104 research outputs found

    Meteorology for maritime students. Literature search for relevant information on meteorological subject and promotion of teamwork

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    The Teaching Innovation Project to which we refer below has been focused to pupils of the subject "Meteorology", taught in the third year of the degree in Nautical Sciences and Maritime Transport. Furthermore, the general and specific skills enhanced in the students through this project, are very useful for many other subjects on their degree. The implementation of this project sought the achievement of several learning objectives. First, it was intended to improve the student's preparation in the subject, trying to make more attractive for pupils the usually tedious process of searching and analysis of relevant bibliographic information, not only from an academic point of view, but also from the perspective of the future sailor. Secondly but not least, it has been tried to promote studying and working habits through team activities. Although individual work creates habits of personal reflection, since the student marks his own learning patterns, it carries the risk of leading to subjective interpretations that are little contrast; therefore, is necessary to find a way to properly combine individual and group work. To achieve the aforementioned objectives, this teaching project has enhanced the active work of the student by conducting activities of five members designing thematic posters (chosen from a list of proposed topics), which are later exposed and discussed publicly. Through continuous interaction with fellow students in the preparation of the posters, we have sought to foster critical and self-critical capacity, as well as constructive competition. It promotes creativity and increase the investment of the student in improving their training. A poster is a type of academic communication of great educational interest since, in addition to its obvious importance in the academic field, it provides educational benefits that will be briefly explained below. By having a limited space, the student is forced to develop their ability for synthesize, through the use of graphs, tables, images, etc. This in turn requires applying their capacity for analysis, discerning essential and superfluous concepts. At last, the public exposition and discussion increases the responsibility that falls on the student facing their peers, which positively affects to the quality of the work. This teaching project has been carried out throughout the corresponding semester. With this purpose, a certain number of hours of practical classes were assigned. This affords the student to devote more time for the accomplishment of his work, as well as it allows the teacher a punctual and immediate follow-up of its development. The chosen format (poster size) favoured the attainment of several of the didactic objectives sought, at the same time that it served as an introduction to the student in the methodologies and vehicles of knowledge broadcasting at the academic world

    The importance of sub-mesoscale processes for the exchange of properties through the Strait of Gibraltar

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    This article presents a detailed analysis of the sub-mesoscale transport processes in the Strait of Gibraltar. The interest is focussed on the Camarinal Sill region, and special attention is paid to the across-strait transport processes, the divergences and convergences in the central zone, and the small-scale circulation patterns along the northern coastal margin. The analysis is based on high-resolution (7 m) SST images acquired by an air-borne hyper-spectral scanner, and has been complemented with a rhodamine-release experiment, continuous thermo-salinograph records, acoustic Doppler current (ADCP) profiles from both moorings and vessel-mounted experiments, and numerical modelling. It is deduced from the analysis that the coupling between the upwelling processes, induced by the internal tide and the generation of large-amplitude internal waves, and the cyclonic eddies formed on the coastal margin, seems to be the mechanism that explains the chlorophyll maxima frequently found on the coastal margin of the studied area. Further, as a consequence of the small-scale patterns of circulation induced by the internal waves, the suspended substances are displaced from the coastal margins toward the central zones and later are carried by the westward current toward the convergence zones created by the internal waves, where they may be retained and accumulate. Then, in the eastward phase of the tidal current over the Camarinal Sill, these nuclei of concentrated substances (nutrients, chlorophyll, and plankton) are transported toward the Alboran Sea, where they must contribute, in part, to the primary productivity there

    Breve historia de la Facultad de Odontología

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    La Facultad de Odontología se fundó el 27 de diciembre de 1963 e inició actividades el 3 de marzo de 1964. Años más tarde, el 19 de mayo de 1986, el H. Consejo Universitario aprobó su cambio de escuela a Facultad de Odontología. La conmemoración de 55 años de esta Facultad y 40 años de hermandad con las Universidades de Meikai y Asahi, se constituye un momento oportuno para manifestar el testimonio de cuanto han realizado hombres y mujeres que han dejado huella en esta institución

