3,348 research outputs found

    The Cytoskeleton In Vivo

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    A comprehensive understanding of the cytoskeleton can only be achieved by the combination of biochemical, cellular, and whole organism studie

    Cave paintings, the case of Altamira as an issue to promote an interdisciplinary approach

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    Interdisciplinarity arises frequently in the institutional discourse and appears to reflect the need to re-acquire a certain unity of knowledge in a world dominated by increasing specialization. However, institutional practice, even in the early years of schooling, departs quite often from modalities of interdisciplinary articulation which require a lot of work preparation, and time is always scarce in the growing range of tasks that are posed to teachers. However, interdisciplinarity does not have to be a question of all or nothing, and can naturally take different degrees and involve a greater or smaller range of subjects or areas of knowledge. In more practical terms, the implementation of interdisciplinarity can be achieved in different ways, like: starting a theme approach, defining a problem situation, treating a problem of holistic content, adopting a certain didactic approach or even during an activity. In this paper we discuss the potentialities of the subject "Cave paintings: the case of Altamira" in the promotion of arts education and scientific and environmental literacy, especially in their dimensions related to ‗learn Science‘ and to ‗reflect about the nature of Science‘. The implications in terms of acquisition of knowledge related with human history are also addressed, since the present theme intersects with paleoclimatic and ecosystemic aspects of the dynamics of the planet and of the evolution of the human being. This work seeks to draw the attention of in service teachers and future teachers to the enormous potential of this theme in promoting interdisciplinarity, indicating ways for its exploitation which are intended to be developed and tested in a formal learning context. It is also hoped that this example will promote other knowledge connections that can be materialized in the context of basic education, both in Portugal and in Spain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La programación infantil en la televisión de galicia (TVG) ¿Quién es su audiencia?

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    El programa contenedor “Xabarín Club” es desde hace casi 20 años el vehículo con el que la Televisión de Galicia se relaciona con el público infantil. Es todo un referente de la cadena autonómica, tanto que su mascota, un jabalí animado, llegó a convertirse en un importante agente socializador entre la infancia gallega. Del mismo modo que sucedió con otras televisiones autonómicas, la aparición de un segundo canal provocó que todos los contenidos infantiles abandonasen la parrilla del primer canal para trasladarse a la segunda opción, menos conocida y carente de contenidos. En este sentido sería interesante conocer cuál es la oferta infantil en ese segundo canal y si el jabalí más famoso de la TVG sigue siendo un referente entre los niños gallegos tal como fue en la década de los 90.The container program “Xabarín Club” is the vehicle which the Galician TV uses to have contact with young audiences. It´s a leading program and its animated pet, a wild boar, has become the Galician children´s best friend. Just as happened with other Spanish regional television, the emergence of a second channel has caused that children programming disappeared in the first channel to move to the second option, less known and devoid of content. In this way, it would be interesting to know what it is the offer of the second channel and if “Xabarin Club” continues being a Galician children leader as it was in the 90s

    Children attitude faced with the advertising they receive through their mobile devices

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    Este trabajo parte de la consideración del niño como usuario activo de dispositivos móviles, así como consumidor y como receptor de mensajes publicitarios, con capacidad de adquisición y de consumo de bienes. Las marcas y anunciantes son conscientes del poder de influencia del niño en las decisiones de compra del hogar, de ahí el interés por conocer qué tipo de mensajes publicitarios están recibiendo a través de las pantallas con las que marcas y anunciantes se aseguran llegar a este perfil de audiencia. La relevancia de esta investigación radica en su propósito de establecer un punto de partida sólido que posibilite investigaciones posteriores relativas al cuidado del menor, la supervisión de contenido y la mediación parental y o social. Los resultados ofrecen datos sobre la actitud que los niños (diez a catorce años) desarrollan ante los mensajes publicitarios que reciben a través de los dispositivos móviles que emplean, medida en términos de detección, nivel de atención, confianza e interactividad, conseguidos a partir de una encuesta autoaplicada mediante una tablet en 500 hogares de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile. Entre las principales conclusiones, destaca que los menores confían más en la publicidad lanzada por los canales que más usan en sus dispositivos móviles (YouTube, WhatsApp, juegos online), plataformas en las que contenido de entretenimiento y publicitario aparece cada vez más entremezclado.This research starts from the consideration of the children as an active user of mobile devices, as well as their profile of consumer and receptor of advertising messages, with the ability of acquisition and consumption of products. The marketing strategies are conscious of the children influence power in the home purchase decisions, hence it would be interesting knowing which type of advertising messages they receive through these screens in which brands include ads to guarantee reaching this audience profile. The importance of this research roots in the purpose of stablishing a strong starting point that makes possible future studies focused in the childcare, the supervision of content and the parental and social mediation. The results offer data on the attitude that children (ten to fourteen years) keep in front of the advertising messages they receive through their mobile devices, measured in terms of detection, level of attention, confidence and interactivity, statistics extracted from a survey supplied in 500 homes of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago of Chile. Among the main conclusions, it is important to highlight that minors trust more in the advertising launched by channels they most used in their mobile devices (Youtube, WhatsApp, on-line games), platforms in which entertainment and advertising appears increasingly mixed

