117 research outputs found

    La violencia marítima (S. XIII-XV): una aproximación a la realidad de los mercaderes y pescadores

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    Durante mucho tiempo el conocimiento histórico se construyó a partir del estudio de grandes personajes, cuyos nombres aparecían escritos en la documentación que hoy es utilizada como fuente de información en las investigaciones históricas. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas se viene produciendo un cambio radical con respecto a esa perspectiva en desuso. Así, se comienza a centrar el enfoque en conocer la historia de las personas que, con su cotidianidad, hicieron posibles las dinámicas y procesos históricos que hoy en día estudiamos. Por esta razón, el trabajo ha seleccionado como objeto de estudio la conflictividad marítima. Dentro de esta línea de investigación, se ha decidido centrar el enfoque en el conjunto de personas anónimas que contribuyeron, en mayor o menor medida, al gran desarrollo marítimo acaecido en el conjunto europeo bajomedieval y más concretamente en el reino de Castilla desde el siglo XIII al XV. Así, se podrá realizar una aproximación hacia la dura y conflictiva realidad histórica que vivieron algunos de los agentes marítimos (concretamente los mercaderes y pescadores) que posibilitaron la gran proyección atlántica de ese territorio a finales de la Edad Media

    El comercio de los puertos vascos en la primera mitad del siglo XVI a partir de los contratos de fletamento

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    El comercio desarrollado a través de los puertos del cantábrico a lo largo de la primera mitad del siglo XVI nos es conocido sólo de manera parcial. Buena parte de los problemas para tener un conocimiento más completo residen en la documentación hasta ahora consultada. El hallazgo de nuevos documentos de carácter judicial en el Archivo General de Simancas referentes a los contratos de fletamento para esta área y este periodo cronológico abren una nueva vía de estudio.Gracias a esta documentación se puede constatar cuáles eran los principales mercados y productos comerciados, los agentes que desarrollaban el tráfico comercial, y sobre todo, la forma en que se organizaba ese comercio que integraba el norte de Castilla con las principales redes comerciales europeas.The trade developed through the ports of Biscay over the first half of XVI century is known to us only in part. Many of the problems to have a more complete documentation reside in so far consulted. The discovery of new judicial documents in the Archivo General de Simancas relating to charter contracts for this area and this chronological period open a new avenue of study.Thanks to this documentation can be seen which were the main products traded markets and the agents who developed the trade, and especially how this trade was organized northern Castilla integrated with the main European trading networks

