732 research outputs found

    Precise localization for aerial inspection using augmented reality markers

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comThis chapter is devoted to explaining a method for precise localization using augmented reality markers. This method can achieve precision of less of 5 mm in position at a distance of 0.7 m, using a visual mark of 17 mm × 17 mm, and it can be used by controller when the aerial robot is doing a manipulation task. The localization method is based on optimizing the alignment of deformable contours from textureless images working from the raw vertexes of the observed contour. The algorithm optimizes the alignment of the XOR area computed by means of computer graphics clipping techniques. The method can run at 25 frames per second.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Determinación de la concentración crítica de cloruros para varillas de diferente manufactura embebidas en concreto expuesto en ambientes marinos.

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    La concentración crítica de cloruros, esencial para la iniciación de la corrosión del acero de refuerzo, es uno de los parámetros más significativos para predecir la vida de servicio útil de una estructura de concreto reforzado expuesta a un ambiente marino. Existe una gran cantidad de estos valores relacionados con la barra de acero al carbono utilizada convencionalmente (ASTM A 615); sin embargo, la utilización de nuevos materiales que exhiben un mejor comportamiento contra la corrosión en diferentes ambientes es una realidad. En este trabajo se determinó la concentración crítica de cloruros para tres diferentes tipos de refuerzo, tales como el acero termotratado, el acero galvanizado y el acero con un recubrimiento dual zinc-polímero. La investigación se llevó a cabo en ambientes controlados de laboratorio, usando especímenes fabricados de concreto reforzado con relaciones agua/cemento de 0.45 y 0.65. Los especímenes fueron monitoreados a través de diferentes pruebas electroquímicas como el potencial de circuito abierto (OPC), la resistencia a la polarización lineal (LPR) y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS). Adicionalmente, la determinación de la concentración crítica de cloruros se llevó a cabo por medio de un potenciómetro automático y espectroscopia de energía dispersiva de rayos-X (EDS) en el microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM), con la finalidad de encontrar una correlación de valores. ABSTRACT One of the most significant parameters for predicting the service life of reinforced concrete structures exposed to marine environment is the critical chloride concentration; this parameter is considered essential for initiating the reinforcement steel corrosion. The major challenge for the assessment of this value is the amount of factors which are involved in this measurement, such as the concrete properties and the type of reinforcing steel used. The use of different types of steel emerges from the necessity to find new materials that exhibit better corrosion performance in a variety of environments. There is a great quantity of data related to the mild steel rod (ASTM A 615), for this reason the main objective of this research was determine the critical chloride concentration for three different types of reinforcement, such as thermo-treated , galvanized and dual covering zinc-polymer steel. The research was conducted in a marine environment with a laboratory control, using reinforced concrete specimens fabricated with water/cement ratios of 0.45 and 0.65. These specimens was monitored through electrochemical tests such as the open circuit potential (OCP), the linear polarization resistance (LPR) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Additionally, the determination of the critical chloride concentration was performed with an automatic potentiometer and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) in the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). From the results of this investigation a range of values for a critical chloride concentration as a function of multiple types of reinforcement steel is were obtained

    Test-Driven Development of a Substructuring Technique for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Finite Periodic Structures

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    In this paper, we follow the Test-Driven Development (TDD) paradigm in the development of an in-house code to allow for the finite element analysis of finite periodic type electromagnetic structures (e.g., antenna arrays, metamaterials, and several relevant electromagnetic problems). We use unit and integration tests, system tests (using the Method of Manufactured Solutions—MMS), and application tests (smoke, performance, and validation tests) to increase the reliability of the code and to shorten its development cycle. We apply substructuring techniques based on the definition of a unit cell to benefit from the repeatability of the problem and speed up the computations. Specifically, we propose an approach to model the problem using only one type of Schur complement which has advantages concerning other substructuring techniques.This work has been financially supported by TEC2016-80386-P and PID2019-109984RB-C41

    Dynamic Analysis of Hypar Membrane Structures Subjected to Seismic Excitations

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    The seismic response of tensile membrane structures (TMS) is investigated. To the authors knowledge, this is the first study on TMSs subjected to a seismic record reported in the literature. A type of membrane structures usually considered as a reference in other works are employed in the present study. The selected hyperbolic-paraboloid fabric structures, also referred as hypar TMSs, are subjected to an earthquake accelerogram from a relatively large earthquake recorded at Norcia, Italy. To obtain the TMSs seismic response, a finite element formulation reported in a previous study, and which accounts for wrinkling phenomena, orthotropic material modeling, and geometrical nonlinearity, is employed. The analyses are performed in two stages; first for the prestressed case and then the seismic loading is added. It is found that the seismic response of TMSs should not be disregarded by designers beforehand, since important increments in the dynamic response of the displacements produce an incremet of around 9% for stresses. However, a very important increment of around 80% for support reaction forces is computed, when compared with the static case. It is also found that the orientation of the frame-supporting structure has a significant impact on the computed seismic reactions.Peer Reviewe