    Comparison between the creation of models and visualization to enhance visual literacy in human anatomy in preservice teachers

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    La alfabetización visual es esencial para la formación docente en ciencias, especialmente en anatomía humana, cuya enseñanza y aprendizaje están apoyados en el uso de gráficos y requiere la adquisición de una visión espacial del cuerpo humano. Sin embargo, ha sido poco estudiada en maestros de Primaria y no existen investigaciones que evalúen la efectividad de métodos que permitan mejorarla. El presente trabajo, llevado a cabo con 194 maestros en su último año de formación, además de hacer un diagnóstico inicial de su nivel de alfabetización visual en anatomía humana, contrasta el impacto de la visualización frente a la realización de maquetas para mejorarla. Para ello se realizó un pretest y un postest consistentes en la representación de una sección transversal humana. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto una limitada alfabetización visual inicial vinculada a la producción de este tipo de secciones, y evidencian un mayor aprendizaje asociado a la realización de maquetas.Visual literacy is essential in science teacher training, especially in human anatomy. The teaching and learning processes of human anatomy are based on the use of graphics, and a spacial perception of the human body is required. Nevertheless, it has been little addressed, and there are no works of assessment of methodologies to improve it in Primary teacher training. This work has been carried out with 194 preservice teachers, and besides an initial diagnosis of the visual literacy skills in human anatomy, the impact of visualization and modelization of the human body to improve it are contrasted. The production of a cross section human diagram has been used as pre and post test. The results show limited skills in visual literacy related to the production of this type of sections, and a higher impact of producing scaled models on learning

    Transmedia impetus in the university radios. Analysis of El Escaparate, radio program of the University of Vigo

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    La convergencia mediática ha facilitado el desarrollo de proyectos multimedia en los que el contenido de la plataforma central (en este caso la radio) se expande a otros soportes que complementan y enriquecen la oferta. En este concreto momento de la evolución histórica de la radio, se pensó en la posibilidad de estudiar uno de los planteamientos multimedia ya en marcha en la propia Universidad de Vigo. El objetivo del trabajo se orientó a comprobar el nivel de transmedialidad que ofrece El Escaparate, programa universitario de la Universidad de Vigo. Y para alcanzar este objetivo nos propusimos observar hasta qué punto este producto radiofónico tiene desarrolladas las características de un proyecto transmedia, apoyándonos para ello en las notas aportadas por Jenkins o Scolari. Del estudio de ambos autores pueden extraerse, al menos, estos rasgos característicos: el empleo de varias plataformas, que cada plataforma de acceso a distintos usuarios o consumidores sin que sea necesario acceder a la totalidad de los contenidos para entender la historia, que cada plataforma disponga de contenidos específicos de manera que puedan explotar sus posibilidades sin perder continuidad, que la audiencia tenga un papel activo y participador, expansión y profundidad. Con esos elementos a la vista se procedió a establecer la metodología de trabajo que consistió en una combinación de técnicas cuantitativas (como el análisis de contenido) y cualitativas (observación no participante) adecuadas al estudio de caso que se plantea. Entre las principales conclusiones destaca la evolución experimentada por este programa radiofónico al convertirse en un proyecto transmedia en el que las plataformas secundarias adquirieron un protagonismo especial como reclamo de audiencias.The media convergence has made easier the development of multimedia projects in which the content of the main platform (in this case the radio) is expanded thanks to other supports that complement and enrich the offer. In this specific moment of the historical evolution of the radio, the possibility of studying one of these contemporary multimedia proposal recently implemented in the University of Vigo was considered. The main objective of this study was focused on verifying the level of transmediation that has reached El Escaparate, the University radio of the University of Vigo. In order to get this goal, we tried to identify until what level this radio product has developed the main features of a transmedia project, based on the notes provided by Jenkins or Scolari. From the point of view of this authors, we can underline the following characteristics: the use of several platforms, which each one allows the access to different users without the need of consuming all content to understand the whole project; each platform should offer specific contents exploiting it media possibilities but without losing continuity. Moreover, it is essential that the audience has an active and participatory role, expansion and depth. With these elements, we proceeded to establish a methodology process based on a mix of quantitative techniques (such as content analysis) and qualitative ones (non-participant observation), suitable for this specific case study. Among the main conclusions highlights the evolution that this radio program has experimented becoming a transmedia project in which the secondary platforms have acquired a special role as an audience attraction

