881 research outputs found

    Este es mi lugar (This must be the place, 2011) de Paolo Sorrentino

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    Reseña de la película "Este es mi lugar" de Paolo Sorrentino.Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Prof. Dr. R. Rossi

    Catalytic asymmetric C–C cross-couplings enabled by photoexcitation

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    Enantioselective catalytic processes are promoted by chiral catalysts that can execute a specific mode of catalytic reactivity, channeling the chemical reaction through a certain mechanistic pathway. Here, we show how by simply using visible light we can divert the established ionic reactivity of a chiral allyl–iridium(iii) complex to switch on completely new catalytic functions, enabling mechanistically unrelated radical-based enantioselective pathways. Photoexcitation provides the chiral organometallic intermediate with the ability to activate substrates via an electron-transfer manifold. This redox event unlocks an otherwise inaccessible cross-coupling mechanism, since the resulting iridium(ii) centre can intercept the generated radicals and undergo a reductive elimination to forge a stereogenic centre with high stereoselectivity. This photochemical strategy enables difficult-to-realize enantioselective alkyl–alkyl cross-coupling reactions between allylic alcohols and readily available radical precursors, which are not achievable under thermal activation. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Microvascular dysfunction in pediatric patients with SARS-COV-2 pneumonia: report of three severe cases

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    The coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected hundreds of millions of people worldwide: in most of cases children and young people developed asymptomatic or pauci-symptomatic clinical pictures. However authors have showed that there are some categories of childhood more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection such as newborns or children with comorbidities. We report for the first time to the best of our knowledge about microvascular dysfunction in three pediatric clinical cases who developed COVID-19 infections with need of pediatric critical care. We found that sublingual microcirculation is altered in children with severe COVID-19 infection. Our findings confirmed most of data already observed by other authors in adult population affected by severe COVID-19 infection, but with distinct characteristics than microcirculation alterations previous observed in a clinical case of MIS-C. However we cannot establish direct correlation between microcirculation analysis and clinical or laboratory parameters in our series, by our experience we have found that sublingual microcirculation analysis allow clinicians to report directly about microcirculation dysfunction in COVID-19 patients and it could be a valuable bedside technique to monitor thrombosis complication in this population

    Equianalgesia, opioid switch and opioid association in different clinical settings: a narrative review

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    Emergency or postoperative pain often represents an authentic challenge in patients who were already on opioid treatment for chronic pain. Thus. their management requires not only the physician's ability to treat acute pain. but also competence in switching the opioid that lost efficacy. Different aspects should be considered, such as opioids titration, switching, association and equianalgesia.The objective of this paper is to provide a narrative review. which has been elaborated and discussed among clinicians through an iterative process involving development and review of the draft during two web-based meetings and via email. This expert opinion aims to facilitate the correct opioid use through appropriate practices with a focus on pain treatment in emergency and postoperative pain.Equianalgesia tables were reviewed and integrated by clinicians and researchers with expertise in anesthesia, postoperative medicine, intensive care, emergency medicine pharmacology and addiction medicine. Special populations (liver/kidney failure. elder, pediatric, pregnancy/lactation) are discussed in detail along with other critical scenarios, such as: (i) rapid pain worsening in chronic pain (aggravating pain due to disease progression or tolerance development to analgesic therapy): (ii) acute pain on maintenance treatment: and (iii) pain management of complicated patients in emergency care.Extended and updated equianalgesia tables and conversion rates for 17 different opioid formulations (of 9 different molecules) are presented as follows.Opioids remain the class that best suits clinical needs of emergency and post-operative medicine. However, it should be stressed that equianalgesia can be affected by drug-to-drug interactions and pharmacological imprecision. in a complex field where clinical experience may be the main guiding principle

    Estudio de sensibilidad de parámetros de modelos en flujos cavitantes en régimen no estacionario

