78 research outputs found

    Materials didàctics alternatius per a l’ensenyament de les llengües. El reportatge

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015El treball que a continuació exposem reflexa la idea de que avui dia els llibres de text de llengua no són un material apropiat per a la realització de les programacions d’aula. Per a defensar aquesta opinió, primer hem explicat quins són els principis que nosaltres considerem fonamentals per a l’ensenyament de les llengües, en segon lloc, hem analitzat el llibre de text de llengua i explicat les mancances que hi trobem com a material didàctic d’aula, i finalment hem dissenyat una unitat didàctica amb materials alternatius. La nostra idea no és altra que elaborar una unitat amb materials didàctics alternatius al llibre de text, amb el fi de què, qualsevol mestre pugui aplicar-la a l’aula amb el seu grup. Per tal d’aconseguir-ho cal deixar ben clar el pilar que fonamenta la unitat i raonar els motius que ens han dut a dissenyar-la, per què hem escollit eixos objectius, per què proposem eixos continguts, quines són les finalitats de les activitats proposades... El pilar que dóna fonament al disseny de la nostra seqüència didàctica es basa en desenvolupar la competència comunicativa treballant els quatre engranatges que propicien l’ensenyament de la llengua. Aquests engranatges són; la comprensió lectora, l’expressió oral, l’expressió escrita i la reflexió lingüística que alhora serveixen per assolir els objectius principals del llenguatge ensenyant a parlar, escoltar, conversar, llegir i escriure. Per acabar voldríem justificar la tria del reportatge com a fil conductor de la unitat. Hem escollit el gènere periodístic i en concret aquest text informatiu perquè considerem el reportatge com una font de motivació molt bona, amb grans possibilitats per a treballar diferents continguts, a banda, també ens permetrà treballar valors i emocions de manera transversal gràcies a la gran varietat de temes que presenten

    Retropupilar positioning of foldable iris-claw intraocular lens for correction of aphakia with no capsular support

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    © 2016 Faria et al. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at https://www.dovepress.com/terms.php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/). By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms (https://www.dovepress.com/terms.php).Summary: Iris-claw intraocular lens (ICIOL) for aphakia needs a large 5.4 mm corneal incision for its implantation. The technique needs corneal suture, associated with some postoperative astigmatism. Foldable ICIOL is used in phakic patients undergoing refractive surgery and has the advantage of a sutureless small corneal incision. We report a case of a high myopic patient with dislocated intraocular lens (IOL) and no capsular support. Dislocated IOL with its capsular bag was released with three-port, 23-gauge vitrectomy; placed in the anterior chamber; sliced; and extruded through a 3.2-mm corneal incision, where a foldable ICIOL was introduced and placed retropupillary. This technique achieved a stable fixation of the IOL. Retropupillary implantation of a foldable ICIOL on aphakic patients has advantages over that of a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) ICIOL due to smaller corneal incision. The technique may be safe and easy to perform. Purpose: The purpose of this report was to describe the technique of retropupillary implantation of a foldable iris-claw intraocular lens (ICIOL) in a patient with dislocated intraocular lens (IOL) in mid vitreous cavity. Methods: Foldable ICIOL (Artiflex® Myopia Model 401) is used in phakic patients undergoing refractive surgery and has the advantage of a sutureless small corneal incision. We report a case of a high myopic patient with dislocated IOL and no capsular support. The calculation was a -5.0 D IOL for retropupilar position, and a foldable ICIOL was introduced through a 3.2-mm corneal incision and placed retropupillary. Results: The technique was easy to achieve. IOL was properly positioned retropupillary and maintained stable. There was no ocular hypertension and no anterior chamber flare or iris atrophy. Conclusion: Retropupillary implantation of a foldable ICIOL on aphakic patients has advantages over that of a PMMA ICIOL due to smaller corneal incision. The technique may be safe and easy to perform.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Economic valuation and mapping of Ecosystem Services in the context of protected area management (Natural Park of Serra de São Mamede, Portugal)

