181 research outputs found

    Hijacking of eukaryotic functions by intracellular bacterial pathogens

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    Intracellular bacterial pathogens have evolved as a group of microorganisms endowed with weapons to hijack many biological processes of eukaryotic cells. This review discusses how these pathogens perturb diverse host cell functions, such as cytoskeleton dynamics and organelle vesicular trafficking. Alteration of the cytoskeleton is discussed in the context of the bacterial entry process (invasion), which occurs either by activation of membrane-located host receptors (“zipper” mechanism) or by injection of bacterial proteins into the host cell cytosol (“trigger” mechanism). In addition, the two major types of intracellular lifestyles, cytosolic versus intravacuolar (phagosomal), which are the consequence of alterations in the phagosome-lysosome maturation route, are compared. Specific examples illustrating known mechanisms of mimicry or hijacking of the host target are provided. Finally, recent advances in phagosome proteomics and genome expression in intracellular bacteria are described. These new technologies are yielding valuable clues as to how these specialized bacterial pathogens manipulate the mammalian host cell. [Int Microbiol 2004; 7(3):181–191

    A disulfide bond in the membrane protein IgaA is essential for repression of the RcsCDB system

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    IgaA is an integral inner membrane protein that was discovered as repressor of the RcsCDB phosphorelay system in the intracellular pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. The RcsCDB system, conserved in many members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, regulates expression of varied processes including motility, biofilm formation, virulence and response to envelope stress. IgaA is an essential protein to which, in response to envelope perturbation, the outer membrane lipoprotein RcsF has been proposed to bind in order to activate the RcsCDB phosphorelay. Envelope stress has also been reported to be sensed by a surface exposed domain of RcsF. These observations support a tight control of the RcsCDB system by RcsF and IgaA via mechanisms that, however, remain unknown. Interestingly, RcsF and IgaA have four conserved cysteine residues in loops exposed to the periplasmic space. Two non-consecutive disulfide bonds were shown to be required for RcsF function. Here, we report mutagenesis studies supporting the presence of one disulfide bond (C404-C425) in the major periplasmic loop of IgaA that is essential for repression of the RcsCDB phosphorelay. Our data therefore suggest that the redox state of the periplasm may be critical for the control of the RcsCDB system by its two upstream regulators, RcsF and IgaA.Work in our laboratory is supported by grants BIO2016-77639-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) and PCIN-2016-082 (to FG-dP) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Funds (FEDER)

    Characterization of two second-site mutations preventing wild type protein aggregation caused by a dominant negative PMA1 mutant

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    The correct biogenesis and localization of Pma1 at the plasma membrane is essential for yeast growth. A subset of PMA1 mutations behave as dominant negative because they produce aberrantly folded proteins that form protein aggregates, which in turn provoke the aggregation of the wild type protein. One approach to understand this dominant negative effect is to identify second-site mutations able to suppress the dominant lethal phenotype caused by those mutant alleles. We isolated and characterized two intragenic second-site suppressors of the PMA1-D378T dominant negative mutation. We present here the analysis of these new mutations that are located along the amino-terminal half of the protein and include a missense mutation, L151F, and an in-frame 12bp deletion that eliminates four residues from Cys409 to Ala412. The results show that the suppressor mutations disrupt the interaction between the mutant and wild type enzymes, and this enables the wild type Pma1 to reach the plasma membraneThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Grant BFU2008-0428

    A novel Salmonella periplasmic protein controlling cell wall homeostasis and virulence

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    Horizontal gene transfer has shaped the evolution of Salmonella enterica as pathogen. Some functions acquired by this mechanism include enzymes involved in peptidoglycan (PG) synthesis and remodeling. Here, we report a novel serovar Typhimurium protein that is absent in non-pathogenic bacteria and bears a LprI functional domain, first reported in a Mycobacterium tuberculosis lipoprotein conferring lysozyme resistance. Based on the presence of such domain, we hypothesized a role of this S. Typhimurium protein in PG metabolism. This protein, which we named ScwA for Salmonella cell wall-related regulator-A, controls positively the levels of the murein lytic transglycosylase MltD. In addition, the levels of other enzymes that cleave bonds in the PG lattice were affected in a mutant lacking ScwA, including a soluble lytic tranglycosylase (Slt), the amidase AmiC, and a few endo- and carboxypeptidases (NlpC, PBP4, and AmpH). The scwA gene has lower G+C content than the genomic average (43.1 vs. 52.2%), supporting acquisition by horizontal transfer. ScwA is located in the periplasm, stabilized by two disulfide bridges, produced preferentially in stationary phase and down-regulated following entry of the pathogen into eukaryotic cells. ScwA deficiency, however, results in a hypervirulent phenotype in the murine typhoid model. Based on these findings, we conclude that ScwA may be exploited by S. Typhimurium to ensure cell envelope homeostasis along the infection and to prevent host overt damage. This role could be accomplished by controlling the production or stability of a reduced number of peptidoglycan hydrolases whose activities result in the release of PG fragments.Ministry of Science and Innovatio

    Stabilization of the Virulence Plasmid pSLT of Salmonella Typhimurium by Three Maintenance Systems and Its Evaluation by Using a New Stability Test