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    La cavitación es un complejo fenómeno físico que se presenta generalmente en flujos turbulentos afectado por varios factores, como la presión del sistema y la concentración de gases no condensables disueltos. Para analizar este comportamiento se han desarrollado modelos matemáticos, algunos de los cuales se encuentran dentro de software de simulaciones comerciales. Para ser aplicados, junto con modelos de turbulencia, deben fijarse cierto número de parámetros de calibración que han sido establecidos sólo para un número reducido de tipos de flujo (geometrías simples, variables del fluido típicas, flujo no desprendido, etc.). Cuando empieza a aparecer el flujo reverso, incluso en geometrías simples, la capacidad de predecir correctamente el fenómeno de cavitación es menor y se cree que un estudio cuidadoso de sensibilidad de parámetros es útil a la hora de realizar aplicaciones de simulación a casos industriales. Este trabajo amplía resultados ya obtenidos anteriormente, estudiando en detalle los modelos de mejor comportamiento ya seleccionados, producto de la experiencia adquirida. Se busca ahora identificar la mejor combinación de parámetros a través de la comparación de resultados experimentales de flujos cavitantes, de características fuertemente no estacionarias, de típica aparición en turbomáquinas hidráulicas (TMH), extendiendo los trabajos de calibración ya realizados anteriormente. Se ha seguido utilizando geometrías simples (tipo Venturi) con el objeto de centrarse en los modelos de turbulencia y cavitación ya probados para casos estacionarios y por tener una abundante información experimental de flujos cavitantes en estas geometrías. Los trabajos de validación/calibración se llevaron a cabo comparando perfiles de velocidad del fluido, la presión en la zona cavitante y la frecuencia del ciclo de crecimiento y decrecimiento de la cavidad, entre otras variables, ajustando los coeficientes de producción/disipación de energía turbulenta y algunos parámetros típicos del modelo de flujo cavitante los que pueden influir en la exactitud y estabilidad de las predicciones numéricas.Postprint (published version

    Uso de lógica difusa y análisis de correspondencias simples para caracterizar los vientos de la provincia de La Rioja, Argentina

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    The objective of this study was to identify which are the departments of the Province of La Rioja with the highest wind speeds by using the fuzzy logic technique and by means of simple correspondence factor analysis (AFCS). The wind speeds of the Province of La Rioja between the period 2010-2020 were analyzed. The information comes from the database of the POWER project (Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resources) of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Statistical processing of the data was carried out and multivariate data analysis was applied to establish the predominant characteristics of the winds according to each department of the province. Subsequently, to evaluate the results, a comparison was made by means of kriging interpolation, resulting in a series of monthly maps depicting average wind speeds. The behavior is stable in the analyzed period, there are no great variations between the months studied. During the period from June to November there are increases in the wind speeds in the foothills area. The winds of La Rioja usually correspond between a light breeze and a moderate breeze (1.6 and 7.9 m/s).El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar cuáles son los departamentos de la Provincia de La Rioja con mayores velocidades del viento mediante el uso de la técnica de lógica difusa y por medio del análisis factorial de correspondencias simples (AFCS). Se analizaron las velocidades de viento de la Provincia de La Rioja entre el periodo 2010-2020. La información proviene de la base de datos del proyecto POWER (Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resources) de la NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Se realizó el procesamiento estadístico de los datos y se aplicó el análisis de datos multivariados para establecer las características predominantes de los vientos según cada departamento de la provincia. Posteriormente, para realizar la evaluación, se compararon los resultados mediante interpolación de kriging y se obtuvo una serie de mapas mensuales que grafican las velocidades promedio del viento. El comportamiento es estable en el periodo analizado, no hay grandes variaciones entre los meses estudiados. En el periodo junio a noviembre existen incrementos en las velocidades de los vientos en la zona de precordillera. Los vientos de La Rioja usualmente corresponden entre ventolina y brisa moderada (1,6 y 7,9 m/s).&nbsp

    Cluster Percolation in O(n) Spin Models

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    The spontaneous symmetry breaking in the Ising model can be equivalently described in terms of percolation of Wolff clusters. In O(n) spin models similar clusters can be built in a general way, and they are currently used to update these systems in Monte Carlo simulations. We show that for 3-dimensional O(2), O(3) and O(4) such clusters are indeed the physical `islands' of the systems, i.e., they percolate at the physical threshold and the percolation exponents are in the universality class of the corresponding model. For O(2) and O(3) the result is proven analytically, for O(4) we derived it by numerical simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, minor modification

    A lattice model for the line tension of a sessile drop

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    Within a semi--infinite thre--dimensional lattice gas model describing the coexistence of two phases on a substrate, we study, by cluster expansion techniques, the free energy (line tension) associated with the contact line between the two phases and the substrate. We show that this line tension, is given at low temperature by a convergent series whose leading term is negative, and equals 0 at zero temperature