6,969 research outputs found

    Does illegal immigration empower rightist parties?

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    The main goal of this paper is to analyze the political outcome in countries where the relevant issue in elections is the control of immigration. In particular we explore the consequences on the political outcome of the fact that parties are either ideological or opportunistic with respect to this issue. In order to do that we use a simple two-party political competition model in which the issues over which parties take positions are the level of border enforcement and the way it has to be financed. We show that an ideological rather than a pure opportunistic behavior gives parties an advantage to win the election. In particular, in most of the cases we consider we find that rightist parties have an advantage to win in countries where the relevant issue in election is illegal immigration. This result may help us to understand the recent success of anti-immigrant and rightist parties in several countries.illegal immigration, skilled, unskilled, ideology

    Keratinocytes from human skin respond as typical immune cells after the stimulation with _Trichophyton rubrum_

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    _Trichophyton rubrum_ is the main agent causing dermatophytosis (1). Keratinocytes are
considered to be the first physical barrier of defense against pathogens (2). But not
only a physical barrier. They recognize antigens through Toll like receptors (TLR) (3).
The activation of this TLR, present on the surface of the keratinocytes, induce the
expression of different pro-inflammatory cytokines, co-stimulatory molecules and
antimicrobial peptides such as [beta]-defensins (4).
The main objective of this work is to determine if lipopolysaccharides of G – bacteria
(LPS), lipotheichoic acid from G+ bacteria (LTA), and conidias, isolated from _T. rubrum_
were able to activate the expression of TLR2 and TLR6 on the cell surface of a primary
culture of human keratinocytes through Flow cytometry. Furthermore we are looking for
the presence of [beta]-defensins 1 and 2, IL-1b and IL-8 in the supernatant, of the above
mentioned culture of cells, by Western blot.
From the flow cytometry data, the preliminary results showed an important dispersion
in terms of proliferation, increase in size and granularity of keratinocytes, from primary
cultures of skin from healthy donors, stimulated 6 hours with conidias of _T. rubrum_, and
LTA, but not when non stimulated, or stimulated with LPS (Fig 1).
When keratinocytes from primary cultures of skin from healthy donors were cultivated
48 hours, it was found dispersion in terms of proliferation, increase in size and
granularity when stimulated with conidias of _T. rubrum_, and LPS but not when non
stimulated, or stimulated with LTA (Fig 2).
The keratinocytes expressed increased levels of TLR2 and TLR6 when were
stimulated with LTA and less to _T. rubrum_, in the 6 hours cultures, but this last cells still
showed increased size (Fig 3).
The Keratinocytes expressed increased levels of TLR2 in the 48 hours cultures when
were stimulated with LPS and _T. rubrum_.(Fig 4)
Besides, [beta]-defensin-2 was detected in the supernatant of cultures of keratinocytes
stimulated with LPS (Fig 5).
It can preliminary be concluded that keratinocytes from primary cultures of human skin from healthy donors, are cells that respond as typical immune cells, after stimulation
with _T. rubrum_, LTA and LPS in different conditions, and that this mechanism may be
very important, for the protection of local environment. 

1.- Arenas R., Dermatofitosis en México. Rev Iberoam Micol 2002; 19: 63-67.
2.- Kupper T. and Fuhlbrigge R. Immune surveillance in the skin: mechanims and clinical consecuences.
Nat Rev Immunol 2004; 4: 211-222
3.- Kôllish G., Naderi B., Voelcker V., Wallich R., Behrendt H., Ring J., Bauer S., Jacob T., Mempel M. and
Olelrt M. Various members of the Toll-Like receptor family contribute to the innate immune response of
human epidermal keratinocytes. Immunology 2005; 114: 531-541.
4.- Akira, S. and Takeda K. 2004. Toll-like Receptor Signalling. Nature Reviews Immunology 4:499-511

    Locally projective monoidal model structure for complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves on P^1(k)

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    We will generalize the projective model structure in the category of unbounded complexes of modules over a commutative ring to the category of unbounded complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves over the projective line. Concretely we will define a locally projective model structure in the category of complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves on the projective line. In this model structure the cofibrant objects are the dg-locally projective complexes. We also describe the fibrations of this model structure and show that the model structure is monoidal. We point out that this model structure is necessarily different from other known model structures such as the injective model structure and the locally free model structure


