69 research outputs found

    Fish fauna from the Ajó river in Campos del Tuyú National Park, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    We provide the first list of the ichthyofauna from the Ajó river, a water course situated at the southward border of the Samborombón bay (36°20'12 ’ S, 56°54'17 W), a RAMSAR site in Argentina. These results were obtained bi-monthly along two years. Forty-five species belonging to 26 families and 11 orders were identified. This fish fauna is composed by freshwater, euryhaline and marine species. Richest groups were Perciformes and Characiformes, with 10 species each. A single species, Micropogonias furnieri (whitemouth croaker), represented more than 70 % of the captured specimens, being juvenile individuals only. Remaining species were also represented by juvenile specimens, confirming the importance of this environment as nursery area, particularly for the whitemouth croaker

    From fresh water to the slope: fish community ecology in the Río de la Plata and the sea beyond

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    The spatial pattern of fish assemblages and its relationship with factors along an environment gradient, from fresh to marine water environment along the Río de la Plata estuary (36ºS, 56ºW) the shelf and part of the slope, was examined using data from 22 sampling stations. Fish were sampled from all station with an Engel type trawl (200 mm stretched mesh in the wings, 120 mm stretched mesh in the cod ends, 4 m vertical opening and 15 m horizontal aperture) towed at 4 knots for 20 to 30 min per set. Cluster analysis and ordination analysis MDS were used to define spatial distribution of fish assemblages based on fish composition (abundance and biomass). BIO-ENV process was used to estimate assemblage association with depth, temperature and salinity of surface and bottom waters. The results of these analyses showed that the fish community along the riverine-marine gradient was structured in four assemblages: riverine, estuarine, shelf and slope. These assemblages were found to differ significantly in their species composition. Each assemblage was characterized by several common and discriminator species and characterized by differing environmental conditions. Bottom salinity and bottom temperature were the environmental variables most strongly associated with differences in assemblage structure across the various areas. The changes in assemblage structure between areas were gradual, with no sharp boundaries.Se analizó el patrón espacial de las asociaciones de peces y su relación con los factores ambientales a lo largo del gradiente desde el agua dulce en el Río de la Plata hasta la parte superior del talud. Los peces fueron muestreados en 22 estaciones con una red de arrastre de fondo tipo Engel (200 mm de abertura de malla en las alas, 120 en el copo, 4 m de abertura vertical y 15 m de abertura horizontal) con una velocidad de arrastre de 4 nudos durante 20 a 30 min. Para definir la distribución espacial de las asociaciones de peces basadas en la composición de la ictiofauna (abundancia y biomasa) se aplicó el análisis de agrupamiento jerárquico y el análisis de ordenación MDS y para estimar la relación entre estas asociaciones con la profundidad, la temperatura y la salinidad del agua en la superficie y el fondo, se utilizó el proceso BIOENV. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que en la comunidad de peces a lo largo de este gradiente riverinomarino se pueden establecer cuatro asociaciones: riverina, estuarial, plataforma y talud. Estas asociaciones fueron significativamente diferentes en la composición de especies, cada una de ellas fue caracterizada por varias especies comunes y discriminantes y presentó diferentes condiciones ambientales. Concluimos que la salinidad y temperatura de fondo fueron las variables ambientales determinantes de la estructura de las asociaciones a través de las áreas. El cambio en la estructura entre las áreas fue gradual y con limites flexibles

    Is Oreochromis niloticus invading the Samborombón Bay, Río de la Plata, Argentina?

