103 research outputs found

    Integration of an intrusion detection solution in container technology

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    RESUMEN: El objetivo principal de este trabajo es implementar una solución mediante herramientas de código abierto en un entorno basado en contenedores que permita monitorizar el tráfico de red no deseado, anomalías de seguridad y detección de intrusiones. Para ello, se procesarán, recopilaran y se presentará la información relevante mediante una interfaz gráfica fácilmente comprensible por cualquier usuario con acceso. Con este fin, se utilizará Snort como software de detección de intrusiones y Elk stack, que será el encargado de recopilar los datos enviados por Snort, para analizarlos y visualizarlos en tiempo real. Ambas herramientas funcionarán sobre contenedores Docker para así aprovechar las numerosas ventajas que esta tecnología ofrece. Este proyecto podrá ser implementado en el ámbito educacional y en redes de pequeñas empresas para añadir un nivel más de protección y un control de los eventos que estén ocurriendo en la red tanto en tiempo real como a posteriori.ABSTRACT: The main subjet of this project is to deploy a solution based on open source tools in a Docker container environment to allow monitoring of unwanted network traffic, security anomalies and intrusion detection. To achieve this, the relevant information will be processed, collected and presented through a graphical interface easily understandable by any user authorized to access this data. To achieve this, Snort will be used as intrusion detection software and Elk stack will be using to collecting the data sended by Snort, and also to analyze and visualize it in real time. Both tools will work on Docker containers to take advantage of the many benefis that this technology offers to the user. This project could be implemented in the educational field and in small business networks to increse an additional level of protection and control of the events that are occurring on the network both in real time and afterwards.Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Reduced reproductive fitness of an endemic insular juniper population: an eco-genetic mediation hypothesis

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    The mutual reinforcement of multiple drivers of global change erodes ecosystem services and accelerates plant population decline worldwide. This is particularly the case for island ecosystems where anthropogenic activity has imperilled insular floras for centuries. Different hypotheses have put forward the combined effects of environmental shifts and genetic factors in driving fecundity decline in threatened populations. In this study, we combined population genetics tools and structural equation models to test the eco-genetic mediation hypothesis, that the environmental conditions influence genetic variation, which in turn affects plant fitness. Our study species is Juniperus cedrus, an endangered juniper species endemic to the Canary Islands. Juniper woodlands have been depleted since the arrival of human inhabitants confined extant populations to marginal lands. More recently, long-distance dispersers have been extirpated from the study area, potentially eliminating connectivity among fragmented populations. We expected strong intrapopulation subdivision and high levels of inbreeding and kinship that should negatively affect individual fitness. We found evidence of population subdivision into several mating neighbourhoods (K=13), some of them highly inbred. However, contrary to our expectations, neither inbreeding nor mean kinship mediated a population response to environmental factors. Our results suggest three remedial actions to reverse the declining demographic trends: (i) re-establish native vegetation to ameliorate local environmental conditions; (ii) restore dispersal services to increase connectivity; and (iii) monitor fitness decline to identify lagged effects associated with deforestation. Overall, this study shows that structural equation models combined with population genetics techniques are suitable tools to identify high-order effects among multiple drivers of global change that underlie forest decline

    Impact of glucose oxidase treatment in high sugar and pH musts on volatile composition of white wines

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    Producción CientíficaClimate change is modifying the composition of the grapes, increasing sugar and pH levels, which produces unbalanced wines with high alcohol degree, low acidity and poor aromatic notes. In this study, glucose oxidase (GOX) and catalase (CAT) were applied in white must with high sugar content and pH (>3.8) to simultaneously decrease glucose concentration and pH. The effect of enzyme treatment on volatile composition of wine was investigated. A concentration of 0.17 mkat/L for both GOX and CAT was sufficient to produce a remarkable reduction of glucose concentration in the must (61.5 g/L), achieving similar results within the pH range of 3–4. The musts subjected to enzymatic treatment yielded more balanced wines, lowering their alcohol content by 10–27 mL/L and pH by 0.3–0.5, while leaving their chromatic characteristics unchanged compared to the control wines. As positive effects, enzyme treatment reduced the concentrations of C6-alcohols with green-herbaceous notes and high-chain ethyl esters with soapy notes in wines, and did not modify the concentrations of short-chain ethyl esters, acids and higher alcohols. However, the concentrations of heptyl acetate and 2-phenylethanol with floral notes, and some ketones with floral and fruit notes, were lower in wines from treated musts