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    La presente investigaci\uf3n tiene como objetivo proponer lineamientos para la incorporaci\uf3n del cuidador informal en la cobertura de las necesidades f\uedsicas del paciente hospitalizado entre 2 y 10 a\uf1os Unidad Cuidados Intensivos "Dr. Francisco Finizola Celli" Servicio Desconcentrado Hospital Pedi\ue1trico "Dr. Agust\uedn Zubillaga". Siguiendo las etapas de un Proyecto Especial, la metodolog\ueda incluyo el diagn\uf3stico de la necesidad de establecer lineamientos para incorporar al cuidador informal en la realizaci\uf3n de los cuidados a su representado, se seleccion\uf3 una poblaci\uf3n a trav\ue9s de muestreo no probabil\uedstico, de tipo intencional en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, compuesta por padres y representantes de los pacientes y personal de enfermer\ueda de la unidad, se aplic\uf3 un cuestionario, previo consentimiento informado, arrojando los siguientes resultados el 56,2% de los cuidadores informales manifestaron que nunca han realizado este tipo de cuidados a otra persona con una condici\uf3n cl\uednica similar a la de su representado, el 75% de ellos le gustar\ueda hacerlo en conjunto con el personal de enfermer\ueda de la unidad, el 65,6% asegura no haber recibido las instrucciones necesarias por parte del personal m\ue9dico asistencial. Se dise\uf1aron los lineamientos en cuanto a cuidados de higiene, movilizaci\uf3n, alimentaci\uf3n, eliminaci\uf3n y relaci\uf3n y se validaron los lineamientos por un grupo de expertos que se encarg\uf3 de evaluar los aspectos t\ue9cnicos del mismo, siendo \ue9stos el car\ue1cter f\ue1ctico, racional y anal\uedtico, la objetividad y la aplicabilidad. Investigaci\uf3n financiada por CDCHT-UCLA. Palabras Clave: Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, El cuidado, Cuidador Informal ABSTRACT This research aims to propose guidelines for the Incorporation of the informal caregiver in the coverage of the physical needs of Inpatient between 2 and 10 years Intensive Care Unit "Dr. Francisco Finizola Celli" Pediatric Hospital Service deconcentrated "Dr. Agust\uedn Zubillaga". It is framed within the modality of special project, presenting three phases: diagnostic About the need to establish guidelines for incorporating the informal caregiver in Performing Care one Represented Do, a population was selected through non probability sampling of intentional kind in the Intensive Care Unit Same consisted of parents and representatives of patients and nursing staff of the Unit, applied Survey Questionnaire type where the corresponding variable bathroom STUDY data were recorded and threw As a result m that 56.2% of informal caregivers expressed who have Never Done This type of care of a person with a similar clinical condition other than that of its Pictured, 75% of them would like to do so in conjunction with the nursing staff Unity, 65.6% said not having received the necessary instructions by the personal physician care. Second Presentation of design guidelines for care of hygiene, mobilization, Food, Clearing and Relationship and Third Validation guidelines by a group of experts mandated to assess v Technical Aspects of the portal, being the factual character, and analytical rational, objectivity and applicability. Keywords: Intensive Care Unit, Care, Caregiver Reports <br

