180 research outputs found

    МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ МОЖЛИВОСТІ ДОСВІДУ ТРАНСГУМАНІТАРНОСТІ В ДИДАКТИЧНО-ОСВІТНІЙ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ. (Methodological possibilities of the experience of transhumantarish in the didactic-educational activity)

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    Стаття присвячена розгляду методологічного потенціалу концепту трансгуманітарності, який передбачає розгляд не лише феномена людини в реаліях сьогодення, але й середовища, створеного людиною, особливостей її діяльності та існування. Наголошується на евристичному потенціалі досвіду трансгуманітарності в осмисленні характеру та спрямованості трансформацій, що відбуваються в освітній сфері. Акцентується увага на необхідності зміни гуманітарної парадигми на трансгуманітарну в дидактично-освітній діяльності. (This article is dedicated to the analysis of methodological potential of the concept of transhumantarish, which foresees the analysis not only the phenomena of a human in the realities of our time, but also the environmrnt, which was creatcol by a human, peculiarities of its activity and existence. Transhumanitarity foresees the changes in scientific perception, it reflects all cultural practices, connected with the human world, where the inner potential of personal "I" is realized. Concept of transhumanitarity comes from centrical understanding of a person, her position in the world and personal nature. It orients educational process to the necessity of searching and creation by a person the social requirements in all identical and cultural forms. Attention is accented to the circumstances that formation and development of transhumanitarity as a new humanitarian direction is prepared by scientific-technogical and cultural development of mankind. It is stressed on the problem of the evristic potential of the experience, transhumantarism in the comprehension of the character and the direction of transformations, which take place in the educational sphcre. Attention is paid to the necessity of changing the humanistic paradigm for the transhumanistic in the didactic-educational activity The article proves the need and nature of innovational development of education in the modern society. Innovational part of transhumanitarity orients the didactic-educational process to the maximal development of creative qualities to the formation of great motivation of self-development of individium. Educational activity is more concentrated on the development of capability to education. It is emphasized that the accentualization on free development of the personality, creative selt-vealization is one of the educational bearings of informational epoch. Organization of educational process, educational institutions and technogies are directed to the disclosing of inner world of a person who happens to be "in the movement" (self-changing and self-formation). It is emphasized that the accentualization on free development of the personality, creative selt-vealization is one of the educational bearings of informational epoch. Stressed, that the dialogue in education is the desire to attract people to active learning of the world

    Infections trypanosomiennes chez des bovins dans la zone Sud-soudanienne du Burkina Faso

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    Afin d'évaluer la prévalence apparente des infections trypanosomiennes et quelques facteurs de variation chez les bovins dans la zone Sud-soudanienne du Burkina Faso, 1 796 animaux répartis dans cinq provinces ont été prélevés entre 1994 et 1995, pour la recherche de trypanosomes par l'examen microscopique du buffy coat et du frottis sanguin coloré au Giemsa. Dans quatre des provinces prospectées en saison des pluies (juillet-août), la prévalence apparente a varié entre 7,6 p. 100 (intervalle de confiance : 4,9-11,3 p. 100)et 12,2 p. 100 (IC : 8,9-16,3 p. 100). Celle-ci a été de 4,9 p. 100 (IC : 2,7-8,4 p. 100) pour l'unique province où l'enquête a été effectuée en saison sèche (mars). Des facteurs de variation étudiés (province, zone d'encadrement d'élevage, phénotype animal, classe d'âge), seules la zone d'élevage et la classe d'âge semblent avoir eu un effet significatif sur la prévalence des infections chez les animaux. Une diminution en particulier de la prévalence àTrypanosoma vivax avec l'âge, alors que c'était l'inverse pour T. congolense, a été observée. L'espèce T. vivax était prédominante (64 p. 100 des infections totales), suivie par T. congolense (46,6 p. 100) et T. brucei (2,5 p. 100). Il y a eu 13 p. 100 d'infections mixtes et les infections à T. vivax étaient positivement associées à celles à T. congolense. (Résumé d'auteur

    Prevalence of and factors associated with human cysticercosis in 60 villages in three provinces of Burkina Faso

