173 research outputs found

    Revisión de los estudios orientados a la medición de las capacidades tecnológicas por medio de la literatura patente. Propuesta de análisis estadístico y evaluación de la calidad de una base de datos en patentes

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    El desarrollo de los estudios estadísticos y bibliométricos de la literatura patente fueron iniciados en España por diversos autores, que luego consideraremos. Se revisan los criterios destinados a la creación de una base de datos denominada Recodificacion. SAV para el análisis y tratamiento estadístico de 13.913 patentes españolas depositadas en la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM).The development of statistical and bibliometrics studies of patents literature were begun in Spain by various authors who will be considered later. Review has been carried out of the criteria for the creation of a database entitled Recodification. SAV for the analysis and statistical treatment of 13,913 Spanish patents deposited in the Spanish Patents and Trademarks Office

    Generated emotions by various types of games in physical education

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    El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido ahondar en el conocimiento de las emociones generadas a través de la práctica de diversos tipos de juegos, mediante la puesta en práctica de una propuesta diseñada a tal efecto. Más concretamente se ha tratado de conocer en qué medida, los juegos cooperativos y de oposición permiten el desarrollo emocional del alumnado en comparación con los juegos populares cooperativos y de oposición. Los participantes han sido un total de 50 alumnos y alumnas de sexto curso de Educación Primaria. El instrumento empleado ha sido el cuestionario sobre las percepciones socioemocionales de Gil-Madrona y Martínez (2016). Los resultados indican una gran similitud entre la utilización de los juegos cooperativos y juegos populares cooperativos. No obstante, los juegos populares de oposición producen mayores emociones positivas en el alumnado respecto a los juegos de oposición. El porcentaje de alumnado que se decanta por las emociones plancenteras es manifiestamente superior al de aquellos que se decantan por las displacenteras. Finalmente, se concluye que la propuesta utilizada es eficaz para producir emociones en los cuatro dominios de acción motriz objeto de estudioThe aim of this research has been to know which are the generated emotions through the practice of diverse kinds of games, through a proposal. Specifically, it is have been tried to know how cooperative and opposition games allow for the emotional development of the students with respect to traditional cooperative games and traditional opposition games. A total of 50 children of 6th grade took part in this work. The instrument used was the Gil-Madrona and Martinez's questionnaire (2016) about socio-emotional perceptions. The results indicate a similarity between using cooperative and traditional cooperative games. However, traditional opposition games produce greater positive emotions in students with respect to opposition games. Finally, it is concluded that the approach used is effective to produce emotions in the four motor domains studie

    Deep learning model for automated detection of efflorescence and its possible treatment in images of brick facades

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    One of the most common pathologies in exposed brick facades is efflorescence, which, although they often have a similar appearance, their effects and way of solving them can range from a one-off cleaning to a repair that involves adding or replacing the material. Therefore, the novel goal of this work is to verify whether it is possible to automate this task of distinguishing what type of intervention each brick needs. To do this, the methodology followed focuses on proposing, training and validating a deep convolutional neural network with the real-time end-to-end method that simultaneously predicts multiple bounding boxes and class probabilities for those boxes. For this, images of 765 building facades will be used, of which 392 were selected, proceeding to label 4704 bricks, resulting in that the model achieved a mAP maximum at epoch 100 with 0.894, which is therefore of interest for the creation of intervention maps

    Distribution of melanopsin positive neurons in pigmented and albino mice: evidence for melanopsin interneurons in the mouse retina.