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    Certain Salmonella enterica serovars belonging to subspecies I carry low-copy-number virulence plasmids of variable size (50–90 kb). All of these plasmids share the spv operon, which is important for systemic infection. Virulence plasmids are present at low copy numbers. Few copies reduce metabolic burden but suppose a risk of plasmid loss during bacterial division. This drawback is counterbalanced by maintenance modules that ensure plasmid stability, including partition systems and toxin-antitoxin (TA) loci. The low-copy number virulence pSLT plasmid of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium encodes three auxiliary maintenance systems: one partition system (parAB) and two TA systems (ccdABST and vapBC2ST). The TA module ccdABST has previously been shown to contribute to pSLT plasmid stability and vapBC2ST to bacterial virulence. Here we describe a novel assay to measure plasmid stability based on the selection of plasmid-free cells following elimination of plasmid-containing cells by ParE toxin, a DNA gyrase inhibitor. Using this new maintenance assay we confirmed a crucial role of parAB in pSLT maintenance. We also showed that vapBC2ST, in addition to contribute to bacterial virulence, is important for plasmid stability. We have previously shown that ccdABST encodes an inactive CcdBST toxin. Using our new stability assay we monitored the contribution to plasmid stability of a ccdABST variant containing a single mutation (R99W) that restores the toxicity of CcdBST. The “activation” of CcdBST (R99W) did not increase pSLT stability by ccdABST. In contrast, ccdABST behaves as a canonical type II TA system in terms of transcriptional regulation. Of interest, ccdABST was shown to control the expression of a polycistronic operon in the pSLT plasmid. Collectively, these results show that the contribution of the CcdBST toxin to pSLT plasmid stability may depend on its role as a co-repressor in coordination with CcdAST antitoxin more than on its toxic activity.The work in RD and FG's laboratories is supported by grants BFU2011-25939 (RD), CSD2008-00013 (RD and FG), and BIO2013-46281-P/BIO2015-69085-REDC (FG) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Affinity of cefotiam for the alternative penicillin binding protein PBP3SAL used by Salmonella inside host eukaryotic cells

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    Background: Following the invasion of eukaryotic cells, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium replaces PBP2/PBP3, main targets of β-lactam antibiotics, with PBP2SAL/PBP3SAL, two homologue peptidoglycan synthases absent in Escherichia coli. PBP3SAL promotes pathogen cell division in acidic environments independently of PBP3 and shows low affinity for β-lactams that bind to PBP3 such as aztreonam, cefepime, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime and cefalotin. Objectives: To find compounds with high affinity for PBP3SAL to control Salmonella intracellular infections. Methods: An S. Typhimurium ΔPBP3 mutant that divides using PBP3SAL and its parental wild-type strain, were exposed to a library of 1520 approved drugs in acidified (pH 4.6) nutrient-rich LB medium. Changes in optical density associated with cell filamentation, a read-out of blockage in cell division, were monitored. Compounds causing filamentation in the ΔPBP3 mutant but not in wild-type strain-the latter strain expressing both PBP3 and PBP3SAL in LB pH 4.6-were selected for further study. The bactericidal effect due to PBP3SAL inhibition was evaluated in vitro using a bacterial infection model of cultured fibroblasts. Results: The cephalosporin cefotiam exhibited higher affinity for PBP3SAL than for PBP3 in bacteria growing in acidified LB pH 4.6 medium. Cefotiam also proved to be effective against intracellular Salmonella in a PBP3SAL-dependent manner. Conversely, cefuroxime, which has higher affinity for PBP3, showed decreased effectiveness in killing intracellular Salmonella. Conclusions: Antibiotics with affinity for PBP3SAL, like the cephalosporin cefotiam, have therapeutic value for treating Salmonella intracellular infections.This work was supported by grants PDC2021-121094-I00/10.13039/501100011033 (to F.G-d.P.) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Next Generation European Union EU/PRTR Program, and PID2020-114546RB (to O.Z.) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.S

    Increased bile resistance in Salmonella enterica mutants lacking Prc periplasmic protease

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    Prc is a periplasmic protease involved in processing of penicillin-binding protein 3 (PBP3). Lack of Prc suppressesbile sensitivity in Dam-, Wec-, PhoP-, DamX-, and SeqA- mutants of Salmonella enterica, and increases bile resistance in thewild type. Changes in the activity of penicillin binding proteins PBP3, PBP4, PBP5/6 and PBP7 are detected in a Prc-background, suggesting that peptidoglycan remodeling might contribute to bile resistance. [Int Microbiol 2013; 16(2):87-92]Keywords: Salmonella; bile; Prc protease; peptidoglycan; penicillin-binding protein

    The GATC-binding protein SeqA is required for bile resistance and virulence in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium

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    Disruption of the seqA gene of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium causes defects similar to those described in E. coli: filament formation, aberrant nucleoid segregation, induction of the SOS response, envelope instability, and increased sensitivity to membrane-damaging agents. Differences between SeqA- mutants of E. coli and S. enterica, however, are found. SeqA- mutants of S. enterica form normal colonies and do not exhibit alterations in phage plaquing morphology. Lack of SeqA causes attenuation of S. enterica virulence by the oral route but not by the intraperitoneal route, suggesting a virulence defect in the intestinal stage of infection. However, SeqA- mutants are fully proficient in the invasion of epithelial cells. We hypothesize that attenuation of SeqA- mutants by the oral route may be caused by bile sensitivity, which in turn may be a consequence of envelope instabilit