    An OGSA Middleware for Managing Medical Images Using Ontologies

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1007/s10877-005-0675-0This article presents a Middleware based on Grid Technologies that addresses the problem of sharing, transferring and processing DICOM medical images in a distributed environment using an ontological schema to create virtual communities and to define common targets. It defines a distributed storage that builds-up virtual repositories integrating different individual image repositories providing global searching, progressive transmission, automatic encryption and pseudo-anonimisation and a link to remote processing services. Users from a Virtual Organisation can share the cases that are relevant for their communities or research areas, epidemiological studies or even deeper analysis of complex individual cases. Software architecture has been defined for solving the problems that has been exposed before. Briefly, the architecture comprises five layers (from the more physical layer to the more logical layer) based in Grid Thecnologies. The lowest level layers (Core Middleware Layer and Server Services layer) are composed of Grid Services that implement the global managing of resources. The Middleware Components Layer provides a transparent view of the Grid environment and it has been the main objective of this work. Finally, the upest layer (the Application Layer) comprises the applications, and a simple application has been implemented for testing the components developed in the Components Middleware Layer. Other side-results of this work are the services developed in the Middleware Components Layer for managing DICOM images, creating virtual DICOM storages, progressive transmission, automatic encryption and pseudo-anonimisation depending on the ontologies. Other results, such as the Grid Services developed in the lowest layers, are also described in this article. Finally a brief performance analysis and several snapshots from the applications developed are shown. The performance analysis proves that the components developed in this work provide image processing applications with new possibilities for large-scale sharing, management and processing of DICOM images. The results show that the components fulfil the objectives proposed. The extensibility of the system is achieved by the use of open methods and protocols, so new components can be easily added.Blanquer Espert, I.; Hernández García, V.; Segrelles Quilis, JD. (2005). An OGSA Middleware for Managing Medical Images Using Ontologies. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. 19:295-305. doi:10.1007/s10877-005-0675-0S29530519“European DataGrid Project”. http://www.eu-datagrid.org.“Biomedical Informatics Research”. http://www.nbirn.net/.“ACI project MEDIGRID: medical data storage and processing on the GRID”.http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/MEDIGRID/.“Information eXtraction from Images (IXI) Grid Services for Medical Imaging”. Working Notes of the Workshop on Distributed Databases and processing in Medical Image Computing (DIDAMIC'04). Pag 65.“NeuroBase: Management of Distributed and Heterogeneous Information Sources in Neuroimaging”. Working Notes of the Workshop on Distributed Databases and processing in Medical Image Computing (DIDAMIC'04). Pag 85.Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Part 10: Media Storage and File Format for Media Interchange. National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 N. 17th Street, Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 USA.“Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA)”, http://www.globus.org/ogsa.Globus alliance Home Page. “Relevant documents”, http://www.globus.orgAllen Wyke R, Watt A, “XML Schema Essentials”. Wiley Computer Pub. ISBN 0-471-412597Web security and commerce/Simson Garfinkel. - Cambridge: O'Reilly, 1997. - 483 p.; 23 cm. ISBN 1565922697“The GridFTP Protocol and Software”. http://www-fp.globus.org/datagrid/gridftp.html.JPEG2000: Image compression fundamentals, standards and practice/David S. Taubman, Michael W. Marcellin. – Boston [etc.] : Kluwer Academic, cop. 2002. - XIX, 773 p.; 24 cm. + 1 CD-Rom - (The Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science) ISBN 079237519XBradley J, Erickson MD, “Irreversible Compression of Medical Images”, Dpt. Radiology, Mayo F., Rochester, MN, Jo. of D. Imaging, DOI: 10.1007/s10278-002-0001-z, 02.Monitoring & Discovery System (MDS)” http://www-unix.globus.org/toolkit/mds/“Key management for encrypted data storage in distributed systems”. Proceedings of HeathGrid 2004

    Querellas corporativas en el comercio con Europa desde el Cantábrico oriental durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI, según un pleito de 1547

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    Is it desirable that a single guild controls the main economic activity of a country? This is the question underlying the conflict on wool exports to Northern Europe between the guild of Burgos merchants and its rival, the guild of captains of boat and merchants of Bilbao between 1450 and 1550. To this question were forced to answer merchants and shippers of both sites when they appealed to the rulers. The question was also addressed to political authorities and monarchs, so that they legislated about it. Moreover, the question was made to witnesses in lawsuits held by both associations. Finally, the historiography must answer today to this question.¿Resulta conveniente que un único gremio controle una de las principales actividades económicas de un país? Esta es la pregunta que subyacía en el secular enfrentamiento entre la Universidad de mercaderes de Burgos y su rival, la Universidad de capitanes, maestres de nao y mercaderes de Bilbao, por la exportación de lana hacia la Europa del Norte y el comercio con ésta vinculado, entre 1450 y 1550. A ella debieron contestar los protagonistas, comerciantes y navieros de ambas localidades cuando apelaron en su ayuda a los gobernantes. También se la plantearon las autoridades políticas, sobre todo los monarcas, cuando legislaron al respecto. Fue hecha a los testigos presentados en los pleitos que sostuvieron ambas asociaciones, fuente empleada para el presente trabajo. Y, finalmente, es a la que hoy día debe responder la historiografía

    Enhancing Privacy and Authorization Control Scalability in the Grid through Ontologies

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    © 2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The use of data Grids for sharing relevant data has proven to be successful in many research disciplines. However, the use of these environments when personal data are involved (such as in health) is reduced due to its lack of trust. There are many approaches that provide encrypted storages and key shares to prevent the access from unauthorized users. However, these approaches are additional layers that should be managed along with the authorization policies. We present in this paper a privacy-enhancing technique that uses encryption and relates to the structure of the data and their organizations, providing a natural way to propagate authorization and also a framework that fits with many use cases. The paper describes the architecture and processes, and also shows results obtained in a medical imaging platform.Manuscript received November 19, 2007; revised July 27, 2008. First published August 4,2008; cur-rent version published January 4,2009. This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science to develop the project "ngGrid-New Generation Components for the Efficient Exploitation of eScience Infrastructures," under Grant TIN2006-12860 and in part by the Structural Funds of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Blanquer Espert, I.; Hernández García, V.; Segrelles Quilis, JD.; Torres Serrano, E. (2009). Enhancing Privacy and Authorization Control Scalability in the Grid through Ontologies. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 13(1):16-24. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITB.2008.2003369S162413