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    Here we have studied the population of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) in adult pigmented and albino mice. Our data show that although pigmented (C57Bl/6) and albino (Swiss) mice have a similar total number of ipRGCs, their distribution is slightly different: while in pigmented mice ipRGCs are more abundant in the temporal retina, in albinos the ipRGCs are more abundant in superior retina. In both strains, ipRGCs are located in the retinal periphery, in the areas of lower Brn3a(+)RGC density. Both strains also contain displaced ipRGCs (d-ipRGCs) in the inner nuclear layer (INL) that account for 14% of total ipRGCs in pigmented mice and 5% in albinos. Tracing from both superior colliculli shows that 98% (pigmented) and 97% (albino) of the total ipRGCs, become retrogradely labeled, while double immunodetection of melanopsin and Brn3a confirms that few ipRGCs express this transcription factor in mice. Rather surprisingly, application of a retrograde tracer to the optic nerve (ON) labels all ipRGCs, except for a sub-population of the d-ipRGCs (14% in pigmented and 28% in albino, respectively) and melanopsin positive cells residing in the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) of the retina. In the CMZ, between 20% (pigmented) and 24% (albino) of the melanopsin positive cells are unlabeled by the tracer and we suggest that this may be because they fail to send an axon into the ON. As such, this study provides the first evidence for a population of melanopsin interneurons in the mammalian retina

    A role for the outer retina in development of the intrinsic pupillary light reflex in mice.

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    Mice do not require the brain in order to maintain constricted pupils. However, little is known about this intrinsic pupillary light reflex (iPLR) beyond a requirement for melanopsin in the iris and an intact retinal ciliary marginal zone (CMZ). Here, we study the mouse iPLR in vitro and examine a potential role for outer retina (rods and cones) in this response. In wild-type mice the iPLR was absent at postnatal day 17 (P17), developing progressively from P21-P49. However, the iPLR only achieved ∼ 30% of the wild-type constriction in adult mice with severe outer retinal degeneration (rd and rdcl). Paradoxically, the iPLR increased significantly in retinal degenerate mice >1.5 years of age. This was accompanied by an increase in baseline pupil tone in the dark to levels indistinguishable from those in adult wild types. This rejuvenated iPLR response was slowed by atropine application, suggesting the involvement of cholinergic neurotransmission. We could find no evidence of an increase in melanopsin expression by quantitative PCR in the iris and ciliary body of aged retinal degenerates and a detailed anatomical analysis revealed a significant decline in melanopsin-positive intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) in rdcl mice >1.5 years. Adult mice lacking rod function (Gnat1(-/-)) also had a weak iPLR, while mice lacking functional cones (Cpfl5) maintained a robust response. We also identify an important role for pigmentation in the development of the mouse iPLR, with only a weak and transient response present in albino animals. Our results show that the iPLR in mice develops unexpectedly late and are consistent with a role for rods and pigmentation in the development of this response in mice. The enhancement of the iPLR in aged degenerate mice was extremely surprising but may have relevance to behavioral observations in mice and patients with retinitis pigmentosa

    Effect of Iron Supplementation on the Modulation of Iron Metabolism, Muscle Damage Biomarkers and Cortisol in Professional Cyclists

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    Background: The intense efforts made during 3-week stage races may reduce iron metabolism and hematological parameters. These efforts may increase the levels of circulating muscle damage markers and some hormones. All of these physiological changes may have negative consequences not only for the performance of athletes but also for their health. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation with 80 mg/day of iron on haematological parameters, serum cortisol and biochemical muscle indicators on elite male cyclists during the 3-week stage race the Vuelta a España. Our secondary aim was to examine whether the hematological profile is associated with muscular damage parameters and cortisol. Methods: Eighteen elite male cyclists from two teams were randomly assigned to one of two groups: (1) control group (CG, n = 9; age: 26.1 ± 4.6 years; maximum oxygen uptake per kg: 78.0 ± 5.4 mL/kg/min) or (2) group treated with 80 mg/day iron (800 mg of iron protein succinylate, ITG, n = 9; age: 25.7 ± 6.4 years; maximum oxygen uptake per kg: 77.6 ± 6.5 mL/kg/min). The cyclists were subjected to blood tests one week before the start of the race (T1) and after 4 weeks of treatment, coinciding with the end of the competition (T2). Iron metabolism parameters, muscle damage indicators and serum cortisol were assessed. Repeated-measures ANOVA with group as a factor (GC and ITG) were used to examine the differences between groups throughout the study (time × group) after iron supplementation treatment. Results: Significant differences were observed between groups throughout the study in the group-by-time interaction and changes in serum iron (GC: -8.93 ± 10.35% vs. ITG: 0.60 ± 8.64%; p = 0.018), ferritin (GC: -13.88 ± 23.53% vs. ITG: 91.08 ± 118.30%; p = 0.004), haemoglobin (GC: 10.00 ± 3.32% vs. ITG: 13.04 ± 5.64%; p < 0.001), haematocrit (GC: -1.17 ± 3.78% vs. ITG: 7.32 ± 3.92%; p < 0.001) and cortisol (GC: 24.74 ± 25.84% vs. ITG: ⁻13.54 ± 13.61%; p = 0.005). However, no significant group-by-time interaction was observed for the circulating muscle biomarkers. Additionally, significant negative correlations of serum iron, haemoglobin and haematocrit with muscle circulating biomarkers and cortisol (p < 0.05) were observed. Conclusions: Oral iron supplementation with 80 mg/day iron (800 mg of iron protein succinylate) effectively prevented a decline in haematological parameters (serum iron, ferritin, haemoglobin and haematocrit) and maintained optimal levels of recovery in elite cyclists during the Vuelta a España. Moreover, the hematological values were shown to have relationship with muscular recovery parameters

