197 research outputs found

    Analysis of Synaptic Proteins in the Cerebrospinal Fluid as a New Tool in the Study of Inborn Errors of Neurotransmission

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    Abstract In a few rare diseases, specialised studies in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are required to identify the underlying metabolic disorder. We aimed to explore the possibility of detecting key synaptic proteins in the CSF, in particular dopaminergic and gabaergic, as new procedures that could be useful for both pathophysiological and diagnostic purposes in investigation of inherited disorders of neurotransmission. Dopamine receptor type 2 (D2R), dopamine transporter (DAT) and vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 (VMAT2) were analysed in CSF samplesfrom 30 healthy controls (11 days to 17 years) by western blot analysis. Because VMAT2 was the only protein with intracellular localisation, and in order to compare results, GABA vesicular transporter, which is another intracellular protein, was also studied. Spearman’s correlation and Student’s t tests were applied to compare optical density signals between different proteins. All these synaptic proteins could be easily detected and quantified in the CSF. DAT, D2R and GABA VT expression decrease with age, particularly in the first months of life, reflecting the expected intense synaptic activity and neuronal circuitry formation. A statistically significant relationship was found between D2R and DAT expression, reinforcing the previous evidence of DAT regulation by D2R. To our knowledge, there are no previous studies on human CSF reporting a reliable analysis of these proteins. These kinds of studies could help elucidate new causes of disturbed dopaminergic and gabaergic transmission as well as understanding different responses to L-dopa in inherited disorders affecting dopamine metabolism. Moreover, this approach to synaptic activity in vivo can be extended to different groups of proteins and diseases

    Undetectable Levels of CSF Amyloid-β Peptide in a Patient with 17β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Deficiency

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    17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 10 (HSD10) deficiency is a rare X-linked inborn error of isoleucine catabolism. Although this protein has been genetically implicated in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis, studies of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) in patients with HSD10 deficiency have not been previously reported. We found, in a severely affected child with HSD10 deficiency, undetectable levels of Aβ in the cerebrospinal fluid, together with low expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, α-synuclein, and serotonin metabolites. Confirmation of these findings in other patients would help elucidating mechanisms of synaptic dysfunction in this disease, and highlight the role of Aβ in both early and late periods of life

    Evaluation of biological control agents for managing cucurbit powdery mildew on greenhouse-grown melon

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    An evaluation was made of the ability of two mycoparasite-based products AQ10® (Ampelomyces quisqualis) and Mycotal® (Lecanicillium lecanii), as well as three strains of Bacillus subtilis, to manage powdery mildew disease, caused by Podosphaera fusca on melon seedlings maintained under different regimes of relative humidity and on plants grown under greenhouse conditions in Spain. In every case fungal and bacterial biocontrol agents (BCAs) performed better under conditions of high relative humidity (90–95% RH). In greenhouse experiments, the effectiveness of the mycoparasites to manage powdery mildew was absolutely dependent on mineral oil. The strains of B. subtilis provided disease control similar to that achieved with the mycoparasites or the fungicide azoxystrobin. Microscopic analysis showed the ability of these bacterial strains to efficiently colonize leaf surfaces and revealed the occurrence of antagonistic interactions between biological agents and P. fusca structures. These results confirmed the usefulness of these BCAs for managing powdery mildew on greenhouse-grown cucurbits either as single products or as a component of integrated control programmes.Estación Experimental ‘La Mayora’ (CSIC), Algarrobo-Costa, 29750 Málaga, Spain Grupo de Microbiología y Patología Vegetal-Unidad Asociada a CSIC, Departamento de Microbiología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga, 29071 MálagaPeer reviewe

    A Method for Estimation of Population-Densities of Ice Nucleating Active Pseudomonas-Syringae in Buds and Leaves of Mango

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    Active ice nucleation strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae have been associated with a necrotic disease in mango trees growing in Málaga (southern Spain). In this paper a simple multiple-tube test is described to estimate the number of active ice nucleation bacteria associated with plant tissues and, also from suspensions of isolated bacterial strains.Peer reviewe

    Contribution of mangotoxin to the virulence and epiphytic fitness of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae

