27 research outputs found

    Planning algorithm for efficient and sustainable crop production

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    The process of agricultural production is associated with a complex of factors of a different nature: systemic, technological, biological, socio-economic, climatic, reproductive, environmental. All of them influence the size and stability of economic and financial results. There is a threshold level of enterprise management complexity, the excess of which motivates agribusiness to switch to computerized methods. Management of an agricultural enterprise should be based on planning results, updated in a rolling mode. When developing the annual plan, it is necessary to take into account a lot of heterogeneous information and tend to the optimal solution – the achievement of the target indicators with the minimum expenditure of resources. As the basis of the optimal annual planning system, the article proposes an economic-mathematical model for optimizing the production and industry structure of an agricultural enterprise, which includes the following modules: assessment of the parameters of the yield production functions based on field history, the formation of a fertilizer application plan with justification of economically feasible yield levels, solving the problem of optimizing the sectoral structure of crop production, taking into account the forecrop influence in the crop rotation. The algorithm for finding an effective and stable production structure under various combinations of environmental conditions implements the following sequence of procedures: generation of parameter combinations of the economic-mathematical model; obtaining the optimal solution for each combination of these parameters; assessment of the mathematical expectation of the efficiency criterion and variance for each optimal solution on a variety of parameter combinations; choice of a highly effective solution with a low dispersion of this efficiency. To implement this algorithm, the method of simulation experiments in the space of system parameters is used. The optimal solution is chosen by minimizing the distance to the “ideal point” (maximum efficiency, minimum dispersion).El proceso de producción agrícola está asociado con un complejo de factores de diferente naturaleza: sistémicos, tecnológicos, biológicos, socioeconómicos, climáticos, reproductivos, ambientales. Todos ellos influyen en el tamaño y la estabilidad de los resultados económicos y financieros. Existe un nivel umbral de complejidad de gestión empresarial, cuyo exceso motiva a los agronegocios a cambiar a métodos computarizados. La gestión de una empresa agrícola debe basarse en resultados de planificación, actualizados en un modo continuo. Al desarrollar el plan anual, es necesario tener en cuenta mucha información heterogénea y tender a la solución óptima: el logro de los indicadores objetivo con el gasto mínimo de recursos. Como base del sistema óptimo de planificación anual, el artículo propone un modelo económico-matemático para optimizar la producción y la estructura industrial de una empresa agrícola, que incluye los siguientes módulos: evaluación de los parámetros de las funciones de producción de rendimiento en función del historial de campo, la formación de un plan de aplicación de fertilizantes con justificación de niveles de rendimiento económicamente factibles, resolviendo el problema de optimizar la estructura sectorial de la producción de cultivos, teniendo en cuenta la influencia de la cosecha en la rotación de cultivos. El algoritmo para encontrar una estructura de producción efectiva y estable bajo diversas combinaciones de condiciones ambientales implementa la siguiente secuencia de procedimientos: generación de combinaciones de parámetros del modelo económico-matemático; obtener la solución óptima para cada combinación de estos parámetros; evaluación de la expectativa matemática del criterio de eficiencia y la varianza para cada solución óptima en una variedad de combinaciones de parámetros; elección de una solución altamente efectiva con una baja dispersión de esta eficiencia. Para implementar este algoritmo, se utiliza el método de experimentos de simulación en el espacio de los parámetros del sistema. La solución óptima se elige minimizando la distancia al "punto ideal" (máxima eficiencia, mínima dispersión)

    Model of high school students professional education

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    The main idea of the article is to develop a model of high school students professional education, which includes target, content, technology, criterion-estimation and result components contributing to ensure the efficiency and the sequence of scientific-technique provision of educational process in High School. The aim of the developed model is the future competent specialist educating on the basis of his academic and extracurricular activities integration. This objective fulfillment is specified in the complex of interrelated tasks: students civil and patriotic education system forming; student self-government system improving on the basis of corporate culture and human individuality basic principles; conditions and prerequisites providing for the students world outlook forming in integrity of which his attitude to human values of social life is expressed; conditions providing for students tolerance development and the their common culture educating; innovative environment making with the aim to develop students creative abilities; students and University graduates social and professional adaptation and socialization organizational processes; organization of students legal, social and psychological protection system. This model provides the future competent specialists self-determination; the creation of psycho-pedagogical support of personal senses development in students' academic and extra-curricular activities in new forms of professional education building: from academic - to practical-oriented one; each student interest designing in extra-curricular activities

