194 research outputs found

    La autonomía de voluntad de los menores de edad

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Dret. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2014-2015. Tutora: Teresa Duplá Marín

    Investigación y prospectiva en educación especial : el diagnóstico

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    Dentro de lo que tradicionalmente se ha convenido en llamar «educación especial», el diagnóstico ha ido evolucionando hacia un planteamiento dinámico, procesual e integrador que permite tomar decisiones para optimizar los procesos de intervención, contemplando la realidad del sujeto desde una vertiente múltiple. Esta multidimensionalidad caracteriza los planteamientos actuales de los procesos de valoración en educación especial.Into traditionaly conception of Special Education, the diagnostic is developed to dinamic, processual and integrated proposes that allows to be decissions to improve action process, and the subject is looked from multiple viewpoints. This multidimensionality characterizes the actuality propose of assessment process in Special Education

    Innovació en l'ús de xarxes socials a l'educació secundària

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    Las redes sociales digitales se han convertido en muy poco tiempo en una nueva forma de comunicarse. Este cambio de paradigma en las conexiones entre personas facilita el crecimiento de la inteligencia colectiva. En el presente trabajo se hace un repaso a los principales cambios que suponen las redes sociales a nivel global para posteriormente ver cómo pueden ser utilizadas en el ámbito de la educación para favorecer la motivacion por el aprendizaje. Finalmente se propone una actividad para la asignatura de Tecnología haciendo uso de blogs y Twitter. En ellas los alumnos deberán adoptar diferentes roles para hacer difusión de noticias tecnológicas de forma que se desarrolle en el grupo la cultura tecnológica

    The surinam cockroach, Pycnoscelus surinamensis (L.) : pest control in sensitive enviroments

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    I detta kandidatarbete beskrivs, och diskuteras, växthuskackerlackan (Pycnoscelus surinamensis (L.) utifrån den information som framkommit genom en litteraturstudie. P. surinamensis är en växtskadegörare som äter på unga växtdelar. Arten finns idag i Sverige och utgör ett stort problem för Lunds botaniska trädgård. En botanisk trädgård är ett exempel på en känslig miljö. Med en känslig miljö menas i det här fallet att djur, växter och ett biologiskt växtskydd är bestående faktorer i miljön och att hänsyn för dessa bör visas vid en bekämpning. I en botanisk trädgård finns dessutom besökare att ta hänsyn till. Det här kandidatarbetet ska utvärdera vilka metoder som kan vara aktuella vid en bekämpning av P. surinamensis i en känslig miljö. Arbetet inkluderar också information angående artens utseende, livscykel och tillvägagångssätt för spridning. Kandidatarbetet kommer på så vis att bidra till en minskad spridning av arten. I och med att yrkesodlare från och med 2014 måste följa IPM (Integrerat växtskydd) är skonsamma bekämpningsmetoder även intressant för dem. En mild metod som kan användas även när växthusen inte är tomma, och som inte påverkar det biologiska växtskyddet, kan minimera eventuella ekonomiska förluster. Kandidatarbetet beskriver olika bekämpningsmetoder mot kackerlackor, och även en rad olika bekämpningsmedel. Den IPM-godkända metoden med fallgropsfällor och lockbetesstationer är en av metoderna som beskrivs. Litteraturstudien visar att metoden är effektiv mot P. surinamensis, och att den fungerar i en känslig miljö. Positivt är även att metoden inte bidrar till resistens i lika stor utsträckning, och att arbetsmiljön är bättre än när sprayformuleringar enligt konventionella metoder används. Pyretriner är ett annat naturligt preparat. Syntetiskt framställt kallas det istället pyretroider. Ett problem med de två preparaten är att pyretriner och pyretroider inte bara dödar kackerlackor, utan även nytto-organismer som rovkvalster. Detta gör preparaten oanvändbara i en känslig miljö, eller under produktion i ett växthus som följer IPM. Min slutsats av litteraturstudiens är att fallgropsfällor för övervakning och viss reducering av populationen, och lockbetesstationer med insekticider i gelformulering är rätt metod mot P. surinamensis och för en känslig miljö. Framtida forskning kring bekämpningsmetoder mot P. surinamensis är relevant då denna litteraturstudie visar att det i stor utsträckning saknas.In this bachelor’s thesis, The Surinam cockroach (Pycnoscelus surinamensis (L.) is described and discussed, based on the information obtained through a literature review. P. surinamensis is a plant pest that eats young parts of plants.You can find this species today in Sweden and it constitutes a major problem for Lund's Botanical Garden. A botanical garden is an example of a sensitive environment. In this case a sensitive enviroment is an enviroment that includes animals, plants and biological plant protection. All of these are a stable part of the enviroment, and therefore they need to be taken into account when you need pest control. In a botanical garden visitors must also be considered. This bachelor’s thesis will reveal which pest control practices that are currently effective in a sensitive environment regarding P. surinamensis. Information regarding P. surinamensis’ appearance, life cycle and modes of spread will also be revealed. With this information the bachelor’s thesis contributes to a reduction in the spread of the species. Professional growers must, from 2014 and onwards, comply with IPM (Integrated pest management). Therefore low-impact methods should also be interesting for them. A gentle method that could be used even when their greenhouses are not empty, and that does not affect the biological plant protection, could minimize possible economic losses. This bachelor’s thesis describes different control methods against cockroaches, and also a variety of pesticides. An IPM-approved method with pitfall traps and bait stations is one of the methods described. The literature review shows that the method is effective against P. surinamensis, and that it operates in a sensitive environment. It is also positive that the method does not contribute in a major way to the chemical resistance in cockroaches, and that the working environment is better than when conventional methods are used. Pyrethrins are a natural preparations. Synthetic pyrethrins are called pyrethroids instead. A problem with these two preparations is that pyrethrins and pyrethroids will not only kill roaches, but also organisms that are used as biologial plant protection, such as predatory mites. This makes them unusable in a sensitive environment, or when there is an ongoing plant production in a IPM managed greenhouse. My conclusion of this literature review is that pitfall traps, and bait stations, is the proper approach toward P. surinamensis, and for a sensitive environment. The purpose of the pitfall traps would be to monitor and, in some sense, reduce the population, while the bait stations effectively would reduce the population through the use of pesticides in gel formulation. Future research regarding control methods against P. surinamensis is relevant

