1,551 research outputs found

    Resonances and the Weinberg--Tomozawa 56-baryon --35-meson interaction

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    Vector meson degrees of freedom are incorporated into the Weinberg-Tomozawa (WT) meson-baryon chiral Lagrangian by using a scheme which relies on spin--flavor SU(6) symmetry. The corresponding Bethe-Salpeter approximation successfully reproduces previous SU(3)--flavor WT results for the lowest-lying s--wave negative parity baryon resonances, and it also provides some information on the dynamics of the heavier ones. Moreover, it also predicts the existence of an isoscalar spin-parity 32−\frac32^- K∗NK^*N bound state (strangeness +1) with a mass around 1.7--1.8 GeV, unstable through K∗K^* decay. Neglecting d-wave KN decays, this state turns out to be quite narrow (Γ≤15\Gamma \le 15 MeV) and it might provide clear signals in reactions like γp→Kˉ0pK+π−\gamma p \to \bar K^0 p K^+\pi^- by looking at the three body pK+π−p K^+\pi^- invariant mass.Comment: Talk given at the IVth International Conference on Quarks an Nuclear Physics, Madrid, June 5th-10th 2006. Minor correction

    El secuestro del Santa María en la prensa del régimen franquista

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    In January, 1961 there took place the kidnapping of the Portuguese transatlantic Santa Maria, executed by a group of 24 persons organized under the DRIL (Revolutionary Iberian Directory of Liberation). Their intention was to denounce before the world the Iberian dictatorships of Franco and Salazar. Almost the whole world press gathered this event in their pages. In the francoist Spain, newspaper of unquestionable adhesion to the regime as ABC, Ya and Arriba emphasized this fact as an act of piracy and terrorism. The manipulation and the propaganda in the Spanish diaries concealed the society from the real characteristics of the event, as well as the motives, consequences and all the details of the same one

    Propuesta de un protocolo de actuación. "Si eres celíaco, yo te informo"

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    La enfermedad celiaca es una enteropatía autoinmune crónica, como consecuencia de una intolerancia permanente al gluten. La exposición al gluten produce atrofia de las vellosidades intestinales, dificultando la absorción de nutrientes. El único tratamiento existente para esta enfermedad es el seguimiento de una dieta libre de gluten de por vida. Pero realizar esta dieta durante toda la vida significa para los pacientes un alto coste económico, restricciones sociales y dificultades en su adhesión. Esto supone que los pacientes sufran, además, ansiedad, depresión y una disminución de su calidad de vida. Por ello, se propone un programa de actuación que tiene como objetivo hacer disponible y manejable toda la información necesaria a los enfermos celiacos y su entorno, mejorando así la adherencia al tratamiento, disminuyendo la ansiedad y aumentando la calidad de vida. Para ello se realizará un protocolo de seguimiento de los pacientes que consiste en una serie de consultas periódicas en las que se aportará información sobre lo que es la enfermedad celiaca, los alimentos que pueden comer, como manejarse en la vida diaria, problemas que se pueden encontrar…, se dará también material de apoyo a esa información y se resolverán otras dudas que puedan tener.Grado en Enfermerí

    Beneficios de la caninoterapia en la salud

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    Desde hace miles de años, se ha reconocido que la interacción del hombre con los animales es beneficiosa. De ahí, surgieron las terapias asistidas con animales (TAA). Florence Nightingale ya promocionaba al perro como compañero para enfermos crónicos. El psiquiatra Boris Levinson, al igual que Sigmund Freud, se fijaron en cómo su perro ayudaba a los pacientes introvertidos e introdujeron la caninoterapia en sus sesiones, haciendo múltiples estudios sobre el tema.Se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica narrativa de las TAA, centrándose en los beneficios que produce el perro como coterapeuta y en qué ámbitos sanitarios se han realizado investigaciones. La caninoterapia hoy en día se utiliza para muchas patologías y para múltiples colectivos como hospitalizados, escolares, presidiarios, centros de la tercera edad, etc. Y se ha demostrado que ayuda a pacientes de todas las edades.Se ha comprobado que la caninoterapia ayuda a disminuir los síntomas de patologías como el estrés, el autismo, la ansiedad, mejora el ánimo y la autoestima y ayuda en la recuperación y previene patologías cardiacas. También ayuda a los sanitarios a realizar con más eficacia sus técnicas ya que el paciente está más relajado, demanda menor cantidad de analgesia y valora sus tratamientos con mayor satisfacción.Una vez verificado que la caninoterapia es una alternativa farmacológica útil, sería interesante promover este tipo de terapias en hospitales y centros socio –sanitarios.Grado en Enfermerí

    Photon induced Lambda(1520) production and the role of the K^* exchange

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    We study the photon induced Lambda(1520) production in the effective Lagrangian method near threshold, E_\gamma^{LAB}<2 GeV, and in the quark-gluon string model at higher energies 3 GeV < E_\gamma^{LAB} < 5 GeV. In particular, we study the role of the K^* exchange for the production of Lambda(1520) within the SU(6) Weinberg-Tomozowa chiral unitary model proposed in Phys. Rev. D74 (2006) 034025. The coupling of the Lambda(1520) resonance to the N \bar K^* pair, which is dynamically generated, turns out to be relatively small and, thus, the K exchange mechanism dominates the reaction. In the higher energy region, where experimental data are available, the quark-gluon string mechanism with the K Regge trajectory reproduces both the energy and the angular distribution dependences of the Lambda(1520) photo-production reaction.Comment: 20 pages and 6 page

    La prensa jurídica en el tardofranquismo: el Proceso 1001

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    During the last years of the Franco’s regime it took place in Spain one of the summaries most important and key to understand the institutional repression of the dictatorship, the so called Process 1001. The above mentioned process, directed against the union CCOO and besides against the working movement, was not followed by the attention deserved due to a happened event the same day, the murder of the Prime Minister Luis Carrero Blanco to ETA’s hands. The national press specializing in juridical topics and of courts dedicated their attention and certain space to the process in their corresponding sections, a space clearly insufficiently


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    The real part of the K+K^{+} selfenergy for the interaction of the K+K^{+} with the pion nuclear cloud is evaluated in lowest order of chiral perturbation theory and is found to be exactly zero in symmetric nuclear matter. This removes uncertainties in that quantity found in former phenomenological analyses and is supported by present experimental data on K+K^{+} nucleus scattering.Comment: 11 pp, LaTeX file, 4 figures (appended as compressed tar files, uses epsf.sty

    D mesic nuclei

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    The energies and widths of several D^0 meson bound states for different nuclei are obtained using a D-meson selfenergy in the nuclear medium, which is evaluated in a selfconsistent manner using techniques of unitarized coupled-channel theory. The kernel of the meson-baryon interaction is based on a model that treats heavy pseudoscalar and heavy vector mesons on equal footing, as required by heavy quark symmetry. We find D^0 bound states in all studied nuclei, from 12C up to 208Pb. The inclusion of vector mesons is the keystone for obtaining an attractive D-nucleus interaction that leads to the existence of D^0-nucleus bound states, as compared to previous studies based on SU(4) flavor symmetry. In some cases, the half widths are smaller than the separation of the levels, what makes possible their experimental observation by means of a nuclear reaction. This can be of particular interest for the future PANDA@FAIR physics program. We also find a D^+ bound state in 12C, but it is too broad and will have a significant overlap with the energies of the continuum.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 2 table
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