    Educando sobre los usos del agua

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    84 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl agua es un recurso indispensable para los seres humanos, por lo tanto, cada persona necesita de cierta cantidad de agua y aunque se habla mucho de la importancia de este recurso, no hay una verdadera conciencia social sobre el cuidado que se debe tener para no desperdiciarla. Esta propuesta aborda situaciones encontradas en la Instituci?n Colegio Camino de Paz de la ciudad de Medell?n, del barrio Caicedo, y C.E.R. Colina Amigo del municipio de Caldas, vereda El Cano, con respecto al uso adecuado del agua, incluyendo en la misma un an?lisis de lo trabajado con los estudiantes mediante encuestas y cuestionarios, propuestas y sugerencias que puedan mejorar los usos del agua, teniendo una aplicabilidad en el entorno social, permitiendo crear metodolog?as eficaces y variadas, que busca convertirse en una alternativa de apoyo para mejorar el uso del agua en el clima escolar, mediante el desarrollo y el fortalecimiento de actividades l?dicas, videos, charlas y lecturas como herramientas did?cticas en su proceso de ense?anza aprendizaje; es por ello que ?stas van encaminadas como instrumentos pedag?gicos y socializadores de aprendizajes significativos, lo cual, a su vez, permite la formaci?n de los nuevos ciudadanos que el pa?s necesita, hombres y mujeres capaces de hacer buen uso del agua.ABSTRACT. Water is a vital resource for humans, therefore, each person needs a certain amount of water and although there is much talk of the importance of this resource, there is no real awareness of social care must be taken not waste it. This proposal addresses situations encountered on the Camino de Paz School Institution of the city of Medell?n, the neighborhood Caicedo and CER Hill Township Friend Caldas, village of El Cano, regarding the proper use of water, including in the same analysis of what worked with students through surveys and questionnaires, proposals and suggestions that can improve water use, having applicability in the social environment, allowing you to create effective and varied methodologies, which aims to become an alternative support to improve water use in the school environment, through the development and strengthening of fun activities, videos, lectures and readings as teaching tools the teaching-learning process; that is why they are designed as educational tools and socializing meaningful learning, which, in turn, allows the formationINTRODUCCI?N 13 1. MARCO CONTEXTUAL 14 2. ANTECEDENTES 15 3. FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 16 4. PREGUNTA PROBLEMATIZADORA 17 5. JUSTIFICACI?N 18 6. OBJETIVOS 20 6.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 20 6.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 20 7. MARCO TE?RICO 21 7.1 INTRODUCCI?N AL AGUA 21 7.2 CICLO DEL AGUA 21 7.3 EL AGUA EN LA ATMOSFERA 22 7.4 PROPIEDADES DEL AGUA 22 7.5 CREACI?N DE UNA CULTURA DEL AGUA 23 7.6 LA CALIDAD DE LA AGUAS 24 7.7 FUNDAMENTOS LEGALES 29 7.7.1 Ley 373 de 1997 29 7.7.2 Decreto 1575 de 2007 y Resoluci?n 2115 de 2007 30 8. DISE?O METODOL?GICO 31 8.1 VARIABLE CUASI EXPERIMENTAL 31 8.2 TIPO DE ESTUDIO 31 8.3 POBLACI?N Y MUESTRA 32 8.4 T?CNICAS DE RECOLECCI?N DE INFORMACI?N 33 9. CRONOGRAMA DE ACTIVIDADES 35 10. AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 38 10.1 PRE-TEST 38 10.2 PROPUESTA DE INTERVENCI?N 40 10.3 POST-TEST: PRUEBA FINAL 40 10.4 AN?LISIS COMPARATIVO DE AMBAS INSTITUCIONES 42 10.5 AN?LISIS DETALLADO DE LA ENCUESTA 43 11. HALLAZGOS INVESTIGADOS 49 12. CONCLUSIONES 50 RECOMENDACIONES 51 REFERENCIAS 5

    Calculating years of life lost to estimate premature mortality due to firearms in Ecuador 1998-2018

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    Introduction Violence and death resulting from firearms has been a ubiquitous problem for Latin American nations. Ecuador has dealt with this problem and its repercussions to varying degrees in the last 20 years. In order to tackle this violence, a different point of view may be needed. We aim to provide a Public Health perspective to aid in the development of good policy and to monitor the result of interventions by defining the role of firearm violence on premature mortality and estimating its toll on the community. Methods Certificates for all recorded deaths attributed to firearms in the period between 1998 and 2018 were obtained from the Ecuadorian data banks. These records were organized in age groups and according to ICD-10 categories. Years of life lost were calculated for all groups and intentionality. In order to establish a comparison, all causes of death during the last five years were ranked by the total number YLL calculated. During the studied years, a total of 27.146 fatalities were recorded; 25.355 (93,40%) were males, and 1.791 (6,6%) females. The average death rate for the 21 years is 9,46 per 100.000. A total of 670,384 years lost were computed, males lost 624,954 years, and females 45,430, the most enormous amount of YLL was found among persons between 20-40 years of age. For males during, the last five years of the series, deaths from firearm injuries are, consistently among the 5 leading causes of premature mortality. Conclusions While being preventable, firearm violence is a leading cause of premature mortality in Ecuador, heavily affecting the younger population and special young males. For this demographic, firearms generate more loss of life than any other cause excluding, Vehicular accidents and Suicide. It is true even when the overall rates of firearm deaths are lower now than in the previous decade. There is a pressing need for firearms to be considered from a Public Health perspective, and for policy and intervention to be guided by data and studies like it can be used to monitor and aid policymakers.open석


