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    This paper will try to explain the “annuities puzzle” in greater depth by introducing the bequest motive, both strategic and altruistic. It will try to determine whether this motive really is a relevant feature influencing the demand for lifetime annuities by married couples. With this aim in mind, we develop an optimization model of the utility provided by purchasing a lifetime annuity with contingent survivor benefit or a joint survivor life annuity. This will enable us to calculate equivalent wealth in various contexts: the possibility of access to actuarially fair annuity markets, the inclusion of so-called market imperfections, and the assumption that couples already have part of their wealth in pre-existing lifetime annuities. Results are presented for a model specification calibrated to Spain.Capitalization, Pension Funds, Retirement, Utility.


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    The main objective of this paper is to go deeper into the “annuity puzzle” by introducing the altruistic and strategic bequest motive and determining whether this really is a relevant factor affecting the theoretical decision to purchase life annuities. With this end in view we develop an optimization model based on that first put forward by Lejárraga et al. [2002], then add to it elements from other models such as Friedman and Warshawsky’s [1990] and Jousten’s [1998 & 2001] which include the bequest motive. We also analyse welfare by calculating the equivalent wealth in different contexts: the possibility of having access to an actuarially fair life annuity or programmed withdrawal market, the incorporation of so-called market imperfections, and the inclusion of the hypothesis that the individuals already have part of their wealth in pre-existing life annuities.Capitalization, Pension Funds, Phased Withdrawal, Retirement, Utility.

    Entanglement detection in coupled particle plasmons

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    When in close contact, plasmonic resonances interact and become strongly correlated. In this work we develop a quantum mechanical model, using the language of continuous variables and quantum information, for an array of coupled particle plasmons. This model predicts that when the coupling strength between plasmons approaches or surpasses the local dissipation, a sizable amount of entanglement is stored in the collective modes of the array. We also prove that entanglement manifests itself in far-field images of the plasmonic modes, through the statistics of the quadratures of the field, in what constitutes a novel family of entanglement witnesses. This protocol is so robust that it is indeed independent of whether our own model is correct. Finally, we estimate the amount of entanglement, the coupling strength and the correlation properties for a system that consists of two or more coupled nanospheres of silver, showing evidence that our predictions could be tested using present-day state-of-the-art technology.Comment: 8 pages (6 main text + 2 supplemental), 3 figure

    New algorithm for distributed frequency assignments in IEEE 802.11

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    The continuous growth of IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks (WLAN) brings the benefit of a high speed wireless access to packet networks, such as Internet. But it also entails the successive appearance of new unresolved problems. One of these problems consists in the degradation of the performance observed by the users when there is a great number of radio networks coexisting in the same area. In densely populated zones it is not strange to find WLANs of different nature (private, public, etc.) sharing a scarce resource as it is the radio spectrum. This problem can be mitigated with an appropriate channel allocation. In this paper we present an algorithm for the frequency assignment problem (FAP) in IEEE 802.11, based on classical graph colouring but adding the objective of reducing interferences among overlapping cells, and thus improving the global throughput performance. An accurate evaluation of interferences is obtained not only measuring power levels, but also being aware of traffic load. Important performance improvements have been observed on a real scenario

    Modelling ultraviolet-line diagnostics of stars, the ionized and the neutral interstellar medium in star-forming galaxies

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    We combine state-of-the-art models for the production of stellar radiation and its transfer through the interstellar medium (ISM) to investigate ultraviolet-line diagnostics of stars, the ionized and the neutral ISM in star-forming galaxies. We start by assessing the reliability of our stellar population synthesis modelling by fitting absorption-line indices in the ISM-free ultraviolet spectra of 10 Large-Magellanic-Cloud clusters. In doing so, we find that neglecting stochastic sampling of the stellar initial mass function in these young (10\sim10-100 Myr), low-mass clusters affects negligibly ultraviolet-based age and metallicity estimates but can lead to significant overestimates of stellar mass. Then, we proceed and develop a simple approach, based on an idealized description of the main features of the ISM, to compute in a physically consistent way the combined influence of nebular emission and interstellar absorption on ultraviolet spectra of star-forming galaxies. Our model accounts for the transfer of radiation through the ionized interiors and outer neutral envelopes of short-lived stellar birth clouds, as well as for radiative transfer through a diffuse intercloud medium. We use this approach to explore the entangled signatures of stars, the ionized and the neutral ISM in ultraviolet spectra of star-forming galaxies. We find that, aside from a few notable exceptions, most standard ultraviolet indices defined in the spectra of ISM-free stellar populations are prone to significant contamination by the ISM, which increases with metallicity. We also identify several nebular-emission and interstellar-absorption features, which stand out as particularly clean tracers of the different phases of the ISM.Comment: 27 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Derechos humanos de las personas con diversidad funcional