    The peculiarities of the advanced training of the future specialists for the competitive high-tech industry in the process of integration of education, science and industry

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The urgency of the advanced professional training of the future competitive specialists for a high-tech industry is conditioned by the fact that one of the strategic objectives of modern production is to provide a new generation with the manpower, the leaders of production who can not only purchase and adapt foreign models, but also but have the qualification to develop and introduce new home-produced samples, and also be able to quickly adapt to new social and economic conditions. Therefore, this article aims to identify the features of the advanced training of the future specialists for high-tech industry in the process of integration of education, science and industry. The authors have found the distinctive features of the institution providing the advanced training of the future competitive specialists; proposed measures for the development of advanced training; set the requirements to the syllabus and technology of advanced training; discussed the conditions for the implementation of the advanced training of the future competitive specialists in the condition of education, science and industry integration. The issues of this article are of both theoretical and practical value for the management and teaching staff of the vocational education institutions

    Бенакорт™ — первый отечественный ингаляционный глюкокортикостероид для ингаляций через небулайзер

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    The study was designed to investigate efficacy, safety and tolerability of Benacort in patients with moderate to severe acute asthma. The study involved 30 patients (19 females and 11 males, the mean ages, 46.2 ± 18.6 yrs and 54.3 ± 13.6 yrs respectively) with mild, moderate to severe asthma. They were divided into 2 groups: 20 patients with moderate acute asthma who received budesonide 1 000 to 2 000 mcg daily, and 10 patients with severe acute asthma, receiving the drug 2 000 to 4 000 mcg daily. Benacort was given via nebulizer 15 to 20 minutes after an inhaled bronchodilator. We monitores lung function parameters (LFP's), cardiovascular function, glucose and cortisol blood levels. The study resulted in a stable positive improvement in LFP's. The therapy allowed reducing systemic steroid doses in steroid dependent asthma. The treatment failed in severe resistant asthma requiring systemic steroids to be administered. The therapy with Benacort did not impact cardiovascular function, glucose level and baseline cortisol level. Eighty three per cent of the patients reported good and excellent tolerability of the drug, 5 patients (17 %) complained of the mouth dryness which did not require to cancel the treatment. The cost of the course treatment with Benacort was 3 times cheaper compared with the foreign analogue Pulmicort suspension (AstraZeneca).Целью работы являлось изучить эффективность, безопасность и переносимость Бенакорта у больных со среднетяжелым и тяжелым обострением бронхиальной астмы (БА). В исследование были включены 30 больных (19 женщин и 11 мужчин; средний возраст — 46,2 ± 18,6 лет и 54,3 ± 13,6 лет соответственно) с легким, среднетяжелым и тяжелым течением БА. Пациенты были распределены на 2 группы: 1-ю группу составили 20 человек с обострением средней тяжести, получавшие будесонид в дозе от 1 000 до 2 000 мкг / сут., 2-ю группу составили 10 больных с тяжелым обострением, получавшие будесонид в дозе от 2 000 до 4 000 мкг / сут. Ингаляции препарата проводились с помощью небулайзера "Turbo Boy" через 15–20 мин после ингаляции бронхолитика. Мониторировали функцию внешнего дыхания (ФВД), сердечно-сосудистой системы, уровень глюкозы и кортизола крови. Достигнута стойкая положительная динамика показателей ФВД. При стероидозависимой БА удавалось снизить дозу системных стероидов. Невыраженный эффект наблюдался в случаях тяжелого течения БА, резистентного ко многим бронхолитическим и противовоспалительным препаратам, что требовало назначения системных стероидов. Ингаляции Бенакорта не влияли на функцию сердечно-сосудистой системы, уровень глюкозы крови и базальный уровень кортизола. 83 % больных отмечали хорошую и отличную переносимость, 5 пациентов (17 %) отмечали незначительную сухость во рту в первые дни лечения, не требовавшую отмены препарата. Стоимость курсового лечения Бенакортом приблизительно в 3 раза дешевле, чем зарубежным аналогом Пульмикортом-суспензией фирмы "AstraZeneca"

