448 research outputs found

    Implementación de un sistema de logística en cadena de suministro cables DTH de una empresa de servicio en telecomunicaciones.

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    Este documento contiene archivo en PDF.Las Empresas, solicitan con frecuencias estudios de distribución de planta, por las constantes perdidas de recursos tanto materiales como económicos, El objetivo de esta propuesta es realizar un análisis del proceso de logística, por medio de la implementación de mejoras que optimicen los métodos de trabajo y la organización de la empresa, para el incremento de la productividad. Aplicando una de las herramientas de control de problemas como el diagrama de Pareto y distribución de planta SLP (sistematic layout planning), se identifica que la principal causa de tiempos improductivos en el proceso de logística, (recepción y entrega de antenas DTH), es la mala distribución de las instalaciones, que afectan al proceso de la logística, seguido del inadecuado método para control operacional, generando más del 62% de los tiempos improductivos. Esto significa queel costo anual de las perdidas relacionadas con la suma de los tiempos improductivos a reducir alcanza los 23.400.Enconclusioˊnlapropuestaaspiraelincrementodelaeficienciadesdeel62 23.400. En conclusión la propuesta aspira el incremento de la eficiencia desde el 62% al 90% con la aplicación del presente trabajo.The Companies, requested studies for distribution of industrial plant for the loss of material and economic resources. The objective of this proposal is to analyze the logistics process, through the implementation of improvement that optimize working methods and organization of the company for the increasement of the productivity. Applying one of the tools of control issues like Pareto diagram and plant layout SLP (Sistematic layout planning). The main cause of downtime in the logistics process (receipt and delivery of antennas DTH) is a bad distribution of facilities that affect the process of logistics, followed by an inadequate method for operational control, generating more than 62% of downtime. This means that the annual cost of losses compared with the amount of downtime to reduce, reaches 23,400. In conclusion, the proposal aims to increase in efficiency from 62% to 90% with the implementation of this work

    Modelo de función de transferencia para pronosticar el precio del huevo blanco, 2000 – 2017

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    Egg is one of the most accessible and widely available protein sources in the market. The objective of this study was to develop a time series model to predict monthly nominal average white egg prices paid to the producer (AWEPP) in Mexico using transfer function models (TFM) and to evaluate their relation with nominal average rural sorghum prices (NARSP). The parameters and the predictions were estimated with the maximum likelihood method and were statistically appropriate and significant. The best TFM that represented the behavior of AWEPP was that of two autoregressive coefficients, three of moving average, two degrees of denominator r, one degree of numerator s, and one coefficient b. It was found that the NARSP has an influence on the AWEPP one month later, decreasing the original variance of the AWEPP from 0.01036 to 0.009771 with the transfer model. The TFM generates better predictions of the AWEPP than the SARIMA model, because it takes into account the temporal evolution of the NARSP obtaining estimates that are closer to reality, useful for planning and for decision-making in the poultry sector in the short and medium term.El huevo es una de las fuentes de proteína más accesible y con disponibilidad amplia en el mercado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un modelo de series de tiempo para pronosticar los precios nominales mensuales de huevo blanco pagados al productor en México (PPHBP) mediante modelos de función de transferencia (MFT) y evaluar su relación con los precios promedios rurales del sorgo (PPSRG). Los parámetros y las predicciones se estimaron con el método de máxima verosimilitud y fueron estadísticamente apropiadas y significativas. El mejor MFT que representó el comportamiento de los PPHBP fue el de dos coeficientes autorregresivos, tres de media móvil, dos grados de denominador “râ€, un grado de numerador “s†y un coeficiente “bâ€. Se encontró que el PPSRG impacta  un mes después en los PPHBP, disminuyendo la varianza original del PPHBP de 0.01036 a 0.009771 con el modelo de transferencia. El MFT genera mejores pronósticos de los PPHBP que el modelo SARIMA, debido a que el primero, toma en cuenta la evolución temporal del PPSRG logrando estimaciones más cercanas a la realidad, útiles para planificar y tomar decisiones en el sector avícola a corto y mediano plazo

