986 research outputs found

    La política educativa TIC de la Comunidad de Madrid (España): la perspectiva del profesorado

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    Las políticas 1:1 nacionales se concretaron en España con el programa «Escuela 2.0» pero, en el caso de la Comunidad de Madrid, la concreción de esta política se denomina «Institutos de Innovación Tecnológica». A diferencia del programa Escuela 2.0, se caracteriza por el tipo de dotación y cursos a los que se dirigía. En este caso, en vez de ordenadores portátiles, se optó por terminales fijos anclados al suelo que dependen de varios servidores por aula y, en vez de llevarse a cabo en 5º y 6º de primaria, se comenzó a implantar en 1º y 2º de la ESO. Una política TIC que quiere producir cambios en los centros de educación secundaria obligatoria que participan en el proyecto para aumentar el éxito educativo del alumnado, entendido como mejora de los resultados académicos. En este trabajo se presentan las opiniones y expectativas del profesorado de educación secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid respecto al impacto que tendrá esta política en sus prácticas docentes, en la forma de agrupar al alumnado, en el uso de materiales didácticos digitales y en las habilidades digitales del alumnado

    ICT education policy of the Community of Madrid (Spain): the teachers' perspective

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    Las políticas 1:1 nacionales se concretaron en España con el programa «Escuela 2.0» pero, en el caso de la Comunidad de Madrid, la concreción de esta política se denomina «Institutos de Innovación Tecnológica». A diferencia del programa Escuela 2.0, se caracteriza por el tipo de dotación y cursos a los que se dirigía. En este caso, en vez de ordenadores portátiles, se optó por terminales fijos anclados al suelo que dependen de varios servidores por aula y, en vez de llevarse a cabo en 5º y 6º de primaria, se comenzó a implantar en 1º y 2º de la ESO. Una política TIC que quiere producir cambios en los centros de educación secundaria obligatoria que participan en el proyecto para aumentar el éxito educativo del alumnado, entendido como mejora de los resultados académicos. En este trabajo se presentan las opiniones y expectativas del profesorado de educación secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid respecto al impacto que tendrá esta política en sus prácticas docentes, en la forma de agrupar al alumnado, en el uso de materiales didácticos digitales y en las habilidades digitales del alumnado.Nationals Spain policies 1:1 were specified in most of Spain's territories through the «School 2.0» program, but in the case of the Community of Madrid, the national policy was defined through the «Technological Innovation Schools» program. This latter program aimed to introduce changes on the use of ICT in the Secondary Schools which joined the project, in order to increase the educational success of students, understood as improving academic outcomes. Both programs differ in the kind of technological equipment provided to the centers and in the grades targeted. Unlike the "School 2.0" program, which provided laptops to the schools, in Madrid fixed terminals fastened to the floor were chosen, which depended on multiple servers per classroom. On the other hand, rather than focus in 5th and 6th grade, it was implemented in 1st and 2nd grade of Secondary Education. In this study, the Secondary Education teachers' opinions and expectations about the impact of this policy in their teaching practices (students grouping, use of digital learning materials and students' digital competences) are described.peerReviewe

    Identities in migration

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    Los jóvenes catalanes en Londres construyen su propia identidad como inmigrantes en estrecha dialéctica entre los imaginarios sobre la inmigración de su país de origen y las percepciones de los ingleses sobre ellos. Ante el estigma negativo asociado a la categoría «inmigrante» no todos se reconocen como tales. Algunos simplemente rechazan reconocerse en esta categoría, mientras que otros utilizan como estrategia la proyección de los prejuicios sobre los inmigrantes hacia los españoles, de los cuales se distancian al establecer la distinción entre catalanes y españoles.Young Catalans in London build their identity as immigrants in a close dialectic between their own imaginary about immigration in their country of origin and British perceptions of them. Given the negative stigma attached to the category of «immigrant», not all recognise themselves as such. Some simply refuse to acknowledge they belong to this category, while others use the projection of prejudices on immigrants towards Spaniards as a strategy from which they distance themselves by establishing a distinction between Catalans and Spaniards

    A spatio-temporal landslide inventory for the NW of Spain: BAPA database

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    A landslide database has been created for the Principality of Asturias, NW Spain: the BAPA (Base de datos de Argayos del Principado de Asturias – Principality of Asturias Landslide Database). Data collection is mainly performed through searching local newspaper archives. Moreover, a BAPA App and a BAPA website (http://geol.uniovi.es/BAPA) have been developed to obtain additional information from citizens and institutions. Presently, the dataset covers the period 1980–2015, recording 2063 individual landslides. The use of free cartographic servers, such as Google Maps, Google Street View and Iberpix (Government of Spain), combined with the spatial descriptions and pictures contained in the press news, makes it possible to assess different levels of spatial accuracy. In the database, 59% of the records show an exact spatial location, and 51% of the records provided accurate dates, showing the usefulness of press archives as temporal records. Thus, 32% of the landslides show the highest spatial and temporal accuracy levels. The database also gathers information about the type and characteristics of the landslides, the triggering factors and the damage and costs caused. Field work was conducted to validate the methodology used in assessing the spatial location, temporal occurrence and characteristics of the landslides.This research is funded by the Department of Employment, Industry and Tourism of the Government of Asturias, Spain, and the European Regional Development Fund FEDER, within the framework of the research grant "GEOCANTABRICA: Procesos geológicos modeladores del relieve de la Cordillera Cantábrica" (FC-15-GRUPIN14-044), and supported by the cooperation between the Department of Geology at the University of Oviedo and the AEMET