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    Background : Taenia solium, a zoonotic infection transmitted between humans and pigs, is considered an emerging infection in Sub-Saharan Africa, yet individual and community-level factors associated with the human infection with the larval stages (cysticercosis) are not well understood. This study aims to estimate the magnitude of association of individual-level and village-level factors with current human cysticercosis in 60 villages located in three Provinces of Burkina Faso. Methodology/Principal Findings : Baseline cross-sectional data collected between February 2011 and January 2012 from a large community randomized-control trial were used. A total of 3609 individuals provided serum samples to assess current infection with cysticercosis. The association between individual and village-level factors and the prevalence of current infection with cysticercosis was estimated using Bayesian hierarchical logistic models. Diffuse priors were used for all regression coefficients. The prevalence of current cysticercosis varied across provinces and villages ranging from 0% to 11.5%. The results obtained suggest that increased age, being male and consuming pork as well as a larger proportion of roaming pigs and percentage of sand in the soil measured at the village level were associated with higher prevalences of infection. Furthermore, consuming pork at another village market had the highest increased prevalence odds of current infection. Having access to a latrine, living in a household with higher wealth quintiles and a higher soil pH measured at the village level decreased the prevalence odds of cysticercosis. Conclusions/Significance : This is the first large-scale study to examine the association between variables measured at the individual-, household-, and village-level and the prevalence odds of cysticercosis in humans. Factors linked to people, pigs, and the environment were of importance, which further supports the need for a One Health approach to control cysticercosis infection

    Existerait-il au sein des peuplements de Lannea microcarpa des individus à caractères botaniques différents dans la zone de Zorgho (Burkina Faso)?

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    La présente étude porte sur la caractérisation botanique de Lannea sp. et Lannea microcarpa et ses Lannea sp. Elle a été conduite à Zorgho, commune située à 110 km à l’Est de Ouagadougou et a pour objectif de caractériser et de comparer la morphologie des organes des individus. Les échantillons de fleurs et de fruits ont été prélevés entre les mois de mars 2014 et juin 2014 et conservés dans du formol-acide acétique-alcool. Les observations ont concerné la morphologie et la structure florales. Les résultats montrent que les individus de Lannea sp sont à feuilles simples différents de Lannea microcarpa qui sont à feuilles composées. Les analyses révèlent deux types d’inflorescences: les inflorescences femelles à étamines réduites, à pistil développé et celles mâles à étamines développées, à pistil réduit. Il ressort de cette étude la présence Lannea sp au sein des peuplements de Lannea microcarpa. Les investigations pourront se poursuivre sur le plan génétique pour voir si ces individus sont de nouvelles espèces.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Caractère, botanique, comparaison, inflorescences, Lannea sp., Burkina FasoEnglish Title: Would there exist within the settlements of Lannea microcarpa individuals with different botanical characters in the zone of Zorgho (Burkina Faso)?English AbstractThis study focuses on the botanical characterization of Lannea sp and Lannea microcarpa individuals. The study was conducted at Zorgho city located at 110 km from the eastern part of Ouagadougou. The objective was to characterize and compare the morphology of the organs. Samples of flowers and fruits were collected between March 2014 and June 2014 and stored in alcohol-acetic acid and formalin. Observations were made on the floral morphology and structure. Results showed that individuals of Lannea sp have simple leaves, different from those of Lannea microcarpa which were compound leaves. Analysis revealed two types of inflorescences: the female inflorescences with reduced stamens and developed pistils and the male inflorescences with developed stamen and reduced pistils. This study brought out the presence of Lannea sp. individuals within the populating of Lannea microcarpa. Other investigations at the genetic level could be carried on to see whether these individuals are new species.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Botany, character, comparison, inflorescences, Lannea sp., Burkina Fas

    Temporal Variation of Seedling Growth and Leaves Type of Four Morphotypes of Lannea Microcarpa Engl.& K. Krause in Burkina Faso

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    This study evaluated the growth performance and the leaves type of seedlings from different morphotypes of Lannea microcarpa in the central plateau of Burkina Faso.Then, seeds of Lannea microcarpa were collected from four (4) morphotypes based on their botanical characters and noted as NLs: Lannea sp. from Naab-Mayooghin, MLs: from Mamousyorgo 1, MaLs: fromMamousyorgo2, ZLs: fromZiniaré. One hundred seeds per morphotypes were used for the seedlings production in nursery through sowing by using a randomized block design. The leaves type of the produced seedlings was investigated by visual observation. Significant differences in the growth traits of the seedlings were found among the four morphotypes (p < 0,05). The height and the collar diameter of the seedlings were found to be higher in NLs, MaLs and ZLs than those in MLs. Regarding the leaves, it was observed different types among the morphotypes. Seeds from NLs and MLs produced seedlings with both compound and simple leaves while those from ZLs and MaLs produced seedlings with only compound leaves. Generally, all morphotypes exhibited a relatively high growth with production of different types of leaves

