize the role of emotions in research processes: methodological and instrumental, ethical, analytical, political and “healers”. We also expose the drawbacks of emphasizing emotions in research. Starting from the concept of "strong reflexivity" of feminist epistemologies, we propose a journey through emotions and their different implications in feminist research: the emotional impact of research on the researcher (especially when working with vulnerable population); the “emotional work” involved in the research and, specifically, in the fieldwork (and the ethical dilemmas that may involve); emotions as data/evidence and emotionally sensed knowledge