106 research outputs found

    Proto-Iberian and early Iberian ceramics at the Punta d’Orleyl (La Vall d’Uixó, Castellón): An approach to the identification of the Proto-Iberian and early Iberian horizon in the area of La Plana Baixa.

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    La classificació d´unes ceràmiques com a protoibèriques i ibèriques antigues permet constatar l´ocupació del poblat de la Punta d’Orleyl en els primers moments de la Cultura Ibèrica i plantejar l’existencia d’un Horizó Protoibèric i un altre Ibèric Antic a la Plana Baixa.The classification of some samples of ceramics as proto-iberian and early Iberian enables us to confirm the occupation of the settlement of Punta d’Orleyl at the beginning of the Iberian Culture and to put forward tje existence of a Proto-Iberian Horizon as well as an, Ancient Iberian one at la Plana Baixa area.La clasificación de unas cerámicas como protoibéricas e ibéricoantiguas permiten constatar la ocupación del poblado de la Punta d´Orleyl en los primeros momentos de la Cultura Ibérica y plantear la existencia de un Horizonte Protoibérico y otro Ibérico Antiguo en La Plana Baixa

    Torremotxa (Nules, Castellón): posible atalaya de época andalusí

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    Presentamos unos restos arqueológicos localizados en la partida de Torremotxa (Nules, Castellón), los cuales identificamos, por su técnica constructiva, rasgos arquitectónicos y emplazamiento con una torre andalusí, a nuestro entender, clave dentro de la estructuración y control del territorio, especialmente entre los castillos de Shûn (Uixó) y Nules.We are introducing some archeological remains, located in Torremotxa Part (Nules, Castellón), which we identify by their structural technique, architectonic features and location with an andalusi tower. As we understand it is key within the urban planning and control of the territory, mainly between the Shûn (Uxó) and Nules castles

    Nuevos datos sobre el yacimiento de l'Alter de Xilxes: restos localizados durante las obras de urbanización de la Unidad de Ejecución A-4 (Xilxes, Castellón)

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    La intervención arqueológica de urgencia realizada durante las obras de apertura del nuevo sector urbanístico U.E. A-4 de Xilxes permitió documentar restos constructivos y cerámicos que atribuimos al conocido yacimiento del Alter, identificado desde los años 50 del siglo pasado con una importante villa romana. Lamentablemente, dichos restos, son escasos y presentan un alto grado de arrasamiento, pero, hasta el momento, adquieren especial importancia, por ser los únicos localizados in situ en dicho yacimiento. Los resultados obtenidos también apuntan a la existencia de un área de necrópolis y de una ocupación anterior de época ibérica.The commercial archaeological works conducted during the opening of a new urban sector, U.E. A-4 in Xilxes, allows us to understand the building remains and material culture, specifically pottery, belonging to the site of l’Alter. This was identified in the 1950’s as an important Roman villa. Unfortunately, these remains are scarce and are highly disturbed. However, they have a special significance as they are the only remains found in situ on this site. The results also suggest the existence of a necropolis and an earlier Iron Age settlement of the Iberian culture

    Chronic In Vivo Effects of Repeated Exposure to Low Oral Doses of Tetrodotoxin: Preliminary Evidence of Nephrotoxicity and Cardiotoxicity

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    Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is one of the most potent naturally occurring neurotoxins. Initially TTX was associated with human food intoxications in Japan, but nowadays, concerns about the human health risks posed by TTX have increased in Europe after the identification of the toxin in fish, marine gastropods, and bivalves captured in European waters. Even when TTX monitoring is not currently performed in Europe, an acute oral no observable effect level (NOAEL) of 75 μg/kg has been recently established but, to date, no studies evaluating the chronic oral toxicity of TTX have been released, even when EFSA has highlighted the need for them. Thus, in this work, the chronic effects of low oral TTX doses (below the acute lethal dose 50) were evaluated following internationally adopted guidelines. The results presented here demonstrate that low oral doses of TTX have deleterious effects on renal and cardiac tissues. Moreover, alterations in blood biochemistry parameters, urine production, and urinalysis data were already detected at the oral dose of 75 µg/kg after the 28 days exposure. Thus, the data presented here constitute an initial approach for the chronic evaluation of the in vivo toxicity of tetrodotoxin after its ingestion through contaminated fishery products.The research leading to these results has received funding from the following European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) cofunded grants. From Conselleria de Cultura, Educacion e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia, 2017 GRC GI-1682 (ED431C 2017/01). From the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and Technological Funds, supported by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, AGL2014-58210-R, AGL2016-78728-R (AEI/FEDER, UE), ISCIII/PI16/01830 and RTC-2016-5507-2, ITC-20161072. From European Union POCTEP 0161-Nanoeaters-1-E-1, Interreg AlertoxNet EAPA-317-2016, Interreg Agritox EAPA-998-2018, and H2020 778069-EMERTOX.S