16 research outputs found

    Vigilancia de la tuberculosis en las Islas Baleares y caracterización de los casos infradeclarados entre los años 2005 y 2007

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    ResumenEstudio descriptivo de los casos de tuberculosis detectados por el Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica en Baleares, en el trienio de 2005 a 2007. El objetivo fue caracterizar los casos infradeclarados en términos sociodemográficos y de su contacto con la atención primaria de salud. Globalmente, la infradeclaración de la tuberculosis se sitúa en torno al 20%. Las características que resultan significativas en el análisis multivariado son la marginalidad social (alcoholismo, usuarios de drogas por vía parenteral o indigencia) (odds ratio ajustada [ORa]:2,6 [1,2-5,3]), el contacto con la atención primaria (ORa:3,2 [1,4-7,1]) y la tuberculosis extrapulmonar (ORa:5,5 [3,2-9,6]). Se recomienda reforzar la notificación de los especialistas hospitalarios mediante la adecuación informática de la historia clínica hospitalaria, y se observa que la información obtenida desde la informatización de la historia en atención primaria resulta de utilidad para mejorar la vigilancia epidemiológica de la tuberculosis.AbstractWe performed a descriptive study of tuberculosis cases detected by the Epidemiological Surveillance System in the Balearic Islands in the triennium 2005-2007. Our goal was to characterize underreported cases in sociodemographic terms and their contact with primary care. Overall, underreporting of tuberculosis was approximately 20%. Significant factors in multivariate analysis were social marginality (consisting of alcoholism, intravenous drug use or indigence) (aOR: 2.6 [1.2 to 5.3]), contact with primary care (aOR: 3.2 [1.4 to 7.1]), and extrapulmonary tuberculosis (aOR: 5.5[3.2-9.6]). We recommend strengthening notification by hospital specialists through the use of hospital electronic records. Our findings show that the information obtained from the primary care computerized history is helpful in improving the epidemiological surveillance of tuberculosis

    A randomized controlled trial: branched‐chain amino acid levels and glucose metabolism in patients with obesity and sleep apnea

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    There is evidence that changes in branched‐chain amino acid (BCAA) levels may correlate with the efficacy of therapeutic interventions for affecting improvement in metabolic control. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether serum concentrations of BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, valine) could mediate in insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance after continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A prospective randomized controlled trial of OSA patients with morbid obesity was conducted. Eighty patients were randomized into two groups: 38 received conservative treatment and 42 received CPAP treatment for 12 weeks. Plasma levels of BCAA, glucose tolerance and insulin resistance were evaluated at baseline and after treatment. After treatment, significant decreases of leucine levels were observed in both groups when compared with baseline levels (P < 0.005). With respect to patients with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) had higher baseline levels of isoleucine (78 ± 16 versus 70 ± 13 μmol L−1, P = 0.014) and valine (286 ± 36 versus 268 ± 41 μmol L−1, P = 0.049), respectively. Changes in levels of leucine and isoleucine after treatment were related negatively to changes in fasting plasma glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin values only in the conservative group (P < 0.05). In summary, we found that the treatment with CPAP for 12 weeks caused similar changes in circulating BCAAs concentrations to conservative treatment and a differential metabolic response of CPAP and conservative treatment was observed between the relationship of BCAAs and glucose homeostasis. Additional studies are needed to determine the interplay between branched‐chain amino acids and glucose metabolism in patients with sleep apnea

    [Tuberculosis surveillance in the Balearic Islands and characteristics of unreported cases from 2005 to 2007].

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    We performed a descriptive study of tuberculosis cases detected by the Epidemiological Surveillance System in the Balearic Islands in the triennium 2005-2007. Our goal was to characterize underreported cases in sociodemographic terms and their contact with primary care. Overall, underreporting of tuberculosis was approximately 20%. Significant factors in multivariate analysis were social marginality (consisting of alcoholism, intravenous drug use or indigence) (aOR: 2.6 [1.2 to 5.3]), contact with primary care (aOR: 3.2 [1.4 to 7.1]), and extrapulmonary tuberculosis (aOR: 5.5[3.2-9.6]). We recommend strengthening notification by hospital specialists through the use of hospital electronic records. Our findings show that the information obtained from the primary care computerized history is helpful in improving the epidemiological surveillance of tuberculosis

    Using surveillance data to estimate pandemic vaccine effectiveness against laboratory confirmed influenza A(H1N1)2009 infection : two case-control studies, Spain, season 2009-2010

