120 research outputs found
En el presente artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada desde la cátedra de educación y formación vial de la universidad autónoma de Barcelona y el Servei Català de Trànsit. En él se describen los modelos teóricos de competencias profesionales que sirven de base para el diseño de un curso de capacitación de profesores de formación vial desde un modelo de cambio de actitudes integrado en la formación. La investigación se llevó a cabo con 100 aspirantes a formador y aquí se presentan algunos de los resultados más signifi-cativos de la formación por competencias. AbstractThis article presents the results of a research work developed by the group of lecturers in road formation of the "Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona" and the "Servei Català de Trànsit". The theoretical models of professional competences that serve as a basis for the design of a training course of professors of road formation future trainers are described in this paper. The research work was carried out with 100 future trainers. Here we present some of the most significant results
Estudio exploratorio acerca de la autopercepción del Desarrollo de la Competencia Digital Docente en la Universidad Tecnológica del Uruguay
El presente artículo aborda un estudio exploratorio vinculado al desarrollo de la Competencia Digital Docente, realizado en la Universidad Tecnológica del Uruguay (UTEC). Atendiendo al contexto de una Institución joven, donde aún no constan estudios de esta naturaleza, se aplicó a los docentes una encuesta de autopercepción basada en la herramienta validada COMDID-A, con el objetivo de determinar los niveles de desarrollo de la Competencia Digital Docente. Se obtuvo una muestra intencional y voluntaria de 81 participantes, y se analizaron las respuestas en función de las cuatro dimensiones que la encuesta COMDID-A propone. Se realizaron importantes hallazgos, como el hecho de que, en su autopercepción, los docentes de la institución desarrollan niveles transformadores para planificar actividades de la unidad académica, realizando un buen uso de las herramientas digitales, estimulando el aprendizaje autónomo y colaborativo, y empleando las Tecnologías Digitales en el trabajo administrativo. Por otro lado, se detectaron niveles iniciales en lo que concierne a formar equipos de profesionales para el desarrollo de la Competencia Digital Docente y/o acordar pautas relacionadas al empleo de las Tecnologías Digitales en la unidad académica con potestades de decisión y liderazgo. Se registraron niveles principiantes en el uso de herramientas y recursos abiertos digitales, que promuevan la identidad digital de la institución. A la luz de estos hallazgos, y del contexto institucional de la universidad relacionado al desarrollo de la Competencia Digital Docente, se realizaron algunas sugerencias de mejora, como aporte del presente trabajo
Crystal preferred orientation of olivine in mantle xenoliths from Catalonia (NE Spain)
Mantle xenoliths in Neogene-Quaternary alkaline volcanic rocks from the Catalan Volcanic Zone indicate that ≪anhydrous≫ spinel lherzolites, harzburgites and much subordinate olivine websterites form the lithospheric mantle of NE Iberian Peninsula. Olivine crystal preferred orientation, determined by indexation of electron-backscattered diffraction patterns, provides three types of deformation fabric: a dominant [010]-fiber type in peridotites and websterites equilibrated at high temperature, and subordinate orthorhombic and [100]-fiber types, which appear mostly in porphyroclas tic and equigranular lherzolites equilibrated at lower temperature.Los xenolitos mantelitos en lavas alcalinas neógeno-cuaternarias de la Zona Volcánica de Cataluña indican que lherzolitas y harzburgitas ≪anhidras≫ y con espinela son las rocas predominantes en el manto litosférico del NE de la Península Ibérica, con presencia también subordinada de websteritas olivínicas. Las orientaciones cristalográficas preferentes del olivino, determinadas por indexación de los espectros de difracción de electrones retrodispersados, muestran tres tipos de fábrica de deformación: una dominante, tipo axial [010], en peridotitas y websteritas equilibradas a alta temperatura, y otras subordinadas, de tipo ortorrómbico y axial [100], que aparecen en lherzolitas porfidoclásticas y equigranulares equilibradas a menor temperatura
Spinels of Variscan olivine hornblendites related to the Montnegre granitoids revisited (NE Spain) : petrogenetic evidence of mafic magma mixing
Olivine hornblendites (cortlandtites) form part of the Montnegre mafic complex related to late-Variscan I-type granitoids in the Catalan Coastal Ranges. Two generations of spinel are present in these hornblendites: Spl1 forms euhedral crystals included in both olivine and Spl2. Spl2 forms euhedral to anhedral crystals associated with phlogopite and fibrous colourless amphibole forming pseudomorphs after olivine. Compositions of Spl1 are picotite-Al chromite (Fe#: 77.78-66.60; Cr#: 30.12-52.22; Fe3+/R3+: 6.99-21.89; 0.10< TiO2%<0.62). Compositions of Spl2 are pleonaste (Fe#: 37.86-52.12; Cr#: 1.00-15.45; Fe3+/R3+: 0.31-5.21; TiO2%<0.10). The two types of spinel follow a CrAl trend, mainly due to the substitution (Fe2+)-1Cr-1= MgAl, which is interpreted as the result of mixing between two different mantle-derived melts. The compositions of early Spl1 crystals included in olivine are characteristic of Al-rich basalts. More aluminous Spl2 would result from reaction of olivine with a less evolved, Al and K-rich mantle-derived melt after new refilling of the magma chamber or channel. As a whole, spinels from similar examples of Variscan olivine hronblendites also follow a CrAl trend with high Fe# and starting at higher Cr# than other trends of this type. Cr# heterogeneity in the early spinels from these Variscan hornblendites would be inherited from the variable Al content of the mafic melts involved in their genesis
Characterization of Ion Channels Involved in the Proliferative Response of Femoral Artery Smooth Muscle Cells
31 páginas, 6 figuras, adicionales 6 figuras y 3 tablas.[Objective]: Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) contribute significantly to occlusive vascular diseases by virtue of their ability to switch to a noncontractile, migratory, and proliferating phenotype. Although the participation of ion channels in this phenotypic modulation (PM) has been described previously, changes in their expression are poorly defined because of their large molecular diversity. We obtained a global portrait of ion channel expression in contractile versus proliferating mouse femoral artery VSMCs, and explored the functional contribution to the PM of the most relevant changes that we observed.
