731 research outputs found

    The weaver death in ancient Peru

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    La muerte, y sus atributos relacionados con el tejido, hilado o destino, por ejemplo, en los estudios del antiguo Perú apenas han sido investigados. Hay investigaciones a modo de “islas” sobre los restos en contextos funerarios, sobre la figura de Supay, o seres del inframundo, pero, realmente no hay un trabajo que haya realizado un “tejido” con aquellas características que presentan gran similitud, y que perfilan la Muerte y sus atributos como tejedora del destino. Es más, ¿qué sabemos sobre una deidad o deidades asociadas a la muerte, atributos, cualidades, relacionadas con el tejido y la temporalidad? En general los estudios sobre las características de una deidad apenas han sido desarrollados en esta área, expondremos, que realmente hay características suficientes para hablar de la muerte como una deidad, con una serie de características relacionadas, en este caso, con el “hilo” de la vidamuerte.Death, and its attributes related to weaving, spinning, or destiny, for example. In the studies of ancient Peru they have hardly been investigated. There are investigations, about the remains in funeral contexts, about the figure of Supay, or beings from the underworld, but, really, there is not a work that has made a "fabric" with those characteristics that have great similarity, and that outline the Death, and her attributes as a weaver of destiny, for example. What's more, what do we know about a deity or deities associated with death, attributes, qualities, related to the fabric and temporality? In general, studies on the characteristics of a deity have hardly been developed in this area, we will explain that there really are enough characteristics to speak of death as a deity, with a series of characteristics that enrich the studies on pre-Hispanic worldview of ancient Peru

    DOSSIER: La muerte, pasado y presente

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    Unraveling the Molecular Determinants of Manual Therapy: An Approach to Integrative Therapeutics for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

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    Application of protocols without parameter standardization and appropriate controls has led manual therapy (MT) and other physiotherapy-based approaches to controversial outcomes. Thus, there is an urgency to carefully define standard protocols that elevate physiotherapy treatments to rigorous scientific demands. One way in which this can be achieved is by studying gene expression and physiological changes that associate to particular, parameter-controlled, treatments in animal models, and translating this knowledge to properly designed, objective, quantitatively-monitored clinical trials (CTs). Here, we propose a molecular physiotherapy approach (MPTA) requiring multidisciplinary teams, to uncover the scientific reasons behind the numerous reports that historically attribute health benefits to MT-treatments. The review focuses on the identification of MT-induced physiological and molecular responses that could be used for the treatment of fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). The systemic effects associated to mechanical-load responses are considered of particular relevance, as they suggest that defined, low-pain anatomic areas can be selected for MT treatment and yet yield overall benefits, an aspect that might result in it being essential to treat FM. Additionally, MT can provide muscle conditioning to sedentary patients without demanding strenuous physical effort, which is particularly detrimental for CFS/ME patients, placing MT as a real option for integrative medicine programs to improve FM and CFS/ME.This research was funded by the Fundación Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir (UCV) Research Grant Program grant number 2018-121-001.Fisioterapi

    The dialectic relationship between theory and practicein mathematics teacher education

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    The study presented here is a part of ongoing research, in which 'situated knowledge'and ‘cognitive apprenticeship’ form the framework that allows us to deal with theknowledge and the learning process of pre-service elementary school teachers. Ouraim is to determine how student teachers use conceptual tools provided in amathematics methods course. The search context of this paper is the curricularanalysis of the textbooks. Our research has shown the difficulty involved in usingdifferent conceptual tools to solve a proposed task. We have observed how, insituations in which the integration of conceptual tools has been achieved, the studentteachers have found distinct features that lead to different decisions. This shows theprofessional relevance of such integration and points out the need of advancing inthat research agenda

    Persistencia y sentido en los estudios de Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil en la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    Una de las problemáticas que más preocupa a las universidades son los altos índices de deserción que tienen sus estudiantes. Y en pro de contrarrestar esta situación las universidades y el Estado utilizan estrategias de retención como: asesorías, programas de desarrollos de habilidades cognitivas, programas de orientación y tutorías, con el fin de compensar la falta de recursos económicos, sociales y familiar que puedan influir en el abandono del sistema de educación superior. Sin embargo, no es claro que todos los tipos de abandono requieran la misma atención o exijan similares formas de intervención por parte de estas instituciones. Por lo tanto, y debido a que el tema de la deserción ha sido considerado como uno de los factores que más incide en la accesibilidad y cobertura de la educación, su medición y estudio deben ser parte de la evaluación de la eficiencia del sistema educativo y de la calidad de los procesos y de los programas que ofrecen las instituciones, de ahí que sea una obligación establecer mecanismos académicos y administrativos para controlar este fenómeno. Dado el impacto de este tema en el acceso, permanencia y calidad del sistema educativo, en la construcción del Plan Nacional Decenal de Educación 2006- 2016,8 se discutieron en particular acciones para garantizar y promover por parte del Estado, a través de políticas públicas, el derecho y el acceso a un sistema educativo público sostenible que asegure la calidad, la permanencia en condiciones de inclusión en todos los niveles del sistema educativo: inicial, básico, medio y superior. Respecto al tema de la permanencia se propone fortalecer el bienestar estudiantil y ofrecer en las instituciones educativas acciones y programas con profesionales idóneos, que permitan mejorar el desarrollo armónico, físico psicológico y social de los estudiantes con el fin de estimular su permanencia en el sistema