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    The Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a species widely cultivated worldwide. In recent decades it was an increasing development of fish farming of this species and the red variety in Argentina and Uruguay. From January to March 2010, four specimens of O. niloticus were captured in the south boundary of Samborombón Bay (S 36° 17´- W 56° 46´), which is the external sector of the Río de la Plata. Probably the collected specimens were released accidentally from hatcheries placed on the banks of aquatic environments in communication with the Samborombón Bay. The patterns and mechanisms of species dispersal are of significant interest, while the interactions among factors determining invasion success often remain poorly understood. Invasion success is influenced by the ability of invading specie to withstand, interactions with native species and oceanographic characteristics of the new habitat. Of four specimens obtained two were females, one in spawning stage. This is the first record of Nile tilapia from a natural environment in Argentina and could indicate the beginning of a new invasion by a non native species.La Tilapia del Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) es una especies cultivada en todo el mundo. En Argentina y Uruguay, la cría de tilapia ha tenido un incremento importante en las últimas décadas. Entre enero y marzo de 2010 fueron capturados cuatro ejemplares de O. niloticus en la Bahía de Samborombón (S 36º 17´- O 56º 46´), en el sector externo del Río de la Plata. Probablemente los ejemplares capturados puedan haber resultado de escapes accidentales de criaderos ubicados en ambientes en comunicación con el Río de la Plata. De los cuatro ejemplares capturados dos fueron hembras, una de ellas en etapa de desove. Este es el primer registro de Tilapia del Nilo en un ambiente natural en Argentina y podría indicar el comienzo de una invasión por una especie no nativa. Los patrones y los mecanismos de dispersión de especies son de gran interés, mientras que las interacciones entre los factores que determinan el éxito de la invasión a menudo, son poco interpretadas. El éxito de la invasión está influenciado por la capacidad de los invasores para resistir a las interacciones con especies nativas y con las características oceanográficas del nuevo hábitat, que en este caso parecerían no ser desfavorables para O. niloticus

    Sedimentation of fractal size distribution particles

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    Desde hace varios años, el modelo de fragmentación fractal ha atraido la atención de los investigadores, como un camino lógico para describir e interpretar distribuciones de partículas observadas. El análisis textural de un suelo ha mostrado ser muy importante, pues se utiliza para diagnosticar y predecir el funcionamiento y uso del mismo. Los métodos más populares para determinar la textura han sido los de sedimentación en agua utilizando el hidrómetro o la pipeta. Ambos tienen como objetivo encontrar la fracción de masa de partículas que se encuentran en suspensión a tiempos prefijados y relacionarla con los diámetros de las mismas. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado una nueva función potencial que relaciona la fracción de masa en suspensión con el tiempo de sedimentación. Utilizando la misma se puede determinar la dimensión fractal de fragmentación de una distribución de partículas en sedimentación. La nueva ecuación ha sido chequeada con datos propios obtenidos por el hidrómetro de Bouyoucos y otros publicados en la literatura, obtenidos mediante la pipeta de Robinson. El acuerdo logrado entre la teoría y los datos experimentales, mediante la técnica de regresión no lineal, ha sido excelente. Los valores de la dimensión fractal de fragmentación resultaron entre 2,404 y 2,512, para muestras de La Plata, Argentina, y entre 2,434 y 2,819 para los suelos de California, USA. El coeficiente de determinación, R2, fue en todos los casos mayor que 0,9.Since several years the fractal fragmentation model has attracted the attention of researchers, as a logic way to describe and interprete observed particle size distributions. Textural analysis has shown to be very important because of its usefulness in the dignosis and inferences about soil functioning and use. Most popular methods of textural analysis employ sedimentation of particles in water using the hydrometer or the pipet. Both have the objective of determining the particle fraction remaining in suspension at predetermined time and to relate them with particle diameters. In the present work a new power law relationship between the mass fraction in suspension and the time was developed. Using this relationship it was possible to determine the fragmentation fractal dimension of a set of particles in sedimentation. The new equation has been checked with data obtained in this research by the Bouyoucos's hydrometer, and others published in the literature, using the Robinson's pipet method. The agreement between the model and the experimental data, using non linear regression, was excellent. Resulting fractal fragmentation dimensions ranged from 2.404 to 2.512, for samples from La Plata, Argentina, and between 2.434 and 2.819 for soils from California, USA. Determination coefficients, R2, were always higher than 0.9.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Sedimentation of fractal size distribution particles