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    Demonstrating economic benefits generated by protected areas is often pointed out as pivotal for supporting decision-making. We argue in this paper that the concept of ecosystem services (ES), defined as the benefits humans derive from ecosystems, provides a consistent framework to approach this issue as it links ecosystem functioning and benefits, including benefits with economic value. This study aimed at providing evidence on how to bring the economic value of protected areas to the decision-making process and contributing to extend current EU Member States' experience in mapping and assessing the economic value of ES in the context of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 (Action 5). In doing so, we used the Natural Park of Serra de S. Mamede (PNSSM), located in the Alentejo NUTS II region, as a case study. We followed a three-step approach to pursue our goals, entailing stakeholders' engagement for selecting relevant ES (through a participatory workshop), biophysical mapping of ES flows (based on a multi-tiered approach depending on data availability) and spatial economic estimation of such flows (using value transfer, willingness-to-pay and market price methods). Our results indicate that the ES with highest economic value are not always the ones with higher perceived value by stakeholders. For most ES, the economic value increased with increasing protection level within the park, except for the crop production service. Although no formal uncertainty or sensitivity analysis has been performed, the following range is based on a critical assessment of non-primary data used. We estimated the aggregate annual value of PNSSM to be 11 to 33M€/year (representing 0.1 to 0.3% of the regional NUTSII Alentejo Gross Domestic Product). Our findings reinforce the need to adopt mixes of monetary and non-monetary valuation processes and not to rely just on one approach or measure of value while bringing ES into protected areas management

    Retropupillary iris claw intraocular lens implantation in aphakia for dislocated intraocular lens

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    © 2016 Faria et al. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at https://www.dovepress.com/terms.php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/).Background: Nowadays, dislocated intraocular lenses (IOLs) and inadequate capsular support are becoming a challenge for every ophthalmic surgeon. Explantation of dislocated IOL and iris claw IOL (ICIOL) are the techniques that have been used in our ophthalmic department. The aim of this study is to report our technique for retropupillar ICIOL. Methods: This study is a retrospective case series. A total of 105 eyes with dislocated IOL from the patients at the Department of Ophthalmology in Santa Maria Hospital, a tertiary reference hospital in Lisbon, Portugal, from January 2012 until January 2016, had been analyzed. Of these 105 eyes, 66 eyes had dislocated one-piece IOL and 39 eyes had dislocated three-piece IOL. The latter underwent iris suture of the same IOL and were excluded from this study. The remaining 66 eyes with dislocated one-piece IOL underwent pars plana vitrectomy, that is, explantation of dislocated IOL through corneal incision and an implantation of retropupillary ICIOL. Operative data and postoperative outcomes included best corrected visual acuity, IOL position, intraocular pressure, pigment dispersion, clinical signs of endothelial cell loss, and anterior chamber depth. Results: The mean follow-up was 23 months (range: 6–48 months). The mean preoperative best corrected visual acuity was 1.260±0.771 logMAR, and postoperative best corrected visual acuity was 0.352±0.400 logMAR units. Mean vision gain was 0.909 logMar units. The patients had the following complications: 1) retinal detachment was found in one patient, 2) corneal edema was found in three patients, 3) high intraocular pressure was observed in twelve patients, 4) subluxation of the IOL was observed in one patient, and 5) macular edema was found in three eyes. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that retropupillary ICIOL is an easy and effective method for the correction of aphakia in patients not receiving capsule support. The safety of this procedure must be interpreted in the context of a surgery usually indicated in complicated cases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Satellite-based estimation of soil organic carbon in Portuguese grasslands