    The world of the dead in Central Andean cosmovision

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    El mundo de los muertos en la cosmovisión prehispánica centro andina apenas ha sido analizado. El hurin pacha, en especial, es uno de los tres planos verticales que menores investigaciones han estimulado, en cuanto al periodo prehispánico concierne. Uno de los datos que suelen coincidir en las informaciones recopiladas, tanto coloniales como actuales, es que las poblaciones del antiguo Perú tenían la percepción de una "segunda vida" tras la muerte. Pero, nos preguntamos dónde y cómo se imaginaba la vida post mortem.The world of the dead in the central Andean pre-Hispanic cosmic vision has been analysed.The hurin pacha, in particular, is one of the three vertical planes that minor research has stimulated, with respect to the pre-Hispanic period. One of the fact that usually coincides in the information compiled, both colonial as well as current, is that the populations of ancient Peru had the perception of life after death. However, we ask where and how they imagined the afterlife to occur.Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad

    The rainbow in the Prehispanic central Andian vision of the cosmos

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    El arco iris es un fenómeno natural que apenas ha sido investigado en el área andina, en el periodo prehispánico. Las poblaciones nativas le temían, principalmente porque éstas opinaban que se introducía dentro del cuerpo. En las crónicas aparece el Arco Iris como un eje, pero, en el caso inca, éste centra al gobernante como jefe de la comunidad, lo dota de poder sobrenatural. Es decir, el Arco Iris era una divinidad protectora del Inca. De esta manera el fenómeno multicolor se presenta como un acontecimiento complejo, pues se insinúa como una deidad bipolar, relacionada con las dos fuerzas que dominan el cosmos. Pero, su importancia se halla, principalmente, en que fue un agente regulador de los ciclos hidrológicos que fertilizaban las tierras.The rainbow is a natural phenomenon that has hardly been investigated in the Andes area of the prehispanic period. Native populations feared it, mainly because they believed that it got into the body. In the chronicles, the rainbow appears as an axis, but, in the case of the Incas, this axis made the governing person the chief of the community, endowing supernatural power. That is, the Rainbow was a protective divinity of the Incas. In this way, the multicolor phenomenon appeared as a complex event, as it acted as a bipolar deity, related to two dominant cosmic forces. However, its importance was found primarily in that it was a regulatory agent of the hydrological cycles that fertilized the land.Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad

    WIP Drives Tumor Progression through YAP/TAZ-Dependent Autonomous Cell Growth

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    In cancer, the deregulation of growth signaling pathways drives changes in the cell¿s architecture and its environment that allow autonomous growth of tumors. These cells then acquire a tumor-initiating ¿stemness¿ phenotype responsible for disease advancement to more aggressive stages. Here, we show that high levels of the actin cytoskeleton-associated protein WIP (WASP-interacting protein) correlates with tumor growth, both of which are linked to the tumor-initiating cell phenotype. We find that WIP controls tumor growth by boosting signals that stabilize the YAP/TAZ complex via a mechanism mediated by the endocytic/endosomal system. When WIP levels are high, the ß-catenin Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC)-axin-GSK3 destruction complex is sequestered to the multi-vesicular body compartment, where its capacity to degrade YAP/TAZ is inhibited. YAP/TAZ stability is dependent on Rac, p21-activated kinase (PAK) and mammalian diaphanous-related formin (mDia), and is Hippo independent. This close biochemical relationship indicates an oncogenic role for WIP in the physiology of cancer pathology by increasing YAP/TAZ stability.MINECO (SAF2013-45937-R to I.M.A.) and MINECO/FEDER (SAF2015-70368-R to I.M.A. and F.W.), the European Union (EU-FP7-2009-CT222887 to F.W.), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBERNED to F.W.) and by a grant from ISCIII-RETIC (RD12/0036/0009 to R.G.E.)Peer Reviewe

    The effect of TLTRO III on Spanish credit institutions´ balance sheets

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    Artículo de revistaWith the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, the ECB’s Governing Council modified the conditions of the TLTRO III, aiming to facilitate the flow of bank credit to the real economy. The new conditions encouraged an unprecedented level of take-up of the Eurosystem’s refinancing operations by credit institutions. In the case of Spain, all participating banks met the eligible net lending target (that is, loans to non-financial corporations and households, except loans to households for house purchases) established for the period March 2020 to March 2021. To ascertain the impact on banks’ balance sheets of this huge liquidity injection via TLTRO III, this article identifies four strategies – lending, holding reserves at the Banco de España, purchase of government debt and substitution for market funding – that banks could implement after applying for TLTRO III funding. The conclusion drawn is that there is a significant relationship between participation in TLTRO III and eligible lending and reserve holding strategies

    Evaluation of the shallow geothermal potential for heating and cooling and its integration in the socioeconomic environment: A case study in the Region of Murcia, Spain

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    In order to boost the use of shallow geothermal energy, reliable and sound information concerning its potential must be provided to the public and energy decision-makers, among others. To this end, we developed a GIS-based methodology that allowed us to estimate the resource, energy, economic and environmental potential of shallow geothermal energy at a regional scale. Our method focuses on closed-loop borehole heat exchanger systems, which are by far the systems that are most utilized for heating and cooling purposes, and whose energy demands are similar throughout the year in the study area applied. The resource was assessed based on the thermal properties from the surface to a depth of 100 m, considering the water saturation grade of the materials. Additionally, climate and building characteristics data were also used as the main input. The G.POT method was used for assessing the annual shallow geothermal resource and for the specific heat extraction (sHe) rate estimation for both heating and, for the first time, for cooling. The method was applied to the Region of Murcia (Spain) and thematic maps were created with the outputting results. They offer insight toward the thermal energy that can be extracted for both heating and cooling in (MWh/year) and (W/m); the technical potential, making a distinction over the climate zones in the region; the cost of the possible ground source heat pump (GSHP) installation, associated payback period and the cost of producing the shallow geothermal energy; and, finally, the GHG emissions savings derived from its usage. The model also output the specific heat extraction rates, which are compared to those from the VDI 4640, which prove to be slightly higher than the previous one