1,722 research outputs found

    Y hoy, ¿qué pillamos?: Programa de salud para la prevención del consumo de drogas en adolescentes

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    Introducción El consumo de drogas en adolescentes sigue siendo uno de los problemas sin resolver en la sanidad con sus consecuentes problemas biopsicosociales. En España la droga de mayor consumo es el alcohol, seguida del tabaco, con una media de edad de inicio de consumo de 13 años. Aquellos consumidores regulares de alcohol y tabaco tienen una alta prevalencia de antecedentes de eventos negativos, ansiedad, depresión o violencia intrafamiliar, lo cual va asociado a que las principales causas de consumo se deban a disminuir el estrés, olvidar problemas y porque les resulta agradable. Objetivo Desarrollar un programa de salud basado en la prevención del consumo de drogas en adolescentes. Metodología Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en la que fueron elegidos aquellos artículos relacionados con la prevención del consumo y preferiblemente los enfocados a estudiantes de colegios e institutos. Además se realizó una encuesta anónima con una muestra de 100 personas de entre 16 y 25 años sobre el consumo de drogas y sus conocimientos sobre sus efectos. Conclusión Los programas destinados a evitar consumo de drogas no están siendo eficaces hasta el momento, se debe aceptar el hecho de que no va a detenerse el consumo por completo pero si disminuir.<br /

    Luxación radiocarpiana con fractura asociada de la apófisis estiloides radial

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    Presentamos un caso de luxación dorso lateral del carpo con fractura asociada de la estiloides radial en una mujer de 28 años tras accidente de tráfico. No existieron complicaciones neurovasculares. El tratamiento consistió en reducción y fijación de la estiloides radial con agujas de Kirschner. Después de seis meses de evolución la paciente estaba libre de secuelas

    Geography and Environment Shape Landscape Genetics of Mediterranean Alpine Species Silene ciliata Poiret. (Caryophyllaceae)

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    The study of the drivers that shape spatial genetic structure across heterogeneous landscapes is one of the main approaches used to understand population dynamics and responses in changing environments. While the Isolation-by-Distance model (IBD) assumes that genetic differentiation increases among populations with geographical distance, the Isolation-by-Resistance model (IBR) also considers geographical barriers and other landscape features that impede gene flow. On the other hand, the Isolation-by-Environment model (IBE) explains genetic differentiation through environmental differences between populations. Although spatial genetic studies have increased significantly in recent years, plants from alpine ecosystems are highly underrepresented, even though they are great suitable systems to disentangle the role of the different factors that structure genetic variation across environmental gradients. Here, we studied the spatial genetic structure of the Mediterranean alpine specialist Silene ciliata across its southernmost distribution limit. We sampled three populations across an altitudinal gradient from 1850 to 2400 m, and we replicated this sample over three mountain ranges aligned across an E-W axis in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula. We genotyped 20 individuals per population based on eight microsatellite markers and used different landscape genetic tools to infer the role of topographic and environmental factors in shaping observed patterns along the altitudinal gradient. We found a significant genetic structure among the studied Silene ciliata populations which was related to the orography and E-W configuration of the mountain ranges. IBD pattern arose as the main factor shaping population genetic differentiation. Geographical barriers between mountain ranges also affected the spatial genetic structure (IBR pattern). Although environmental variables had a significant effect on population genetic diversity parameters, no IBE pattern was found on genetic structure. Our study reveals that IBD was the driver that best explained the genetic structure, whereas environmental factors also played a role in determining genetic diversity values of this dominant plant of Mediterranean alpine environments

    Luxación carpometacarpiana del primer dedo asociada a fractura de trapecio

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    Presentamos un caso de luxación carpometacarpiana del primer dedo asociada a fractura de trapecio. Fue tratada mediante reducción abierta y fijación interna. El resultado obtenido después de un año de seguimiento fue excelente. Sólo hemos encontrado once casos en la literatura y ninguno tratado como el nuestro.A case of carpometacarpal dislocation of the thumb associated with fracture of the trapezium in presented. It was treated by open reduction and internal fixation. The result after a one year follow-up was excellent. We have found only eleven cases in literature and none was treated like ours

    Recursos patrimoniales y organización territorial: el caso de Andalucía

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    El artículo pretende identificar y categorizar el patrimonio natural y cultural que cuenta con algún tipo de reconocimiento oficial en Andalucía, centrando la atención en su dimensión espacial. Para ello se utilizan las unidades territoriales recogidas en las Bases para una Carta sobre Patrimonio y Desarrollo en Andalucía: áreas urbanas, litorales, vegas y campiñas y zonas de montaña. En primer lugar se atiende al patrimonio natural, y posteriormente al cultural. En ambos casos se enumeran cuáles son las figuras de reconocimiento internacional, nacional y autonómico existentes en la región, y posteriormente se atiende a su distribución en las unidades territoriales anteriormente mencionadas. Se concluye argumentando que sólo a través del tratamiento conjunto de los activos patrimoniales con que cuenta un territorio se podrá conseguir que éstos se conviertan en un recurso para su desarrollo y, en este sentido, la territorialización patrimonial planteada en este artículo puede constituir un buen punto de partida

    Restitución de poblaciones como herramienta de conservación en España

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    Según las directrices de la UICN, las medidas de restitución sensu lato consisten en el movimiento de individuos de un sitio a otro para mejorar, desde una perspectiva conservacionista, el estado de una población amenazada o incluso extinta. Conviene destacar que estas pueden llevarse a cabo dentro del rango de distribución de la especie (refuerzo o reintroducción) o fuera de él (colonización asistida y reemplazo ecológico