    Novel Horizons in Postbiotics: Lactobacillaceae Extracellular Vesicles and Their Applications in Health and Disease

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    Lactobacillus probiotics contained in dietary supplements or functional foods are wellknown for their beneficial properties exerted on host health and diverse pathological situations. Their capacity to improve inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and regulate the immune system is especially remarkable. Although bacteria–host interactions have been thought to occur directly, the key role that extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from probiotics play on this point is being unveiled. EVs are lipid bilayer-enclosed particles that carry a wide range of cargo compounds and act in different signalling pathways. Notably, these EVs have been recently proposed as a safe alternative to the utilisation of live bacteria since they can avoid the possible risks that probiotics may entail in vulnerable cases such as immunocompromised patients. Therefore, this review aims to give an updated overview of the existing knowledge about EVs from different Lactobacillus strains, their mechanisms and effects in host health and different pathological conditions. All of the information collected suggests that EVs could be considered as potential tools for the development of future novel therapeutic approaches.Junta de Andalucia CTS 164 PY20_01157Instituto de Salud Carlos III European Commission PI19/01058 European Commissio

    A Multiple Stakeholder Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Diabetic Macular Edema Management: The MULTIDEX‑EMD Study

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    Background The clinical and economic management of retinal diseases has become more complex following the introduction of new intravitreal treatments. Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) offers the potential to overcome the challenges associated with traditional decision-making tools. Objectives A MCDA to determine the most relevant criteria to decision-making in the management of diabetic macular edema (DME) based on the perspectives of multiple stakeholders in Spain was developed. This MCDA was termed the MULTIDEX-EMD study. Methods Nineteen stakeholders (7 physicians, 4 pharmacists, 5 health authorities and health management experts, 1 psychologist, and 2 patient representatives) participated in this three-phase project. In phase A, an advisory board defined all of the criteria that could influence DME treatment decision-making. These criteria were then screened using a discrete choice experiment (DCE) (phase B). Next, a multinomial logit model was fitted by applying the backward elimination algorithm (relevant criteria: p value = 15 letters (p value < 0.001), effect duration per administration (p value = 0.008), retinal detachment (p value < 0.001), endophthalmitis (p value = 0.012), myocardial infarction (p value < 0.001), intravitreal hemorrhage (p value = 0.021), annual treatment cost per patient (p value = 0.001), health-related quality of life (HRQoL) (p value = 0.004), and disability level (p value = 0.021). Conclusions From a multi-stakeholder perspective, the selection of an appropriate treatment for DME patients should guarantee patient safety and maximize the visual acuity improvement and treatment effect duration. It should also contribute to system sustainability by being affordable, it should have a positive impact on HRQoL, and it should prevent disability

    Migración de clip tras colecistectomía

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    Presentamos el caso de una paciente joven intervenida de colecistectomía laparoscópica que sufre, como complicación en el postoperatorio, una migración del clip quirúrgico al colédoco (< 100 casos reportados hasta la fecha), cuyo tratamiento en la mayoría de los casos es mediante CPRE, para así exponer la infrecuencia de esta complicación y su manejo

    The melatonergic agonist agomelatine ameliorates high fat diet-induced obesity in mice through the modulation of the gut microbiome

