242 research outputs found

    Edge and face linear vibration welding of wood panels

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    Edge-to-edge linear vibration welding of particle- board, OSB, MDF and plywood gives better strength than face-to-face panel welding. In general, the edge-to-edge weldline is slightly weaker than the panels itself. The face- to-face weldline is stronger than the strength of the material in the same direction

    Skip Nav Destination RESEARCH ARTICLE| MARCH 16, 2022 Assessing the effect of melt extraction from mushy reservoirs on compositions of granitoids: From a global database to a single batholith

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    Mafic and ultramafic plutonic rocks are often considered to be crystal cumulates (i.e., they are melt-depleted), but such a classification is much more contentious for intermediate to silicic granitoids (e.g., tonalite, granodiorite, granite, and syenite). Whether or not a given plutonic rock has lost melt to feed shallower subvolcanic intrusive bodies or volcanic edifices has key implications for understanding igneous processes occurring within the crust throughout the evolution of the Earth. We use statistical analyses of a global volcanic and plutonic rock database to show that most mafic to felsic plutonic rock compositions can be interpreted as melt-depleted (i.e., most of the minerals analyzed are more evolved than their bulk-rock compositions would allow). To illustrate the application of the method to natural samples (from the Tertiary Adamello Batholith in the southern Alps), we estimate the degree of melt depletion using a combination of magmatic textures, bulk-rock chemistry, modal mineralogy, distributions of plagioclase composition (using scanning electron microscope phase mapping/electron microprobe analyses), and thermodynamic modeling. We find that melt depletion correlates with the magmatic foliation and is accompanied by bulk depletion in incompatible elements, low amounts of near-solidus minerals, and mineral compositions that are too evolved (i.e., depleted in Ca or Mg, depending on the mineral) to be in equilibrium with their bulk-rock chemistry. The analytical and modeling workflow proposed in this study provides a path to quantifying melt depletion in any plutonic samples

    Patterns and localized structures in bistable semiconductor resonators

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    We report experiments on spatial switching dynamics and steady state structures of passive nonlinear semiconductor resonators of large Fresnel number. Extended patterns and switching front dynamics are observed and investigated. Evidence of localization of structures is given.Comment: 5 pages with 9 figure

    Ripple oscillations in the left temporal neocortex are associated with impaired verbal episodic memory encoding

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    Background: We sought to determine if ripple oscillations (80-120Hz), detected in intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings of epilepsy patients, correlate with an enhancement or disruption of verbal episodic memory encoding. Methods: We defined ripple and spike events in depth iEEG recordings during list learning in 107 patients with focal epilepsy. We used logistic regression models (LRMs) to investigate the relationship between the occurrence of ripple and spike events during word presentation and the odds of successful word recall following a distractor epoch, and included the seizure onset zone (SOZ) as a covariate in the LRMs. Results: We detected events during 58,312 word presentation trials from 7,630 unique electrode sites. The probability of ripple on spike (RonS) events was increased in the seizure onset zone (SOZ, p<0.04). In the left temporal neocortex RonS events during word presentation corresponded with a decrease in the odds ratio (OR) of successful recall, however this effect only met significance in the SOZ (OR of word recall 0.71, 95% CI: 0.59-0.85, n=158 events, adaptive Hochberg p<0.01). Ripple on oscillation events (RonO) that occurred in the left temporal neocortex non-SOZ also correlated with decreased odds of successful recall (OR 0.52, 95% CI: 0.34-0.80, n=140, adaptive Hochberg , p<0.01). Spikes and RonS that occurred during word presentation in the left middle temporal gyrus during word presentation correlated with the most significant decrease in the odds of successful recall, irrespective of the location of the SOZ (adaptive Hochberg, p<0.01). Conclusion: Ripples and spikes generated in left temporal neocortex are associated with impaired verbal episodic memory encoding

