102 research outputs found

    Transexualidade e a dignidade da pessoa humana: a alteração no registro civil sem a prévia cirurgia de transgenitalização: analíse do Recurso Extraordinario n. 670.422 do Supremo Tribunal Federal

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    Monografia apresentada ao Curso de Graduação em Direito da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, como requisito parcial para obtenção do Grau de Bacharel em Direito.Este trabalho monográfico estudou a possibilidade da alteração do prenome da pessoa transexual, sem que ocorra a prévia cirurgia de transgenitalização, partindo do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e o direito da personalidade. Estudando inclusive as características que definem a pessoa transexual, bem como demonstrando a diversidade sexual, para que assim se compreenda de forma clara e objetiva acerca da identidade de gênero. A relevância da abordagem do tema, não reflete apenas nas relações jurídicas, mas sim também perante a pessoa transexual e a sociedade, pois a inadequação do nome da pessoa transexual irá gerar certa humilhação para este, ferindo seus direitos básicos. O método utilizado foi o dedutivo, em pesquisa teórica, qualitativa com emprego de material bibliográfico e documental legal, além das análises da Ação Direita de Inconstitucionalidade no 4275; Provimento no 73 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça e do Recurso Extraordinário no 670.422 do Supremo Tribunal Federal. É de suma relevância o tema em questão, pois uma vez que ocorre a necessidade de se buscar a via judicial, para que possa fazer o reconhecimento de sua identidade, tais processos judiciais podem ser longos, burocráticos e desgastantes emocionalmente. Concluiu- se por tanto, de que a prévia cirurgia de transgenitalização, não pode ser tratada como requisito para a alteração do nome perante os registros civis, haja vista, a ocorrência do principio da dignidade humana

    Psychomotor slowing alters gait velocity, cadence, and stride length and indicates negative symptom severity in psychosis.

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    Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder, in which 50% of the patients present with motor abnormalities such as psychomotor slowing. Slow spontaneous gait has been reported in schizophrenia. However, comprehensive objective instrumental assessments of multiple gait conditions are missing. Finally, the specific gait patterns of subjects with psychomotor slowing are still unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to objectively assess multiple gait parameters at different walking conditions in patients with schizophrenia with and without psychomotor slowing. Also, we hypothesised gait impairments to correlate with expert ratings of hypokinetic movement disorders and negative symptoms. We collected gait data (GAITRite®) in 70 patients with psychomotor slowing (SRRS (Salpetriere retardation rating scale) ≥15), 22 non-psychomotor slowed patients (SRRS  16.18, all p < 0.001). Secondly, slower velocity was associated with more severe hypokinetic movement disorders and negative symptoms. In conclusion, gait impairments exist in a spectrum with healthy controls on one end and patients with psychomotor slowing on the other end. Patients with psychomotor slowing are specifically impaired when an adaptation of gait patterns is required, contributing to the deleterious effects of sedentary behaviours

    Integração dos modais de transportes frente ao desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro

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    This article aims to compare the modalities of rail and waterway transportation with the road modal, through its characterization, in order to evaluate the efficiency of cargo transportation in Brazil. The methodology was based on a bibliographical analysis of materials in the academic environment (articles, dissertations, theses and magazines) in order to raise the strengths and points of improvement in the transport sector in Brazil, to the detriment of its high multimodal potential, reach the transport efficiency needed to maintain its economic development. Among the information obtained, it was evidenced that for decades the transposition of the Brazilian goods has been given by the predominant modal road, which in turn is saturated and limited. Due to the lack of federal government investments in infrastructure and logistics, the country is on the verge of stagnation in economic growth, as production becomes more expensive as a consequence of the high costs involved in its transportation, leaving the products at a competitive disadvantage in the national territory and in exports. In this way, the article shows that there is no one mode of transportation better than another, the transportation route becomes more appropriate according to its purpose.Este artículo tiene como objetivo hacer una comparación de los modales de transporte ferroviario e hidroviario con el modal carretera, por medio de su caracterización, a fin de evaluar la eficiencia del transporte de cargas en Brasil. La metodología se basó en un análisis bibliográfico en materiales existentes en el medio académico (artículos, disertaciones, tesis y revistas) para levantar los puntos fuertes y puntos de mejora en el sector de transporte en el Brasil actual, en detrimento de su alto potencial multimodal, lograr la eficiencia en el transporte necesario para mantener su desarrollo económico. Entre las informaciones obtenidas, se evidenció que hace décadas la transposición de las mercancías brasileñas se ha dado por el predominante modal carretera, ese a su vez se encuentra saturado y limitado. Debido a la falta de inversiones del gobierno federal en la infraestructura y logística, el país está en la inminencia de un estancamiento en el crecimiento económico, ya que la producción se vuelve más cara como consecuencia de los altos costos involucrados en su transporte, dejan los productos en desventaja competitiva tanto en el territorio nacional y en las exportaciones. De esta forma, el artículo muestra que no existe un modal de transporte mejor que otro, la vía de transporte se vuelve más apropiada de acuerdo con su finalidad.Este artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma comparação dos modais de transporte ferroviário e hidroviário com o modal rodoviário, por meio de sua caracterização, afim de avaliar a eficiência do transporte de cargas no Brasil. A metodologia baseou-se numa análise bibliográfica em materiais existentes no meio acadêmico (artigos, dissertações, teses e revistas) de modo a levantar os pontos fortes e pontos de melhoria no setor de transporte no Brasil atual, em detrimento ao seu alto potencial multimodal, alcance a eficiência no transporte necessário para manter o seu desenvolvimento econômico. Dentre as informações obtidas, evidenciou-se que há décadas a transposição das mercadorias brasileiras tem se dado pelo predominante modal rodoviário, esse por sua vez encontra-se saturado e limitado. Devido à falta de investimentos do governo federal na infraestrutura e logística, o país está na iminência de uma estagnação no crescimento econômico, visto que a produção se torna mais cara em consequência dos altos custos envolvidos no seu transporte, deixam os produtos em desvantagem competitiva tanto no território nacional quanto nas exportações. Dessa forma, o artigo mostra que não existe um modal de transporte melhor do que outro, a via de transporte se torna mais apropriada de acordo com sua finalidade

    Determinación mediante la prueba del laberinto elevado en cruz del efecto ansiogénico en ratas de extractos de Tabernaemontana solanifolia A. DC. (Apocynaceae)