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    En primer lugar; nos gustaría defender que más que personas con discapacidad, somos personas con diversidad funcional, es decir tenemos unas aptitudes, talentos o cualidades que nos diferencian para poder ejercitar el funcionamiento de las AIVD2. Es posible que las personas con estas capacidades diferentes, se les pueda regular su plena capacidad jurídica y ciudadana, a través de estos derechos humanos, y restaurar los valores de este colectivo para promover, proteger y asegurar el pleno derecho a la igualdad y a la dignidad; para mejorar su calidad de vida. Los derechos humanos de este colectivo de personas, son un buen mecanismo de defensa legal, para mantener la no discriminación y restablecer los derechos vulnerados. Refuerzan los instrumentos y suponen importantes consecuencias, como la visibilidad de estas personas, además de proporcionar herramientas vinculantes a la hora de hacer prevalecer los derechos de estas personas.En segundo lugar; se debe de fomentar la comprensión de los asuntos relativos a este colectivo, movilizando el apoyo a la dignidad, al bienestar de las personas, cualquiera que sea su capacidad y se debe de garantizar que tengan los mismos derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales que otras personas.First; I would like to defend that more that you present with disability we are persons with different capacities, that is to say we have a few aptitudes, talents or qualities that differentiate us to be able to exercise the functioning of the AIVD3. It is possible that the persons with these different capacities they it could regulate his full juridical and civil capacity across these human rights, and to restore the values of this group to promote, to protect and to assure the right plenary session to the equality and to the dignity, to improve his quality of life. The human rights of this group of persons are a good mechanism of legal defense to support not discrimination and to restore the damaged rights. They reinforce the instruments and suppose important consequences as the visibility of these persons, besides providing binding tools at the moment of to make prevail the rights of these persons.Secondly; it is necessary to to promote the comprehension of the matters relative to this group, mobilizing the support to the dignity, to the well-being of the persons anyone that is his capacity and must guarantee that they have the same human rights, and fundamental freedoms that other persons

    ¿Hacia dónde va la evaluación psicopedagógica?

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    El amor en las cartas de Pablo

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    El artículo estudia el tema del amor en las cartas auténticas de Pablo (Rm, 1-2 Co, Ga, Flp, 1 Ts, Flm). Y lo hace desde la perspectiva del acontecimiento mesiánico, centro vertebrador de la reflexión teológica y de la actividad misional de Pablo. Su primera parte está dedicada al amor liberador mesiánico, esto es, a la gran acción salvadora que el Dios del amor incondicional ha realizado por medio de Jesús, su agente mesiánico. Después de aducir el espléndido texto de Rm 8,31-39, se reseñan, en primer lugar, los textos paulinos sobre el amor liberador de Dios manifestado en la muerte salvadora del mesías, para citar a continuación los textos paulinos sobre el amor del Dios de la elección mesiánica. La segunda parte del artículo dirige la mirada al amor de la comunidad mesiánica, posibilitado desde el nuevo ámbito abierto por el acontecimiento mesiánico. En un primer apartado se estudian los textos paulinos sobre el principio del amor en cuanto nueva norma mesiánica, fundada en la “proexistencia” del mesías Jesús, muerto en cruz en favor nuestro. Y en un segundo apartado se aducen los diversos textos paulinos que presentan el amor efectivo como centro configurador de las múltiples manifestaciones de la vida de la comunidad mesiánica, concluyendo con el precioso encomio del amor en 1 Cor 13, un probable alargamiento de la escuela paulina posterior.The article reviews the topic of love on the original letters of Paul (Rm, 1-2 Co, Ga, Flp, 1 Ts, Flm). And it does so from the point of view of the Messianic event, which is the core to both the theological reflection and the missionary activity by Paul. The first part is dedicated to the releasing powers of Messianic love, that is to say, the maginific salvation acts carried out by the God of inconditional Love through Jesuschrist, who is his Messianic agent. After adducing the splendid text on Rm 8,31-39, we find a review of the texts by Paul on God’s releasing Love, which is displayed on the death of the Messiah. This is done in order to quote, later on, Paul’s texts on God’s Love regarding a Messianic choice. The second part of the article aims at the love for the Messianic community, which has been made possible thanks to the new field opened by the Messianic event. In the first section, we revise Paul’s texts on the principles of love according to Messianic norms, which are based on Jesus’s “proexistence”. Jesus, who died in order to save us all. In the second section, several of Paul’s texts are alleged. Such texts introduce affective love as the centre to multiple manifest the fragment on 1 Cor 13