124 research outputs found

    Strategy clusters in foreign language learning

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    [Resumen] El presente artículo pone de manifiesto la importancia de la utilización de estrategias en el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera proporcionado información sobre diversas investigaciones llevadas a cabo en este ámbito. Algunos de estos estudios han aportado pruebas de la vinculación existente entre la aplicación de estrategias y un aprendizaje con éxito, otros han revelado la relación existente entre su utilización y la competencia en la lengua y otros han demostrado que variables como la motivación, el género, entre otros, influyen en su elección. Es importante resaltar que aunque seamos capaces de identificar estrategias individuales en raras ocasiones se usará una sola de forma aislada, ya que están relacionadas unas con otras. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar las diferentes combinaciones de estrategias utilizadas por estudiantes universitarios, ya titulados, con el propósito de conocer cómo llevan a cabo su aprendizaje y de esta manera ayudarles a ser más eficaces. Igualmente, se pretende que los aprendices recapaciten sobre la utilización de estos recursos con la finalidad de que sean más conscientes de sus procesos de aprendizaje y puedan optimizarlo. Los participantes del estudio han sido 340 estudiantes universitarios de Magisterio especialidad Lengua Extranjera. Los estudiantes tuvieron que cumplimentar un cuestionario que incluía las distintas estrategias clasificadas en 6 grupos (Directas: memorización, cognitivas, compensación e Indirectas: metacognitivas, afectivas y sociales). Se ha efectuado un análisis de conglomerados jerárquicos. Los resultados indican que las categorías Cognitiva y de Compensación se dan conjuntamente, igual que la de Memorización y Social. En cambio la categoría Afectiva forma un solo grupo, aparece de manera independiente, al igual que la Metacognitiva.[Abstract] This paper explains the importance of the language learning strategy use in foreign language learning giving information about several different studies which have been conducted in this area. Research has extensively documented the relationship between the language learning strategy use and successful language learning. A large volume of studies have revealed that selecting appropriate strategies could enhance the learners’ performance of second language learning, and others have claimed that variables such as motivation and gender, among others, seem to influence on language learning strategy choices in studying a language. It is important to mention that though we can identify single strategies they won´t be used in isolation since they are interrelated. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to determine the different combinations of strategies in studying foreign language, used by graduate students in order to know their learning process and help them to be more efficient. Thus, it is expected that learners will think about using language learning strategies in their foreign language learning so that they can be more conscious about their learning and can improve it. The participants were 340 graduate learners studying English as foreign language. Subjects filled out a questionnaire that included 6 different groups of strategies divided into (Direct: memory, cognitive, compensation and Indirect: metacognitive, affective and social). It´s been used a cluster analysis. The results revealed that Cognitive and Compensation categories occur at the same time, the same as Memory and Social categories. On the other hand, Affective category forms one group, appears independently, as Metacognitive categor

    Using a causal smoothing to improve the performance of an on-line neural network glucose prediction algorithm

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    This work evaluates a spline-based smoothing method applied to the output of a glucose predictor. Methods:Our on-line prediction algorithm is based on a neural network model (NNM). We trained/validated the NNM with a prediction horizon of 30 minutes using 39/54 profiles of patients monitored with the Guardian® Real-Time continuous glucose monitoring system The NNM output is smoothed by fitting a causal cubic spline. The assessment parameters are the error (RMSE), mean delay (MD) and the high-frequency noise (HFCrms). The HFCrms is the root-mean-square values of the high-frequency components isolated with a zero-delay non-causal filter. HFCrms is 2.90±1.37 (mg/dl) for the original profiles

    Ensayo biogeográfico de la Pteridoflora valenciana

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis comparativo de las pteridofloras de los diiferentes sectores fitogeográficos (sensu Costa, 1986) que integran la Comunidad Valenciana.The present paper deals with the biogeography and of pteridophytes in the Comunidad Valenciana (Levante, Spain), following the present chorological division of this area

