1,462 research outputs found

    Antioxidant Purple Corn Protein Concentrate from Germinated Andean Purple Corn Seeds

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    Ecuador Andean purple corn (Zea mays L.) was subjected to a germination process at 15–40 °C for 24–168 incubation hours. Purple corn protein concentrates (PCPCs) were obtained by alkaline extraction at pH 8.0 and pH 10.0, followed by an isoelectric precipitation process at pH 4.0, pH 5.0 and pH 6.0. Proteins and phenolic content of PCPCs was calculated. PCPC antioxidant properties were determined by the ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) in vitro method and by the 2,2-azinobis, 3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid, (ABTS) in vitro method. Andean purple corn seeds were able to germinate under the germination conditions tested in this study. The higher percentage of germination was of 63.33% at 168 h/25 °C. The PCPCs protein profile was characterized for the presence of six bands with molecular weights of 14.50 kDa, 20.12 kDa, 25.18 kDa, 41.85 kDa, 59.59 kDa, and 65.87 kDa. Germinated PCPC presented a high TPC content with ranges of 605.71–1820.00 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g PCPC dry weight (DW), germinated PCPC/72 h/25 °C presented a higher value of 1820.00 mg GAE/g PCPC, DW. All germinated PCPCs samples assayed presented strong antioxidant activity when measured by the ABTS and FRAP methods. Germinated PCPC/144 h/35 °C presented high antioxidant activity by ABTS with 804.35 µmol Trolox equivalents (TE)/g PCPC DW and germinated PCPC/144 h/30 °C presented a high value by the FRAP method, 987.83 µmol TE/g PCPC DW

    Decoupled supercapacitive electrolyzer for membrane-free water splitting

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    Green hydrogen production via water splitting is vital for decarbonization of hard-to-abate industries. Its integration with renewable energy sources remains to be a challenge, due to the susceptibility to hazardous gas mixture during electrolysis. Here, we report a hybrid membrane-free cell based on earth-abundant materials for decoupled hydrogen production in either acidic or alkaline medium. The design combines the electrocatalytic reactions of an electrolyzer with a capacitive storage mechanism, leading to spatial/temporal separation of hydrogen and oxygen gases. An energy efficiency of 69% lower heating value (48 kWh/kg) at 10 mA/cm2 (5 cm–by–5 cm cell) was achieved using cobalt-iron phosphide bifunctional catalyst with 99% faradaic efficiency at 100 mA/cm2. Stable operation over 20 hours in alkaline medium shows no apparent electrode degradation. Moreover, the cell voltage breakdown reveals that substantial improvements can be achieved by tunning the activity of the bifunctional catalyst and improving the electrodes conductivity. The cell design offers increased flexibility and robustness for hydrogen production.E.A.T.-C. would like to thank the National Research and Development Agency of Chile (ANID) for the doctoral scholarship “Beca Chile” 2018-72190682. M.G.-R. and L.M.S.-M. would like to thank Campus Iberus for Erasmus+ KA103 scholarship and Facultad de Ciencias of University of Alicante for the internship scholarship. J.D. would like to acknowledge partial financing from Vinnova (diary no. 2021-02313) and Åforsk (ref. no. 21-105)

    Análisis comparativo de los modelos dinámicos de una turbina eólica de velocidad fija

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    En este artículo, se presenta un análisis comparativo del comportamiento dinámico de los modelos reducido y completo de una turbina eólica de velocidad fija. La herramienta informática utilizada en la realización de simulaciones es la plataforma Simulink/Matlab. El principal objetivo de este estudio es demostrar la influencia del flujo del estator y del acoplamiento mecánico en la respuesta transitoria de las turbinas eólicas de velocidad fija. Asimismo, se ha analizado la influencia en el comportamiento dinámico de otros parámetros característicos de la turbina eólica, como la potencia reactiva aportada por la batería de condensadores y la inercia del generador y de las palas del rotor eólico. // In this article, a comparative analysis of the dynamic behavior of reduced and full of a wind turbine fixed speed models are presented. The tool used in performing simulations is the Simulink/Matlab platform. The main objective of this study is to demonstrate the influence of the stator flux and the mechanical coupling of fixed speed wind turbine dynamic response. It has also analyzed the influence on the dynamic behavior of other characteristic parameters of the wind turbine, such as reactive power supplied by the capacitor bank and the inertia of the generator and wind rotor blades