    Funerary practices in megalithic tombs during the Argaric Bronze Age in South-Eastern Iberia: The cemetery of Los Eriales

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    The transition between the Copper Age and the Argaric Bronze Age in south-eastern Iberia has traditionally been understood in an evolutionary framework that would have involved the replacement of some cultural forms by others. The chronology of megalithic societies has changed this assumption, revealing that the continuity of ancestral funerary practices is also a key feature of the Bronze Age. In this context, the new radiocarbon series from Los Eriales discussed in this paper can be considered a key contribution. Three main aspects stand out according to their statistical analysis: i) Los Eriales should be considered the most recent Iberian megalithic cemetery, as ritual activity began in the last centuries of the third millennium cal BC; ii) funerary activity took place during short events of intensive ritual depositions spanning a few decades, mainly in the 21st and 18th centuries; and iii) Los Eriales cemetery was mainly used during the Argaric period, which means the coexistence of two very different funerary practices: collective megalithic rituals and individual intramural inhumations. The continuity of megalithic rituals can be explained in terms of resilience to the social fragmentation that characterised Argaric societies.FEDER programme–University of Granada (A-HUM-123-UGR18 and B-HUM-174-UGR20)Regional Government of Andalusia (P18-FR-4123)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-114282GB-I00)Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Role of Insulin-Growth Factor II on mitochondrial recovery in a cellular model of Parkinson's Disease

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    Insulin-growth factor II (IGF-II) has shown antioxidant and neuroprotective effects in some neurodegenerative disorders. ROS causes damage to cellular macromolecules affecting several cellular processes and resulting in cell death. Mitochondrial ROS damage has a critical role in the pathobiology of PD. The objective was to assess the IGF-II role in the recovery of the oxidative damage produced on mitochondrial in a cellular model of PD. SN4741 cell line was treated as follows: MPP+ alone, in presence of IGF-II and/or co-incubated BMS (Ins/IGF-I receptors antagonist) or AB (anti-IGF-II-receptor). To assess the effect of IGF-II in the recovery of MPP+ damage, this treatment was removed after 2 h and replaced during another 2 h by medium, IGF-II or IGF-II + BMS or IGF-II + AB. Cell death was analysed through annexin-V Mitochondrial structure, localization and morphology was studied by western blot/ immunochemistry of Mitofilin (Mtf) and electron microscopy; function by Mitotracker and oxygen consumption rate. IGF-II prevented MPP+ cell death. In morphological/structural studies, MPP+ treated cells showed swollen mitochondria with loss of cristae, and electron-lucent matrix, inducing a mitochondrial number reduction. IGF-II retrieved normal-shaped mitochondria with intact cristae and outer/inner membranes. Moreover, MPP+ incubation significantly reduced the expression levels of Mtf compared to the CO. This expression was found in areas that had a very weak mark, indicating mitochondrial destruction or dysfunction. IGF-II coincubation, recovered the expression of Mtf, remaining associated with healthy mitochondrial function. Additionally, the decrease in OCR levels after MPP+ administration was recovered in presence of IGF-II. The BMS-receptor blockage did not modify the IGF-II responses, and AB limited its effect. In conclusion, IGF-II recovers mitochondrial structure and function due to MPP+ damage. This improvement is carried out through the specific IGF-II receptor.Supported by M.G-F.&L.J.S. Proyectos I+D+I-Programa Operativo-FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 (UMA18-FEDERJA-004) Junta de Andalucía. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Geography and environment shape landscape genetics of Mediterranean alpine species Silene ciliata Poiret (Caryophyllaceae)

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    <p>The study of the drivers that shape spatial genetic structure across heterogeneous landscapes is one of the main approaches used to understand population dynamics and responses in changing environments. While the Isolation-by-Distance model (IBD) assumes that genetic differentiation increases among populations with geographical distance, the Isolation-by-Resistance model (IBR) also considers geographical barriers and other landscape features that impede gene flow. On the other hand, the Isolation-by-Environment model (IBE) explains genetic differentiation through environmental differences between populations. Although spatial genetic studies have increased significantly in recent years, plants from alpine ecosystems are highly underrepresented, even though they are great suitable systems to disentangle the role of the different factors that structure genetic variation across environmental gradients. Here, we studied the spatial genetic structure of the Mediterranean alpine specialist Silene ciliata across its southernmost distribution limit. We sampled three populations across an altitudinal gradient from 1850 to 2400 m, and we replicated this sample over three mountain ranges aligned across an E-W axis in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula. We genotyped 20 individuals per population based on eight microsatellite markers and used different landscape genetic tools to infer the role of topographic and environmental factors in shaping observed patterns along the altitudinal gradient. We found a significant genetic structure among the studied Silene ciliata populations which was related to the orography and E-W configuration of the mountain ranges. IBD pattern arose as the main factor shaping population genetic differentiation. Geographical barriers between mountain ranges also affected the spatial genetic structure (IBR pattern). Although environmental variables had a significant effect on population genetic diversity parameters, no IBE pattern was found on genetic structure. Our study reveals that IBD was the driver that best explained the genetic structure, whereas environmental factors also played a role in determining genetic diversity values of this dominant plant of Mediterranean alpine environments.</p