    Antibacterial Activity of Two Zn-MOFs Containing a Tricarboxylate Linker

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    Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) can be used as reservoirs of metal ions with relevant antibacterial effects. Here, two novel Zn-based MOFs with the formulas [Zn(μ-O)(μ-FA)L] (GR-MOF-8) and [Zn(μ-O)L(HO)] (GR-MOF-9) (HL: 5-((4-carboxyphenyl)ethynyl) in isophthalic acid and FA (formate anion) were solvothermally synthetized and fully characterized. The antibacterial activity of GR-MOF-8 and 9 was investigated against Staphylococcus aureus (SA) and Escherichia Coli (EC) by the agar diffusion method. Both bacteria are among the most relevant human and animal pathogens, causing a wide variety of infections, and are often related with the development of antimicrobial resistances. While both Zn-based materials exhibited antibacterial activity against both strains, GR-MOF-8 showed the highest inhibitory action, likely due to a more progressive Zn release under the tested experimental conditions. This is particularly evidenced in the inhibition of SA, with an increasing effect of GR-MOF-8 with time, which is of great significance to ensure the disappearance of the microorganism.GR-MOF preparation was co-funded by the M-ERA-NET C-MOF.cell project (PCI2020-111998 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR); MOFSEIDON project (PID2019-104228RB-100, MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE); MagChirop project PGC2018-102052-B-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; B-FQM-734-UGR20, B-FQM-478-UGR20 and FQM-394 funded from Junta de Andalucía; the Multifunctional Metallodrugs in Diagnosis and Therapy Network (MICIU, RED2018-102471-T); VIRMOF-CM project associated with R&D projects in response to COVID-19 from “Comunidad de Madrid” and European Regional Development Fund-FEDER 2014-2020-OE REACT-UE 1; and Margarita Salas contract 401 funded by Ministerio de Universidades and Next Generation. TH and PH acknowledge the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement and the Talento Mod. 2 fellowship from Madrid Community (2018-T2/IND-11407). SR and PH thank the Regional Madrid fellowship funding Talento 2017 Modality 2, 2017-T2/IND-5149. SR and ARD acknowledge the Juan de la Cierva Incorporation grant JC2019-038894-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR

    Research and application of low-energy wireless technologies in the Internet of Things

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    This scientific article aims to analyze the impact of the implementation of recreational activities on the learning of the English language in primary school students. As indicated in the introduction, learning a foreign language can be challenging for young students, which affects their motivation and interest in learning English. Therefore, the implementation of entertainment activities in the classroom is proposed as a way to improve English learning and motivation. Entertainment activities involve engaging students in fun and interactive ways, such as role-playing, board games, songs, stories, and other interactive activities. The study will evaluate the students\u27 knowledge of English before and after carrying out these activities, through standardized tests and surveys. The expected results are the improvement of English knowledge and increased motivation to learn it.Este artículo científico pretende analizar el impacto de la implementación de actividades lúdicas en el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa en alumnos de primaria. Como se indica en la introducción, el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera puede suponer un reto para los jóvenes estudiantes, lo que afecta a su motivación e interés por aprender inglés. Por lo tanto, se propone la implementación de actividades de entretenimiento en el aula como una forma de mejorar el aprendizaje del inglés y la motivación. Las actividades de entretenimiento implican involucrar a los estudiantes de forma divertida e interactiva, como juegos de rol, juegos de mesa, canciones, cuentos y otras actividades interactivas. El estudio evaluará los conocimientos de inglés de los alumnos antes y después de la realización de estas actividades, mediante pruebas estandarizadas y encuestas. Los resultados esperados son la mejora de los conocimientos de inglés y el aumento de la motivación para aprenderlo

    Improving English language skills through the implementation of entertaining activities in primary school students

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    This scientific article aims to analyze the impact of the implementation of recreational activities on the learning of the English language in primary school students. As indicated in the introduction, learning a foreign language can be challenging for young students, which affects their motivation and interest in learning English. Therefore, the implementation of entertainment activities in the classroom is proposed as a way to improve English learning and motivation. Entertainment activities involve engaging students in fun and interactive ways, such as role-playing, board games, songs, stories, and other interactive activities. The study will evaluate the students\u27 knowledge of English before and after carrying out these activities, through standardized tests and surveys. The expected results are the improvement of English knowledge and increased motivation to learn it.Este artículo científico pretende analizar el impacto de la implementación de actividades lúdicas en el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa en alumnos de primaria. Como se indica en la introducción, el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera puede suponer un reto para los jóvenes estudiantes, lo que afecta a su motivación e interés por aprender inglés. Por lo tanto, se propone la implementación de actividades de entretenimiento en el aula como una forma de mejorar el aprendizaje del inglés y la motivación. Las actividades de entretenimiento implican involucrar a los estudiantes de forma divertida e interactiva, como juegos de rol, juegos de mesa, canciones, cuentos y otras actividades interactivas. El estudio evaluará los conocimientos de inglés de los alumnos antes y después de la realización de estas actividades, mediante pruebas estandarizadas y encuestas. Los resultados esperados son la mejora de los conocimientos de inglés y el aumento de la motivación para aprenderlo