    Influencia del biocarbón aplicado al suelo sobre atributos de rendimiento y calidad de avena forrajera

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    El suelo es un recurso imprescindible para la producción agrícola y, por lo tanto, requiere de condiciones adecuadas para favorecer una nutrición adecuada de los cultivos y generar mayores rendimientos. El biocarbón (BC) ha sido propuesto ampliamente para mejorar la calidad del suelo y la productividad de los cultivos. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los efectos del biocarbón sobre el rendimiento y calidad de la avena forrajera, en el periodo otoño-invierno 2016-2017. Un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones fue usado, el cual incluía tres tratamientos y un testigo: T0 = testigo absoluto; T1 = [fertilización convencional: (120-60-00 kg ha-1)]; T2 = (2.25 Mg ha-1 de biocarbón + fertilización convencional); T3 = (4 Mg ha-1 de biocarbón + fertilización convencional). El experimento se condujo en campo abierto con una densidad de siembra de 120 kg ha-1. Las variables evaluadas fueron: altura de planta (AP), materia verde (MV), materia seca (MS); fibra detergente neutra (FDN), fibra detergente ácida (FDA), proteína cruda (PC), nutrientes digestibles totales (NDT), digestibilidad de la materia seca (DMS). Los datos registrados se sometieron a análisis de varianza y las medias se compararon con la prueba de Tukey (P < 0.05). Diferencias estadísticas significativas (≤ 0.05) se observaron para AP y MV, donde T2 registró el mayor valor de 33 y 102%, respectivamente, frente al control. Se concluye que la aplicación de biocarbón influye positivamente sobre atributos de rendimiento de avena forrajera. Sin embargo, se deben realizar estudios más detallados, considerando condiciones distintas al presente estudio

    Probability of Heavy Metals Mobility from Dumped Sediments in a Quarry

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    The former Texcoco Lake was dreg to build the new international Mexico City airport were pumped in a quarry. The dredged sediments could have heavy metals (HMs) capable to pollute water bodies. The study aimed to evaluate the content of Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, and Pb of the sediments deposited in the quarry, its transfer to the runoff water and the Cu, Zn, Ni, and Pb adsorption in the subsoil. We measured water infiltration rate, HMs concentration in sediments, water runoff, and the HM adsorption in the subsoil. The infiltration rate in sediments is low (? 10-7 cm/h). HMs in sediments are within the maximum permissible limits by the Mexican regulations, for sewage sludge. The HM in the runoff from the sediments are in the range of the Mexican regulations for the discharge into rivers and for irrigation purposes of agricultural soils. It is also within safe limits for irrigation use considered by FAO and EPA. The materials adsorption capacity of Pb (1250 mg kg-1), Zn (588 mg kg-1), and Cu (1250 mg kg-1) is higher than the concentration of metals in the runoff water, so it is unlikely the movement of HM down the subsoil.Dregs from the former Texcoco Lake were used to build the new international Mexico City airport and pumped in a quarry. The dredged sediments could have heavy metals (HMs) capable of polluting water bodies. The study’s objective was to evaluate the content of Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, and Pb of the sediments deposited in the quarry, their transfer to the runoff water and the adsorption of Cu, Zn, Ni, and Pb in the subsoil. Other variables measured were water infiltration rate, HM in sediments, water runoff, and the HM adsorption in the subsoil. The infiltration rate in sediments is low (≤ 10-7 cm/h). HMs in sediments are within the maximum permissible limits by Mexican regulations, for sewage sludge. The HMs in the runoff from the sediments are in the range of the Mexican regulations for the discharge into rivers and for irrigation purposes of agricultural soils. They are also within safe limits for irrigation use considered by FAO and EPA. The materials adsorption capacity of Pb (1250 mg kg-1), Zn (588 mg kg-1), and Cu (1250 mg kg-1) is higher than the concentration of metals in the runoff water, so the movement of HMs down into the subsoil is unlikely.