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    Background and purpose: Melatonin has shown beneficial effects on obesity, both in humans and experimental models, via regulating the altered circadian rhythm and thus ameliorating the gut dysbiosis associated with this metabolic condition. However, its clinical use is limited, mostly due to its short half-life. Agomelatine is an agonist of the melatonin receptors that could be used to manage obesity and offer a better profile than melatonin. Experimental approach: Male C57BL/6 mice were fed a high fat diet and orally treated for five weeks with agomelatine, or melatonin or metformin, used as control drugs. Metabolic profile, inflammatory status, vascular dysfunction and intestinal microbiota composition were assessed. Key results: Agomelatine lessened body weight gain, enhanced glucose and lipid metabolisms, and improved insulin resistance. It also reduced the obesity-associated inflammatory status and endothelial dysfunction, probably linked to its effect on gut dysbiosis, consisting of the restoration of bacterial populations with key functions, such as short chain fatty acid production. Conclusions and implications: Agomelatine can be considered as a novel therapeutic tool for the management of human obesity and its associated comorbidities.Junta de Andalucia CTS 164Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIEuropean Commission PI19/01058 European Commissio

    Revista del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

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    Actividad trófica de limícolas invernantes en salinas y cultivos piscícolas de la bahía de CádizUso de microhábitat del ratón de campo (Apodemus sylvatycus L.) en robledales y áreas ecotonales del Pirineo.Dieta de los pollos de tres especies simpátricas de alcaudones (Lanius spp.): variaciones con la edad, estacionales e interespecíficasOcupación de distintos modelos de nidal por el estornino negro (Sturnus unicolor)Estudio comparado sobre la biología de la reproducción de tres especies simpátricas de alcaudones (real Lanius excubitor, dorsirrojo L. collurio y común L. senatorFluctuación estacional del peso corporal de los machos adultos de Arvicola sapidus MILLER, 1908 (Rodentia, Arvicolidae)Acerca del significado de los ataques de alcaudones Lanius spp. sobre aves.Distribución de los emididos Mauremys leprosa, SCHW (1812) y Emys orbicularis, L. (1758) de la provincia de Badajoz. Factores que puedieran influir en sus áreas de ocupaciónDeterminación de la edad relativa en la rata de agua meridional, Arvicola sapidus MILLER, 1908 (Rodentia, Arvicolidae)Activity pattern, home range and habitat preference by coyotes (Canis latrans) in the Mapimi Biosphere Reserve of the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico.Características de los refugios diarios y estacionales de Testudo graeca en DoñanaDieta del gato cimarrón (Felis catus L.) en el piso basal del Macízo de Teno (Noroeste de Tenerife)Peer reviewe

    The Prebiotic Effects of an Extract with Antioxidant Properties from Morus alba L. Contribute to Ameliorate High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in Mice

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    Obesity is a global health issue, in which modifications in gut microbiota composition have a key role. Different therapeutic strategies are being developed in combination with diet and exercise, including the use of plant extracts, such as those obtained from Morus alba L. leaves. Recent studies have revealed their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The aim of the present work was to evaluate whether the beneficial effects of M. alba L. leaf extract in high-fat diet-induced obesity in mice is correlated with its impact on gut microbiota. The extract reduced body weight gain and attenuated lipid accumulation, as well as increased glucose sensitivity. These effects were associated with an amelioration of the obesity-associated inflammatory status, most probably due to the described antioxidant properties of the extract. Moreover, M. alba L. leaf extract mitigated gut dysbiosis, which was evidenced by the restoration of the Firmicutes/Bacteroidota ratio and the decrease in plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels. Specifically, the extract administration reduced Alistipes and increased Faecalibaculum abundance, these effects being correlated with the beneficial effects exerted by the extract on the obesity-associated inflammation. In conclusion, anti-obesogenic effects of M. alba L. leaf extract may be mediated through the amelioration of gut dysbiosis.Junta de Andalucia CTS 164Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI19.01058Spanish Government AGL2015-67995-C3-3-Rperational Programme of the Region of Murcia (CCI) 2007ES161PO001 14-20/20European CommissionInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIi-pFIS, Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Programa de Doctorado BiomedicinapFIS, Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Programa de Doctorado Nutricio