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    Mangotoxin is an antimetabolite toxin that inhibits ornithine acetyl transferase, a key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of ornithine and arginine and recently reported in strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) isolated from mango. Since symptoms on mango tissues are very difficult to reproduce, in this study the role of mangotoxin in Pss virulence was addressed by analyzing the in planta growth and development of disease symptoms on tomato leaflets. Inoculation experiments were carried out following several procedures using the wild-type strain Pss UMAF0158, two Tn5-mutant derivative strains defective in mangotoxin production, and their complemented derivative strains in which mangotoxin production is restored. The ability of the mangotoxin-defective mutants to grow in planta was similar, and their epiphytic survival on the tomato leaf surface identical to the wild-type and complemented strains. However, both the disease index data of incidence and the severity of necrotic symptoms indicated that mangotoxin-defective mutants were less virulent, indicating that mangotoxin is a virulence factor. Furthermore, competition experiments showed that the survival values of the wild-type strain were slightly but significantly higher than those of the mangotoxin-defective mutants, suggesting that mangotoxin production would improve the epiphytic fitness of Pss. [Int Microbiol 2009; 12(2):87-95

    Usefulness of analysis of cerebrospinal fluid for the diagnosis of neurotransmitters and pterin defects and glucose and folate transport deficiencies across blood brain barrier

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    Med Clin (Barc). 2006 Jun 17;127(3):81-5. [Usefulness of analysis of cerebrospinal fluid for the diagnosis of neurotransmitters and pterin defects and glucose and folate transport deficiencies across blood brain barrier] [Article in Spanish] Ormazabal A, García Cazorla A, Pérez Dueñas B, Pineda M, Ruiz A, López Laso E, García Silva M, Carilho I, Barbot C, Cormand B, Ribases M, Moller L, Fernández Alvarez E, Campistol J, Artuch R. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Esplugues, Barcelona, España. Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In the last few years, it has been described inborn errors of neurotransmitter and pterin metabolism and defects in folate and glucose transport across blood brain barrier. All these defects are classified as rare diseases and needs cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample analysis for diagnosis. Our aim was to evaluate the results of the application of a CSF analysis protocol in a pediatric population from Spain and Portugal presenting with neurological disorders of unknown origin. PATIENTS AND METHOD: We studied CSF samples from and 283 patients with neurological disorders of unknown origin and 127 controls. Neurotransmitters were analysed by HPLC with electrochemical detection, and pterins and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate were determined by HPLC with fluorescence detection. RESULTS: We diagnosed 3 patients with tyrosine hidroxylase deficiency, 2 with dopa responsive dystonia, 14 with GTP-ciclohydrolase deficiency, 2 with glucose transport deficiency and 43 with cerebral folate deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: This study allowed us to diagnose new patients, and more importantly, the establishment in all of them of a pharmacological or nutritional treatment. The most frequent defect found was CSF 5-methyltetrahydrofolate deficiency, which was present in different groups of patients. PMID: 16827996 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Red de seguimiento y coordinación del Máster en Ciencia de Materiales

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    El Máster en Ciencia de Materiales se imparte en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Alicante, consta de 60 créditos ECTS que se cursan durante 1 año académico. El máster está implantado desde el curso 2010-2011 por lo que durante el actual curso 2014-2015 tendremos la quinta promoción de egresados. La red docente está formada por la comisión académica del Máster en Ciencia de Materiales. Esta comisión (profesorado, alumno y personal de administración y servicios) lleva realizando un seguimiento de la titulación durante los 4 cursos anteriores. Por tanto la red tiene como objetivo principal el seguimiento, coordinación, evaluación y mejora de la planificación realizada con las experiencias recogidas a lo largo de estos años. Además, se realizará un estudio de los diferentes indicadores de calidad que utilizan las agencias de acreditación puesto que este año el Máster se someterá a la renovación de la acreditación

    Contribución al conocimiento de la flora de Andalucía: citas novedosas e interesantes de la provincia de Almería

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    Contribution to the knowledge about Andalusian flora: new and interesting cites of the Almería province.Palabras clave. Corología, Isla de Alborán, sureste ibérico, xenófitas.Key words. Corology, Alborán Island, South-Eastern Iberian Peninsula, xenophytes

    Red de seguimiento y coordinación del Máster en Ciencia de Materiales

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    El Máster en Ciencia de Materiales se imparte en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Alicante, consta de 60 créditos ECTS que se cursan durante 1 año académico. El máster está implantado desde el curso 2010-2011 por lo que durante el actual curso 2015-2016 tendremos la sexta promoción de egresados. La red docente está formada por la comisión académica del Máster en Ciencia de Materiales. Esta comisión (profesorado, alumno y personal de administración y servicios) lleva realizando un seguimiento de la titulación durante los 5 cursos anteriores. Por tanto la red tiene como objetivo principal el seguimiento, coordinación, evaluación y mejora de la planificación realizada con las experiencias recogidas a lo largo de estos años. Durante este curso el máster ha recibido la visita de los evaluadores y ha renovado la acreditación para su impartición