163 research outputs found

    There, everybody had the same name: Ka. Tzetnik. Reflections about the novel Salamandra

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    En 1946 se publica en Tel Aviv la obra Salamandra, firmada por un superviviente del Holocausto con el nombre de Ka. Tzetnik. Este autor permaneció en el anonimato hasta su comparecencia como testigo en el juicio de Adolf Eichmann, celebrado en Jerusalén en 1961. Salamandra es la primera novela testimonial publicada sobre la Shoá. Se trata, por tanto, de un testimonio excepcional, escrito por un superviviente de Auschwitz al poco tiempo de ser liberado del campo de exterminio, mientras permanecía en Italia a la espera de emigrar a Eretz Israel. En ella se relata la experiencia vital del protagonista, desde el verano de 1939, en Varsovia, hasta febrero de 1945, cuando consigue escapar de la marcha de la muerte y Auschwitz-Birkenau es liberado.In 1946 the book Salamandra is published in Tel Aviv, signed by an Holocaust survivor by the name of Ka. Tzetnik. This author remained anonymous until his appearance as a witness in Adolf Eichmann's trial , which took place in Jerusalem in 1961. Salamandra is the first testimonial novel published about the Shoa. It is, therefore, an exceptional testimony written by an Auschwitz survivor, soon after he was freed from the death camp, while he was in Italy waiting to emigrate to Eretz Israel. The novel recounts the protagonist’s life experience, since the summer of 1939, in Warsaw, until February 1945, when he manages to escape the death march and Auschwitz-Birkenau is freed

    Allí todos tenían el mismo nombre: Ka. Tzetnik. Reflexiones sobre la novela Salamandra

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    In 1946 the book Salamandra is published in Tel Aviv, signed by an Holocaust survivor by the name of Ka. Tzetnik. This author remained anonymous until his appearance as a witness in Adolf Eichmann's trial , which took place in Jerusalem in 1961. Salamandra is the first testimonial novel published about the Shoa. It is, therefore, an exceptional testimony written by an Auschwitz survivor, soon after he was freed from the death camp, while he was in Italy waiting to emigrate to Eretz Israel. The novel recounts the protagonist’s life experience, since the summer of 1939, in Warsaw, until February 1945, when he manages to escape the death march and Auschwitz-Birkenau is freed.En  1946  se  publica  en  Tel  Aviv  la  obra  Salamandra, firmada  por  un superviviente del Holocausto con el nombre de Ka. Tzetnik. Este autor permaneció en el anonimato hasta su comparecencia como testigo en el juicio de Adolf Eichmann, celebrado en Jerusalén en 1961.  Salamandra es la primera novela testimonial publicada sobre la Shoá. Se trata, por tanto, de un  testimonio excepcional, escrito por un superviviente de Auschwitz al poco tiempo de ser liberado del campo de exterminio, mientras permanecía en Italia a la espera de emigrar a Eretz Israel. En ella se  relata la experiencia vital del protagonista,  desde  el  verano  de  1939,  en  Varsovia,  hasta  febrero  de  1945,  cuando consigue escapar de la marcha de la muerte y Auschwitz-Birkenau es liberado

    Escribir, arrancar algo de las garras del tiempo y del olvido. En recuerdo a Amós Oz

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    Como la mujer de Lot: para escribir debes mirar hacia atrás. Y así tu mirada te convierte a ti y los convierte a ellos en estatuas de sal. Amós Oz, Versos de vida y muerte.En el libro titulado ¿De qué está hecha una manzana?, que podría considerarse su retrato más íntimo y personal, Amós Oz afirma que lo que le impulsa a escribir historias es el deseo de que las cosas no desaparezcan como si nun- ca hubiesen existido,...Como la mujer de Lot: para escribir debes mirar hacia atrás. Y así tu mirada te convierte a ti y los convierte a ellos en estatuas de sal. Amós Oz, Versos de vida y muerte.En el libro titulado ¿De qué está hecha una manzana?, que podría considerarse su retrato más íntimo y personal, Amós Oz afirma que lo que le impulsa a escribir historias es el deseo de que las cosas no desaparezcan como si nun- ca hubiesen existido,..