    La motivación de los estudiantes a participar en el Concurso Estatal de Aparatos y Experimentos de Física en Coahuila

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    We carried out in this work a brief survey to the high school students of the Coahuila’s state. The main goal of such survey was figuring out the motivation of the students to participate in science competition fairs related with theoretical and experimental physics. The survey was achieved during the 7th science competition fair of the state of Coahuila. This competition was carried out using the on-line and the face to face modes. According to the results in the survey, the students are motivated to participate in such event because they can increase their knowledge in physics and they also promote their creativity. Most of the students believe that the covid pandemic has affected their performance in the school to learn about physics. Despite this situation, they are considering a career in the field of physics or physics engineering. Finally, the students recommend that the award for the science fair should be cash, scientific travels or acceptance letters from prestigious universities to study physics.En este trabajo se realiza una breve encuesta dirigida a estudiantes de bachillerato del estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza para saber su motivación de participar en competiciones y/o Concurso de Física Experimental y Teórica. Esto en el marco de la realización del 7 Concurso Estatal de Aparatos de Experimentos de Física del estado de Coahuila el cual se llevó a cabo el pasado 23 de abril de 2021 en modalidad hibrida: presencial y en línea. Los resultados de la breve encuesta, indican que los estudiantes se motivan en este tipo de concursos debido al desarrollo de habilidades en la física, fomento de creatividad, y competitividad. Así mismo, manifiestan que la pandemia de Covid-19 si les ha afectado en el estudio de la Física, aunque una gran cantidad de estudiantes tiene pensado estudiar carreras relacionadas con la Ingeniería que involucran la Física como una de sus materias básicas. Finalmente, los estudiantes sugieren que los premios a este tipo de Concursos de Física debieran ser recomendaciones para ingresar en Universidades prestigiosas, dinero en efectivo o viajes científicos

    PDGF-BB serum levels are decreased in adult onset Pompe patients

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    Adult onset Pompe disease is a genetic disorder characterized by slowly progressive skeletal and respiratory muscle weakness. Symptomatic patients are treated with enzymatic replacement therapy with human recombinant alfa glucosidase. Motor functional tests and spirometry are commonly used to follow patients up. However, a serological biomarker that correlates with the progression of the disease could improve follow-up. We studied serum concentrations of TGFβ, PDGF-BB, PDGF-AA and CTGF growth factors in 37 adult onset Pompe patients and 45 controls. Moreover, all patients performed several muscle function tests, conventional spirometry, and quantitative muscle MRI using 3-point Dixon. We observed a statistically significant change in the serum concentration of each growth factor in patients compared to controls. However, only PDGF-BB levels were able to differentiate between asymptomatic and symptomatic patients, suggesting its potential role in the follow-up of asymptomatic patients. Moreover, our results point to a dysregulation of muscle regeneration as an additional pathomechanism of Pompe disease

    Distribution and genotype-phenotype correlation of GDAP1 mutations in Spain

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    Mutations in the GDAP1 gene can cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. These mutations are quite rare in most Western countries but not so in certain regions of Spain or other Mediterranean countries. This cross-sectional retrospective multicenter study analyzed the clinical and genetic characteristics of patients with GDAP1 mutations across Spain. 99 patients were identified, which were distributed across most of Spain, but especially in the Northwest and Mediterranean regions. The most common genotypes were p.R120W (in 81% of patients with autosomal dominant inheritance) and p.Q163X (in 73% of autosomal recessive patients). Patients with recessively inherited mutations had a more severe phenotype, and certain clinical features, like dysphonia or respiratory dysfunction, were exclusively detected in this group. Dominantly inherited mutations had prominent clinical variability regarding severity, including 29% of patients who were asymptomatic. There were minor clinical differences between patients harboring specific mutations but not when grouped according to localization or type of mutation. This is the largest clinical series to date of patients with GDAP1 mutations, and it contributes to define the genetic distribution and genotype-phenotype correlation in this rare form of CMT