    Association of LI-RADS and Histopathologic Features with Survival in Patients with Solitary Resected Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    : Background Both Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) and histopathologic features provide prognostic information in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but whether LI-RADS is independently associated with survival is uncertain. Purpose To assess the association of LI-RADS categories and features with survival outcomes in patients with solitary resected HCC. Materials and Methods This retrospective study included patients with solitary resected HCC from three institutions examined with preoperative contrast-enhanced CT and/or MRI between January 2008 and December 2019. Three independent readers evaluated the LI-RADS version 2018 categories and features. Histopathologic features including World Health Organization tumor grade, microvascular and macrovascular invasion, satellite nodules, and tumor capsule were recorded. Overall survival and disease-free survival were assessed with Cox regression models. Marginal effects of nontargetoid features on survival were estimated using propensity score matching. Results A total of 360 patients (median age, 64 years [IQR, 56-70 years]; 280 male patients) were included. At CT and MRI, the LI-RADS LR-M category was associated with increased risk of recurrence (CT: hazard ratio [HR] = 1.83 [95% CI: 1.26, 2.66], P = .001; MRI: HR = 2.22 [95% CI: 1.56, 3.16], P &lt; .001) and death (CT: HR = 2.47 [95% CI: 1.72, 3.55], P &lt; .001; MRI: HR = 1.80 [95% CI: 1.32, 2.46], P &lt; .001) independently of histopathologic features. The presence of at least one nontargetoid feature was associated with an increased risk of recurrence (CT: HR = 1.80 [95% CI: 1.36, 2.38], P &lt; .001; MRI: HR = 1.93 [95% CI: 1.81, 2.06], P &lt; .001) and death (CT: HR = 1.51 [95% CI: 1.10, 2.07], P &lt; .010) independently of histopathologic features. In matched samples, recurrence was associated with the presence of at least one nontargetoid feature at CT (HR = 2.06 [95% CI: 1.15, 3.66]; P = .02) or MRI (HR = 1.79 [95% CI: 1.01, 3.20]; P = .048). Conclusion In patients with solitary resected HCC, LR-M category and nontargetoid features were negatively associated with survival independently of histopathologic characteristics. © RSNA, 2024 Supplemental material is available for this article. See also the editorial by Kartalis and Grigoriadis in this issue

    Production of fructooligosaccharides and b-fructofuranosidase by batch and repeated batch fermentation with immobilized cells of Penicillium expansum

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    The production of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and b-fructofuranosidase (FFase) by immobilized cells of Penicillium expansum was evaluated. In an initial stage, different low-cost materials including synthetic fiber, polyurethane foam, stainless steel sponge, loofah sponge, and cork oak were tested as carrier for the fungus immobilization. Additionally, the influence of the inoculum age (1 or 3 weeks) on cells immobilization, FOS and FFase production was also verified. Synthetic fiber and polyurethane foam were the best materials for P. expansum immobilization (2.21 and 1.98 g/g carrier, respectively) and FOS production (120.3 and 104.8 g/l), and gave also high results of FFase activity (23.01 and 32.42 U/ml). Then, the production of FOS and FFase by repeated batch fermentation with P. expansum immobilized on synthetic fiber was studied, aiming to improve the batch fermentation results. The results obtained in this stage were very promising with FOS yields of 87, 72, and 44 %, in the 3 initial cycles (60 h), respectively; the FFase activity was constant throughout the process (6 cycles, 96 h). Repeated batch fermentation with immobilized cells of P. expansum was found as being a technology with great potential for FOS and FFase production on industrial scaleThe financial support from FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (research grant SFRH/BPD/38212/2007) is gratefully acknowledged

    Liver Stiffness Measurement and Biochemical Markers in Senegalese Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Normal ALT and High Viral Load

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    Despite the high prevalence of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in Africa, few studies have been performed among African patients. We sought to evaluate liver stiffness measurement by FibroScan® (LSM) and two biochemical scores (FibroTest®, Fibrometer®) to diagnose liver fibrosis in Senegalese CHB patients with HBV plasma DNA load ≥3.2 log(10) IU/mL and normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values.LSM and liver fibrosis biochemical markers were performed on 225 consecutive HBV infected Senegalese patients with high viral load. Patients with an LSM range between 7 and 13 kPa underwent liver biopsy (LB). Two experienced liver pathologists performed histological grading using Metavir and Ishak scoring.225 patients were evaluated (84% male) and LB was performed in 69 patients, showing F2 and F3 fibrosis in 17% and 10% respectively. In these patients with a 7-13 kPa range of LSM, accuracy for diagnosis of significant fibrosis according to LB was unsatisfactory for all non-invasive markers with AUROCs below 0.70. For patients with LSM values below 7 kPa, FibroTest® (FT), and Fibrometer® (FM) using the cut-offs recommended by the test promoters suggested a fibrosis in 18% of cases for FT (8% severe fibrosis) and 8% for FM. For patients with LSM values greater than 13 kPa, FT, FM suggested a possible fibrosis in 73% and 70%, respectively.In highly replicative HBV-infected African patients with normal ALT and LSM value below 13 kPa, FibroScan®, FibroTest® or Fibrometer® were unsuitable to predict the histological liver status of fibrosis

    Clinical significance of circulating anti-p53 antibodies in European patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