    Vertidos tóxicos al río Guadiamar: propuestas técnicas para su corrección

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    Inmediatamente de producirse el vertido tóxico al río Guadiamar, el Grupo T.A.R. se lanzó sin pensarlo dos veces a la búsqueda de soluciones técnicas a un panorama desolador y de efectos desconocidos, todos ellos amenazantes. El ácido “se comía el suelo inundado” por la riada, el agua retenida en Entremuros a pH 3, y con un enorme contenido de metales pesados, ocupaba una extensión de kilómetros. Nos hundimos en el agua hasta el cuello, y cuando nos cubría cogimos la barca, metimos el río a pedazos en nuestro laboratorio, para trabajar todas las hipótesis, ensayar todas las posibilidades. Peleando con la realidad le sacamos datos al Guadiamar, diseñamos actuaciones, poniéndole ingeniería a cuantas hipótesis nos planteaba la situación. En primera fila observamos las mejores actuaciones que nadie diseñó. El propio río, activando sus defensas naturales, mejoró la calidad del agua retenida en el dique de Entremuros subiendo el pH y precipitando los metales pesados. Los mecanismos de entrada de los metales pesados en la cadena trófica parecían ser lentos, dando tiempo a que la retirada de los lodos tóxicos llevada a cabo por la Administración fuera eficaz y diera tiempo a realizar tanto esfuerzo. Aunque el Guadiamar ha trabajado muy duro en su propia recuperación, con su ayuda hemos elaborado una gran cantidad de propuestas técnicas; unas para actuaciones de emergencia, otras a corto, medio y largo plazo. También hemos dado forma a un Plan frente a las previsibles avenidas de este primer otoño después del vertido. Nuestro objetivo ha sido poner a disposición soluciones preparadas para todo tipo de problemas, en primera o en segunda instancia. Prevenir no solo una o dos contingencias, se ha tratado de estar preparado para la mayor cantidad de eventualidades posibles. Por ello algunas serán utilizables, otras estarán en reserva, y muchas irían al cajón de los papeles. Pero ahí están por si acaso. Este libro recoge los trabajos de campo, los ensayos de laboratorio y la ingeniería desarrollada en los primeros cuatro meses. Durante el siguiente preparamos la edición del mismo, mientras, en paralelo, continuábamos en el trabajo experimental y el diseño. Cuando se cumpla el quinto mes, el 25 de Septiembre de 1998, lo presentaremos, ciento cincuenta días después... Con la financiación de la Diputación de Sevilla hemos preparado la primera edición en formato CD Rom e Internet, con muy poco coste para acceder a su contenido. En poco tiempo saldrá la edición en papel, con la misma financiación que la primera. Nos gustaría que este documento fuera entendido como lo que es, en nuestra opinión, una llamada urgente al debate de las ideas. Tratamos de ofrecer la información necesaria y el foro donde recoger las propuestas que seguramente muchos pueden aportar sin saber como transmitir sus experiencias. El Grupo de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (T.A.R.) abre con este libro la MESA DE DISCUSIÓN, para buscar un poco de luz, avanzar en las soluciones técnicas a la inmensa tarea de recuperar el río Guadiamar. El libro presenta lagunas, unas por la enorme prisa, otra por falta de datos, muchas por nuestra escasez de conocimientos. Dicen en España que “lo mejor es enemigo de lo bueno”...,y nos gustaría recoger ideas hoy mejor que mañana, que podría ser tarde. Nos comprometemos a seguir trabajando en soluciones técnicas, innovaciones tecnológicas e investigación aplicada a la recuperación del Guadiamar, a conocer lo ocurrido y su remedio. Nos comprometemos a publicar de la misma forma los resultados obtenidos, de manera que la discusión y el debate sigan siempre abiertos. El grupo T.A.R. podría ser un punto de intercambio de conocimientos universal, abierto, respetuoso y tolerante, universitario en definitiva, y por tanto útil en el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones. La primera necesidad de responder urgentemente, está dando paso a unas actuaciones programadas, a medida de los efectos de las correcciones introducidas. Deben instaurarse políticas de prevención y nuevas actuaciones para recuperar el Guadiamar, mejorar urgentemente las condiciones del entorno. Aprender de las soluciones adoptadas y generar mejores prácticas, puede ser una buena conclusión del trabajo realizado por tanta gente. Lo que empezó siendo una carrera de velocidad se nos convierte en un maratón, ya no hay que correr explosivamente, hay que mantener un ritmo en la carrera; hay que persistir en el esfuerzo todos los días durante mucho tiempo. Este nuevo desafío sigue siendo duro y difícil. Podéis contar con el Grupo T.A.R. para recorrer el duro camino de la Recuperación

    European Extremely Large Telescope Site Characterization II: High angular resolution parameters

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    This is the second article of a series devoted to European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) site characterization. In this article we present the main properties of the parameters involved in high angular resolution observations from the data collected in the site testing campaign of the E-ELT during the Design Study (DS) phase. Observations were made in 2008 and 2009, in the four sites selected to shelter the future E-ELT (characterized under the ELT-DS contract): Aklim mountain in Morocco, Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM) in Spain, Mac\'on range in Argentina, and Cerro Ventarrones in Chile. The same techniques, instruments and acquisition procedures were taken on each site. A Multiple Aperture Scintillation Sensor (MASS) and a Differential Image Motion Monitor (DIMM) were installed at each site. Global statistics of the integrated seeing, the free atmosphere seeing, the boundary layer seeing and the isoplanatic angle were studied for each site, and the results are presented here. In order to estimate other important parameters such as the coherence time of the wavefront and the overall parameter "coherence \'etendue" additional information of vertical profiles of the wind speed was needed. Data were retrieved from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) archive. Ground wind speed was measured by Automatic Weather Stations (AWS). More aspects of the turbulence parameters such as their seasonal trend, their nightly evolution and their temporal stability were also obtained and analyzed.Comment: 46 pages and 17 figures. Accepted to be published in PAS

