1,698 research outputs found

    Early intervention in children and adolescents with social phobia

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los efectos del tratamiento psicológico Intervención en Adolescentes con Fobia Social (IAFS) en su versión 10-14 años. La muestra la componen 45 niños y adolescentes (75,5% chicas; 24,5% varones) con Fobia Social Generalizada y una edad media de 12.02 años (DT=1.44; rango: 10-14 años). Los participantes fueron asignados aleatoriamente a dos condiciones experimentales: 21 al Grupo Control Lista de Espera y 24 a la condición IAFS. Los resultados muestran la eficacia de la intervención psicológica frente al Grupo Control Lista de Espera en todas las variables dependientes medidas. Palabras Clave: intervención temprana, tratamiento, niños y adolescentes, fobia social generalizada, muestra comunitaria, experimental, Programa IAFS.The aim of this paper is to study the effects of psychological treatment Intervention of Adolescent with Social Phobia in version 10-14 years. The sample is composed by 45 children and adolescents (75,5% female; 24,5% male) with generalized social phobia and mean age was 12.02 years (SD = 1.44; range: 10-14 years). Participants were randomly assigned to two experimental conditions: 21 to the List Control Group and 24 to the IAFS condition. The results show significant changes in all the dependent variables assessed in the IAFS condition. Key words: early intervention, treatment, children and adolescents, generalized social phobia, community sample, experimental, IAFS Program

    20 años de premios de ilustración infantil y juvenil en España

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    [EN]In recent decades, illustration in children’s and young adults’ books has become especially important as a communicative and educational element. This has led to a proliferation of illustrated books and albums, as well as to an increase in the number of prizes and awards for them. This development has given the figure of the illustrator greater prominence and serves as an instrument for promotion and visibility, as well as a stimulus to production. Accordingly, the objective of this article is to set out the characteristics of Spanish children’s and young adults’ book awards focused on illustration within the 2000–2020 period, indicating their chronology, their organizers, the illustrators who have received the most awards, the thematic categories that are most commonly represented and the prize types and sums awarded to winners. To this end, a list of 103 Spanish children’s and young adults’ literature awards was compiled; 22 of these are specifically for illustration. The conclusion was reached that Spanish publishers are opting for illustrated books and albums that they themselves have produced. It was also found that such awards have consolidated over time, are normally of an institutional nature and offer small financial sums. Moreover, all kinds of thematic categories are represented in these awards, though fictional prose works clearly predominate, and within this category, awards most commonly go to illustrated albums

    Integration of Information Technology and Communication in Early Childhood Education in Navarre (Spain)

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    El artículo ofrece una perspectiva sobre integración, dificultades, causas y resultados sobre las TIC en Educación Infantil en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra, a partir de estudios, percepciones, experiencias de docentes de esta etapa, opiniones de expertos y familias. Es un estudio analítico y prospectivo con importantes aportaciones valiosas sobre formación inicial y permanente del profesorado, dotación de centros y aulas, mantenimiento de tecnologías, personal especializado de apoyo. Administración educativa, familias y docentes son interpeladas. Por la fiabilidad de los instrumentos y análisis realizados los resultados son extrapolables a otras comunidades, profesorado y realidades educativas.The article offers a perspective on the integration, difficulties, causes and results of the TIC in primary education in Navarre, from teachers' studies, perceptions, experiences on this stage, expert opinions and families. The work is an analytic and prospective study with an important and valuable contribution to teacher initial and permanent training, schools and classroom resources, technological maintenance, and support staff. Educational administration, families and teachers are questioned. Because of the resources' reliability and analysis performed, the results can be extrapolated to other regions, teachers and educational realities

    Desarrollo de una ayuda técnica para alumnos del colegio San Rafael (2) : brazo extensible para utilizar móviles o PDAs en silla de ruedas (II) : implementación