    Bi-allelic <em>ACBD6</em> variants lead to a neurodevelopmental syndrome with progressive and complex movement disorders

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. The acyl-CoA-binding domain-containing protein 6 (ACBD6) is ubiquitously expressed, plays a role in the acylation of lipids and proteins and regulates the N-myristoylation of proteins via N-myristoyltransferase enzymes (NMTs). However, its precise function in cells is still unclear, as is the consequence of ACBD6 defects on human pathophysiology. Using exome sequencing and extensive international data sharing efforts, we identified 45 affected individuals from 28 unrelated families (consanguinity 93%) with bi-allelic pathogenic, predominantly loss-of-function (18/20) variants in ACBD6. We generated zebrafish and Xenopus tropicalis acbd6 knockouts by CRISPR/Cas9 and characterized the role of ACBD6 on protein N-myristoylation with myristic acid alkyne (YnMyr) chemical proteomics in the model organisms and human cells, with the latter also being subjected further to ACBD6 peroxisomal localization studies. The affected individuals (23 males and 22 females), aged 1-50 years, typically present with a complex and progressive disease involving moderate-to-severe global developmental delay/intellectual disability (100%) with significant expressive language impairment (98%), movement disorders (97%), facial dysmorphism (95%) and mild cerebellar ataxia (85%) associated with gait impairment (94%), limb spasticity/hypertonia (76%), oculomotor (71%) and behavioural abnormalities (65%), overweight (59%), microcephaly (39%) and epilepsy (33%). The most conspicuous and common movement disorder was dystonia (94%), frequently leading to early-onset progressive postural deformities (97%), limb dystonia (55%) and cervical dystonia (31%). A jerky tremor in the upper limbs (63%), a mild head tremor (59%), parkinsonism/hypokinesia developing with advancing age (32%) and simple motor and vocal tics were among other frequent movement disorders. Midline brain malformations including corpus callosum abnormalities (70%), hypoplasia/agenesis of the anterior commissure (66%), short midbrain and small inferior cerebellar vermis (38% each) as well as hypertrophy of the clava (24%) were common neuroimaging findings. Acbd6-deficient zebrafish and Xenopus models effectively recapitulated many clinical phenotypes reported in patients including movement disorders, progressive neuromotor impairment, seizures, microcephaly, craniofacial dysmorphism and midbrain defects accompanied by developmental delay with increased mortality over time. Unlike ACBD5, ACBD6 did not show a peroxisomal localization and ACBD6-deficiency was not associated with altered peroxisomal parameters in patient fibroblasts. Significant differences in YnMyr-labelling were observed for 68 co- and 18 post-translationally N-myristoylated proteins in patient-derived fibroblasts. N-myristoylation was similarly affected in acbd6-deficient zebrafish and X. tropicalis models, including Fus, Marcks and Chchd-related proteins implicated in neurological diseases. The present study provides evidence that bi-allelic pathogenic variants in ACBD6 lead to a distinct neurodevelopmental syndrome accompanied by complex and progressive cognitive and movement disorders

    Bi-allelic ACBD6 variants lead to a neurodevelopmental syndrome with progressive and complex movement disorders

