14 research outputs found

    Construcción y desarrollo de competencias de traductor a través de actividades de ApS en el Grado en Traducción e Interpretación: nuevas vías para la investigación en metodologías docentes para la enseñanza de lenguas y TAV

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    Memoria ID-128. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2019-2020.[ES]La realización de este proyecto busca promover el desarrollo holístico de las competencias de traductor del estudiante del Grado en Traducción e Interpretación, mediante las posibilidades que ofrece la integración de actividades de traducción audiovisual, concretamente el subtitulado, el aprendizaje servicio, y la enseñanza basada en proyectos o tarea

    Lifestyle Evolution And Peroxidase Diversity In Agaricales As Revealed By Comparative Genomics

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    Descripción de 1 páginas de la comunicación oral presentada en Oxizymes2022 10th edition of the international “Oxizymes” meeting. Siena, Italy, July 5-8, 2022Basidiomycetes of the class Agaricomycetes have developed complex enzymatic machineries that allow them to decompose plant polymers, including lignin. Within this group, saprotrophic Agaricales are characterized by an unparalleled diversity of habitats and lifestyles in comparison with fungi from other orders. With the aim of shedding light on the evolution of lignocellulose-decaying lifestyles in Agaricales we conducted a comparative analysis of 52 Agaricomycetes genomes [1]. This study revealed that Agaricales possess a large diversity of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes. Surprisingly, computer-assisted gene-family evolution analysis of these enzymes revealed that a few oxidoreductase families showed significantly higher evolutionary rates. Based on these gene families we reconstructed the lifestyles of the ancestors that led to the extant lignocellulose-decomposing Agaricomycetes. According to this, we determined that changes in the oxidative enzymatic toolkit of ancestral Agaricales correlate with the evolution of their ability to grow not only on wood, but also on leaf and grass litter and decayed wood. In this context, the aboye families were analyzed and special attention was paid to peroxidases as a central component of the enzymatic toolkit of saprotrophic Agaricomycetes responsible for lignin degradation. We identified a widespread presence of new ligninolytic peroxidase types in Agaricales, some of them not previously identified in this order, and others also not found in woodrottingPolyporales and other orders of Agaricomycetes. Peroxidase evolution was analyzed in Agaricomycetes by ancestral sequence reconstruction and several major evolutionary pathways were unveiled. The study of the newly identified peroxidases will provide insight into their role in the lignin degradation process. In fact, these studies have already been initiated with the expression and characterization of the first lignin peroxidase identified in Agaricales. [1] Ruiz-Dueñas FJ, Barrasa JM, Sánchez-García M, Camarero S, Miyauchi S, Serrano A, et al., 2021, Mol Biol Evol, 38, 1428-1446.Projects/contracts BI02017-86559-R, BI02015-7369-JIN, AGL2014-55971-R, NSFgrant-1457721 , CEFOX-031 B0831 S, PIE-201620E081 , ANR-11-LABX-0002-01 , US-DOE-DE-AC02-05CH11231N

    El análisis de 52 genomas fúngicos aclara la evolución de los estilos de vida de los Agaricales

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    1 p.Los Agaricomycetes han desarrollado complejas maquinarias enzimáticas que les permiten descomponer los diferentes polímeros vegetales, incluida la lignina. Entre ellos, los Agaricales saprótrofos se caracterizan por su diversidad de hábitats y estilos de vida. El análisis de 52 genomas de Agaricomycetes aquí realizado revela que los Agaricales poseen una gran diversidad de enzimas hidrolíticas y oxidativas para la descomposición de la lignocelulosa. En base a las familias de genes con mayor velocidad evolutiva (dominios de unión a celulosa, glicosil hidrolasa GH43, monooxigenasas líticas de polisacáridos, peroxidasas ligninolíticas, enzimas de la superfamilia de glucosa-metanol-colina oxidasas/deshidrogenasas, lacasas y peroxigenasas), reconstruimos los estilos de vida de los ancestros que dieron lugar a los actuales Agaricomycetes degradadores de lignocelulosa. Los cambios en el conjunto de herramientas enzimáticas de los Agaricales ancestrales se correlacionaron con la evolución de su capacidad para crecer no solo sobre madera, sino también sobre hojarasca de bosques y madera en descomposición, siendo los descomponedores de la hojarasca de praderas el grupo ecofisiológico más reciente. En este contexto, las anteriores familias de enzimas se analizaron en relación con la diversidad de estilos de vida. Las peroxidasas aparecen como un componente central del set enzimático de los Agaricomycetes saprotrófos, consistente con su papel esencial en la degradación de la lignina y sus altas tasas evolutivas. Esto incluye no solo expansiones/pérdidas de genes de peroxidasas, sino también la presencia generalizada en Agaricales de nuevos tipos de peroxidasas que no se encuentran en Polyporales degradadores de madera, y en otros órdenes de Agaricomycetes.Projectos/contratos BIO2017-86559-R, BIO2015-73697-JIN, AGL2014-55971-R, NSF-grant-1457721, CEFOX-031B0831B, PIE-201620E081, ANR-11-LABX-0002-01, US-DOE-DE-AC02-05CH11231Peer reviewe