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    El presente proyecto es el cuarto de un conjunto de proyectos de ayuda a discapacitados, realizados específicamente para alumnos del Colegio San Rafael y en colaboración con los cuidadores del centro. Este proyecto pretende implementar un prototipo, diseñado previamente en otro proyecto de apoyo por Lorenzo de la Cruz, que permitiría acoplar un dispositivo telefónico o PDA a una silla de ruedas eléctrica, situándolo en un lugar en el que el usuario pueda hacer uso del mismo fácilmente y sin entorpecer el resto de actividades cotidianas. Se ha pretendido que sea una ayuda, que en ningún momento entorpezca al usuario. El objetivo del proyecto del que se tratará es que el propietario tenga a su disposición un dispositivo que le proporcione el teléfono móvil pulsando un simple botón, y que pueda retirar completamente el mismo de igual manera en caso de no necesitarlo, quedando recogido en la parte trasera de la silla. Para lograrlo se han ido haciendo una serie de pruebas sobre el diseño, con las que se ha ido comprobando que esto fuese así realmente, y ajustando el prototipo al entorno real. Ha sido necesario realizar modificaciones tanto en la mecánica del aparato como en la electrónica hardware y software para lograr el correcto funcionamiento del conjunto, y finalmente se ha conseguido instalarlo satisfactoriamente. A su vez se ha incluido una serie de mejoras. El prototipo consta de una parte mecánica, que sirve de estructura y protección al resto de elementos, con las sujeciones que lo fijan a la silla y los motores y engranajes que le dotan de movimiento; y una parte electrónica, que se podría dividir en el hardware (donde se encuentra un microprocesador, un circuito de potencia que hace funcionar a los motores, y toda la electrónica que hace funcionar a estos dos) y el software (que controla la ejecución de movimientos y analiza el entorno). Todo el conjunto se integra perfectamente en la silla de ruedas y aprovecha además su fuente de energía, las baterías, sin afectar a la vida diaria del usuario en otro aspecto que no sea la mejora. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This project is the fourth in a series of projects to help the disabled, made specifically for students of San Rafael school and in collaboration with carers in the center. This project aims to implement a prototype, previously designed in another project by Lorenzo de la Cruz, that allow to connect a mobile phone or PDA to an electric wheelchair, placing it where the user can easily use the same and without hindering the other daily activities. It has been pretended to be a help, which at no time obstruct the user. The aim of the project that we will discuss is to get that the owner has available a device to provide mobile phone by pressing a button, and that he can separate it completely if he don't need it, placing it in the rear part of the chair. To achieve this have been making a series of tests on the design, with which has gradually become clear that this was so real, and adjust the prototype to the real environment. It was necessary to modify the apparatus mechanical and the electronic hardware too, and software to achieve the proper functioning of the whole. And it has finally managed to install the prototype successfully. At the same time we have included a number of improvements. The prototype consists of a mechanical part, which serves as protection structure to the other elements, with fasteners that attach it to the chair and the motors and gears that provide it the movement, and an electronic part, which could be divided into hardware (where we found a microprocessor, a power circuit that powers the engines and all the electronics that allow to work these two) and software (that controls the execution of movements and analyzes the environment). The entire set fits perfectly into the wheelchair and also takes advantage of its power source, the batteries, without affecting the user's daily life in another aspect other than her improvement.Ingeniería Técnica en Electrónic

    Análisis del conocimiento especializado como profesora de matemáticas de una futura maestra. Un estudio de caso