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    ABSTRACTIntroduction: Tabernaemontana solanifolia A. DC. (Apocynaceae) grows in the Cerrado (savanna), Caatinga (shrublands), and Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Objective: to investigate the potential anxiolytic activity of the crude extracts and ß-amyrin acetate obtained from the leaves of Tabernaemontana solanifolia in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) test for anxiety in rats. Methods: the crude extracts (aqueous, ethanol, and hexane), as well as ß-amyrin acetate, obtained from Tabernaemontana solanifolia leaves were evaluated for possible anxiolytic effects in rats tested in the elevated plus-maze. Acute toxicity in rats was determined by OECD 423 guidelines. The leaves of T. solanifolia specimens collected in Brasília, Brazil, were air dried at 40 °C and macerated with hexane or ethanol. After filtration, the solvents were removed under reduced pressure, yielding the crude hexane and ethanolic extracts (5.96 and 18.62 % yield, respectively). The crude aqueous extract was obtained by infusion, followed by lyophilization (13.5 % yield). Thirty minutes before the elevated plus-maze experiments, the animals were treated with the crude ethanol extract (1 000 mg/kg of body weight [bw], p.o.), the crude hexane extract (1 000 mg/kg bw, p.o.), the crude extract (1 000 mg/kg bw, p.o.), or ß-amyrin acetate (21 mg/kg bw, p.o.). Results: the extracts cauded no mortality up to 2 000 mg/kg, so half of DL50 doses were selected for the present study. The crude extracts (hexane, ethanolic and aqueous) (1.0 g/kg) as well as the substance ß-amyrin acetate (21 mg/kg) were administered once, increasing the number of entries into and the time spent in the closed arms of the elevated plus-maze. Conclusion: the oral administration of the extracts and ß-amyrin acetate obtained from Tabernaemontana solanifolia had an anxiogenic effect in rats. Further studies are needed in order to identify and characterize the anxiogenic properties of Tabernaemontana solanifolia and to understand the anxiogenic mechanisms of the extracts. ______________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENIntroducción: Tabernaemontana solanifolia A. DC. (Apocynaceae) crece en el Cerrado (sabana), Caatinga (matorrales) y la Mata Atlántica de Brasil. Objetivo: investigar la posible actividad ansiolítica de los extractos crudos y el acetato de ß-amirina obtenidos de las hojas de Tabernaemontana solanifolia en la prueba del laberinto elevado en cruz (EPM) para la ansiedad en ratas. Métodos: los extractos crudos (etanol acuoso y hexano), así como el acetato de ß-amirina, se evaluaron para posibles efectos ansiolíticos en ratas mediante la prueba del laberinto elevado en cruz. La toxicidad aguda en ratas se determinó por las directrices OCDE 423. Las hojas de Tabernaemontana solanifolia se secaron al aire a 40 °C y fueron maceradas con hexano y etanol. Después de la filtración, los disolventes se eliminaron bajo presión reducida, produciendo los extractos crudos hexano y etanólico (5,96 y 18,62 % de rendimiento, respectivamente). El extracto acuoso bruto se obtuvo por infusión, seguida por liofilización (13,5 % de rendimiento). A 30 min antes de los experimentos de laberinto elevado en cruz, los animales se trataron con el extracto de etanol crudo (1 000 mg/kg de peso corporal [bw], p.o.), el extracto de hexano crudo (1 000 mg/kg de peso corporal, por vía oral), el extracto acuoso (1 000 mg/kg de peso corporal, por vía oral) o ß-amirina acetato (21 mg/kg de peso corporal, por vía oral). Resultados: los extractos no produjeron mortalidad hasta 2 000 mg/kg, por lo que para el presente estudio se seleccionó la mitad de la dosis DL50. Los extractos crudos (hexano, etanol y acuoso) (1 000 mg/kg), así como la sustancia acetato de ß-amirina (21 mg/kg) se administraron una vez, aumentando el número de entradas y el tiempo pasado en los brazos cerrados de la prueba del laberinto elevado en cruz. Conclusión: la administración oral de los extractos y el acetato de ß-amirina obtenidos de Tabernaemontana solanifolia tuvo un efecto ansiogénico en ratas. Se necesitan estudios adicionales para identificar y caracterizar las propiedades ansiogénicas de Tabernaemontana solanifolia y para entender los mecanismos ansiogénicos de los extractos

    Motor abnormalities are associated with poor social and functional outcomes in schizophrenia.

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    BACKGROUND Up to 50% of patients with schizophrenia are suffering from motor abnormalities, which may contribute to decreased quality of life, impaired work capacity, and a reduced life expectancy by 10-20 years. However, the effect of motor abnormalities on social and global functioning, as well as, functional capacity is not clear. We hypothesized, that the presence of motor abnormalities is associated with poorer functional outcomes in patients with schizophrenia. METHODS We collected data on 5 different motor abnormalities in 156 patients suffering from schizophrenia spectrum disorders: parkinsonism, catatonia, dyskinesia, neurological soft signs and psychomotor slowing (PS). Additionally, we used three different scales to evaluate the functional outcomes in these patients: the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) and the Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) which use clinicians' judgment; and one using a performance-based measure of functional capacity, the brief version of the UCSD Performance-based Skills Assessment (UPSA-B). RESULTS Our analysis demonstrated that patients with catatonia (all F > 4.5; p  4.9; p < 0.027) scored lower on GAF and SOFAS compared to patients without catatonia and parkinsonism. In contrast, no significant difference on functional outcomes between patients with dyskinesia versus without dyskinesia exist in our study. Furthermore, there are statistically significant negative correlations for parkinsonism and PS with GAF, SOFAS and UPSA-B (all tau are at least -0.152, p-value <0.036). We also found significant negative correlations between catatonia and both GAF & SOFAS (all tau are at least -0.203, p-value<0.001) and between NES and SOFAS (tau = -0.137, p-value = 0.033). CONCLUSION Here, we showed that four of the most common motor abnormalities observed in schizophrenia were associated with at least one of the patients' functional outcomes. The stronger the motor impairment was the worse the global and social functioning. Future studies need to test, whether amelioration of motor abnormalities is linked to improved community functioning

    Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disorder Dimensions in Psychosis.

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    BACKGROUND AND HYPOTHESIS Formal thought disorder (FTD) is a core symptom of psychosis, but its neural correlates remain poorly understood. This study tested whether four FTD dimensions differ in their association with brain perfusion and brain structure. STUDY DESIGN This cross-sectional study investigated 110 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders using 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The Thought and Language Disorder scale (TALD) was utilized, which comprises four subscales: Objective Positive (OP), Objective Negative (ON), Subjective Positive (SP), and Subjective Negative (SN). Resting-state cerebral blood flow (rsCBF), cortical thickness (CortTh), gray matter volume (GMV), and diffusion MRI tractography were tested for associations with TALD subscales controlling for age, medication, total intracranial volume, and for variance of the 3 other TALD subscales. STUDY RESULTS Following Bonferroni correction, the FTD dimensions presented distinct neural correlates. OP scores were associated with increased rsCBF and increased GMV in the right cerebellum lingual gyrus. Higher SP scores were linked to increased GMV in bilateral prefrontal cortex. In contrast, ON was associated with increased GMV in the right premotor cortex. At more liberal statistical thresholds, higher SP was associated with increased CortTh in the right inferior frontal gyrus, whereas SN scores were linked to decreased GMV in the right prefrontal lobe, the left inferior temporal gyrus, and the left supplementary motor area. Unadjusted analyses mostly corroborated these findings. CONCLUSION These findings stress the heterogeneity in FTD, suggesting distinct neural patterns for specific FTD experiences. In sum, FTD in psychosis may require distinct treatment strategies and further mechanistic investigations on single-item levels

    Circulating tumour cell associated microRNA profiles change during chemoradiation and are predictive of response in locally advanced rectal cancer

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    Locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) has traditionally been treated with trimodality therapy consisting of neoadjuvant radiation +/− chemotherapy, surgery, and adjuvant chemotherapy. There is currently a clinical need for biomarkers to predict treatment response and outcomes, especially during neoadjuvant therapy. Liquid biopsies in the form of circulating tumour cells (CTCs) and circulating nucleic acids in particular microRNAs (miRNA) are novel, the latter also being highly stable and clinically relevant regulators of disease. We studied a prospective cohort of 52 patients with LARC, and obtained samples at baseline, during treatment, and post-treatment. We enumerated CTCs during chemoradiation at these three time-points, using the IsofluxTM (Fluxion Biosciences Inc., Alameda, CA, USA) CTC Isolation and detection platform. We then subjected the isolated CTCs to miRNA expression analyses, using a panel of 106 miRNA candidates. We identified CTCs in 73% of patients at baseline; numbers fell and miRNA expression profiles also changed during treatment. Between baseline and during treatment (week 3) time-points, three microRNAs (hsa-miR-95, hsa-miR-10a, and hsa-miR-16-1*) were highly differentially expressed. Importantly, hsa-miR-19b-3p and hsa-miR-483-5p were found to correlate with good response to treatment. The latter (hsa-miR-483-5p) was also found to be differentially expressed between good responders and poor responders. These miRNAs represent potential predictive biomarkers, and thus a potential miRNA-based treatment strategy. In this study, we demonstrate that CTCs are present and can be isolated in the non-metastatic early-stage cancer setting, and their associated miRNA profiles can potentially be utilized to predict treatment response