    Tracing the retina to analyze the integrity and phagocytic capacity of the retinal pigment epithelium

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    We have developed a new technique to study the integrity, morphology and functionality of the retinal neurons and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Young and old control albino (Sprague-Dawley) and pigmented (Piebald Virol Glaxo) rats, and dystrophic albino (P23H-1) and pigmented (Royal College of Surgeons) rats received a single intravitreal injection of 3% Fluorogold (FG) and their retinas were analyzed from 5 minutes to 30 days later. Retinas were imaged in vivo with SD-OCT and ex vivo in flat-mounts and in cross-sections. Fifteen minutes and 24 hours after intravitreal administration of FG retinal neurons and the RPE, but no glial cells, were labeled with FG-filled vesicles. The tracer reached the RPE 15 minutes after FG administration, and this labeling remained up to 30 days. Tracing for 15 minutes or 24 hours did not cause oxidative stress. Intraretinal tracing delineated the pathological retinal remodelling occurring in the dystrophic strains. The RPE of the P23H-1 strain was highly altered in aged animals, while the RPE of the RCS strain, which is unable to phagocytose, did not accumulate the tracer even at young ages when the retinal neural circuit is still preserved. In both dystrophic strains, the RPE cells were pleomorphic and polymegathic

    Adherence to treatment and related factors among patients with chronic conditions in primary care: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Adherence to treatment, a public health issue, is of particular importance in chronic disease therapies. Primary care practices offer ideal venues for the effective care and management of these conditions. The aim of this study is to assess adherence to treatment and related-factors among patients with chronic conditions in primary care settings. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 299 adult patients with ≥1 chronic condition(s) and prescribed medication in primary healthcare centers of Spain. The Morisky-Green-Levine questionnaire was used to assess medication adherence via face-to-face interviews. Crude and adjusted multivariable logistic regression models were used to analyze factors associated with adherence using the Multidimensional Model proposed by the World Health Organization — social and economic, healthcare team and system-related, condition-related, therapy-related, and patient-related factors. Results: The proportion of adherent patients to treatment was 55.5%. Older age (adjusted odds ratio 1.31 per 10- year increment, 95% CI 1.01–1.70), lower number of pharmacies used for medication refills (0.65, 95% CI 0.47– 0.90), having received complete treatment information (3.89, 95% CI 2.09–7.21), having adequate knowledge about medication regimen (4.17, 95% CI 2.23–7.80), and self-perception of a good quality of life (2.17, 95% CI 1.18–4.02) were independent factors associated with adherence. Conclusions: Adherence to treatment for chronic conditions remained low in primary care. Optimal achievement of appropriate levels of adherence through tailored multifaceted interventions will require attention to the multidimensional factors found in this study, particularly those related to patients’ education and their information needs