521 research outputs found

    Retos para la escuela del nuevo milenio

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    En este artículo reflexionamos sobre los cambios que la escuela hoy en día debe acometer como consecuencia de las transformaciones que se están produciendo en la sociedad. Pensamos que la escuela, como institución, ha de organizarse, gestionarse y guiarse desde unos nuevos parámetros, que sean capaces de dar respuestas y transmitir unos valores adaptados a las necesidades e ideales de los ciudadanos del nuevo milenio, proyectando una sociedad más justa e igualitaria, haciendo al hombre sujeto pensante y no sólo transmisor de conocimientos.In this article we reflect on the changes that the school nowadays must undertake as a result of the transformations that are being producing in society. We think that the school, as an institution, has to be organized, managed and guided by new parameters, which are capable of giving answers and transmitting values ​​adapted to the needs and ideals of the citizens of the new millennium, projecting a society more just and egalitarian, making man a thinking subject and not only knowledge transmitter

    A "quick look" at ultrafast ablation using fs-resolved phase-change microscopy

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    A pump-probe phase-change microscope with fs temporal resolution has been used to understand the transformation induced in the sample surface as a consequence of laser-matter interaction.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Traducción comentada de "The chronology of encient Kingdoms amended". Isaac Newton. 1728

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    En 1728, un año después de su muerte, se publicó en Inglaterra una obra escrita por Isaac Newton, hasta ahora inédita en español: The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended. A pesar de ser la obra a la que el inventor del cálculo, del método científico moderno y de la teoría de la gravitación universal le dedicó más años de su vida: 40 años a intervalos; no es una obra científica, sino de historia, en concreto, de cronología. Traducir al español esta obra por primera vez será el primer objetivo de esta investigación. Dada la transversalidad de la obra, ha sido una labor minuciosa intentar encontrar la traducción apropiada, puesto que trata distintos campos temáticos: la historia, la cronología, los estudios bíblicos, la astronomía, la mitología, las matemáticas, la filosofía, la arquitectura o la ingeniería. Para abarcar la obra en su totalidad, ahondaremos en la obra de Newton, sus escritos, la recepción que estos tuvieron entre sus contemporáneos y la recepción que tuvieron sus traducciones a otras lenguas, incluidas el español. Todo esto nos ayudará a comprender por qué al autor le interesaba tanto la cronología de los reinos antiguos hasta el punto de dedicarle cuarenta años de su vida a corregirla. ¿Por qué no fue publicada mientras él vivía y qué método utilizó para corregirla? Por último mediante el enfoque interpretativo y hermenéutico, analizaremos los principales problemas de traducción que plantea el texto. Justificaremos su marco traductológico y describiremos qué estrategias de traducción hemos utilizado y contrastado e indexaremos los nombres propios, con la idea de hacer llegar esta obra a los hablantes de lengua española en el mundo