    Validez e invarianza factorial de una medida breve de Satisfacción con la Vida Familiar

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    RESUMEN Se examinó la estructura factorial, la confiabilidad, la validez convergente y discriminante, y la invarianza factorial por sexo, de la Satisfaction with Family Life Scale (SWFLS). Los participantes fueron 804 estudiantes de primaria y secundaria de escuelas privadas de Lima, con un promedio de edad de 13.5 años (DE = 1.6). Los resultados confirman la estructura unidimensional de la escala (χ2 = 3.49, df = 5, p = 0.63; χ2/df = 0.69; GFI = 0.998; CFI = 1; NFI = 0.998; RMSEA = 0 [IC90% 0, 0.038] y SRMR = 0.007), la invarianza factorial por sexo y una consistencia interna adecuada (α = 0.84; ω = 0.84; H = 0.85). Se obtuvieron evidencias satisfactorias de validez convergente y discriminante de las SWFLS con medidas de funcionalidad familiar, bienestar subjetivo y depresión. En conclusión, la SWFLS presenta excelentes propiedades psicométricas para medir la satisfacción con la vida familiar en escolares limeños. Palabras clave análisis factorial confirmatorio; invarianza factorial; satisfacción con la vida familiar; escolares peruanos. ABSTRACT We examined the factor structure, reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, and factorial invariance by sex of the Satisfaction with Family Life Scale (SWFLS). The participants were 804 primary and secondary students from private schools in Lima, with an average age of 13.5 years (SD = 1.6). The results confirm the one-dimensional structure of the scale (χ2 = 3.49, df = 5, p = 0.63, χ2/df = 0.69, GFI = 0.998, CFI = 1, NFI = 0.998, RMSEA = 0 [IC90% 0, 0.038], and SRMR = 0.007), factorial invariance by sex and adequate internal consistency (α = 0.84; ω = 0.84; H = 0.85). Satisfactory evidence of convergent and discriminant validity of the SWFLS was obtained with measures of family functionality, subjective well-being and depression. In conclusion, the SWFLS presents excellent psychometric properties to measure satisfaction with family life in Lima schoolchildren. Keywords confirmatory factor analysis; factorial invariance; satisfaction with family life; Peruvian schoolchildren

    Ruling Frameworks and Fire Use‐Conflicts in Tropical Forests of Chiapas, Mexico: A Discourse Analysis

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    The use of fire within tropical forests to settle agriculture and livestock systems has long been causing a bottle-neck for governmental and environmental development agencies, especially in natural forested areas with local population. An international strategy followed since many years ago is the decree of special territories with vast forests as natural protected areas (NPA). In Mexico, environmental laws can run contrary to customs and practices of natural resource-dependent communities which still use fire to farm their lands as unique livelihood activity. The chapter examines two conflicting frameworks of resource management (forest and soil) and governance in a forest village’s efforts to comply with federal policies against fires in a NPA of Chiapas, Mexico. Forest and soil management is a key locus in California village, where governance structures come into conflict with hierarchical State power. Participatory workshops and semi-structured interviews were primary research instruments for data collection and discovery of community front and backstage. Ethnography and discourse analysis were used as main tools for the analysis of information. While the State leads the conservation efforts and limits cultural activities and local actions through coercive laws, the land use and resource-dependent communities defend their access rights, and they also determine how to individual or collectively manage fires in daily activities. Finding collective solutions with horizontal-dialogue strategies represent an important issue and a pending task for the development and preservation agencies focused on forested areas. Backstage dialogue is a tool for village self-preservation when livelihood strategies are at odds with protectionist conservation efforts

    Biomass Accumulation and Carbon Storage in Pinus maximinoi, Quercus robur, Quercus rugosa, and Pinus patula from Village- Forests of Chiapas, Mexico

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    The Frailesca region (Chiapas, Mexico) presents a lack of forest studies and its environmental contribution. This chapter displays a first case study with preliminary research information regarding the identification of main forest trees and rural villages with best potential for biomass production and carbon storage management. Twenty two plots of 500 m2 were selected in 11 villages of the region, in order to identify the main and dominant forest trees species and then to estimate the biomass production and carbon storage in pine (Pinus maximinoi), oak (Quercus robur), holm oak (Quercus rugosa) and Mexican weeping pine (Pinus patula) species. This study shows that the largest accumulation of both biomass and carbon occurred in the pine forests and the lowest in the oak forests. Pine trees showed carbon storage of 516.75 Mg ha−1, followed by holm oaks, with 297.21 Mg ha−1; the species with the lowest value was oak, with 75.02 Mg ha−1. The forests of the 24 de Febrero villages had the highest potential for carbon storage. Deep studies are being conducted in relation to the aboveground biomass, carbon contents in trees stem, branches and leaves, and the relation to biomass dynamics and carbon stocks and other ecological aspects of village-forests