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    Este trabajo surge a raíz de la poca motivación e interés que sienten los futuros maestros hacia las matemáticas ¿Influye esto en su profesión? ¿Están realmente preparados para dar clase en un aula de primaria? Para dar respuesta a estas preguntas, me propuse, a través de un estudio de caso, identificar el conocimiento especializado como profesora de matemáticas de una estudiante del grado en Educación Primaria en la Universidad de Sevilla, a través del análisis de un vídeo de una maestra con experiencia dando clase de geometría. En un primer momento, tras visualizar dicho vídeo, se le pidió identificar el conocimiento que ponía en juego. Tras una entrevista semiestructurada y el estudio del modelo 1MTSK, que surge con el objetivo de analizar en profundidad el conocimiento que emplean los profesores de matemáticas a la hora de desarrollar su trabajo, se le solicitó que volviera a analizarlo. La diferencia entre el primer y el segundo análisis fue notable, ya que, en el último, identifica más elementos del conocimiento especializado de un profesor de matemáticas, al estar todos ellos estructurados en el modelo. En conclusión, podemos decir que la estudiante identifica el conocimiento que la maestra ha puesto en juego.This study arises as a result of the little motivation and interest that future teachers feel towards mathematics. Does this influence their profession? Are they really prepared to teach in an elementary classroom? To answer these questions, I decided, through a case study, to identify the specialized knowledge as a mathematics teacher of a student of the degree in Primary Education at the University of Seville, through the analysis of a video of an experienced teacher giving geometry class. At first, after view the video, she was asked to identify the knowledge that the teacher put into play. After a semi-structured interview and the study of the MTSK model, which arises with the aim of analyzing in depth the knowledge that mathematics teachers use when developing their work, she was asked to analyze it again. The difference between the first and the second analysis was noticeable because, in the last, she identifies more elements of the specialized knowledge of a mathematics teacher as they are all structured in the model. In conclusion, we can say that the student identifies the knowledge that the teacher has put into playUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Modeling the heat transfer by conduction of nanocellular polymers with bimodal cellular structures

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    Nanocellular polymers are a new generation of materials with the potential of being used as very efficient thermal insulators. It has been proved experimentally that these materials present the Knudsen effect, which strongly reduces the conductivity of the gas phase. There are theoretical equations to predict the thermal conductivity due to this Knudsen effect, but all the models consider an average cell size. In this work, we propose a model to predict the thermal conductivity due to the conduction mechanisms of nanocellular materials with bimodal cellular structures, that is, with two populations of cells, micro and nanocellular. The novelty of our work is to consider not only the average cell size, but the cell size distribution. The predictions of the model are compared with the experimental conductivity of two real bimodal systems based on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and it is proved that this new model provides more accurate estimations of the conductivity than the models that do not consider the bimodality. Furthermore, this model could be applied to monomodal nanocellular polymers. In particular, for monomodal materials presenting a wide cell size distribution and at low densities, the model predicts important variations in comparison with the current models in the literature. This result indicates that the cell size distribution must be included in the estimations of the thermal conductivity of nanocellular polymer