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    p53 alterations are considered to be predictive of poor prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and may induce a humoral response. Anti-p53 serum antibodies were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using purified recombinant human p53 on 130 European HCC patients before treatment and during the clinical course of the disease. p53 immunohistochemistry was performed on tumours from the 52 patients who underwent surgery, and DNA sequencing analysis was initiated when circulating anti-p53 antibodies were detected. Nine (7%) HCC patients had anti-p53 serum antibodies before treatment. During a mean period of 30 months of follow-up, all the negative patients remained negative, even when recurrence was observed. Of the nine positive patients, eight were still positive 12–30 months after surgery. The presence of anti-p53 serum antibodies was correlated neither with mutation of the p53 gene nor the serum alpha-fetoprotein levels and clinicopathological characterics of the tumours. However, a greater incidence of vascular invasion and accumulation of p53 protein were observed in the tumours of these patients (P < 0.03 and P < 0.01 respectively) as well as a better survival rate without recurrence (P = 0.05). In conclusion, as was recently shown in pancreatic cancer, anti-p53 serum antibodies may constitute a marker of relative ‘good prognosis’ in a subgroup of patients exhibiting one or several markers traditionally thought to be of bad prognosis. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Palaeotectonic setting of the south-eastern Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier, West Africa: new insights from igneous trace element geochemistry and U-Pb zircon ages

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    New U-Pb zircon ages and geochemistry from the eastern Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier are presented and integrated with published data to generate a revised tectonic framework for the westernmost Birimian terranes. The Falémé Volcanic Belt and Kofi Series are highly prospective, hosting several multi-million ounce gold deposits and a significant iron ore resource, but remain under-researched. It is therefore important to constrain the fundamental geological setting. The igneous rocks of the eastern Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier are dominantly of high-K calc-alkaline affinity, with fractionated REE patterns and negative Nb-Ta anomalies. The plutonic rocks in the Falémé Belt are dioritic to granodioritic in composition, with moderately fractionated REE patterns and metaluminous A/CNK signatures. Felsic, peraluminous granite stocks, dykes and plutons with fractionated REE patterns and negative Eu, Ti and P anomalies intruded both the Falémé Belt and Kofi Series. Albitisation masks the affinity of some units, although use of the Th-Co diagram shows that prior to albitisation, all igneous units belonged to the high-K calc-alkaline series. New U-Pb age data for the Boboti and Balangouma plutons indicate crystallisation at 2088.5 ± 8.5 Ma and at 2112 ± 13 Ma, respectively. Inherited zircons in the Boboti pluton indicate magmatic activity in the Falémé Belt at 2218 ± 83 Ma coincided with the oldest dated units in the Mako Belt to the West. Systematic changes in Dy/Yb, Sm/La, Nb/Zr, Rb concentration, Eu-anomaly and ɛNdt over ∼200 Ma reveal that the tectonic setting in the KKI evolved from a volcanic island arc environment to an active continental margin. Crustal thickening, as a result of a shift to collisional tectonic setting, combined with magmatic differentiation, led to the generation of peraluminous, granitic melts with a significant crustal component. A small suite of more basic intrusive and extrusive rocks on the eastern margin of the Dialé-Daléma basin are highly metaluminous and display limited LILE enrichment, with normalised HREE values close to unity. The Daléma igneous rocks may have formed in an extensional back arc, related to the arc system

    2012 Activity Report of the Regional Research Programme on Hadrontherapy for the ETOILE Center

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    2012 is the penultimate year of financial support by the CPER 2007-2013 for ETOILE's research program, sustained by the PRRH at the University Claude Bernard. As with each edition we make the annual review of the research in this group, so active for over 12 years now. Over the difficulties in the decision-making process for the implementation of the ETOILE Center, towards which all our efforts are focussed, some "themes" (work packages) were strengthened, others have progressed, or have been dropped. This is the case of the eighth theme (technological developments), centered around the technology for rotative beam distribution heads (gantries) and, after being synchronized with the developments of ULICE's WP6, remained so by ceasing its activities, coinciding also with the retirement of its historic leader at IPNL, Marcel Bajard. Topic number 5 ("In silico simulations") has suffered the departure of its leader, Benjamin Ribba, although the work has still been provided by Branka Bernard, a former postdoctoral fellow in Lyon Sud, and now back home in Croatia, still in contract with UCBL for the ULICE project. Aside from these two issues (and the fact that the theme "Medico-economical simulations" is now directly linked to the first one ("Medical Project"), the rest of the teams are growing, as evidenced by the publication statistics at the beginning of this report. This is obviously due to the financial support of our always faithful regional institutions, but also to the synergy that the previous years, the European projects, the arrival of the PRIMES LabEx, and the national France Hadron infrastructure have managed to impulse. The Rhone-Alpes hadron team, which naturally includes the researchers of LPC at Clermont, should also see its influence result in a strong presence in France Hadron's regional node, which is being organized. The future of this regional research is not yet fully guaranteed, especially in the still uncertain context of ETOILE, but the tracks are beginning to emerge to allow past and present efforts translate into a long future that we all want to see established. Each of the researchers in PRRH is aware that 2013 will be (and already is) the year of great challenge : for ETOILE, for the PRRH, for hadron therapy in France, for French hadrontherapy in Europe (after the opening and beginning of treatments in the German [HIT Heidelberg, Marburg], Italian [CNAO, Pavia] and Austrian [MedAustron, Wien Neuerstadt]) centers. Let us meet again in early 2014 for a comprehensive review of the past and a perspective for the future ..