    Re-engineering the ant colony optimization for CMP architectures

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    [EN] The ant colony optimization (ACO) is inspired by the behavior of real ants, and as a bioinspired method, its underlying computation is massively parallel by definition. This paper shows re-engineering strategies to migrate the ACO algorithm applied to the Traveling Salesman Problem to modern Intel-based multi- and many-core architectures in a step-by-step methodology. The paper provides detailed guidelines on how to optimize the algorithm for the intra-node (thread and vector) parallelization, showing the performance scalability along with the number of cores on different Intel architectures, reporting up to 5.5x speedup factor between the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing and Intel Xeon v2. Moreover, parallel efficiency is provided for all targeted architectures, finding that core load imbalance, memory bandwidth limitations, and NUMA effects on data placement are some of the key factors limiting performance. Finally, a distributed implementation is also presented, reaching up to 2.96x speedup factor when running the code on 3 nodes over the single-node counterpart version. In the latter case, the parallel efficiency is affected by the synchronization frequency, which also affects the quality of the solution found by the distributed implementation.This work was partially supported by the Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia under Project 20813/PI/18, and by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities as well as European Commission FEDER funds under Grants TIN2015-66972-C5-3-R, RTI2018-098156-B-C53, TIN2016-78799-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), and RTC-2017-6389-5. We acknowledge the excellent work done by Victor Montesinos while he was doing a research internship supported by the University of Murcia.Cecilia-Canales, JM.; García Carrasco, JM. (2020). Re-engineering the ant colony optimization for CMP architectures. The Journal of Supercomputing (Online). 76(6):4581-4602. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-019-02869-8S45814602766Yang XS (2010) Nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms. Luniver Press, LebanonAkila M, Anusha P, Sindhu M, Selvan Krishnasamy T (2017) Examination of PSO, GA-PSO and ACO algorithms for the design optimization of printed antennas. In: IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC)Dorigo M, Stützle T (2004) Ant colony optimization. A bradford book. The MIT Press, CambridgeCecilia JM, García JM, Nisbet A, Amos M, Ujaldón M (2013) Enhancing data parallelism for ant colony optimization on GPUs. J Parallel Distrib Comput 73(1):42–51Dawson L, Stewart I (2013) Improving ant colony optimization performance on the GPU using CUDA. In: IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pp 1901–1908Llanes A, Cecilia JM, Sánchez A, García JM, Amos M, Ujaldón M (2016) Dynamic load balancing on heterogeneous clusters for parallel ant colony optimization. Cluster Comput 19(1):1–11Cecilia JM, Llanes A, Abellán JL, Gómez-Luna J, Chang L, Hwu WW (2018) High-throughput ant colony optimization on graphics processing units. J Parallel Distrib Comput 113:261–274Lloyd H, Amos M (2016) A Highly Parallelized and Vectorized Implementation of Max–Min Ant System on Intel Xeon Phi. In: IEEE computational intelligenceTirado F, Barrientos RJ, González P, Mora M (2017) Efficient exploitation of the Xeon Phi architecture for the ant colony optimization (ACO) metaheuristic. J Supercomput 73(11):5053–5070Montesinos V, García JM (2018) Vectorization strategies for ant colony optimization on intel architectures. Parallel Computing is Everywhere. IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp 400–409Lawler E, Lenstra J, Kan A, Shmoys D (1987) The Traveling salesman problem. Wiley, New YorkMontesinos V (June 2018) Performance analysis of ant colony optimization on intel architectures. Master’s Thesis, University of Murcia (Spain)Lloyd H, Amos M (2017) Analysis of independent roulette selection in parallel ant colony optimization. In: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM, pp 19–26Dorigo M (1992) Optimization, learning and natural algorithms. Ph.D. Thesis, Politecnico di Milano, ItalyDuran A, Klemm M (2012) The intel many integrated core architecture. In: Internal Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS), pp 365–366The OpenMP API specification for parallel programming. URL: https://www.openmp.org . [Last accessed 14 June 2018]The Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard. URL: http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpi/ . [Last accessed 15 June 2018]Vladimirov A, Asai R (2016) Clustering modes in Knights landing processors: developer’s guide. Colfax international. URL: https://colfaxresearch.com/knl-numa/ . [Last accessed: 16 June 2018]Intel Developer Zone. URL: https://software.intel.com/en-us/modern-code . [Last accessed 02 Oct 2018]Pearce M (2018) What is code modernization? Intel developer zone. URL: http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/what-is-code-modernization . [Last accessed 15 Feb 2018]Stützle T ACOTSP v1.03. Last accessed 15 Feb 2018. URL: http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~mdorigo/ACO/downloads/ACOTSP-1.03.tgzReinelt G (1991) TSPLIB—a traveling salesman problem library. ORSA J Comput 3:376–384Crainic TG, Toulouse M (2003) Parallel strategies for meta-heuristics. State-of-the-art handbook in metaheuristics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp 475–513Delévacq A, Delisle P, Gravel M, Krajecki M (2013) Parallel ant colony optimization on graphics processing units. J Parallel Distrib Comput 73(1):52–61Skinderowicz R (2016) The GPU-based parallel ant colony system. J Parallel Distrib Comput 98:48–60Zhou Y, He F, Hou N, Qiu Y (2018) Parallel ant colony optimization on multi-core SIMD CPUs. Future Gener Comput Syst 79:473–487Peake J, Amos M, Yiapanis P, Lloyd H (2018) Vectorized candidate set selection for parallel ant colony optimization. In: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM, pp 1300–1306Stützle T (1998) Parallelization strategies for ant colony optimization. In: Eiben AE, Bäck T, Schoenauer M, Schwefel HP (eds) Parallel problem solving from nature—PPSN V. PPSN. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1498. Springer, Berlin, HeidelbergAbdelkafi O, Lepagnot J, Idoumghar L (2014) Multi-level parallelization for hybrid ACO. In: Siarry P, Idoumghar L, Lepagnot J (eds) Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization. ICSIBO 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8472. Springer, ChamMichel R, Middendorf M (1998) An island model based ant system with lookahead for the shortest super sequence problem. In: Eiben AE, Bäck T, Schoenauer M, Schwefel HP (eds) Parallel problem solving from nature— PPSN V. PPSN. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1498. Springer, Berlin, HeidelbergChen L, Sun H, Wang S (2008) Parallel implementation of ant colony optimization on MPP. In: International Conference on Machine Learning and CyberneticsLin Y, Cai H, Xiao J, Zhang J (2007) Pseudo parallel ant colony optimization for continuous functions. In: International Conference on Natural Computatio