    Influencia de la práctica deportiva en el rendimiento académico del alumnado de educación primaria en el Colegio María Auxiliadora de Zaragoza: estudio de caso

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    El objetivo principal de este estudio es comprobar la influencia que pueden tener las actividades físico-deportivas extraescolares en el rendimiento académico del alumnado de Educación Primaria. La motivación del mismo se fundamenta en la creencia generalizada que existe entre la disminución del rendimiento académico en favor del tiempo dedicado a la realización de actividades físico-deportivas. Han participado cuarenta y tres alumnos y alumnas de tercer curso de Educación Primaria del colegio María Auxiliadora, de la ciudad de Zaragoza. Para la recogida de datos se ha adaptado el cuestionario C-PAFYD (Arribas, Izaskun, Gil de Montes y González, 2013). Como elementos centrales del estudio aparecen la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva, la motivación y cuestiones referidas al abandono deportivo. El rendimiento académico se ha definido en base a las calificaciones obtenidas durante los dos primeros trimestres del curso académico 2018/19. Se han encontrado ciertas diferencias significativas en alguna de las variables contempladas (por ejemplo, rendimiento académico y género). Sin embargo, los resultados atienden a alguna asignatura en concreto y en uno de los dos trimestres estudiados. Por tanto, se puede concluir que, en este contexto, no existe una relación directa entre la práctica deportiva extraescolar y el rendimiento académico del alumnado.<br /

    Experience of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis with HLA Matching at the University Hospital Virgen del Rocío in Spain: Technical and Clinical Overview

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    Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of genetic diseases, combined with HLA matching (PGD-HLA), is an option for couples at risk of transmitting a genetic disease to select unaffected embryos of an HLA tissue type compatible with that of an existing affected child. Here we present the results of our PGD-HLA program at the Department of Genetics, Reproduction and Fetal Medicine of the University Hospital Virgen del Roc´ıo in Seville. Seven couples have participated in our program because of different indications. Overall, 26 cycles were performed, providing a total of 202 embryos. A conclusive molecular diagnosis and HLA-typing could be assured in 96% of the embryos. The percentage of transfers per cycle was 26.9% and the birth rate per cycle was 7.7% per transfer. Our PGD-HLA program resulted in the birth of 2 healthy babies, HLA-identical to their affected siblings, with successful subsequent haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantations. Both HSC-transplanted children are currently doing well 48 and 21 months following transplantation, respectively. All the procedures, including HSCs umbilical cord transplantation, were performed in our hospital

    Insulinoma : a Rare Cause of Hypoglycemia in Childhood

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    Rare disease. Insulinomas are pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors that cause non-ketotic hypoglycemia due to hyperinsulinism; they are extremely rare, especially in children. We present a case of a sporadic insulinoma in an 11-year-old boy who had episodes of self-limited drowsiness and behavior changes over a 3-month period, thought to be caused by psychological issues. Non-ketotic hypoglycemia was confirmed at our center. A fasting blood test found inappropriately elevated insulin levels during hypoglycemia, undetectable β-hydroxybutyrate, and increased C-peptide levels in line with insulin levels. Anti-insulin antibodies were negative and antidiabetic drugs untraceable. The glucagon-stimulation test was positive. Growth hormone, adrenocorticotropin hormone, and phosphorus and calcium metabolism were normal. Dual-phase computed tomography detected a lesion compatible with an insulinoma. Endoscopic ultrasound showed a homogenous lesion at the junction of the body and tail of the pancreas. Histologic analysis of a fine-needle aspiration biopsy was compatible with neuroendocrine neoplasia. Preoperatively, a fractional diet avoiding fast-absorbing carbohydrates maintained normal glucose blood levels. Enucleation was not possible, so the lesion was resected along with portions of the body and tail of the pancreas. The well-differentiated tumor measured 15×13 mm. Postoperative blood glucose levels were correct, allowing a normal diet. In children with unspecific symptoms compatible with hypoglycemia, blood glucose must be evaluated to confirm low blood glucose levels. Determining blood ketone levels is important for the differential diagnosis. The diagnostic approach to pediatric insulinoma represents a challenge for multidisciplinary teamwork

    Substitution at the indole 3 position yields highly potent indolecombretastatins with reduced susceptibility to MDR resistance

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    [EN]Resistance to combretastatin A-4 is mediated by metabolic modification of the phenolic hydroxyl and ether groups of the 3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl (B ring). Replacement of the B ring of combretastatin A-4 by a N-methyl-5-indolyl reduces tubulin polymerization inhibition (TPI) and cytotoxicity against human cancer cell lines but cyano, methoxycarbonyl, formyl, and hydroxyiminomethyl substitutions at the indole 3-position restores potent TPI and cytotoxicity against sensitive human cancer cell lines. These highly potent substituted derivatives displayed low nanomolar cytotoxicity against several human cancer cell lines due to tubulin inhibition, as shown by cell cycle analysis, confocal microscopy, and tubulin polymerization inhibitory activity studies and promoted cell killing mediated by caspase-3 activation. Binding at the colchicine site was suggested by molecular modeling studies. Substituted combretastatins displayed higher potencies than the isomeric isocombretastatins and the highest potencies were achieved for the hydroxyiminomethyl (21) and cyano (23) groups, with TPI values in the submicromolar range and cytotoxicities in the subnanomolar range. Dose-response and time-course studies showed that drug concentrations as low as 1 nM (23) or 10 nM (21) led to a complete G2/M cell cycle arrest after 15 h treatment followed by a high apoptosis-like cell § These authors contributed equally to this work. 3 response after 48-72 h treatment. The P-glycoprotein and calcium antagonist verapamil increased 21 and 23 cytotoxicity to IC50 values of 10-10 M, and highly potentiated the cytotoxic activity in 100-fold of the CHO derivative (17), in A549 human non-small cell lung cancer cells. The differences in cytotoxic potency observed between the highly potent cyano (23) and hydroxyiminomethyl (21) groups and other substituents with similar TPI values (17) were very much reduced upon co-treatment with verapamil. A 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl ring always afforded more potent derivatives than a 2,3,4-trimethoxyphenyl ring