    In search of health evidence. Proposal for self-learning

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    [ES] Las fuentes de información son una herramienta clave en la evolución social y tecnológica actual. Si bien es cierto que no todos son beneficios. Del mismo modo, la sobreinformación es evidente y puede conducir a la extracción de conclusiones que, en muchos casos, se vuelven confusas, difusas o incluso erróneas. En este contexto, el uso de la pirámide 6S puede ayudar a encontrar la mejor evidencia de investigación con la menor cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo. Esta propuesta de trabajo expone los métodos y el desarrollo de un programa de apoyo y capacitación para la búsqueda en la salud. Para hacerlo, los recursos de aprendizaje se han convertido a través de un servidor de acceso libre, del Centro Nacional de Servicios y Herramientas (NCCMT) de la Universidad McMaster.Más tarde, se realizó la evaluación de las competencias.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Blasco-Igual, J.; Sanchis-Sánchez, E.; García-Molina, P.; Balaguer-López, E.; Georgieva, S.; Sánchez-Lorente, MM. (2018). In search of health evidence. Proposal for self-learning. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 117-123. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.7907OCS11712

    Metodología de reingeniería del software para la remodelación de aplicaciones científicas heredadas

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    La reingeniería de sistemas heredados tiene por finalidad reestructurar o transformar viejossistemas en aplicaciones más fáciles de mantener, con entornos más agradables e integradas ennuevas plataformas de hardware/software. Tratamos de dar una visión general de lo que es lareingeniería de software y cuáles son las actitudes que se pueden tomar a la hora de modernizarun sistema legado que se ha quedado obsoleto en cuanto a operatividad, aspecto y software debase sobre el que se ejecuta, pero de probada eficiencia y que mantiene su funcionalidad.Mostramos las características de un proceso de desarrollo que se adapta a este tipo deaplicaciones, verificado, mediante el caso de estudio, la transformación de una aplicación escritaen un lenguaje imperativo, no estructurado, a un nuevo lenguaje visual y orientado a objetos,describiendo las diversas fases de la metodología aplicadas a un caso concreto.Legacy Systems Reengineering has as primary goal to restructure and transform old systems ineasier to maintain applications with nicer and more integrated environments that they run innew platforms of hardware/software. We try to give a general view of what is the softwarereengineering and which are the approaches that can be taken when modernizing a legacysystem that has been obsolete as for operability, but of proved efficiency and that maintains itsfunctionality. We show the characteristics of a development process that adapts itself to thistype of systems, verified by means of the case of study, the transformation of an applicationwritten in an imperative language, no structured, to a new visual and object oriented language,describing the different stages of the methodology applied to a particular case

    Family functioning and quality of life among families in eating disorders: a comparison with substance-related disorders and healthy controls

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: European Eating Disorders Review 24.4 (2016): 294-303, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/erv.2440. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingThe aim of this study was to compare the family functioning of Spanish parents of patients with an eating disorder (ED) with that of carers of patients with substance-related disorders (SRDs) and families of healthy controls (HC). This cross-sectional study included 48 mothers and 45 fathers of 48 adolescent patients with an ED, 47 mothers and 37 fathers of 47 patients with an SRD and 66 mothers and 50 fathers of 68 HCs. Families of ED patients reported lower levels of criticism, symptom accommodation and negative caregiving experience than families of SRD patients. However, relatives of both ED and SRD patients reported similar levels of quality of life related to their mental health. Furthermore, families of HCs generally exhibited better scores on all scales assessing their caregiving experiences. Regarding gender differences, there was a tendency in mothers, primarily those from the ED group, to report more adverse experiences as caregivers compared with fathers. Symptoms characteristic to each disorder may be associated with differential patterns of family functioning and may require specifically tailored family interventions. Early family intervention in adolescence is crucial, as relatives' quality of life does not seem to have been badly affected at this point in the course of the illnessDr Sepulveda has a post-doctoral Ramon and Cajal scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2009-05092) as well as a project funding from the same Ministry (PSI2011-23127). Dr Anastasiadou was awarded with a Research Fellowship for students of PhD Programmes distinguished with Mention of Excellenc

    Exploration into the origins and mobilization of di-hydrofolate reductase genes and the emergence of clinical resistance to trimethoprim

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    Trimethoprim is a synthetic antibacterial agent that targets folate biosynthesis by competitively binding to the di-hydrofolate reductase enzyme (DHFR). Trimethoprim is often administered synergistically with sulfonamide, another chemotherapeutic agent targeting the di-hydropteroate synthase (DHPS) enzyme in the same pathway. Clinical resistance to both drugs is widespread and mediated by enzyme variants capable of performing their biological function without binding to these drugs. These mutant enzymes were assumed to have arisen after the discovery of these synthetic drugs, but recent work has shown that genes conferring resistance to sulfonamide were present in the bacterial pangenome millions of years ago. Here, we apply phylogenetics and comparative genomics methods to study the largest family of mobile trimethoprim-resistance genes (dfrA). We show that most of the dfrA genes identified to date map to two large clades that likely arose from independent mobilization events. In contrast to sulfonamide resistance (sul) genes, we find evidence of recurrent mobilization in dfrA genes. Phylogenetic evidence allows us to identify novel dfrA genes in the emerging pathogen , and we confirm their resistance phenotype in vitro. We also identify a cluster of dfrA homologues in cryptic plasmid and phage genomes, but we show that these enzymes do not confer resistance to trimethoprim. Our methods also allow us to pinpoint the chromosomal origin of previously reported dfrA genes, and we show that many of these ancient chromosomal genes also confer resistance to trimethoprim. Our work reveals that trimethoprim resistance predated the clinical use of this chemotherapeutic agent, but that novel mutations have likely also arisen and become mobilized following its widespread use within and outside the clinic. Hence, this work confirms that resistance to novel drugs may already be present in the bacterial pangenome, and stresses the importance of rapid mobilization as a fundamental element in the emergence and global spread of resistance determinants