    NUrsing Homes End of Life care Program (NUHELP): developing a complex intervention

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    This study has been totally funded by Consejeria de Salud, Junta de Andalucia (Fundacion Publica Andaluza Progreso y Salud, Proyecto AP-0105-2016). Funding has been received for data collection, analysis and interpretation of data and manuscript writing.Background: Nursing homes are likely to become increasingly important as end-of-life care facilities. Previous studies indicate that individuals residing in these facilities have a high prevalence of end-of-life symptoms and a significant need for palliative care. The aim of this study was to develop an end-of-life care program for nursing homes in Spain based on previous models yet adapted to the specific context and the needs of staff in nursing homes in the country. Methods: A descriptive study of a complex intervention procedure was developed. The study consisted of three phases. The first phase was a prospective study assessing self-efficacy in palliative care (using the SEPC scale) and attitudes towards end-of-life care (using the FATCOD-B scale) among nursing home staff before and after the completion of a basic palliative care training program. In the second phase, objectives were selected using the Delphi consensus technique, where nursing home and primary care professionals assessed the relevance, feasibility, and level of attainment of 42 quality standards. In phase 3, interventions were selected for these objectives through two focus group sessions involving nursing home, primary care, and palliative care professionals. Results: As a result of the training, an improvement in self-efficacy and attitudes towards end-of-life care was observed. In phase 2, 14 standards were selected and grouped into 5 objectives: to conduct a comprehensive assessment and develop a personalized care plan adapted to the palliative needs detected; to provide information in a clear and accessible way; to request and record advance care directives; to provide early care with respect to loss and grief; to refer patients to a specialized palliative care unit if appropriate, depending on the complexity of the palliative care required. Based on these objectives, the participants in the focus group sessions designed the 22 interventions that make up the program. Conclusions: The objectives and interventions of the NUHELP program constitute an end-of-life care program which can be implemented in nursing homes to improve the quality of end-of-life care in these facilities by modifying their clinical practice, organization, and relationship with the health system as well as serving as an example of an effective health intervention program.Consejeria de Salud, Junta de Andalucia (Fundacion Publica Andaluza Progreso y Salud) AP-0105-201

    Análisis de los itinerarios de éxito de estudiantes migrantes y estudiantes trans que alcanzaron estudios universitarios, desde una perspectiva educativa inclusiva

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    En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre las condiciones del entorno educativo que propiciaron el acceso a la formación superior, de una muestra de estudiantes pertenecientes a colectivos que suelen presentar un mayor riesgo de fracaso y discriminación. En concreto, el análisis se centró en los colectivos de estudiantes migrantes y de estudiantes trans. Las investigaciones en este campo evidencian las dificultades que suelen encontrar estos sujetos en sus trayectorias educativas, pero se detienen poco en describir itinerarios exitosos y en analizar los factores que los propiciaron. Partimos de la hipótesis de que es posible identificar condiciones favorecedoras en el entorno educativo formal, cuyo análisis puede ayudar a mejorar las estrategias de atención a las diversidades y, en general, la organización de las instituciones educativas. Se adoptó un enfoque cualitativo de investigación, basado en las historias de vida de una muestra de 12 de estudiantes universitarios (8 migrantes y 4 trans), empleando entrevistas biográficas y grupos de discusión para recopilar la información. Considerando que estos estudiantes completaron itinerarios de éxito que les permitieron acceder a la universidad, se les propuso rememorar sus vivencias educativas para identificar factores favorecedores en el entorno educativo formal. Los datos obtenidos indican, sin embargo, una mayor incidencia de variables personales y familiares en los itinerarios académicos de éxito analizados, revelando, al mismo tiempo, los escasos resultados alcanzados por las medidas y estrategias para atender a la diversidad