    A Novel Approach to Improve the Planning of Adaptive and Interactive Sessions for the treatment of Major Depression

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    [EN] Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a research field which aims to improve the relationship between users and interactive computer systems. A main objective of this research area is to make the user experience more pleasant and efficient, minimizing the barrier between the users' cognition of what they want to accomplish and the computer's understanding of the user's tasks, by means of userfriendly, useful and usable designs. A bad HCI design is one of the main reasons behind user rejection of computer-based applications, which in turn produces loss of productivity and economy in industrial environments. In the eHealth domain, user rejection of computer-based systems is a major barrier to exploiting the maximum benefit from those applications developed to support the treatment of diseases, and in the worst cases a poor design in these systems may cause deterioration in the clinical condition of the patient. Thus, a high level of personalisation of the system according to users' needs is extremely important, making it easy to use and contributing to the system's efficacy, which in turn facilitates the empowerment of the target users. Ideally, the content offered through the interactive sessions in these applications should be continuously assessed and adapted to the changing condition of the patient. A good HCI design and development can improve the acceptance of these applications and contribute to promoting better adherence levels to the treatment, preventing the patient from further relapses. In this work, we present a mechanism to provide personalised and adaptive daily interactive sessions focused on the treatment of patients with Major Depression. These sessions are able to automatically adapt the content and length of the sessions to obtain personalised and varied sessions in order to encourage the continuous and long-term use of the system. The tailored adaptation of session content is supported by decision-making processes based on: (i) clinical requirements; (ii) the patient's historical data; and (iii) current responses from the patient. We have evaluated our system through two different methodologies: the first one performing a set of simulations producing different sessions from changing input conditions, in order to assess different levels of adaptability and variability of the session content offered by the system. The second evaluation process involved a set of patients who used the system for 14 to 28 days and answered a questionnaire to provide feedback about the perceived level of adaptability and variability produced by the system. The obtained results in both evaluations indicated good levels of adaptability and variability in the content of the sessions according to the input conditions.E. Fuster Garcia acknowledges the financial support from the "Torres Quevedo" program (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) co-funded by the European Social Fund (PTQ-12-05693), and the financial support from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia under the Grant "Ayudas Para la Contratacion de Doctores para el Acceso al Sistema Espanol de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion" (PAID-10-14).Bresó Guardado, A.; Martínez Miranda, JC.; Fuster García, E.; García Gómez, JM. (2016). A Novel Approach to Improve the Planning of Adaptive and Interactive Sessions for the treatment of Major Depression. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 87:80-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2015.11.003S80918

    El giro material mexicano en la XI Trienal de Milán

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    Esta propuesta busca reconfigurar el entendimiento de uno de los proyectos expositivos más relevantes para la historiografía del diseño mexicano. Nuestro objetivo es analizar el discurso curatorial y el dispositivo de exhibición del primer pabellón de México en la Trienal de Milán de 1957. De la misma manera, se busca reconocer sus posibles conexiones y procesos de asimilación con dos exposiciones que asentaron un primer imaginario del diseño mexicano en el circuito expositivo internacional. Finalmente, intentamos reconocer la labor de Mauricio Gómez Mayorga como promotor y gestor que articuló la participación del contingente mexicano en Milán

    Application of 3D Printing in the Design of Functional Gluten-Free Dough

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    [EN] The design of functional foods through 3D printing is proposed here as one of the most appropriate technologies to provide closer food personalization for the population. However, it is essential to study the properties of the biomaterials intended to be printed. This work will evaluate the incorporation of rosehip as a functional ingredient in a gluten-free dough. Three types of dough (control, rosehip, and encapsulated rosehip) were printed in a rectangular figure of dimensions 7 cm long, 2 cm wide, and 1, 2, and 3 cm high. Changes in printed figures before and after baking were evaluated by image analysis. Physicochemical properties, total phenols (TP), antioxidant capacity (AC), and total carotenoids (TC) were determined both in the pre-printed doughs and in the printed and baked samples. The bread enriched with rosehips presented more orange colors in dough and crumbs. They were also more acidic than control, probably due to the ascorbic acid content of rosehip. The addition of rosehip generally makes the product more resistant to breakage, which could be due to the fiber content of the rosehip. It was observed that the incorporation of rosehip notably improved the functional properties of the bread.This research was funded by Conselleria de Innovacion, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, Generalitat Valenciana, grant number AICO/2021/137 and from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/through project PID2020-115973RB-C22.Matas-Gil, A.; Igual Ramo, M.; García-Segovia, P.; Martínez-Monzó, J. (2022). Application of 3D Printing in the Design of Functional Gluten-Free Dough. Foods. 11(11):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11111555117111