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    Las relaciones interpersonales son una necesidad del individuo, ya que se requiere del otro para comunicarse y socializar; de hecho, los seres humanos por naturaleza, comienzan a relacionarse desde la infancia y desarrollan esta habilidad a\ufan m\ue1s, cuando forman parte del ambiente escolar. De all\ued, la importancia de que en las escuelas, los educadores sean el vivo ejemplo de c\uf3mo relacionarse efectivamente, a fin, de acoger actitudes prestas a descubrir nuevos modelos de relaciones que provoquen armon\ueda y una sana convivencia escolar. Por tal motivo, el presente estudio representa una contribuci\uf3n al mejoramiento de las mismas, dentro del plano institucional. A tal efecto, este art\uedculo es el resultado de una investigaci\uf3n que tuvo como objetivo desarrollar estrategias gerenciales (Talleres o Encuentros Te\uf3rico Pr\ue1cticos) para el fortalecimiento de las relaciones interpersonales entre directivos y docentes. El tipo de investigaci\uf3n, se circunscribe en el paradigma cualitativo. Se emple\uf3 como instrumentos, un gui\uf3n de observaci\uf3n y un gui\uf3n de entrevista. Luego de desarrollado el plan que contempla las estrategias gerenciales, se concluye que es importante que tanto directivos como docentes, asuman el compromiso de fortalecer debilidades del proceso comunicacional, para el desarrollo de relaciones interpersonales sanas y la consecuci\uf3n de objetivos, que van en beneficio del desarrollo integral del educando, dando lugar a la mejora de la calidad educativa. Palabras Clave: Estrategias gerenciales, relaciones interpersonales, directivos, docentes. ABSTRACT Interpersonal relationships are a necessity of the individual, since it requires the other to communicate and socialize; In fact, human beings by nature, begin to relate from childhood and develop this ability even more, when they are part of the school environment. Hence, the importance of educators in schools as living example of how to relate effectively, in order to welcome attitudes that are ready to discover new models of relationships that lead to harmony and a healthy school life. For this reason, the present study represents a contribution to the improvement of these relationships, within the institutional level. To this end, this article is the result of an investigation aimed at developing management strategies (Workshops or Theoretical Practical Meetings) to strengthen interpersonal relationships between managers and teachers. The type of research is limited in the qualitative paradigm. Observation and interview scripts were used as instruments. After developing the plan that contemplates the managerial strategies, it is concluded that it is important that both managers and teachers, assume the commitment to strengthen weaknesses of the communication process, for the development of healthy interpersonal relationships and the achievement of objectives, that benefits students' Integral development, leading to educational quality improvement. Keywords: Management strategies, relationships, principals, teachers. RESUMO As rela\ue7\uf5es interpessoais s\ue3o uma necessidade do indiv\uedduo, porque requer de outro para se comunicar e socializar; na verdade, os seres humanos, por natureza, come\ue7am a se relacionar desde a inf\ue2ncia e desenvolvem esta habilidade, ainda mais, quando formam parte do ambiente escolar. Da\ued a import\ue2ncia das escolas, os educadores s\ue3o o exemplo vivo de como se relacionar de forma eficaz, em ordem, para acolher atitudes para descobrir novos modelos de relacionamentos que causem harmonia e um ambiente escolar saud\ue1vel. Portanto, este estudo representa uma contribui\ue7\ue3o para melhor\ue1-los dentro do n\uedvel institucional. Para tal efeito, este artigo \ue9 o resultado de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo desenvolver estrat\ue9gias de gest\ue3o (workshops ou reuni\uf5es Pr\ue1ticas Te\uf3ricas) para o fortalecimento das rela\ue7\uf5es entre diretores e professores. O tipo de pesquisa \ue9 limitada no paradigma qualitativo. Foi usado como instrumento, uma escrita de observa\ue7\ue3o e um roteiro de entrevista. Depois de desenvolvido o plano que inclui estrat\ue9gias de gest\ue3o, conclui-se que \ue9 importante que os gestores e os professores tomem o compromisso de fortalecer os pontos fracos no processo de comunica\ue7\ue3o para o desenvolvimento das rela\ue7\uf5es interpessoais saud\ue1veis e alcan\ue7ar os objetivos, que v\ue3o ao beneficio do desenvolvimento integral do aluno, resultando em melhoria da qualidade educacional. Palavras-chave: Estrat\ue9gias de gest\ue3o, rela\ue7\uf5es, diretores, professores.<br