    Nanocellulose as a natural source for groundbreaking applications in materials science: Todays state

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    Nanocelluloses are natural materials with at least one dimension in the nano-scale. They combine important cellulose properties with the features of nanomaterials and open new horizons for materials science and its applications. The field of nanocellulose materials is subdivided into three domains: biotechnologically produced bacterial nanocellulose hydrogels, mechanically delaminated cellulose nanofibers, and hydrolytically extracted cellulose nanocrystals. This review article describes todays state regarding the production, structural details, physicochemical properties, and innovative applications of these nanocelluloses. Promising technical applications including gels/foams, thickeners/stabilizers as well as reinforcing agents have been proposed and research from last five years indicates new potential for groundbreaking innovations in the areas of cosmetic products, wound dressings, drug carriers, medical implants, tissue engineering, food and composites. The current state of worldwide commercialization and the challenge of reducing nanocellulose production costs are also discussed.Dana Kralisch and Dagmar Fischer gratefully acknowledge the Free State of Thuringia and the European Social Fund (2016 FGR 0045) for funding. Dagmar Fischer would like to thank Yvette Pötzinger and Berit Karl for the excellent editorial support. Dieter Klemm, Friederike Kramer and Katrin Petzold-Welcke are grateful for the support by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, ZIM (KF2748903MF4 and KF2386003MF3). Thanks are due to the employees of Jenpolymer Materials Ltd. & Co. KG and the Polymet Jena Association, especially Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Fried, and Prof. Dr. Raimund W. Kinne, Experimental Rheumatology Unit, Department of Orthopedics, Jena University Hospital, Germany as well as to Dr. Detlef Gorski and Elke Langhammer, SuraChemicals GmbH, Jena, Germany for effective and helpful cooperation and stimulating interaction. Dieter Klemm and Friederike Kramer would like to thank Katharina Horn for the excellent editorial support. Miguel Gama acknowledges the funding from QREN (“Quadro de Referência Estratégica Nacional”) through the BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020-Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Tom Lindström acknowledges RISE Bioeconomy for support and permission to publish. Emily Cranston and Stephanie Kedzior are thankful for funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) in the form of a Discovery Grant (RGPIN 402329) and PGSD graduate student scholarship, as well as support from the Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enfermagem e empreendedorismo: uma revisão integrativa / Nursing and entrepreneurship: an integrative review

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    Introdução – O empreendedorismo e a enfermagem remontam desde Florence Nightingale, onde está por meio da elaboração de medidas de higiene conseguiu diminuir o número de mortes durante a guerra da Crimeia. Hoje o acadêmico em enfermagem deve sair do curso com noção de administração e gerenciamento, o que contribui para a formação de profissionais empreendedores. Objetivo - Identificar as relações entre enfermagem e empreendedorismo. Metodologia - Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica integrativa de cunho qualitativo. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados: Google scholar, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências de Saúde (LILACS) e o Banco de Dados em Enfermagem (BDENF). Utilizando-se descritores em língua inglesa. “entrepreneurshipandnursing”, “Nursingand Brainstorming in Brazil” e “social entrepreneurshipandnursing”. Resultados - O empreendedorismo pode ser de grande relevância para a enfermagem, visto que, abre portas para novas oportunidades de trabalho, atuando de forma há melhore sua técnica, aumentando a experiência, melhorando sua relação social e aumentando e proporcionando novas oportunidades de trabalho. Contudo sofre inúmeros problemas, indo desde o modelo medico centrado até falta de informação sobre o assunto nas universidades, dificultando e distanciando o enfermeiro das práticas empreendedoras. Conclusão – Existe características intrínsecas no enfermeiro que o torna empreendedor, no entanto é necessário que haja o estimulo dentro das universidades para que os acadêmicos entrem no mercado de trabalho com uma visão inovadora de sua profissão.