    Femtosecond time-resolved phase-change microscopy and ablation threshold calculations to understand ultrafast laser ablation

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    El trabajo recoge experimentos realizados en una configuración sonda-prueba haciendo uso de un láser de femtosegundos, con el objetivo de comprender los fenómenos de ablación de materiales sólidos ras irradiación con láseres de pulso ultracorto.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Anticipating the locations in Europe of high-risk areas for West Nile virus outbreaks in 2021

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    West Nile virus infections in humans are continuously increasing, and the virus has spread considerably in Europe over the past decade. The incidence of the disease was unusually high between 2018 and 2020. The resulting model identifies the West Nile virus outbreak-prone areas during 2021, even in regions where the virus has not yet been discovered. It is remarkable that in Central Europe, new favourable areas are emerging, where early actions could lessen the impact of the disease

    Co-Existence of Inoculated Yeast and Lactic Acid Bacteria and Their Impact on the Aroma Profile and Sensory Traits of Tempranillo Red Wine

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    This study investigates the effects of simultaneous inoculation of a selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain with two different commercial strains of wine bacteria Oenococcus oeni at the beginning of the alcoholic fermentation on the kinetics of malolactic fermentation (MLF), wine chemical composition, and organoleptic characteristics in comparison with spontaneous MLF in Tempranillo grape must from Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Evolution of MLF was assessed by the periodic analysis of L-malic acid through the enzymatic method, and most common physiochemical parameters and sensory traits were evaluated using a standardized sensory analysis. The samples were analyzed by GC/MS in SCAN mode using a Trace GC gas chromatograph and a DSQII quadrupole mass analyzer. Co-inoculation reduced the overall fermentation time by up to 2 weeks leading to a lower increase in volatile acidity. The fermentation-derived wine volatiles profile was distinct between the co-inoculated wines and spontaneous MLF and was influenced by the selected wine bacteria used in co-inoculation. Co-inoculation allows MLF to develop under reductive conditions and results in wines with very few lactic and buttery flavors, which is related to the impact of specific compounds like 2,3-butanedione. This compound has been also confirmed as being dependent on the wine bacteria use

    Study of the different learning environments using secondary education students’ voices: A class, a multiple case study