[Methods and Results]: High-throughput real-time polymerase chain reaction of 87 ion channel genes was performed in 2 experimental paradigms: an in vivo model of endoluminal lesion and an in vitro model of cultured VSMCs obtained from explants. mRNA expression changes showed a good correlation between the 2 proliferative models, with only 2 genes, Kv1.3 and Kvβ2, increasing their expression on proliferation. The functional characterization demonstrates that Kv1.3 currents increased in proliferating VSMC and that their selective blockade inhibits migration and proliferation.
[Conclusion]: These findings establish the involvement of Kv1.3 channels in the PM of VSMCs, providing a new therapeutical target for the treatment of intimal hyperplasia.This work was supported by Ministerio de Sanidad, Instituto de
Salud Carlos III grants R006/009 (Red Heracles), FS041139-0
(M.R.), and PI041044 (J.R.L.-L.); Ministerio de Educacio´n y
Ciencia grants BFU2004-05551 (M.T.P.-G.) and BFU2007-61524
(J.R.L.-L.); and Junta de Castilla y Leon grant GR242. Dr
Moreno-Domínguez is a fellow of the Spanish Ministerio de
Educacion y Ciencia.Peer reviewe
Quality of Life and Post-Surgical Complications in Patients on Chronic Antiplatelet Therapy with Proximal Femur Fracture: 12-Month Follow-Up after Implementing a Strategy to Shorten the Time to Surgery
Antiplatelet drugs; Femur fracture; Randomized clinical trialFármacos antiplaquetarios; Fractura de fémur; Ensayo clínico aleatorizadoMedicaments antiplaquetaris; Fractura de fèmur; Assaig clínic aleatoritzatBackground: We evaluated a strategy to shorten the time from admission to surgery in patients with proximal femur fractures on chronic antiplatelet therapy. We reported a 12-month follow-up on complications and quality of life (QoL). Methods: Multicentre, open-label, randomized, parallel clinical trial. Patients were randomized to either early platelet function-guided surgery (experimental group) or delayed surgery (control group). Medical and surgical complications and QoL (EQ-5D-5L questionnaire) were assessed during the hospital stay, and after hospital discharge at 30 days, and 6 and 12 months. Results: From 156 randomized patients, 143 patients underwent surgery. The mean age was 85.5 (7.8) years and 68.0% were female. After hospital discharge, 5.7% of patients had surgical wound complications and 55.9% had medical complications, with 42.7% having serious adverse events. QoL improved significantly after surgery, with the best scores at the six-month follow-up. The overall mortality was 32.2%. There were no differences between early and delayed surgery groups in any assessed outcomes. Conclusion: It seems safe to reduce the time of surgery under neuraxial anaesthesia in patients with hip fractures on chronic antiplatelet therapy by platelet function testing. QoL in particular improves in the first six months after surgery.This research was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), “A way to make Europe”, grant number PI16/01879 and Spanish Clinical Research Network (PT17/0017/0034 and PT20/00096). Biometa Tecnologias y Sistemas (33428 Llanera, Asturias, Spain) partially funded the PLATELETWORKS reagent kits. The sponsor and funders are not involved in study design; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the report; and the decision to submit the report for publication
Characterization of ion channels involved in the proliferative response of femoral artery smooth muscle cells
Producción CientíficaObjective: Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) contribute significantly to occlusive vascular diseases by virtue of their ability to switch to a noncontractile, migratory, and proliferating phenotype. Although the participation of ion channels in this phenotypic modulation (PM) has been described previously, changes in their expression are poorly defined because of their large molecular diversity. We obtained a global portrait of ion channel expression in contractile versus proliferating mouse femoral artery VSMCs, and explored the functional contribution to the PM of the most relevant changes that we observed.