    More than songs

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    Treball Final de Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual. Codi: CA0932. Curs acadèmic: 2017-2018Más que canciones es una película documental en la que se cuenta la historia de Laura, una compositora que trabaja para la empresa Canciona. Esta compañía se dedica a hacer canciones personalizadas por encargo. Sus trabajadores están repartidos en toda España. Así pues, Laura tendrá por fin la oportunidad de conocer a sus compañeros en persona y de tocar en directo una de sus composiciones. Se trata de un tema que cuenta una historia humana actual, novedosa y atractiva, que trabaja sobre la realidad desde un punto de vista personal, contando la historia de Laura en primera persona. Además, trata sobre la música, elemento con una enorme capacidad de transmitir emociones y unir a las personas. Los objetivos principales de este trabajo, por tanto, podrían agruparse en dos categorías. La primera: mostrar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la carrera, resolviendo problemas y utilizando los recursos disponibles para obtener un resultado óptimo. La segunda: conseguir transformar un hecho real en una historia que sea de interés y atractiva. Tras estudiar el tema y elaborar un marco teórico, podemos resaltar varios aspectos clave: la volatilidad del guion documental, en un primer lugar; la importancia de una buena documentación, investigación y planificación, por otro; las reuniones de equipo como elemento fundamental para controlar el proceso de producción al máximo posible, por otro. En base a todo esto, se argumentó la decisión discursiva del documental, con una estructura de planteamiento-nudo-desenlace, con la figura de Laura como hilo conductor, narradores homodiegéticos e intradiegéticos y el elemento clave (la actuación) grabado en riguroso directo. La valoración última del proceso de grabación ha sido favorable, ya que aunque ha habido inconvenientes y factores fuera del control del equipo de la producción, se ha tratado de controlar al máximo todos los factores posibles, y se ha dado solución a todas las pequeñas (o grandes) y a veces inevitables trabas que surgen durante el trabajo.Más que canciones is a documentary film in which the story of Laura, a composer who works for the company Canciona, is told. That company is dedicated to making custom songs on request. Its workers are spread throughout Spain. Thus, Laura will finally have the opportunity to meet her colleagues in person and to play one of her compositions live. It’s a theme that tells a current human story, new and attractive, that works with reality from a personal point of view, telling the story of Laura in first person. In addition, it is about music, an element with an enormous capacity to transmit emotions and unite people. The main objectives of this work, therefore, could be grouped into two big categories. The first: show the knowledge acquired during the race, solving problems and using the available resources to obtain an optimal result. The second: to transform a real event into a story that is interesting and attractive. After studying the topic and elaborating a theoretical framework, we can highlight several key aspects: the volatility of the documentary script, in the first place; the importance of a good documentation process, research and planning, on the other; team meetings as a fundamental element to control the production process as much as possible, on the other. The discursive decision of the documentary was argued, with a structure of approach-node-outcome, with the figure of Laura as the guiding thread, the presence of homodiegetic and intradiegetic narrators and the key element (the performance) recorded in rigorous direct. The last assessment of the recording process has been favorable, because even though there have been problems and factors beyond the control of the production team, we have tried to control all the possible factors as much as possible, and we have solved all the small (and the big) and sometimes inevitable obstacles that have arisen during work

    Ectoparasites associated with a Great Horned Owl nesting population in fragmented landscape of Baja California peninsula, México