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    Background: Physicians of the Spanish Influenza Sentinel Surveillance System report and systematically swab patients attended to their practices for influenza-like illness (ILI). Within the surveillance system, some Spanish regions also participated in an observational study aiming at estimating influenza vaccine effectiveness (cycEVA study). During the season 2009-2010, we estimated pandemic influenza vaccine effectiveness using both the influenza surveillance data and the cycEVA study. Methods: We conducted two case-control studies using the test-negative design, between weeks 48/2009 and 8/2010 of the pandemic season. The surveillance-based study included all swabbed patients in the sentinel surveillance system. The cycEVA study included swabbed patients from seven Spanish regions. Cases were laboratory-confirmed pandemic influenza A(H1N1)2009. Controls were ILI patients testing negative for any type of influenza. Variables collected in both studies included demographic data, vaccination status, laboratory results, chronic conditions, and pregnancy. Additionally, cycEVA questionnaire collected data on previous influenza vaccination, smoking, functional status, hospitalisations, visits to the general practitioners, and obesity. We used logistic regression to calculate adjusted odds ratios (OR), computing pandemic influenza vaccine effectiveness as (1-OR *100. Results: We included 331 cases and 995 controls in the surveillance-based study and 85 cases and 351 controls in the cycEVA study. We detected nine (2.7%) and two (2.4%) vaccine failures in the surveillance-based and cycEVA studies, respectively. Adjusting for variables collected in surveillance database and swabbing month, pandemic influenza vaccine effectiveness was 62% (95% confidence interval (CI): -5; 87). The cycEVA vaccine effectiveness was 64% (95%CI: -225; 96) when adjusting for common variables with the surveillance system and 75% (95%CI: -293; 98) adjusting for all variables collected. Conclusion: Point estimates of the pandemic influenza vaccine effectiveness suggested a protective effect of the pandemic vaccine against laboratory-confirmed influenza A(H1N1)2009 in the season 2009-2010. Both studies were limited by the low vaccine coverage and the late start of the vaccination campaign. Routine influenza surveillance provides reliable estimates and could be used for influenza vaccine effectiveness studies in future seasons taken into account the surveillance system limitations

    El papel de la escuela en el nuevo contexto social multicultural de Mallorca. La perspectiva del autóctono.

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    Plastic waste management in the hotel sector: a bibliographic mapping analysis for the case of Mallorca

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    [eng] This research analysed the role of the hotel sector in the issue of plastic pollution through a bibliographic coupling study. The present study is remarkably appropriate for mature tourist destinations such as the island of Mallorca to understand the role of the hotel sector in plastic waste and the following steps to prevent plastic pollution caused by tourism activity. This study finds that the literature on plastic pollution and the hotel sector is relatively scarce, and more research on the topic is crucial. Moreover, the current literature has focused excessively on strategies for recycling and disposal, when they should give more significance to preventing and reducing plastic waste. The economic benefits from promoting sustainability in the hotel sector would be numerous since plastic pollution damages the industry in various ways, including loss of revenue. Therefore, more awareness of the topic is needed, along with a detailed framework for the hotel industry to follow. This research grants an immense contribution to the field since it analyses the current literature on plastic waste in the hotel sector and outlines a path for appropriate future research

    Brote de gripe por virus pandémico (H1N1) 2009 en una residencia para personas discapacitadas psíquicas en las Islas Baleares

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    Fundamentos: La temporada gripal 2009-2010 ha sido más corta y benigna de lo esperado. Desde enero de 2010 los sistemas de vigilancia de gripe indicaban unas tasas de incidencia muy bajas sin detección de circulación del virus. En este contexto, un hospital comunicó una sospecha de brote de enfermedad respiratoria grave, cuya etiología resultó ser gripe (H1N1) 2009. Describimos el brote y las actuaciones de Salud Pública para su control. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de un brote epidémico por virus gripal pandémico en una residencia para discapacitados mentales. Establecimiento de vigilancia activa. La definición de caso de gripe fue muy sensible para detectar los nuevos casos al inicio, tratarlos precozmente y minimizar la transmisión. Se adoptaron medidas de contención de la infección por virus gripal. Resultados: De 38 casos detectados 7 (todos con factores de riesgo) sufrieron complicaciones graves. No hubo defunciones. La tasa global de ataque fue del 35,2%. Los primeros casos eran trabajadores. Los casos en residentes se acumularon en el pico del brote y entre trabajadores la presentación fue más dispersa. Ninguno de los trabajadores y sólo tres residentes habían sido vacunados. Conclusiones: El brote se inició en los trabajadores de la residencia, a partir de los cuales se difundió a las personas residentes. Destacamos la necesidad de cumplir las recomendaciones de vacunación, no sólo de las personas con factores de riesgo, sino también muy especialmente de los trabajadores en contacto con aquello

    Estimación de la cobertura de las vacunaciones sistemáticas en la población infantil de las Islas Baleares

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    Fundamentos: Para un buen desarrollo de los programas de vacunación es primordial conocer la cobertura de vacunación. En las Islas Baleares la cobertura notificada era muy inferior a la del resto de España. El objetivo de este trabajo es la estimación de la cobertura de las vacunas incluidas en el calendario recomendado hasta los 18 meses de edad (4 dosis de polio oral, tétanos y difteria; 3 de tosferina; 1 de sarampión, rubeola y parotiditis). Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, de base poblacional. Se calcularon los estimadores puntuales de distribución de frecuencias y los intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC95%) correspondientes, sobre una muestra de la población residente en Baleares de dos años de edad (nacida en 1995), seleccionada por muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados en una sola etapa a partir de las secciones censales. Se consultan los registros de vacunas de Sanidad y de los centros de salud del Insalud, se pide telefónicamente a las familias los datos del documento de vacunación y a los pediatras privados los de la historia clínica. Resultados: La muestra incluía 606 niños. Pudo obtenerse la información completa de 532. Se consiguió la información completa de 377 casos (62%) a partir de los registros del sector público. La cobertura más baja fue la de la vacuna antidiftérica, 518 niños complentamente vacunados, el 96,8% (IC95% = 94,8 - 98,1) y la más alta la de la vacuna antipertussis, 537 niños, el 98,9% (IC95% = 97,5 - 99,5). Conclusiones: En las Islas Baleares existe una buena cobertura de la vacunación, similar a lo que se viene estimando en España en su totalidad. Se cumple el objetivo incluido en el Plan de Erradicación de la Polio. La información recogida desde el sector público es escasa

    Estimación de la cobertura de las vacunaciones sistemáticas en la población infantil de las Islas Baleares

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    Fundamentos: Para un buen desarrollo de los programas de vacunación es primordial conocer la cobertura de vacunación. En las Islas Baleares la cobertura notificada era muy inferior a la del resto de España. El objetivo de este trabajo es la estimación de la cobertura de las vacunas incluidas en el calendario recomendado hasta los 18 meses de edad (4 dosis de polio oral, tétanos y difteria; 3 de tosferina; 1 de sarampión, rubeola y parotiditis). Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, de base poblacional. Se calcularon los estimadores puntuales de distribución de frecuencias y los intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC95%) correspondientes, sobre una muestra de la población residente en Baleares de dos años de edad (nacida en 1995), seleccionada por muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados en una sola etapa a partir de las secciones censales. Se consultan los registros de vacunas de Sanidad y de los centros de salud del Insalud, se pide telefónicamente a las familias los datos del documento de vacunación y a los pediatras privados los de la historia clínica. Resultados: La muestra incluía 606 niños. Pudo obtenerse la información completa de 532. Se consiguió la información completa de 377 casos (62%) a partir de los registros del sector público. La cobertura más baja fue la de la vacuna antidiftérica, 518 niños complentamente vacunados, el 96,8% (IC95% = 94,8 - 98,1) y la más alta la de la vacuna antipertussis, 537 niños, el 98,9% (IC95% = 97,5 - 99,5). Conclusiones: En las Islas Baleares existe una buena cobertura de la vacunación, similar a lo que se viene estimando en España en su totalidad. Se cumple el objetivo incluido en el Plan de Erradicación de la Polio. La información recogida desde el sector público es escasa

    A randomized controlled trial: branched‐chain amino acid levels and glucose metabolism in patients with obesity and sleep apnea

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    There is evidence that changes in branched‐chain amino acid (BCAA) levels may correlate with the efficacy of therapeutic interventions for affecting improvement in metabolic control. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether serum concentrations of BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, valine) could mediate in insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance after continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A prospective randomized controlled trial of OSA patients with morbid obesity was conducted. Eighty patients were randomized into two groups: 38 received conservative treatment and 42 received CPAP treatment for 12 weeks. Plasma levels of BCAA, glucose tolerance and insulin resistance were evaluated at baseline and after treatment. After treatment, significant decreases of leucine levels were observed in both groups when compared with baseline levels (P < 0.005). With respect to patients with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) had higher baseline levels of isoleucine (78 ± 16 versus 70 ± 13 μmol L−1, P = 0.014) and valine (286 ± 36 versus 268 ± 41 μmol L−1, P = 0.049), respectively. Changes in levels of leucine and isoleucine after treatment were related negatively to changes in fasting plasma glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin values only in the conservative group (P < 0.05). In summary, we found that the treatment with CPAP for 12 weeks caused similar changes in circulating BCAAs concentrations to conservative treatment and a differential metabolic response of CPAP and conservative treatment was observed between the relationship of BCAAs and glucose homeostasis. Additional studies are needed to determine the interplay between branched‐chain amino acids and glucose metabolism in patients with sleep apnea