233 research outputs found

    Using the affect grid to measure emotions in software requirements engineering

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    Computer systems are designed and used by humans. And human being is characterized, among other things, by emotions. Giving this fact, the process of designing and developing computer systems is, like any other facet in our lives, driven by emotions. Requirements engineering is one of the main phases in software development. In Requirements engineering, several tasks include acceptance and negotiation activities in which the emotional factor represents a key role. This paper presents a study based on the application of affect grid by Russell in requirements engineering main stakeholders: developers and users. Results show that high arousal and low pleasure levels in the process are predictors of conflictive requirements.Publicad

    Decisions in software development proyects management: an exploratory study.

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    Given the importance of software in today's world, the development of software systems is a key activity that requires complex management scenarios. This article explores the implications of hard decisions in the context of software development projects (SDPs). More in deep, it focuses on the emotional consequences of making hard decisions in IT organisations. Complex SDPs involve a great variety of actors. This fact entails morale, feelings and emotions, which play an important role for communication, interaction and, ultimately, decision making. The aim of the article is twofold. First (Study 1), to identify which are the most important hard decisions in SDPS. Second (Study 2), to study the influence of emotions on decision-making processes (Study 2). Findings show the complex emotional consequences and difficulties that managers must face in hard decision-making processes.Publicad

    Smart Learning

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    Artificial intelligence applied to the educational field has a vast potential, especially after the e ects worldwide of the COVID-19 pandemic. Online or blended educational modes are needed to respond to the health situation we are living in. The tutorial e ort is higher than in the traditional face-to-face approach. Thus, educational systems are claiming smarter learning technologies that do not pretend to substitute the faculty but make their teaching activities easy. This Special Issue is oriented to present a collection of papers of original advances in educational applications and services propelled by artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, and deep learning

    Activation of MET pathway predicts poor outcome to cetuximab in patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer

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    Background: Activation of the MET oncogene promotes tumor growth, invasion and metastasis in several tumor types. Additionally, MET is activated as a compensatory pathway in the presence of EGFR blockade, thus resulting in a mechanism of resistance to EGFR inhibitors. Methods: We have investigated the impact of HGF and MET expression, MET activation (phosphorylation), MET gene status, and MET-activating mutations on cetuximab sensitivity in recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) patients. Results: A single-institution retrospective analysis was performed in 57 patients. MET overexpression was detected in 58 % patients, MET amplification in 39 % and MET activation (p-MET) in 30 %. Amplification was associated with MET overexpression. Log-rank testing showed significantly worse outcomes in recurrent/metastatic, MET overexpressing patients for progression-free survival and overall survival. Activation of MET was correlated with worse PFS and OS. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, p-MET was an independent prognostic factor for PFS. HGF overexpression was observed in 58 % patients and was associated with MET phosphorylation, suggesting a paracrine activation of the receptor. Conclusions: HGF/MET pathway activation correlated with worse outcome in recurrent/metastatic HNSCC patients. When treated with a cetuximab-based regimen, these patients correlated with worse outcome. This supports a dual blocking strategy of HGF/MET and EGFR pathways for the treatment of patients with recurrent/metastatic HNSCCThe present work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (AES Program, grant PI12/01552); the Ministerio de Sanidad (Cancer Network); the Comunidad de Madrid (S2010/BMD-2344). The Fundacion Jimenez Diaz Biobank is funded by a grant from the MINECO (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RETICS Red de Biobancos, with FEDER funds, RD09/0076/00101). S.Z. and C.C. are supported by grants from the same Biobanks initiativ

    Medios audiovisuales en el trabajo de campo de los alumnos en la asignatura GĂ©nero y Salud, Universidad de Sevilla

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    Presentamos los resultados de los trabajos de campo realizados por las y los estudiantes de la asignatura “GĂ©nero y Salud”, que comenzĂł a impartirse en el curso 2009-10, en el Grado de EnfermerĂ­a. En estos trabajos de campo el alumnado ha trabajado sobre temas relacionados con los contenidos de la asignatura. Han realizado montajes utilizando contenidos multimedia obtenidos en la red, canciones, pelĂ­culas y videos que previamente habĂ­an sido utilizados para detectar metamensajes sexistas y por otra parte han realizado videos performativos realizados por ellos y ellas. Tanto la utilizaciĂłn de la imagen como texto, como el manejo de los elemento tĂ©cnicos del montaje, la interacciĂłn grupal y con las profesoras que tutorizaban los grupos de prĂĄctica ha sido una experiencia enriquecedora y satisfactoria. La creatividad en la bĂșsqueda y presentaciĂłn de los temas elegidos, asĂ­ como la calidad de los videos finales, ha superado las expectativas que nos habĂ­amos planteado al comienzo en la andadura de esta nueva asignatura. Se ha conseguido el objetivo propuesto que era que los alumnos interiorizaran los contenidos de la asignatura GĂ©nero y Salud y lo expresaran desde su propia Ăłptica y cĂłdigos culturales, utilizando para ello tanto su propia expresividad como materiales multimedias que les resultan culturalmente significativos