    Vertical misfit of laser-sintered and vacuum-cast implant-supported crown copings luted with definitive and temporary luting agents

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    Objectives. This study aimed to evaluate the vertical discrepancy of implant-supported crown structures constructed with vacuum-casting and Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technologies, and luted with different cement types. Study D esign. Crown copings were fabricated using: (1) direct metal laser sintered Co-Cr (LS); (2) vacuum-cast Co-Cr (CC); and (3) vacuum-cast Ti (CT). Frameworks were luted onto machined implant abutments under constant seating pressure. Each alloy group was randomly divided into 5 subgroups (n = 10 each) according to the cement system utilized: Subgroup 1 (KC) used resin-modified glass-ionomer Ketac Cem Plus; Subgroup 2 (PF) used Panavia F 2.0 dual-cure resin cement; Subgroup 3 (RXU) used RelyX Unicem 2 Automix self-adhesive dual-cure resin cement; Subgroup 4 (PIC) used acrylic/urethane-based temporary Premier Implant Cement; and Subgroup 5 (DT) used acrylic/urethane-based temporary DentoTemp cement. Vertical misfit was measured by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Two-way ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls tests were run to investigate the effect of alloy/fabrication technique, and cement type on vertical misfit. The statistical significance was set at ? = 0.05. Results. The alloy/manufacturing technique and the luting cement affected the vertical discrepancy (p < 0.001). For each cement type, LS samples exhibited the best fit (p < 0.01) whereas CC and CT frames were statistically similar. Within each alloy group, PF and RXU provided comparably greater discrepancies than KC, PIC, and DT, which showed no differences. Conclusions. Laser sintering may be an alternative to vacuum-casting of base metals to obtain passive-fitting implant-supported crown copings. The best marginal adaptation corresponded to laser sintered structures luted with glass-ionomer KC, or temporary PIC or DT cements. The highest discrepancies were recorded for Co-Cr and Ti cast frameworks bonded with PF or RXU resinous agents. All groups were within the clinically acceptable misfit range

    Questionnaire of core beliefs related to drug use and craving for assessment of relapse risk

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue diseñar un cuestionario para la evaluación de creencias nucleares en torno al consumo de drogas y el craving. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 215 pacientes, de los que el 85.8% eran hombres y el 14.2% mujeres en tratamiento por su adicción al alcohol (40%), cocaína (36.3%) y cánnabis (23.7%). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de la muestra, análisis de varianza, de regresión y análisis factorial con la finalidad de indagar en la estructura del cuestionario y su relación con variables como la abstinencia o deseo de consumo. El apartado de creencias relacionadas con las drogas mostró una estructura de cuatro factores: lo que la persona cree que no podrá realizar en ausencia del consumo de drogas, la falta de renuncia al consumo, las condiciones que deben darse para volver a consumir y el consumo como única vía para sentirse bien. El apartado relacionado con el craving mostró tres factores: las emociones negativas como precipitantes del consumo, las emociones positivas y las dificultades atribuidas al afrontamiento del deseo. A su vez, se constata que las creencias tienen más peso en la predicción del deseo en comparación al tiempo de abstinencia. El cuestionario permite evaluar un conjunto de creencias que muestras factores significativos para el diseño de programas de prevención de recaídas.This study was aimed at designing a questionnaire for the assessment of addiction-related core beliefs and craving. The sample comprised 215 patients (85.8% males and 14.2% females) in treatment for dependence to alcohol (40%), cocaine (36.3%) and cannabis (23.7%). Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the sample. Variance, regression and factorial analyses were conducted to study the questionnaire structure and its relation with variables such as abstinence and craving. Items about drug-related beliefs yielded a four-factor structure: what patient think that they could not do without drug use, lack of withdrawal, conditions required to use drugs again, and use of drugs as the only way to feel good. Items related to craving yielded three factors: negative emotions as precipitants of drug use, positive emotions, and difficulties attributed to coping with craving. Furthermore, beliefs were more important to predict craving than abstinence time. The present questionnaire allows to assess a set of significant factors to design prevention relapse programs