    Impact of Rosehip (Rose Canina) Powder Addition and Figure Height on 3D-Printed Gluten-Free Bread

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    [EN] Three-dimensional (3D) food printing is a technique that satisfies the criteria for manufacturing personalized food and for specific consumer groups, both in terms of sensorial and nutritional properties. Rose hips are recognized as valuable food and medicine constituents due to their highlevel content of bioactive compounds. The aim of this study was to investigate the printability in terms of dimensional properties (variation in length, width and height) of 3D-printed, rectangular base (7 × 3 cm), gluten free bread doughs containing rosehip powder or rosehip powder encapsulated with maltodextrin. The effect of the addition of rose hips on rheology and the colour of dough plus texture and colour of final product was studied. The addition of rosehip increased both elastic and viscous modulus of dough and changed its colour from white to orange. After printing process, height effect on figure dimension was remarkable in comparison with dough formulation. The addition of rosehip powder in dough and the use of 2 cm of figure height improve the printability in terms of dimensional properties, achieving 3D structures with more stability and resistance to baking.This research was funded by Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, Generalitat Valenciana, grant number AICO/2021/137 and from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ through project PID2020-115973RB-C22.Matas-Gil, A.; Igual Ramo, M.; García-Segovia, P.; Martínez-Monzó, J. (2022). Impact of Rosehip (Rose Canina) Powder Addition and Figure Height on 3D-Printed Gluten-Free Bread. Biology and Life Sciences Forum. 6(1):1-7. https://doi.org/10.3390/Foods2021-10979176

    El rezago escolar en un currículo flexible. El caso de una licenciatura de la UNAM

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    Las instituciones de enseñanza superior comúnmente han adoptado planes lineales que comprenden un conjunto de asignaturas a cursar dentro de una serie de ciclos escolares. En materia de diseño curricular, con el paso del tiempo se advierte la necesidad de lograr planes con mayor flexibilidad que permitan y promuevan la toma de decisiones de los alumnos para diseñar el itinerario de su formación profesional en una determinada carrera. Surge como interrogantes si los alumnos que cursan alguna licenciatura con un currículo flexible presentan un mejor avance con respecto a quienes lo hacen de forma tradicional y la manera en que se emplean los mecanismos de flexibilidad.Para responder a las preguntas de investigación se realizó el seguimiento de 1,629 alumnos provenientes de las generaciones 2008 a 2017 de una licenciatura que se oferta en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) que se imparte con un plan flexible. Se analizaron las historias académicas de cada alumno en cada uno de los nueve semestres de duración de la carrera y se realizó el cálculo de su avance académico tomando en consideración la flexibilidad del currículo.Los resultados muestran que el 92% de los alumnos tiende a inscribir un mayor número de asignaturas distintas al ciclo que cursan conforme avanzan en la carrera. Un estudiante promedio en esta situación, al primer semestre cursa un 7% de asignaturas adicionales a las inscritas conforme al plan lineal y para el último ciclo las asignaturas irregulares representan un 64% adicional a la carga regular inscrita. Los mecanismos de flexibilidad curricular que utilizan los alumnos son el volver a cursar asignaturas reprobadas que representan entre 49% y 79% de las materias adicionales inscritas por semestre, siguiendo el adelanto de asignaturas (entre 20% y 27% antes del último semestre) y finalmente el cursar por primera vez materias de semestres previos (28% en el último semestre). También los resultados demuestran que un plan de estudios flexible no representa una ventaja para que los alumnos concluyan sus estudios en tiempo y forma. Un estudiante que cursa la carrera apegándose a un esquema lineal del plan tiene una probabilidad de 94% de egresar en tiempo curricular, mientras que uno que emplea el flexible tiene 27%.El desafío que se deriva de este estudio es profundizar más en el estudio de factores asociados a los planes que tengan mayor influencia en el rezago de los estudiantes, por lo que la incorporación de un mayor número de variables resulta imperativo

    Automatización de la codificación del patrón modelo vista controlador (MVC) en proyectos orientados a la Web

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    Se generó una herramienta en el lenguaje java para la automatización de la programación del patrón mvc a partir de esquemas de bases de datos implementados en mysql. Como resultado se obtiene el código en java, lo cual reduce el tiempo de programación y al mismo tiempo se garantiza la consistencia del patrón. Con el uso de esta herramienta podremos agregar nuevas funcionalidades al proyecto sin la necesidad de reescribir este complemento