    The Parrandas of central Cuba: a recource for the diversification of the tourist offer and local development

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    Introducción: Las Parrandas del Centro de Cuba declaradas Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad surgen por primera vez en 1820 en Remedios y son fiestas celebradas por dieciocho pueblos de tres provincias del país: Villa Clara, Sancti Spíritus y Ciego de Ávila. Del total de dieciocho parrandas solamente la de San Juan de los Remedios, por ser la cuna de las mismas es explotada como un atractivo, dando prueba de ello, los antecedentes de la presente investigación que solo analizan el potencial turístico de la festividad de la Octava Villa de Cuba y no así el del resto de las parrandas.  Objetivo: El objetivo de la investigación es demostrar las potencialidades de las Parrandas del Centro de Cuba como un recurso para la diversificación de la oferta turística y el desarrollo local. Metodología: Dentro de los métodos empleados están los del nivel teórico como el análisis y síntesis de documentos que fundamentan la investigación, además se utilizaron métodos empíricos como la observación directa y entrevistas a la población local y funcionarios de varias instituciones vinculadas al patrimonio inmaterial.  Resultados: La inclusión de estas dentro de la oferta turística generaría resultados positivos como mayores ingresos a la población de acogida reflejados en el desarrollo de la artesanía, la cultura gastronómica, así como mejoras a la infraestructura de dichos territorios. Para ello se hizo necesario esclarecer las distancias con los principales destinos consolidados en la región, las vías de acceso, se crearon canales de información para el conocimiento de dicha tradición dado la influencia actual de las redes sociales y se orientó el cálculo de una adecuada capacidad de carga para evitar consecuencias negativas relacionadas al turismo cultural. Conclusión: Esta investigación constituye un antecedente para la elaboración de La Ruta de las Parrandas como un futuro producto integrado de la Región Central de Cuba. Área de estudio general: Turismo. Área de estudio específica: Turismo CulturalIntroduction: The Parrandas of Central Cuba, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, first emerged in 1820 in Remedios, and are festivities celebrated by eighteen towns in three provinces of the country: Villa Clara, Sancti Spíritus, and Ciego de Ávila. Out of the total of eighteen parrandas, only that of San Juan de los Remedios, being the birthplace, is exploited as an attraction, as evidenced by the background of the present research, which only analyzes the tourist potential of the festivity of the Eighth Villa of Cuba, and not that of the rest of the parrandas. Objective:  The objective of the research is to demonstrate the potential of the Parrandas of Central Cuba as a resource for diversifying the tourism offering and local development. Methodology: The methods employed include theoretical methods such as document analysis and synthesis that underpin the research. Additionally, empirical methods such as direct observation and interviews with the local population and officials from various institutions linked to intangible heritage were used. Results:  Results The inclusion of these festivities in the tourism offering would yield positive results, such as increased income for the host population reflected in the development of handicrafts, culinary culture, as well as improvements to the infrastructure of these territories. To achieve this, it was necessary to clarify the distances to the main established destinations in the region, the access routes, establish information channels for the knowledge of this tradition given the current influence of social media, and calculate an appropriate carrying capacity to avoid negative consequences related to cultural tourism. Conclusion: This research serves as a precedent for the development of "La Ruta de las Parrandas" as a future integrated product of the Central Region of Cuba

    The Parrandas of central Cuba: a recource for the diversification of the tourist offer and local development