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    Ectoparasites are important in avian host population because they can affect health condition, regulate population dynamics and alter interspecific competition. Studies of ectoparasites in wild raptors are scarce and even few have been made in owls. This is the first study of the prevalence and intensity of ectoparasites in Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) fledglings. We studied ectoparasites on fledglings from nests in a fragmented arid landscape at Baja California peninsula, during the breeding seasons of 2015 and 2017. The fledglings of 40 days of age were handled and taken from their nests for the collection of ectoparasites. A total of 81 epizoic species were collected from 36 nestlings from 15 nests, distributed in five orders: Diptera (Icosta americana); Hemiptera (Cimicidae gen. sp.); Phthiraptera (Neohaematopinus sciurinus, Colpocephalum pectinatum); Siphonaptera (Orchopea sp.) and Mesostigmata (Ornihtonysus sylviarum). Likewise, one species of chewing lice (n=5) (Geomydoecus telli) and one species of feather mite (n=7) were also recorded associated with the Great Horned Owl. Five species were hematophagous parasites. Louse fly I. americana and chewing louse C. pectinatum showed the highest levels of prevalence (26.5% and 20.6% respectively), while the hematophagous feather mite Ornihtonysus silviarum presented the higher mean intensity in only one nest (15.5). The flea Orchopea sp. and the chewing louse G. telli and sucking louse N. sciurinus exhibited the lowest values of prevalence and mean intensity; these species have been recorded in association mainly with rodents, so probably they could have been transmitted to the owls when they were captured as preys and taken into their nest. Additionally a bug (Cimicidae gen. sp.) was found in one host. Colpocephalum pectinatum is the first recorded from Great Horned owl, such as new host. The abundance of ectoparasites in one owl nest was independent of their abundance in neighbor nests (Moran´s I = 0.010; z = 0.16, P > 0.05). We discuss the implications of ectoparasitism for a Great Horned owl population in fragmented habitat of the Baja California arid desert.Los parásitos juegan un papel importante en la historia de vida de sus hospederos porque pueden afectar la salud, regular la dinámica poblacional e inclusive alterar la competición inter-especifica. Bajo ciertas condiciones de deterioro del hábitat, como la fragmentación, puede aumentar los niveles de infestación y en consecuencia tener efectos negativos más marcados en los hospederos. Este es el primer estudio de la prevalencia e intensidad de ectoparásitos en volantones de Búho Cornudo Bubo virginianus. Evaluamos los ectoparásitos en pollos de nidos situados en un paisaje árido fragmentado de la península de Baja California. Los pollos casi volantones de 40 días de edad fueron tomados del nido durante las temporadas reproductivas del 2015 y 2017, para realizar la colecta de ectoparásitos y regresarlos posteriormente. Se colectaron 81 ectoparásitos de 36 polluelos en 15 nidos. Fue registrada una infestación del 61% (n=22) con ocho especies (H = 1.56), cinco de las cuales fueron parásitos hematófagos. Los ectoparásitos estuvieron distribuidos en cinco órdenes; Diptera (Icosta americana); Hemiptera (Cimicidae gen. sp.); Phthiraptera (Neohaematopinus sciurinus, Colpocephalum pectinatum); Siphonaptera (Orchopea sp.), y Mesostigmata (Ornihtonysus sylviarum). También se registró una especie de piojo masticador (n=5) (Geomydoecus telli) y una de ácaro de plumas (n=7) asociados con el búho cornudo. La mosca piojo I. americana y el piojo masticador C. pectinatum presentaron alta prevalencia (26.5% y 20.6% respectivamente), mientras que el ácaro hematófago O. silviarum presentó la más alta intensidad media en un sólo nido (15.5). La pulga Orchopea sp., y los piojos, masticador G. telli y succionador N. sciurinus, fueron registros raros y exhibieron los valores más bajos de prevalencia e intensidad media; estas especies se han registrado en asociación principalmente a roedores, así que probablemente se transmitieron a los pollos al llevar presas de roedores al nido del búho. Adicionalmente una chinche Cimicidae gen. sp., se encontró en un huésped. Colpocephalum pectinatum es primer registro para el Búho cornudo como hospedero. La abundancia de ectoparásitos en un nido de búho fue independiente de la abundancia de nidos cercanos (Moran´s I = 0.010; z = 0.16, P > 0.05). Se discuten las implicaciones que tienen los ectoparásitos en una población del Búho cornudo en un hábitat fragmentado del desierto árido de Baja California

    Chapter Mackintosh, Bayer y los Eames: diálogos entre tipografía y arquitectura

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Microbial community changes during different empty bed residence times and operational fluctuations in an air diffusion reactor for odor abatement

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    Producción CientíficaThe succession of bacterial and fungal populations was assessed in an activated sludge (AS) diffusion bioreactor treating a synthetic malodorous emission containing H2S, toluene, butanone and alpha-pinene. Microbial community characteristics (bacterial and fungal diversity, richness, evenness and composition) and bioreactor function relationships were evaluated at different empty bed residence times (EBRTs) and after process fluctuations and operational failures (robustness test). For H2S, butanone and toluene, the bioreactor showed a stable and efficient abatement performance regardless of the EBRT and fluctuations applied, while low alpha-pinene removals were observed. While no clear positive or negative relationship between community characteristics and bioreactor functions was observed, ecological parameters such as evenness and community dynamics seemed to be of importance for maintaining reactor stability. The optimal degree of evenness of the inoculum likely contributed to the high robustness of the system towards the fluctuations imposed. Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and Fungi (Hypocreales, Chaeatothyriales) were the most abundant groups retrieved from the AS system with a putative key role in the degradation of butanone and toluene. Typical H2S and alpha-pinene degraders were not retrieved from the system. The inoculation of P. fluorescens, a known alpha-pinene degrader, to the system did not result in the enhancement of the degradation of this compound. This strain was likely outcompeted by the microorganisms already adapted to the AS environment.2019-03-08Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (CTQ2007-64324, 18ISMW)Junta de Castilla y Leon (UIC 476 71