    Heparan sulfate proteoglycans undergo differential expression alterations in left sided colorectal cancer, depending on their metastatic character

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    Abstract Background Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are complex molecules which play a role in the invasion and growth and metastatic properties of cancerous cells. In this work we analyze changes in the patterns of expression of HSPGs in left sided colorectal cancer (LSCRC), both metastatic and non-metastatic, and the results are also compared with those previously obtained for right sided tumors (RSCRCs). Methods Eighteen LSCRCs were studied using qPCR to analyze the expression of both the proteoglycan core proteins and the enzymes involved in heparan sulfate chain biosynthesis. Certain HSPGs also carry chondroitin sulfate chains and so we also studied the genes involved in its biosynthesis. The expression of certain genes that showed significant expression differences were also analysed using immunohistochemical techniques. Results Changes in proteoglycan core proteins were dependent on their location, and the main differences between metastatic and non-metastatic tumors affected cell-surface glypicans, while other molecules were quite similar. Glypicans were also responsible for the main differences between RS- and LS- malignances. Regarding the biosynthesis of heparan sulfate chains, differential alterations in transcription depending on the presence or not of metastasis affected genes involved in the modification of uronic acid (epimerization and 2-O sulfation), and some isoforms responsible for sulfation of glucosamine (NDST1, HS6ST1). Moreover, in RSCRCs differences were preferentially found in the expression of genes involved in C6 and C3 sulfation of glucosamine, but not in NDSTs or SULFs. Finally, synthesis of chondroitin sulfate showed some alterations, which affected various steps, including polimerization and the modification of chains, but the main variations dependent on the presence of metastases were epimerization and 6C sulfation; however, when compared with RSCRCs, the essential divergences affected polymerization of the chains and the 6C sulfation of the galactosamine residue. Conclusions We evidenced alterations in the expression of HSPGs, including the expression of cell surface core proteins, many glycosiltransferases and some enzymes that modify the GAG chains in LSCRCs, but this was dependent on the metastatic nature of the tumor. Some of these alterations are shared with RSCRCs, while others, focused on specific gene groups, are dependent on tumor localization

    MOVEUS Project: "ICT Cloud-based platform and mobility services available, universal and safe for all users"

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    The main goal of MoveUs project http://www.moveus-project.eu is to design, implement, pilot, evaluate, disseminate and exploit a number of ICT tools for smart mobility in smart cities, with the aim of radically change the European users’ mobility habits by offering intelligent and personalized travel information services, helping people to decide the best transport choice and providing meaningful feedback on the energy efficiency savings obtained as a result. The paper focus on the services developed for the Madrid use case: • A smart crossing service: allows pedestrians to activate a request for green light, but also takes into account the real-time status of the intersection, and directly interacts with the traffic control center and extends the green phase if needed. • A bus priority service: prioritizes delayed buses at selected crossings in order to optimize travel time and frequency, improving also the efficiency of this mode of transport. • A trip planning and info mobility service: calculates the best multimodal journey option, taking into account different parameters such as time, energy efficiency, incentives, etc

    Aprender para comunicar; bases de partida en entornos de humedales Ibéricos.

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    A study focused on the perception and knowledge of wetlands among the students of the Faculties of Education in Faro (Portugal), Ciudad Real and Toledo (Spain), located near protected wetlands, is presented in this article. The results show that, in general, students have vague ideas about the functioning, values and functions of wetlands before working on them. This fact changes after their work in the classroom, although a lack of understanding of important issues that they should communicate in the classroom in their teaching function remains.En este artículo se presenta un estudio realizado con alumnos de las Facultades de Educación de Faro (Portugal), Ciudad Real y Toledo (España), situadas cerca de humedales protegidos, relativo al conocimiento y percepción de estos espacios. Los resultados muestran que, generalmente, los alumnos tienen vagas nociones sobre el funcionamiento, valores y funciones de los humedales antes de trabajar con ellos. Tras el trabajo en el aula este hecho cambia, aunque persisten carencias en la compresión de aspectos relevantes que deberían comunicar en las aulas en su futuro ejercicio docente