Methods and Results: High-throughput real-time polymerase chain reaction of 87 ion channel genes was performed in 2 experimental paradigms: an in vivo model of endoluminal lesion and an in vitro model of cultured VSMCs obtained from explants. mRNA expression changes showed a good correlation between the 2 proliferative models, with only 2 genes, Kv1.3 and Kvβ2, increasing their expression on proliferation. The functional characterization demonstrates that Kv1.3 currents increased in proliferating VSMC and that their selective blockade inhibits migration and proliferation.
Conclusion: These findings establish the involvement of Kv1.3 channels in the PM of VSMCs, providing a new therapeutical target for the treatment of intimal hyperplasia.Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social - Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grants R006/009, FS041139-0 and PI041044)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grants BFU2004-05551 and BFU2007-61524)Junta de Castilla y León (grant GR242
K+ channels expression in hypertension after arterial injury, and effect of selective Kv1.3 blockade with PAP-1 on intimal hyperplasia formation
Producción CientíficaK+ channels are central to vascular pathophysiology. Previous results demonstrated that phenotypic modulation associates with a change in Kv1.3 to Kv1.5 expression, and that Kv1.3 blockade inhibits proliferation of VSMCs cultures.
Purpose: To explore whether the Kv1.3 to Kv1.5 switch could be a marker of the increased risk of intimal hyperplasia in essential hypertension and whether systemic treatment with Kv1.3 blockers can prevent intimal hyperplasia after endoluminal lesion . Methods: Morphometric and immunohistochemical analysis were performed in arterial segments following arterial injury and constant infusion of the Kv1.3 blocker PAP-1 during 28 days. Differential expression of K+ channel genes was studied in VSMC from hypertensive (BPH) and normotensive (BPN) mice, both in control and after endoluminal lesion. Finally, the migration and proliferation rate of BPN and BPH VSMCs was explored in vitro.
Results: Changes in mRNA expression led to an increased Kv1.3/Kv1.5 ratio in BPH VSMC. Consistent with this, arterial injury in BPH mice induced a higher degree of luminal stenosis, (84±4 % vs. 70±5 % in BPN, p<0.01), although no differences in migration and proliferation rate were observed in cultured VSMCs. The in vivo proliferative lesions were significantly decreased upon PAP-1 systemic infusion (18± 6 % vs. 58±20 % with vehicle, p<0.05).
Conclusions: Hypertension leads to a higher degree of luminal stenosis in our arterial injury model, that correlates with a decreased expression of Kv1.5 channels. Kv1.3 blockers decreased in vitro VSMCs proliferation, migration, and in vivo intimal hyperplasia formation, pointing to Kv1.3 channels as promising therapeutical targets against restenosis.La versión original del artículo contiene un error. El gráfico de la página 505 es incorrecto. La corrección del mismo se encuentra en el segundo fichero "Erratum to: K+ Channels Expression in Hypertension After Arterial Injury, and Effect of Selective Kv1.3 Blockade with PAP-1 on Intimal Hyperplasia Formation".Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project RD12/0042/0006)Fondo de Investigación en Salud - Instituto Carlos III (project PI11/00225)VALTEC 09-1-0042Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant BFU2010-15898)Junta de Castilla y León (grant VA094A11-2
La importancia de la verificación y selección ergonómica de herramientas manuales
[ES] El Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV), como experto en el campo de la ergonomía laboral, ha
trabajado ampliamente en la identificación de criterios de verificación y selección de
herramientas que puedan ser utilizados por empresas fabricantes, en el diseño de las
mismas, y por usuarios en la decisión de compra. El último trabajo realizado en esta línea,
desarrollado en colaboración con la Fundación (Fundación Laboral del Cemento y el
Medio Ambiente), ha consistido en la elaboración de una guía para facilitar tanto la
valoración ergonómica de las herramientas manuales más utilizadas en el sector (martillos
neumáticos, lanzas de agua, mazos y barras) como la mejora de los puestos de trabajo
asociados a las mismas.El desarrollo de esta guía ha sido posible gracias a la financiación por la Fundación Estatal para la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (AS-2018-0061). Esta acción fue solicitada por la Fundación CEMACastelló Mercé, P.; Piedrabuena Cuesta, A.; Marzo Rosello, R.; Sanchís Almenara, M.; Ruiz Folgado, R.; Vallina García, D.; Cuadrado Iglesias, S. (2020). La importancia de la verificación y selección ergonómica de herramientas manuales. Revista de Biomecánica (Online). (67):1-7. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/176139S176
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