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    El propósito de este trabajo es que el alumnado de ESO, en 4 centros de características diversas, a través de sus voces, describa sus entornos, identifiquen ventajas e inconvenientes de cada uno de ellos y áreas de mejora. Basándonos en los trabajos de Peng (2015), Yang, Bezerik-Gerber y Mino (2013), y Castro-Pérez y Morales-Ramirez (2015), los elementos del entorno sobre los que vamos a investigar van a estructurarse en: físico, de enseñanza, de aprendizaje y motivacional. Desarrollaremos un estudio de casos multiple (Stake, 2006) en cada centro educativo. Utilizaremos la metodología de las voces de los estudiantes, por lo que el alumnado actuará como co-investigadores y los instrumentos de recogida de datos serán actividades de aula. Esta metodología se ha usado en otras investigaciones como medio para explorar las prácticas inclusivas y como medio para mejorar los aprendizajes y la enseñanza (Adderley et al., 2015; Ainscow y Kaplan, 2005; Messiou, 2006, 2012, 2014)The purpose of this research is to know through secondary students’ voices of 2nd or 3rd course of 4 High Schools with different characteristics, how they perceive the environments where they work, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and which areas they want to change to improve their learning. According to Peng’s, 2015, Yang, Bezerik-Gerber y Mino’s (2013), and Castro-Pérez y Morales-Ramirez’s (2015) works, the elements of the environment are structured in accordance with 4 aspects: physical, teaching, learning and motivational. We are going to develop multiple case studies (Stake, 2006) in each secondary school. This research also draws on the use of students’ voices. So, learners’ll act as coresearches, and we collect data using activities. Students’ voices have been used in research as a way of exploring and developing inclusive practices in schools. Also, as a means of identifying ways to improve learning and teaching in schools (Ainscow y Kaplan, 2005; Messiou, 2006, 2012, 2014; Adderley et al., 2015

    Enseñanza de Anatomía de Superficie Mediante la Pintura Corporal

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    The present project on learning surface anatomy through the body painting method was undertaken because anatomical knowledge supports medical practice. The appropriate anatomical training of the doctor depends on surface anatomy. We considered the renovation of teaching strategies and didactic resources to optimize the overall teaching- learning process. 189 first-year medical students, enrolled in the Trunk and Splanchnology course at the University of Cádiz (Spain) participated in this study. Students were divided into 5 groups each of 38-41 students. The students were asked to complete a satisfaction questionnaire supplied to each participant through an on-line platform. On the basis of the results, we recommend the body painting method as an alternative tool for learning surface and clinical anatomy

    Distributed leadership: Case study in an Andalusian secondary school

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    El estudio de caso que describimos es en un centro de Educación Secundaria de una localidad del condado. Es uno de los 10 desarrollados dentro de una investigación más amplia. Ésta se desarrolló en dos fases. En la primera, se trabajó con 39 escuelas, se recogió el trabajo diario de sus directores y se analizaron las redes sociales de dichos centros. Y tras el análisis, se seleccionaron 10 casos por su interés y peculiaridades. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido analizar el fenómeno de la distribución del liderazgo tratando de identificar qué modelo de liderazgo se desarrolla; qué agentes intervienen y con qué funciones; las características contextuales centradas en el tamaño y tipo de centro, prácticas de liderazgo y patrones de distribución. Para la recopilación de la información se ha aplicado una metodología cualitativa, utilizando métodos e instrumentos como entrevistas, marcaje y observación. Los resultados muestran un liderazgo centrado en el equipo directivo y en el desarrollo de un modelo burocrático. Se destaca la alta implicación de la directora en cuestiones relacionadas con la familia y el alumnado y, en contraposición, la escasa implicación del profesorado en el centro, lo cual dificulta el desarrollo de prácticas de liderazgo distribuidoEl resumen en inglés sigue las mismas indicaciones que el resumen en el idioma de la contribución. The case study we describe is in a secondary education school in a county town. It is one of the 10 developed within a broader research. It was developed in two phases. In the first, we worked with 39 schools, collected the daily work of its directors and analyzed the social networks of these centers. And after the analysis, 10 cases were selected because of their interest and peculiarities. The objective of this research has been to analyze the phenomenon of the distribution of leadership trying to identify which model of leadership is developed; what agents are involved and with what functions; the contextual characteristics centered on the size and type of school, leadership practices and distribution patterns. For the collection of information, a qualitative methodology has been applied, using methods and instruments such as interviews, tagging and observation. The results show leadership focused on the management team and the development of a bureaucratic model. The high involvement of the director in matters related to the family and the students is highlighted, and in contrast, the low involvement of the teaching staff in the center, which hinders the development of distributed leadership practice