3,030 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial orientation and the threat of imitation: the influence of upstream and downstream capabilities

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    This paper uncovers the complexity between Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and performance. The paper explores the effect of the threat of imitation, which is a key external factor to explain competitive dynamics, and hence highlights effectiveness of EO. Also the paper accounts for the role of upstream (technical) and downstream (marketing) capabilities as they influence effectiveness of EO. Our results show that, under threat of imitation, downstream marketing capabilities facilitate taping into opportunities derived from EO, which positively affects performance. Conversely, available upstream technical capabilities do not aim at EO when imitation threats exist in the environment. Of importance is that we question the complexity between EO and performance can be better understood using a configurational approach

    Contribución al atlas palinológico de Andalucía Occidental, VI. Caprifoliaceae

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    En el presente trabajo se l leva a cabo un estudio morfológico de los granos de pol en de Lonicera etrusca G. Santi , L. i mplexa Ai ton , L. pericl ymenum L. , L. splendida Boiss ., Sambucus ebulus L. , S.. nigra L. y Viburnum tinus L., tanto en microscopía óptica como electr ónica de barrido . Se reconocen tres t ipos de polen diferentes , para cuya separación han servido fundamenta lmente las aperturas y la ornamentación.The polleo morphology of Lonicera etrusca G. San t i, L. implexa Ai to'n , L. periclymenum L. , L. splendida Boiss . , Sacumbus ebul us L. , S. nigra L. and Viburnum tinus L. have benn s t udied by light and scanning electron mi croscopy . Three types of pollen are recognized using the apertures a nd the ornamenta ti e

    La Biblia en idioma maya. Crónica de un proyecto

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    Conductas sociocomunicativas de los nativos digitales y los jóvenes en la web 2.0

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    La investigación se centra en el estudio de la percepción que los nativos digitales y los jóvenes tienen acerca de sus conductas y relaciones sociales en la Web 2.0. Se parte de la hipótesis de que la forma en que los adolescentes y jóvenes utilizan la red a través de los servicios y contenidos digitales abiertos, está transformando sus relacionales sociales en la medida en que son abiertas, activas, globales, inmediatas, y poco controlables por otros agentes sociales (familiares, educativos o institucionales). El universo de la investigación está constituido por jóvenes y adolescentes, nativos digitales e inmigrantes digitales de ambos sexos, comprendidos entre los 14 y los 35 años de edad agrupados en los siguientes tramos: 14-16; 17-24; y25-35 años. Las conclusiones son interesantes. Entre ellas se destaca la percepción de que las relaciones sociales a través de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) se consideran menos personales, menos íntimas, menos comprometidas y menos sinceras que las relaciones cara a cara

    Contrasting human perceptions of and attitudes towards two threatened small carnivores, Lycalopex fulvipes and Leopardus guigna, in rural communities adjacent to protected areas in Chile

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    Indexación: Scopus.The interaction between humans and small carnivores is a phenomenon especially frequent in rural fringes, as is the case of communities surrounding natural areas. In Chile, two species of threatened carnivores, the Darwin's Fox and the Guigna, have increased their contact with humans due to human-induced changes in their habitat. The objective of this study was to characterize the interactions of these species with humans by assessing human perceptions and attitudes toward them, and to assess livestock and poultry ownership and management practices in local communities to evaluate their possible roles in the phenomenon. We conducted semi-structured interviews in rural communities adjacent to natural protected areas of two different regions in southern Chile. We found that people have a more positive perception of Darwin's Foxes than Guignas, but both species are considered damaging due to poultry attacks. Livestock and poultry management was generally deficient. Improvements in animal management and education programs could lead to a significant decrease in negative interactions. © Sacristan et al. 2018.https://www.threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/article/view/4030/442

    The development of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia in oral lichen planus: a preliminary study