    Woody Species Composition, Diversity And Structure of Vegetation of Peri-Urban Park in Leo, Burkina Faso

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    This work aims to fill a gap in knowledge of the Burkina Faso Southern Sudanese flora and vegetation. The woody vegetation of the forest park of the Scholl Complex in Léo comprises a total of 26 families, 63 genera and 81 species including native and introduced ones. The fallow is the unit that contains all families and genera and 93% of species. The most abundant species of units of the Park are Terminalia avicennioides (Combretaceae), Piliostigma thonningii (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae), Daniellia oliveri (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae), Vitellaria paradoxa (Sapotaceae), Detarium microcarpum (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae), Diospyros mespiliformis (Ebenaceae), Annona senegalensis (Annonaceae) and Pteleopsis suberosa (Combretaceae).The species that regenerate the most and that will ensure the sustainability of the peri-urban forest resources are Gardenia erubescens (Rubiaceae), Piliostigma reticulatum (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae), Vitellaria paradoxa, Annona senegalensis, Terminalia avicennioides (Combretaceae), Diospyros mespilifomis and Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae). The most threats on vegetation and flora of the School Complex are fraudulent human exploitation, parasitic pressure and progressive intrusion of Azadirachta indica.Peri-urban park resources conservation measures concern the replanting of vegetation in degraded areas and incentives for wood production for local populations. A management program for threatened or rare species, control of invasive alien plants and domestic animals and the development and improvement of habitat to create a future urban park

    ОБРАЗ ЛЮДИНИ ЕПОХИ «ПЛИННОЇ МОДЕРНОСТІ» (The image of a human of the époque of instable modernity)

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    Акцентується увага, що складність, мінливість, не прогнозованість сучасних реалій зумовлені не лише природними та соціальними катаклізмами, але й антропологічною кризою, необхідністю розглянути людину як нову антропологічну реальність, відмовившись від традиційних уявлень, які сформувалися у попередні епохи. Наголошується, що у просторі сучасності складається нова ідентичність людини, яка детермінована лише сама собою, є можливісною та відкритою світові (Attention is accented to the problem of that complicity, nonchangeability of modern realities are caused not only by natural and social cataclisms, but also by the anthropological crisis, the necessity of examining the person as a new anthropological reality, refused from the traditional ideas which were formed during the preri ous epoques. It is stressed that in the space of modernity we have a new identity to a person, which is determined only by oneself, possible and open to the world

    Alive & Thrive Evaluation in Burkina Faso: endline data

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    The data are the endline survey of a before-after cluster-randomised trial evaluating the Alive & Thrive programme in Burkina Faso. This was a cross-sectional household survey (N=3,367), designed to select a population-representative sample of women of reproductive age with at least one live birth in the previous 23 months living in rural areas of Boucle du Mouhoun, Burkina Faso. The dataset contains information on the following: socio-demographic characteristics of the woman & her husband; household assets; reproductive history; antenatal, delivery & postnatal care relating to the index birth; illnesses the infant has experienced in the past fortnight; initiation of breastfeeding; current infant feeding patterns (food diaries); problems/difficulties experienced relating to breastfeeding; sources of information & advice relating to infant feeding; and the woman’s knowledge of optimal infant feeding practices

    CLEVER: A Trivia and Strategy Game for Enterprise Knowledge Learning

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    © Lennart Nacke, 2016. This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in CHI PLAY Companion '16 Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts, https://doi.org/10.1145/2968120.2971805Knowledge management (KM) includes the acquisition, sharing, and dissemination of knowledge within a company. The problem with many enterprise KM systems is that they are complex and hardly used, because workers lack motivation to engage in a collaborative process of knowledge sharing and learning. To address this, we developed a gameful learning component of an enterprise KM system (KMS). Our game features an innovative combination of trivia and strategy elements, put together to afford motivation within a KMS. It can be played by employees in the same organization to foster collaborative knowledge exchange and learning.NSERC SSHRCPeer-reviewe