    Effective engineering of multi-robot software applications

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    The number and complexity of robotic applications that are being developed both in industry and academia are increasing continuously. However, those applications are not engineered through well-defined system engineering processes, and this leads to time-consuming issues. Besides, robot applications are increasingly based on teams of autonomous robots that work collaboratively with other robots and/or humans to accomplish complex missions. This further increases the complexity of the controlling application. In this Ph.D. project, we aim to bring software engineering best practices to the robotic domain in order to produce processes, architectural models, and methods to be used by developers in order to tackle common challenges such as reusability, variability, and modularity. The goal is to reduce development time and effort, thereby reducing the time-to-market of robotic applications. To validate our results we make use of different models of real robots in real-world scenarios

    Blessing the curses? The relation between human capital endowment and the natural resource curse

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    This research paper is issued from a quantitative study after a literature review of some researches about the natural resource curse. The object of this research is to study the links between the natural resource curse and the human capital endowment, which can be evaluated through the natural resource rent, the investment on education (Education expenditure), the real gross domestic product growth per capita and the human development index. These variables measure the economic growth and the social welfare, which leads a country to its own development. This research includes a worldwide analysis of these variables. However, we also explore the interaction of these variables in a specific country, in this case, Peru, which is not only a typical country that has many extracting economic activities, but also the country where this topic started to be studied, due to the paradoxical situation this country lives nowadays. We stablish that, in order to determine if a country has a curse or not (in that scenario, we say it exists a boon rather than a curse), we need to study more cultural and social variables that it were not possible to consider in the current research


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    Para los administradores de empresas de servicios, es dif\uedcil aceptar que pueden aplicarse en sus negocios, t\ue9cnicas de Administraci\uf3n de Operaciones que se utilizan en empresas de bienes, es com\ufan expresar que la forma de administrar bienes y servicios es diferente; sin embargo la direcci\uf3n de operaciones ha incluido conceptos aplicados en bienes, tambi\ue9n a servicios. Para hacer un an\ue1lisis sobre esta situaci\uf3n, el presente estudio recoge la opini\uf3n de administradores de bienes y administradores de servicios en cuanto a la atenci\uf3n que se da al desarrollo de las dimensiones de la competencia (Calidad, Flexibilidad y Costos) y la relaci\uf3n con la rentabilidad en sus respectivos negocios. Se encuesta a un total de 150 empresas de bienes y 108 de servicios; a los resultados de la investigaci\uf3n se les da tratamiento independiente y finalmente se comparan para determinar la similitud o diferencia entre la opini\uf3n de los administradores de bienes y servicios respectivamente. Si al comparar los resultados, estos son similares nos indica que la administraci\uf3n de bienes o servicios se debe realizar utilizando las mismas formas de trabajo y si nos da un resultado diferente nos indica que se deben administrar de manera diferente. El resultado final nos se\uf1ala que existe una influencia positiva entre la integraci\uf3n de las dimensiones de la competencia y la rentabilidad de las empresas, as\ued como la similitud en la manera de conceptualizar los aspectos referentes a las dimensiones de la competencia; haciendo ver la semejanza en las necesidades de sistemas de administraci\uf3n para ambos sectores. Palabras clave: Servicios, bienes, rentabilidad, dimensiones de la competencia.ABSTACT"COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS IN THE PERCEPTION OF PERFORMANCE: INTEGRATION OF THE DIMENSIONS OF COMPETITION IN THE COMPANY OF GOODS AND SERVICES"For managers of service companies, it is difficult to accept that they can apply in their businesses, operations management techniques used in real companies, it is common to say that how to manage goods and services is different, but the direction of operations has included concepts applied in goods, also to services. To make an analysis of this situation, this study reflects the views of asset managers and service managers about the attention given to the development dimension of competition (quality, flexibility and cost) and the relationship with profitability in their respective businesses. We surveyed a total of 150 goods companies and 108 services, the research results are given separate treatment and finally compared to determine the similarity or difference between the opinion of the directors of goods and services respectively. If comparing the results, they are similar indicates that the administration of goods or services must be performed using the same forms of work and if you give us a different result tells us that must be managed differently. The final result shows us that there is a positive influence between the integration of the dimensions of competition and profitability, as well as the similarity in the way of conceptualizing aspects relating to the dimensions of the competition by showing the similarity in requirements management systems for both sectors. Key words: Services, assets, profitability, size of the competition