    Artificial pancreas using a personalized rule-based controller achieves overnight normoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Objective: This study assessed the efficacy of a closed-loop (CL) system consisting of a predictive rule-based algorithm (pRBA) on achieving nocturnal and postprandial normoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). The algorithm is personalized for each patient’s data using two different strategies to control nocturnal and postprandial periods. Research Design and Methods: We performed a randomized crossover clinical study in which 10 T1DM patients treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) spent two nonconsecutive nights in the research facility: one with their usual CSII pattern (open-loop [OL]) and one controlled by the pRBA (CL). The CL period lasted from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m., including overnight control, and control of breakfast. Venous samples for blood glucose (BG) measurement were collected every 20 min. Results: Time spent in normoglycemia (BG, 3.9–8.0 mmol/L) during the nocturnal period (12 a.m.–8 a.m.), expressed as median (interquartile range), increased from 66.6% (8.3–75%) with OL to 95.8% (73–100%) using the CL algorithm (P<0.05). Median time in hypoglycemia (BG, <3.9 mmol/L) was reduced from 4.2% (0–21%) in the OL night to 0.0% (0.0–0.0%) in the CL night (P<0.05). Nine hypoglycemic events (<3.9 mmol/L) were recorded with OL compared with one using CL. The postprandial glycemic excursion was not lower when the CL system was used in comparison with conventional preprandial bolus: time in target (3.9–10.0 mmol/L) 58.3% (29.1–87.5%) versus 50.0% (50–100%). Conclusions: A highly precise personalized pRBA obtains nocturnal normoglycemia, without significant hypoglycemia, in T1DM patients. There appears to be no clear benefit of CL over prandial bolus on the postprandial glycemi

    Breast Tumor Localization by Prone to Supine Landmark Driven Registration for Surgical Planning

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. Screening programs and imaging improvements have increased the detection of clinically occult non-palpable lesions requiring preoperative localization. Wire guided localization (WGL) is the current standard of care for the excision of non-palpable carcinomas during breast conserving surgery. Due to the current limitations of intraoperative tumor localization approaches, the integration of multimodal imaging information may be especially relevant in surgical planning. This research proposes a novel method for performing preoperative image-to-surgical surface data alignment to determine the position of the tumor at the time of surgery and aid preoperative planning. First, the volume of the breast in the surgical position is reconstructed and a set of surface correspondences is defined. Then, the preoperative (prone) and intraoperative (supine) volumes are co-registered using landmark driven non-rigid registration methods. We compared the performances of diffeomorphic and Bspline based registration methods. Finally, our method was validated using clinical data from 67 patients considering as target registration error (TRE) the distance between the estimated tumor position and the reference surgical position. The proposed method achieved a TRE of 16.21 ± 8.18 mm and it could potentially assist the surgery planning and guidance of breast cancer treatment in the clinical practice.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Project RTI2018-098682-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER,UE), Project PI18/01625 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and Grant BGP18/00178 under Beatriz Galindo Programme; in part by the European Union's European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); and in part by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in the line Support for Research and Development Projects for Beatriz Galindo researchers, in the context of the V Plan Regional de Investigación Científíca e Innovación Tecnológica (PRICIT)

    Prone to supine surface-based registration for surgical planning in breast cancer treatment

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    Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women worldwide. Many women with breast cancer have their malignant tumors detected before the lesions become clinically palpable. Occult lesions must be marked for the surgeon to ensure that they can be effectively resected. Image-guided wire localization (WGL) is the current standard of care for the excision of non-palpable carcinomas during breast conserving surgery. The integration of the information from multimodal imaging may be especially relevant in surgical planning as complement or an alternative to WGL. The combination of information from images in different positions is especially difficult due to large breast deformation. This work presents a system based on surface registration to localize the lesion in the operative position, starting from a prone MRI study and a surface of the patient in the supine positon. The pre-operative surface from the MRI is registered to the surface obtained in a supine position similar to the intraoperative setting. Triangular meshes have been used to model breast surface in both positions and surfaces are aligned using a Laplacian deformation with fiducials automatically obtained from 3 anatomical references. The evaluation of the methodology has been carried out in 13 cases in which a supine- CT was available achieving an average localization error of 6.7 m