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this recordData availability: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, upon reasonable request. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE24 partner repository with the dataset identifiers PXD024957 (YnMyr chemical proteomics in human cells), PXD043676 (YnMyr chemical proteomics in zebrafish), PXD043679 (zebrafish whole proteome), PXD043677 (YnMyr chemical proteomics in X. tropicalis) and PXD043680 (X. tropicalis whole proteome).The acyl-CoA-binding domain-containing protein 6 (ACBD6) is ubiquitously expressed, plays a role in the acylation of lipids and proteins, and regulates the N-myristoylation of proteins via N-myristoyltransferase enzymes (NMTs). However, its precise function in cells is still unclear, as is the consequence of ACBD6 defects on human pathophysiology. Utilizing exome sequencing and extensive international data sharing efforts, we identified 45 affected individuals from 28 unrelated families (consanguinity 93%) with bi-allelic pathogenic, predominantly loss-of-function (18/20) variants in ACBD6. We generated zebrafish and Xenopus tropicalis acbd6 knockouts by CRISPR/Cas9 and characterized the role of ACBD6 on protein N-myristoylation with YnMyr chemical proteomics in the model organisms and human cells, with the latter also being subjected further to ACBD6 peroxisomal localization studies. The affected individuals (23 males and 22 females), with ages ranging from 1 to 50 years old, typically present with a complex and progressive disease involving moderate-to-severe global developmental delay/intellectual disability (100%) with significant expressive language impairment (98%), movement disorders (97%), facial dysmorphism (95%), and mild cerebellar ataxia (85%) associated with gait impairment (94%), limb spasticity/hypertonia (76%), oculomotor (71%) and behavioural abnormalities (65%), overweight (59%), microcephaly (39%) and epilepsy (33%). The most conspicuous and common movement disorder was dystonia (94%), frequently leading to early-onset progressive postural deformities (97%), limb dystonia (55%), and cervical dystonia (31%). A jerky tremor in the upper limbs (63%), a mild head tremor (59%), parkinsonism/hypokinesia developing with advancing age (32%), and simple motor and vocal tics were among other frequent movement disorders. Midline brain malformations including corpus callosum abnormalities (70%), hypoplasia/agenesis of the anterior commissure (66%), short midbrain and small inferior cerebellar vermis (38% each), as well as hypertrophy of the clava (24%) were common neuroimaging findings. acbd6-deficient zebrafish and Xenopus models effectively recapitulated many clinical phenotypes reported in patients including movement disorders, progressive neuromotor impairment, seizures, microcephaly, craniofacial dysmorphism, and midbrain defects accompanied by developmental delay with increased mortality over time. Unlike ACBD5, ACBD6 did not show a peroxisomal localisation and ACBD6-deficiency was not associated with altered peroxisomal parameters in patient fibroblasts. Significant differences in YnMyr-labelling were observed for 68 co- and 18 post-translationally N-myristoylated proteins in patient-derived fibroblasts. N-Myristoylation was similarly affected in acbd6-deficient zebrafish and Xenopus tropicalis models, including Fus, Marcks, and Chchd-related proteins implicated in neurological diseases. The present study provides evidence that bi-allelic pathogenic variants in ACBD6 lead to a distinct neurodevelopmental syndrome accompanied by complex and progressive cognitive and movement disorders


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    One of the urgent tasks is the development of information security measures. This article describes information security threats and their analysis

    Model of high school students professional education

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    The main idea of the article is to develop a model of high school students professional education, which includes target, content, technology, criterion-estimation and result components contributing to ensure the efficiency and the sequence of scientific-technique provision of educational process in High School. The aim of the developed model is the future competent specialist educating on the basis of his academic and extracurricular activities integration. This objective fulfillment is specified in the complex of interrelated tasks: students civil and patriotic education system forming; student self-government system improving on the basis of corporate culture and human individuality basic principles; conditions and prerequisites providing for the students world outlook forming in integrity of which his attitude to human values of social life is expressed; conditions providing for students tolerance development and the their common culture educating; innovative environment making with the aim to develop students creative abilities; students and University graduates social and professional adaptation and socialization organizational processes; organization of students legal, social and psychological protection system. This model provides the future competent specialists self-determination; the creation of psycho-pedagogical support of personal senses development in students' academic and extra-curricular activities in new forms of professional education building: from academic - to practical-oriented one; each student interest designing in extra-curricular activities

    Оцінка методики кількісного визначення преднізолону в мазі за реакцією з фенілгідразином