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    Background: Was to describe 14 cases of a proliferative verrucous leukoplakia as a clinical evolution of oral lichen planus. Material and Methods: The clinical and histopathological characteristics of 14 cases of OLP that progress towards a plaque-like and verrucous form were indicated, with monitoring over a period of six to 24.3 years. Results: The female/male ratio was 11/3, (78.6 and 21.4%). The mean age when the first biopsy was undertaken was 56.4 years old. None of the patients smoked during the study. As bilateral reticular was clinically diagnostic criterion, the second most frequent clinical form was the plaque form (n=10; 71.4%), followed by the atrophic (n=6; 42.8%), and erosive forms (n=4; 28.5%). Clinically it spread towards attached gingival mucosa and the hard palate. In the histopathologic study, there were a predominance of hyperkeratosis and verrucous epithelial hyperplasia. Three of the cases progressed to a squamous cell carcinoma, and one patient developed two verrucous carcinoma. Conclusions: Further research is needed to demonstrate if proliferative multifocal oral lichen planus and proliferative multifocal oral leukoplakia are the same disorder but have different behaviour of malignancy for reasons of origin

    Anestésicos locales en odontoestomatología

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    El motivo del presente trabajo es hacer una revisión bibliográfica sobre los anestésicos locales (AL) que son las drogas de más uso en Odontoestomatología y que, merced a su perfeccionamiento, en los últimos años han significado un enorme avance, tanto en los tratamientos odontológicos, para mejorar de forma determinante la operatoria dental, como el confort del paciente en estos procederes. Además al haber añadido a estos anestésicos locales un vasoconstrictor se ha conseguido que se puedan usar dosis menores de anestésico y a la vez que con menos dosis se puede actuar más tiempo y en buenas condiciones para el paciente y el dentista. Se realiza al mismo tiempo un estudio de las posibles interacciones medicamentosas, contraindicaciones, etc. de los distintos componentes de la solución anestésica, así como las posibles reacciones de alergia o de hipersensibilidad a la que puedan dar lugar y que se han de tener muy en cuenta a la hora de su utilización en la cavidad oral.The purpose of the present paper is to carry out a review of the literature on local anesthetics (LAs), which are the most commonly used drugs in dentistry. Thanks to their improvement over the last few years, they have constituted an enormous advance in both odontological treatment - improving the dental operation in a determinant manner, and the comfort of the patient during these procedures. Furthermore, the addition of a blood vessel constrictor to these local anesthetics has meant that a lower dose of anesthetic can be used, which at the same time acts for longer, providing better conditions for both the patient and dentist. In addition, a study is made of the possible drug interactions, contraindications etc. of the different components in the anesthetic solution, and likewise the possible allergic hypersensitive reactions which can take place and which must be taken closely into consideration when used in the oral cavity

    Air gap influence on the vibro-acoustic response of Solar Arrays during launch

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    One of the primary elements on the space missions is the electrical power subsystem, for which the critical component is the solar array. The behaviour of these elements during the ascent phase of the launch is critical for avoiding damages on the solar panels, which are the primary source of energy for the satellite in its final configuration. The vibro-acoustic response to the sound pressure depends on the solar array size, mass, stiffness and gap thickness. The stowed configuration of the solar array consists of a multiple system composed of structural elements and the air layers between panels. The effect of the air between panels on the behaviour of the system affects the frequency response of the system not only modifying the natural frequencies of the wings but also as interaction path between the wings of the array. The usual methods to analyze the vibro-acoustic response of structures are the FE and BE methods for the low frequency range and the SEA formulation for the high frequency range. The main issue in the latter method is, on one hand, selecting the appropriate subsystems, and, on the other, identifying the parameters of the energetic system: the internal and coupling loss factors. From the experimental point of view, the subsystems parameters can be identified by exciting each subsystem and measuring the energy of all the subsystems composing the Solar Array. Although theoretically possible, in practice it is difficult to apply loads on the air gaps. To analyse this situation, two different approaches can be studied depending on whether the air gaps between the panels are included explicitly in the problem or not. For a particular case of a solar array of three wings in stowed configuration both modelling philosophies are compared. This stowed configuration of a three wing solar arrays in stowed configuration has been tested in an acoustic chamber. The measured data on the solar wings allows, in general, determining the loss factors of the configuration. The paper presents a test description and measurements on the structure, in terms of the acceleration power spectral density. Finally, the performance of each modelling technique has been evaluated by comparison between simulations with experimental results on a spacecraft solar array and the influence on the apparent properties of the system in terms of the SEA loss factors has been analyse