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    Desde hace varios años, el modelo de fragmentación fractal ha atraido la atención de los investigadores, como un camino lógico para describir e interpretar distribuciones de partículas observadas. El análisis textural de un suelo ha mostrado ser muy importante, pues se utiliza para diagnosticar y predecir el funcionamiento y uso del mismo. Los métodos más populares para determinar la textura han sido los de sedimentación en agua utilizando el hidrómetro o la pipeta. Ambos tienen como objetivo encontrar la fracción de masa de partículas que se encuentran en suspensión a tiempos prefijados y relacionarla con los diámetros de las mismas. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado una nueva función potencial que relaciona la fracción de masa en suspensión con el tiempo de sedimentación. Utilizando la misma se puede determinar la dimensión fractal de fragmentación de una distribución de partículas en sedimentación. La nueva ecuación ha sido chequeada con datos propios obtenidos por el hidrómetro de Bouyoucos y otros publicados en la literatura, obtenidos mediante la pipeta de Robinson. El acuerdo logrado entre la teoría y los datos experimentales, mediante la técnica de regresión no lineal, ha sido excelente. Los valores de la dimensión fractal de fragmentación resultaron entre 2,404 y 2,512, para muestras de La Plata, Argentina, y entre 2,434 y 2,819 para los suelos de California, USA. El coeficiente de determinación, R2, fue en todos los casos mayor que 0,9.Since several years the fractal fragmentation model has attracted the attention of researchers, as a logic way to describe and interprete observed particle size distributions. Textural analysis has shown to be very important because of its usefulness in the dignosis and inferences about soil functioning and use. Most popular methods of textural analysis employ sedimentation of particles in water using the hydrometer or the pipet. Both have the objective of determining the particle fraction remaining in suspension at predetermined time and to relate them with particle diameters. In the present work a new power law relationship between the mass fraction in suspension and the time was developed. Using this relationship it was possible to determine the fragmentation fractal dimension of a set of particles in sedimentation. The new equation has been checked with data obtained in this research by the Bouyoucos's hydrometer, and others published in the literature, using the Robinson's pipet method. The agreement between the model and the experimental data, using non linear regression, was excellent. Resulting fractal fragmentation dimensions ranged from 2.404 to 2.512, for samples from La Plata, Argentina, and between 2.434 and 2.819 for soils from California, USA. Determination coefficients, R2, were always higher than 0.9.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Remdesivir and three other drugs for hospitalised patients with COVID-19: final results of the WHO Solidarity randomised trial and updated meta-analyses.

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    BACKGROUND World Health Organization expert groups recommended mortality trials of four repurposed antiviral drugs - remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir, and interferon beta-1a - in patients hospitalized with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). METHODS We randomly assigned inpatients with Covid-19 equally between one of the trial drug regimens that was locally available and open control (up to five options, four active and the local standard of care). The intention-to-treat primary analyses examined in-hospital mortality in the four pairwise comparisons of each trial drug and its control (drug available but patient assigned to the same care without that drug). Rate ratios for death were calculated with stratification according to age and status regarding mechanical ventilation at trial entry. RESULTS At 405 hospitals in 30 countries, 11,330 adults underwent randomization; 2750 were assigned to receive remdesivir, 954 to hydroxychloroquine, 1411 to lopinavir (without interferon), 2063 to interferon (including 651 to interferon plus lopinavir), and 4088 to no trial drug. Adherence was 94 to 96% midway through treatment, with 2 to 6% crossover. In total, 1253 deaths were reported (median day of death, day 8; interquartile range, 4 to 14). The Kaplan-Meier 28-day mortality was 11.8% (39.0% if the patient was already receiving ventilation at randomization and 9.5% otherwise). Death occurred in 301 of 2743 patients receiving remdesivir and in 303 of 2708 receiving its control (rate ratio, 0.95; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.81 to 1.11; P = 0.50), in 104 of 947 patients receiving hydroxychloroquine and in 84 of 906 receiving its control (rate ratio, 1.19; 95% CI, 0.89 to 1.59; P = 0.23), in 148 of 1399 patients receiving lopinavir and in 146 of 1372 receiving its control (rate ratio, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.79 to 1.25; P = 0.97), and in 243 of 2050 patients receiving interferon and in 216 of 2050 receiving its control (rate ratio, 1.16; 95% CI, 0.96 to 1.39; P = 0.11). No drug definitely reduced mortality, overall or in any subgroup, or reduced initiation of ventilation or hospitalization duration. CONCLUSIONS These remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir, and interferon regimens had little or no effect on hospitalized patients with Covid-19, as indicated by overall mortality, initiation of ventilation, and duration of hospital stay. (Funded by the World Health Organization; ISRCTN Registry number, ISRCTN83971151; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04315948.)

    Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: Part three

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications Router.Publication status: PublishedHistory: collection 2017-09, epub 2017-09-0

    Riociguat treatment in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Final safety data from the EXPERT registry

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    Objective: The soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator riociguat is approved for the treatment of adult patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and inoperable or persistent/recurrent chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) following Phase
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