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    Adaptation and validation of the analytical method of photocolorimetric determination of prednisolone using the reaction with phenylhydrazine by the standard method have been carried out in the scientific research laboratory according to standard procedures as described in the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. The main validation characteristics have been identified using the model solution with standard substance. It has been found that the criteria of linearity and precision are observed in the range of concentration of 80-120% (0,08-0,12 mg/ml in the test solution or 0,4-0,6% of prednisolone in the ointment), and they are statistically and practically insignificant (a ≤ Sa×1,86=4,7, Δas% ≤ 3,20= 2,86, δ≤1,0240=0,92). The correct results obtained have allowed to test the method for determining prednisolone in the model extraction from "0.5% Prednisolone" ointment in the range of 80-120% of the nominal concentration. The study of robustness of the method has allowed to determine that it is necessary to follow a strict temperature range during the reaction to produce correct results (60°C ±1°). The amount of phenylhydrazine in the reagent may vary between 0,4-1,0 g/l. Criteria of linearity, precision and convergence for the model extraction of the ointment are also observed within the whole range of the determination and are statistically and practically insignificant (a ≤ Sa×1,86=4,4, Δas,% ≤3,20=2,71, δ≤1,0240=1,00). The method is acceptable for use in laboratories of the drug quality control and could be applied for determination of prednisolone in "0.5% Prednisolone" ointment with the hydrophobic base within the range of concentration of 0.4-0.6%.Была проведена адаптация и валидация аналитической методики фотоколориметрического определения преднизолона по реакции с фенилгидразином методом стандарта в условиях научно-исследовательской лаборатории согласно стандартных процедур, указанных в Государственной фармакопее Украины. Определены основные валидационные характеристики при использовании стандартной субстанции для приготовления модельного раствора и установлено, что критерии линейности и прецизионности соблюдаются в диапазоне концентраций 80-120% (а именно 0,08-0,12 мг/мл в исследуемом растворе или 0,4-0,6% преднизолона в мази) и являются статистически и практически незначимыми (а ≤ Sa × 1,86 = 4,7, Δas% ≤ 3,20 = 2,86, δ ≤ 1,0240 = 0,92). Полученные корректные результаты позволили апробировать методику для определения преднизолона в модельном извлечении из мази «Преднизолон 0,5%» в диапазоне 80-120% от номинальной концентрации. Проведенные исследования робастности методики позволили установить, что для получения корректных результатов необходимо придерживаться четкого интервала температуры при проведении реакции (60°С±1°). Количество фенилгидразина в реактиве при этом может колебаться в пределах 0,4-1,0 г/л. Критерии линейности, прецизионности и правильности для модельного извлечения из мази также выполняются по всему диапазону определения и являются статистически и практически незначимыми (а ≤ Sa × 1,86 = 4,4, Δas% ≤ 3,20 = 2,71, δ ≤ 1,0240 = 1,00). Методика является приемлемой для использования в лабораториях контроля качества лекарственных средств и может применяться для определения преднизолона в мази «Преднизолон 0,5%» с гидрофобной основой в пределах концентраций 0,4-0,6%.Проведено адаптацію та валiдацiю аналiтичної методики фотоколориметричного визначення преднiзолону за реакцією з фенілгідразином за методом стандарту в умовах науково-дослідної лабораторії за стандартними процедурами, описаними в Державній фармакопеї України. Визначено основні валідаційні характеристики при використанні стандартної субстанції для приготування модельного розчину та встановлено, що критерії лінійності та прецизійності виконуються в діапазоні концентрацій 80-120% (а саме 0,08-0,12 мг/мл в досліджуваному розчині або 0,4-0,6% преднізолону в мазі) та є статистично і практично незначущими (а ≤ Sa×1,86=4,7, Δas% ≤ 3,20 = 2,86, δ≤1,0240=0,92). Отримані корректні результати дозволили апробувати методику для визначення преднізолону в модельному вилученні з мазі “Преднізолон 0,5%” в діапазоні 80-120% від номінальної концентрації. Було проведено дослідження робастності методики та встановлено, що для отримання коректних результатів необхідно дотримуватися чіткого інтервалу температури при проведенні реакції (60°С±1°). Кількість фенілгідразину в реактиві при цьому може коливатися в межах 0,4-1,0 г/л. Критерії лінійності, прецизійності та збіжності для модельного вилучення з мазі також виконуються на всьому діапазоні визначення та є статистично і практично незначущими (а ≤ SaΔs% ≤ 3,20= 2,71, δ≤1,0240=1,00). Методика є прийнятною для використання в лабораторіях контролю якості лікарських засобів і може бути запроваджена для визначення преднізолону в мазі «Преднізолон 0,5%» з гідрофобною основою в межах концентрацій 0,4-0,6%