    Experimental Model Systems Used in the Preclinical Development of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics

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    Preclinical evaluation of nucleic acid therapeutics (NATs) in relevant experimental model systems is essential for NAT drug development. As part of COST Action "DARTER" (Delivery of Antisense RNA ThERapeutics), a network of researchers in the field of RNA therapeutics, we have conducted a survey on the experimental model systems routinely used by our members in preclinical NAT development. The questionnaire focused on both cellular and animal models. Our survey results suggest that skin fibroblast cultures derived from patients is the most commonly used cellular model, while induced pluripotent stem cell-derived models are also highly reported, highlighting the increasing potential of this technology. Splice-switching antisense oligonucleotide is the most frequently investigated RNA molecule, followed by small interfering RNA. Animal models are less prevalent but also widely used among groups in the network, with transgenic mouse models ranking the top. Concerning the research fields represented in our survey, the mostly studied disease area is neuromuscular disorders, followed by neurometabolic diseases and cancers. Brain, skeletal muscle, heart, and liver are the top four tissues of interest reported. We expect that this snapshot of the current preclinical models will facilitate decision making and the share of resources between academics and industry worldwide to facilitate the development of NATs

    Crise des stratégies syndicales et évolution de la relation salariale au Japon

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    Japanese trade unionism has undergone some significant changes in the last ten years. The privatisation of the publicly owned railways and telecommunications has led to the weakening of 'sohyo', the most militant union. The least militant organisations have joined in a huge federation -Rengo- which aims to slow down the decline of the trade union movement while rethinking what is at stake in struggles in modern Japanese companies

    Los microordenadores ¿profesores del mañana?