    A Solve-RD ClinVar-based reanalysis of 1522 index cases from ERN-ITHACA reveals common pitfalls and misinterpretations in exome sequencing

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    Purpose Within the Solve-RD project (https://solve-rd.eu/), the European Reference Network for Intellectual disability, TeleHealth, Autism and Congenital Anomalies aimed to investigate whether a reanalysis of exomes from unsolved cases based on ClinVar annotations could establish additional diagnoses. We present the results of the “ClinVar low-hanging fruit” reanalysis, reasons for the failure of previous analyses, and lessons learned. Methods Data from the first 3576 exomes (1522 probands and 2054 relatives) collected from European Reference Network for Intellectual disability, TeleHealth, Autism and Congenital Anomalies was reanalyzed by the Solve-RD consortium by evaluating for the presence of single-nucleotide variant, and small insertions and deletions already reported as (likely) pathogenic in ClinVar. Variants were filtered according to frequency, genotype, and mode of inheritance and reinterpreted. Results We identified causal variants in 59 cases (3.9%), 50 of them also raised by other approaches and 9 leading to new diagnoses, highlighting interpretation challenges: variants in genes not known to be involved in human disease at the time of the first analysis, misleading genotypes, or variants undetected by local pipelines (variants in off-target regions, low quality filters, low allelic balance, or high frequency). Conclusion The “ClinVar low-hanging fruit” analysis represents an effective, fast, and easy approach to recover causal variants from exome sequencing data, herewith contributing to the reduction of the diagnostic deadlock

    Traducción y Marketing: exportar los productos o los servicios de nuestras tierras : diseño de un bloque didáctico ECTS

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    Se trata de ofrecer un bloque de 4 ECTS que permita aprovechar la oferta docente de cinco profesores para la traducción especializada en la lengua española y en la lengua francesa, aplicado al campo de la exportación de productos de la tierra (comestibles y turismo), al marketing, a la publicidad y a la comunicación. El trabajo se centra en la formación del grupo profesores, la búsqueda de documentación, la elaboración de contenidos temáticos y didácticos y la preparación de un fascículo titulado 'Traducción y Marketing' para que sirva de guión para la enseñanza. El trabajo responde a las necesidades didácticas y se agrupa por lenguas, género, tipo y uso. Los productos de la tierra sobre los que trata son: el jamón ibérico, las legumbres de la Armuña, el chocolate de Bélgica, la cultura de la tapa, las yemas de Ávila, el turismo de Ávila y el turismo de Salamanca.Castilla y LeónConsejería de Educación. Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación; Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Prado, Autovía Puente Colgante s. n.; 47071 Valladolid; +34983411881; +34983411939;ES

    Genomic analysis enlightens agaricales lifestyle evolution and increasing peroxidase diversity

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    19 p.-6 fig.As actors of global carbon cycle, Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota) have developed complex enzymatic machineries that allow them to decompose all plant polymers, including lignin. Among them, saprotrophic Agaricales are characterized by an unparalleled diversity of habitats and lifestyles. Comparative analysis of 52 Agaricomycetes genomes (14 of them sequenced de novo) reveals that Agaricales possess a large diversity of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes for lignocellulose decay. Based on the gene families with the predicted highest evolutionary rates -namely cellulose-binding CBM1, glycoside hydrolase GH43, lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase AA9, class-II peroxidases, glucose-methanol-choline oxidase/dehydrogenases, laccases, and unspecific peroxygenases- we reconstructed the lifestyles of the ancestors that led to the extant lignocellulose-decomposing Agaricomycetes. The changes in the enzymatic toolkit of ancestral Agaricales are correlated with the evolution of their ability to grow not only on wood but also on leaf-litter and decayed wood, with grass-litter decomposers as the most recent eco-physiological group. In this context, the above families were analyzed in detail in connection with lifestyle diversity. Peroxidases appear as a central component of the enzymatic toolkit of saprotrophic Agaricomycetes, consistent with their essential role in lignin degradation and high evolutionary rates. This includes not only expansions/losses in peroxidase genes common to other basidiomycetes, but also the widespread presence in Agaricales (and Russulales) of new peroxidases types not found in wood-rotting Polyporales, and other Agaricomycetes orders. Therefore, we analyzed the peroxidase evolution in Agaricomycetes by ancestral-sequence reconstruction revealing several major evolutionary pathways, and mapped the appearance of the different enzyme types in a time-calibrated species tree.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (BIO2017-86559-R to F.J.R.-D., S.C. and A.T.M., BIO2015-7369-JIN to J.B, and AGL2014-55971-R to A.G.P and L.R., projects cofinanced by FEDER funds); National Science Foundation (grant 1457721 to D.C.); Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (CEFOX 031B0831B to H.K.); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Biodiversity-Exploratories BLD-MFD-HZG III, KE 1742/2-1 to H.K.); Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (PIE-201620E081 to A.T.M.); and the Laboratory of Excellence ARBRE (ANR-11-LABX-0002-01), the Region Lorraine, the European Regional Development Fund, and the Plant–Microbe Interfaces Scientific Focus Area in the Genomic Science Program, U.S. DOE Office of Science to F.M. The work conducted by the JGI, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. DOE under contract DE-AC02-05CH11231.Peer reviewe