    Aplicación de técnicas aprendizaje automático para estimar la calidad de la voz en escala GRBAS

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    La valoración de la calidad vocal mediante el análisis audio-perceptual es parte de la rutina clínica de evaluación de pacientes con trastornos de la voz. La debilidad de este método reside en la subjetividad y en la necesidad de que sea realizada por oyentes experimentados. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo particular la realización de una clasificación automática de la calidad vocal, valuada en la escala GRBAS, a través de características extraídas del análisis acústico de la señal y técnicas de aprendizaje automático.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Effect of Diclofenac with B Vitamins on the Treatment of Acute Pain Originated by Lower-Limb Fracture and Surgery

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    The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of diclofenac, for the treatment of acute pain originated by lower-limb fracture and surgery, with that of diclofenac plus B vitamins. This was a single-center, prospective, randomized, and double-blinded clinical trial. Patients with lower-limb closed fractures rated their pain on a 10 cm visual analog scale (VAS). Patients were then randomized to receive diclofenac or diclofenac plus B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, and cyanocobalamin) intramuscularly twice daily. Patient evaluations of pain intensity were recorded throughout two periods: twenty-four hours presurgery and twenty-four hours postsurgical. One hundred twenty-two patients completed the study. The subjects' assessments of limb pain on the VAS showed a significant reduction from baseline values regardless of the treatment group. Diclofenac plus B vitamins combination was more effective to reduce the pain than diclofenac alone. The results showed that the addition of B vitamins to diclofenac increased its analgesic effect. The novelty of this paper consists in that diclofenac and diclofenac plus B vitamins were useful for treatment of acute pain originated by lower-limb fracture and surgery

    Consideraciones para el rediseño de la línea de ensamble de vehículos aéreos no tripulados desarrollados por la Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana

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    This paper presents the redesign of an assembly line in the manufacturing of UAVs used in various missions that take place at high altitudes for the Research and Development Center of the Ecuadorian Air Force (CIDFAE). The methodology that was applied consists of three phases: the first one involves the analysis of the current strategic situation; the second one estimates the capacity of production, time standards based on the MTM-2 system; and the third one performs a distribution study of the plant facilities through simulation. As result a mixed distribution is chosen since it guarantees a production batch of UAVs. The parts are produced in manufacturing cells and the final assembly in workstations. Furthermore, strategies for strengthening the operational capacity of the plant will be established in order to manufacture three UAVs every two months.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el re-diseño de la línea de ensamblaje de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (por siglas en inglés, UAVs) destinados a realizar diversas misiones a grandes alturas llevadas a cabo en el Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana (CIDFAE). La metodología que se aplicó consta de tres fases: la primera comprende el análisis de la situación estratégica actual; la segunda estima la capacidad del proceso productivo con el uso de las normas de tiempo predeterminadas en base al sistema MTM-2; la tercera realiza el estudio de la distribución de las instalaciones mediante simulación. Como resultado final se opta por una distribución mixta que garantiza una producción en serie de UAVs. La construcción de piezas se realiza en células de fabricación; y el ensamble final por estaciones de trabajo; además se establecen estrategias para el fortalecimiento de la capacidad operativa de producción de la instalación que se proyecta a tres UAVs, producidos cada dos mese

    Consideraciones para el rediseño de la línea de ensamble de vehículos aéreos no tripulados desarrollados por la Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el re-diseño de la línea de ensamblaje de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (por siglas en inglés, UAVs) destinados a realizar diversas misiones a grandes alturas llevadas a cabo en el Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana (CIDFAE). La metodología que se aplicó consta de tres fases: la primera comprende el análisis de la situación estratégica actual; la segunda estima la capacidad del proceso productivo con el uso de las normas de tiempo predeterminadas en base al sistema MTM-2; la tercera realiza el estudio de la distribución de las instalaciones mediante simulación. Como resultado final se opta por una distribución mixta que garantiza una producción en serie de UAVs. La construcción de piezas se realiza en células de fabricación; y el ensamble final por estaciones de trabajo; además se establecen estrategias para el fortalecimiento de la capacidad operativa de producción de la instalación que se proyecta a tres UAVs, producidos cada dos meses.This paper presents the redesign of an assembly line in the manufacturing of UAVs used in various missions that take place at high altitudes for the Research and Development Center of the Ecuadorian Air Force (CIDFAE). The methodology that was applied consists of three phases: the first one involves the analysis of the current strategic situation; the second one estimates the capacity of production, time standards based on the MTM-2 system; and the third one performs a distribution study of the plant facilities through simulation. As result a mixed distribution is chosen since it guar-antees a production batch of UAVs. The parts are produced in manufacturing cells and the final as-sembly in workstations. Furthermore, strategies for strengthening the operational capacity of the plant will be established in order to manufacture three UAVs every two months