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    Introducción: Las Parrandas del Centro de Cuba declaradas Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad surgen por primera vez en 1820 en Remedios y son fiestas celebradas por dieciocho pueblos de tres provincias del país: Villa Clara, Sancti Spíritus y Ciego de Ávila. Del total de dieciocho parrandas solamente la de San Juan de los Remedios, por ser la cuna de las mismas es explotada como un atractivo, dando prueba de ello, los antecedentes de la presente investigación que solo analizan el potencial turístico de la festividad de la Octava Villa de Cuba y no así el del resto de las parrandas.  Objetivo: El objetivo de la investigación es demostrar las potencialidades de las Parrandas del Centro de Cuba como un recurso para la diversificación de la oferta turística y el desarrollo local. Metodología: Dentro de los métodos empleados están los del nivel teórico como el análisis y síntesis de documentos que fundamentan la investigación, además se utilizaron métodos empíricos como la observación directa y entrevistas a la población local y funcionarios de varias instituciones vinculadas al patrimonio inmaterial.  Resultados: La inclusión de estas dentro de la oferta turística generaría resultados positivos como mayores ingresos a la población de acogida reflejados en el desarrollo de la artesanía, la cultura gastronómica, así como mejoras a la infraestructura de dichos territorios. Para ello se hizo necesario esclarecer las distancias con los principales destinos consolidados en la región, las vías de acceso, se crearon canales de información para el conocimiento de dicha tradición dado la influencia actual de las redes sociales y se orientó el cálculo de una adecuada capacidad de carga para evitar consecuencias negativas relacionadas al turismo cultural. Conclusión: Esta investigación constituye un antecedente para la elaboración de La Ruta de las Parrandas como un futuro producto integrado de la Región Central de Cuba. Área de estudio general: Turismo. Área de estudio específica: Turismo CulturalIntroduction: The Parrandas of Central Cuba, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, first emerged in 1820 in Remedios, and are festivities celebrated by eighteen towns in three provinces of the country: Villa Clara, Sancti Spíritus, and Ciego de Ávila. Out of the total of eighteen parrandas, only that of San Juan de los Remedios, being the birthplace, is exploited as an attraction, as evidenced by the background of the present research, which only analyzes the tourist potential of the festivity of the Eighth Villa of Cuba, and not that of the rest of the parrandas. Objective:  The objective of the research is to demonstrate the potential of the Parrandas of Central Cuba as a resource for diversifying the tourism offering and local development. Methodology: The methods employed include theoretical methods such as document analysis and synthesis that underpin the research. Additionally, empirical methods such as direct observation and interviews with the local population and officials from various institutions linked to intangible heritage were used. Results:  Results The inclusion of these festivities in the tourism offering would yield positive results, such as increased income for the host population reflected in the development of handicrafts, culinary culture, as well as improvements to the infrastructure of these territories. To achieve this, it was necessary to clarify the distances to the main established destinations in the region, the access routes, establish information channels for the knowledge of this tradition given the current influence of social media, and calculate an appropriate carrying capacity to avoid negative consequences related to cultural tourism. Conclusion: This research serves as a precedent for the development of "La Ruta de las Parrandas" as a future integrated product of the Central Region of Cuba

    La importancia del vanadio en los seres vivos

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    Abstract (The importance of vanadium in living organisms)The discovery of high vanadium concentrations in living organisms and the constant development of bioinorganic chemistry have promoted the interest in understanding the biological role of this metal and its possible applications in medicinal inorganic chemistry. The design of new metal-based drugs depends largely on the physicochemical properties of the metallic center under physiological conditions. In this paper we present a short review on the biological role of vanadium and its function as an active center in certain enzymes, as well as the state-of-the-art of vanadium-based drugs with antifungical, anticarcinogenic and antiobesity properties.ResumenEl descubrimiento de organismos con concentraciones de vanadio superiores a las normales, aunado al desarrollo de la química bioinorgánica, ha despertado interés por entender a fondo las funciones biológicas que este elemento pueda desempeñar y las posibles aplicaciones que los compuestos de coordinación con dicho metal puedan tener en farmacología. El diseño de fármacos basados en metales depende, en gran parte, de las propiedades farmacológicas del centro metálico en el organismo. En este artículo se presenta una breve revisión sobre algunas funciones biológicas del vanadio y su papel en el centro activo de enzimas, así como las últimas investigaciones enfocadas al desarrollo de fármacos basados en vanadio con actividad antifúngica, anticancerígena y antiobesidad

    Giant cell granuloma of the maxilla: global management, review of literature and case report

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    Giant cell granuloma is a relatively rare benign entity but can be locally aggressive. Histologically characterized by intense proliferation of multinucleated giant cells and fibroblasts. Affects bone supported tissues. Definitive diagnosis is given by biopsy. Clinically manifest as a mass or nodule of reddish color and fleshy, occasionally ulcerated surface. They can range from asymptomatic to destructive lesions that grow quickly. It is a lesion to be considered in the differential diagnosis of osteolytic lesions affecting the maxilla or jaw. Its management passed from conservative treatment with intralesional infiltration of corticosteroids, calcitonin or interferon, to the surgical resection and reconstruction, for example with microvascular free flaps. Keywords: giant cell granuloma, intralesional injection, microvascular free flap, fibula