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    Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration is one of the main ecosystem services provided by well-managed grasslands. In the Mediterranean region, sown biodiverse pastures (SBP) rich in legumes are a nature-based, innovative, and economically competitive livestock production system. As a co-benefit of increased yield, they also contribute to carbon sequestration through SOC accumulation. However, SOC monitoring in SBP require time-consuming and costly field work. Methods: In this study, we propose an expedited and cost-effective indirect method to estimate SOC content. In this study, we developed models for estimating SOC concentration by combining remote sensing (RS) and machine learning (ML) approaches. We used field-measured data collected from nine different farms during four production years (between 2017 and 2021). We utilized RS data from both Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, including reflectance bands and vegetation indices. We also used other covariates such as climatic, soil, and terrain variables, for a total of 49 inputs. To reduce multicollinearity problems between the different variables, we performed feature selection using the sequential feature selection approach. We then estimated SOC content using both the complete dataset and the selected features. Multiple ML methods were tested and compared, including multiple linear regression (MLR), random forests (RF), extreme gradient boosting (XGB), and artificial neural networks (ANN). We used a random cross-validation approach (with 10 folds). To find the hyperparameters that led to the best performance, we used a Bayesian optimization approach. Results: Results showed that the XGB method led to higher estimation accuracy than the other methods, and the estimation performance was not significantly influenced by the feature selection approach. For XGB, the average root mean square error (RMSE), measured on the test set among all folds, was 2.78 g kg−1 (r2 equal to 0.68) without feature selection, and 2.77 g kg−1 (r2 equal to 0.68) with feature selection (average SOC content is 13 g kg−1). The models were applied to obtain SOC content maps for all farms. Discussion: This work demonstrated that combining RS and ML can help obtain quick estimations of SOC content to assist with SBP managementinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    INTRODUÇÃO: É notável o grande espectro de apresentação do HIV/Aids em crianças e adolescentes, sendo essencial o conhecimento do perfil clínico-imunológico dessa população a fim de identificar aqueles com maior risco de complicações e óbito. Esse entendimento permite o estabelecimento de estratégias de intervenção mais específicas de acordo com a fase atual da doença visando à diminuição da morbimortalidade e à melhora da qualidade de vida. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o estágio atual clínico-laboratorial das crianças vivendo com HIV atendidas no Serviço de Assistência Especializada (SAE) pediátrico do estado do Maranhão. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, quantitativo, a partir de registro em prontuário de 105 casos de pacientes de 0 a 13 anos incompletos vivendo com HIV/Aids, atendidos no SAE do Hospital Universitário Materno Infantil da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, no período entre 1º de julho de 2019 a 30 de junho de 2020. RESULTADOS: Houve discreta predominância do sexo masculino (52,3%) e da faixa etária escolar (52,3%). A idade do diagnóstico da infecção pelo HIV ocorreu majoritariamente (53,5%) após os 18 meses. A classificação de estágio de doença atual mais prevalente (72,4%) foi a “N1”. Mais da metade (62%) dos pacientes apresentou valores indetectáveis da carga viral. A maioria (58%) das crianças não apresentou nenhuma internação; entre aquelas que haviam sido internadas, a maioria (56,8%) passou por apenas uma internação. A combinação mais comum (44,7%) ocorreu entre 2 ITRN e 1 IP. O principal fator implicado na troca da TARV foi a resistência viral (77%). Houve relato de má adesão em 37% de todos os prontuários e associado a 60,6% das mudanças dos esquemas antirretrovirais. CONCLUSÕES: O grande percentual de crianças e adolescentes com manifestações leves da doença e sem imunossupressão evidencia a importância do acompanhamento regular pautado na avaliação clínico-imunológica e no estímulo à adesão terapêutica adequada


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    Introdução: A infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana representa um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública, sendo a transmissão vertical a principal via de transmissão na infância. Objetivo: Este estudo pretendeu analisar fatores associados à transmissão vertical do HIV em crianças expostas que foram atendidas em serviço especializado de referência no cuidado de pacientes infectados e não infectados pelo HIV no estado do Maranhão. Método: Estudo retrospectivo e descritivo, cuja população é representada por crianças expostas ao HIV nascidas entre janeiro de 2017 e dezembro de 2018. As variáveis referentes aos fatores determinantes da transmissão vertical foram: uso de antirretrovirais durante o pré-natal, uso de antirretrovirais para profilaxia durante o parto, tipo de parto, aleitamento materno, uso e duração de profilaxia com antirretroviral oral para o recém-nascido. Foram associadas à evolução para infecção ou não pelo HIV e analisadas estatisticamente para compreensão da relevância como possíveis fatores de causalidade. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes (93,9%) não foi infectada; a taxa de transmissão foi de 6,1%. As mães que não usaram terapia antirretroviral durante a gestação tiveram 19 vezes mais chance de transmitir o HIV a seus filhos; não usar profilaxia na mãe durante o parto e não instituir profilaxia no recém-nascido aumentaram em 24 e 32 vezes essa chance, respectivamente. O ato de não amamentar e o parto cesáreo foram identificados como fatores protetores. Conclusões: Todos os fatores elencados neste estudo exerceram influência significativa sobre o desfecho dos casos positivos de infecção congênita pelo HIV

    Analysis of genetic structure of portuguese sheep populations from churro branch

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    A diversidade e estrutura genética foram estudadas em seis raças portuguesas do grupo Churro (Badana, Galega Bragançana, Galega Mirandesa, Mondegueira, Churra da Terra Quente e Algarvia), e na raça exótica Assaf, com um conjunto de 20 microssatélites. Os dados foram analisados com a metodologia bayesiana implementada pelo software STRUCTURE. A variabilidade genética observada sugere a existência de quatro populações ancestrais na sua origem. As raças Assaf e Algarvia estão bem identificadas com populações ancestrais distintas, o que resultará do seu distanciamento geográfico relativamente às restantes raças. As outras raças Churras, cuja área de exploração é o Norte de Portugal, mostram um grau de diferenciação reduzido, e resultam de duas populações ancestrais que contribuem em maior ou menor proporção para cada raça, o que indica que provavelmente terá existido fluxo de genes entre estas raças