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    Desde aquellos tiempos, desgraciadamente no muy lejanos, en que uno de los axiomas en el aula era «la letra con sangre entra» (axioma que se explicitaba en una variopinta gama de recursos punitivos que eran aplicados, en muchas ocasiones, de forma indiscriminada y arbitraria y que no conducían a una incentivación del aprendizaje); desde aquellos tiempos, decimos, los investigadores pedagógicos -los teóricos del laboratorio y los prácticos del aula- no han escamoteado esfuerzos para, profundizando en el conocimiento del ser humano, en los mecanismos rectores de su conducta y la utilización de los avances tecnológicos, incidir de una forma más efectiva, personalizada y racional en la construcción del ser humano aumentando la eficacia del acto pedagógico. Aunque todavía existen los «artesanos de la enseñanza», en el sentido de que o bien porque no disponen de medios o porque no son partidarios de incorporar a su bagage psicopedagógico los cambios e instrumentos que la evolución cultural y tecnológica aportan, es esperanzador el panorama global que presentan varias generaciones de maestros y educadores que viven con inquietud y compromiso creador la aventura de la construcción del ser humano. Abiertos, por lo tanto, a todo cambio e innovación de medios y contenidos que redunden en pro de un desarrollo más integral del ser humano. Abiertos, por lo tanto, a todo cambio e innovación de medios y contenidos que redunden en pro de un desarrollo más integral del ser humano

    Long-term agronomical performance and iron chlorosis susceptibility of several Prunus rootstocks grown under loamy and calcareous soil conditions

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic performance (vigor, yield, yield efficiency, number of root suckers), fruit quality (fruit weight, fruit size, flesh firmness, soluble solids content, and titratable acidity), leaf and fruit mineral nutrition (macro and micro elements), leaf chlorophyll concentration and iron chlorosis susceptibility of ‘Big Top’ nectarine cultivar grafted on 20 Prunus rootstocks and grown in loamy and calcareous soil under the hot climate conditions of the Ebro river basin (Spain). After the 10 years of the study (at 11th leaf), statistical analysis showed significant differences among rootstocks for most of the traits evaluated. Based on vigor and cumulative yield, ‘Big Top’ trees from Padac 04-03 rootstock were found to be the most vigorous and productive, followed by Castore, GF-677, Ishtara®, PS and Rootpac® 70. However, the most efficient rootstocks were Controller 5, Adesoto® 101, Rootpac® 40, Krymsk® 1, Ishtara®, Penta, IRTA-1, Polluce, and Padac-150. ‘Big Top’ fruits from Rootpac® 40 had the highest fruit weight and fruit size (>70 mm), with good soluble solids content and titratable acidity, but less firmness than the other ‘Big Top’ fruits. After 3 months with no application of chelate, chlorosis symptoms were visible in most of the trees, with those from Krymsk® 1 and PS showing the highest susceptibility. In contrast, AD-105, Adesoto® 101, Cadaman®, GF-677, Padac-150, Rootpac® 40 and Tetra were the least susceptible rootstocks. Controller 5, IRTA-1, Padac-04.03 and Penta had moderate susceptibility. In conclusion, Rootpac® 40, Ishtara®, IRTA-1 and Padac-150 may represent a good compromise between canopy size control, yield, yield efficiency, fruit size, and susceptibility to iron chlorosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Rootstock affects quality and phytochemical composition of 'Big Top' nectarine fruits grown under hot climatic conditions

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    This study aimed to evaluate the stability of ‘Big Top’ nectarine fruit quality (fruit weight, fruit mineral elements and fruit phytochemical composition such as soluble solids content, titratable acidity, individual sugars, individual organic acids, total ascorbic acid content, total phenolics content, and antioxidant capacity) when grafted on 20 Prunus rootstocks over two consecutive seasons. For most of the evaluated traits, rootstock was the main source of variability, whereas for Mg, malic and citric acids, and glucose most of the variability was observed among years. Similarly, the interaction year × rootstock was not significant for most traits (14 out of 21), hence highlighting that most rootstocks responded in a similar manner to changes in the weather conditions. Thus said, some important micro- and macro-nutrients such as Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, together with taste- (fructose, glucose and sucrose) or health-related (antioxidant capacity) compounds showed a differential influence of the rootstock depending on the year conditions and thereby suggested that climatic conditions can be a limiting factor in the choice of rootstocks for a given nectarine cultivar. Overall, the results from this study indicated that the cherry-plum hybrid Krimsk-1 and the peach-plum hybrid PS rootstocks are the most suitable rootstocks for ‘Big Top’ under the conditions investigated herein. Both rootstocks induced high values on sugar profile, ascorbic acid, antioxidant activity, and TPC of ‘Big Top’ nectarine being relatively stable regardless of the weather conditions. Finally, the rootstocks IRTA-1 and Rootpac-20 also induced good fruit quality and phytochemical properties to ‘Big Top’ fruit.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio