139 research outputs found

    On the time continuity of entropy solutions

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    We show that any entropy solution uu of a convection diffusion equation tu+÷F(u)Δϕ(u)=b\partial_t u + \div F(u)-\Delta\phi(u) =b in \OT belongs to C([0,T),L^1_{Loc}(\o\O)). The proof does not use the uniqueness of the solution

    Entropy estimates for a class of schemes for the euler equations

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    In this paper, we derive entropy estimates for a class of schemes for the Euler equations which present the following features: they are based on the internal energy equation (eventually with a positive corrective term at the righ-hand-side so as to ensure consistency) and the possible upwinding is performed with respect to the material velocity only. The implicit-in-time first-order upwind scheme satisfies a local entropy inequality. A generalization of the convection term is then introduced, which allows to limit the scheme diffusion while ensuring a weaker property: the entropy inequality is satisfied up to a remainder term which is shown to tend to zero with the space and time steps, if the discrete solution is controlled in L \infty and BV norms. The explicit upwind variant also satisfies such a weaker property, at the price of an estimate for the velocity which could be derived from the introduction of a new stabilization term in the momentum balance. Still for the explicit scheme, with the above-mentioned generalization of the convection operator, the same result only holds if the ratio of the time to the space step tends to zero

    Error estimates for a numerical approximation to the compressible barotropic Navier-Stokes equations

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    We present here a general method based on the investigation of the relative energy of the system, that provides an unconditional error estimate for the approximate solution of the barotropic Navier Stokes equations obtained by time and space discretization. We use this methodology to derive an error estimate for a specific DG/finite element scheme for which the convergence was proved in [27]. This is an extended version of the paper submitted to IMAJNA

    Convergence of the MAC scheme for the compressible stationary Navier-Stokes equations

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    We prove in this paper the convergence of the Marker and Cell (MAC) scheme for the discretization of the steady state compressible and isentropic Navier-Stokes equations on two or three-dimensional Cartesian grids. Existence of a solution to the scheme is proven, followed by estimates on approximate solutions, which yield the convergence of the approximate solutions, up to a subsequence, and in an appropriate sense. We then prove that the limit of the approximate solutions satisfies the mass and momentum balance equations, as well as the equation of state, which is the main difficulty of this study

    Results for a turbulent system with unbounded viscosities: weak formulations, existence of solutions, boundedness, smoothness'

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    We consider a circulation system arising in turbulence modelling in fluid dynamics with unbounded eddy viscosities. Various notions of weak solutions are considered and compared. We establish existence and regularity results. In particular we study the boundedness of weak solutions. We also establish an existence result for a classical solutio

    Reconstruction of material losses by perimeter penalization and phase-field methods

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    We treat the inverse problem of determining material losses, such as cavities, in a conducting body, by performing electrostatic measurements at the boundary. We develop a numerical approach, based on variational methods, to reconstruct the unknown material loss by a single boundary measurement of current and voltage type. The method is based on the use of phase-field functions to model the material losses and on a perimeter-like penalization to regularize the otherwise ill-posed problem.We justify the proposed approach by a convergence result, as the error on the measurement goes to zero.Comment: 28 page

    Improved photometry of SDSS crowded field images: Structure and dark matter content in the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Leo I

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    We explore how well crowded field point-source photometry can be accomplished with SDSS data: We present a photometric pipeline based on DoPhot, and tuned for analyzing crowded-field images from the SDSS. Using Monte Carlo simulations we show that the completeness of source extraction is above 80% to i < 21 (AB) and a stellar surface density of about 200 sq.amin. Hence, a specialized data pipeline can efficiently be used for e.g. nearby resolved galaxies in SDSS images, where the standard SDSS photometric package Photo, when applied in normal survey mode, gives poor results. We apply our pipeline to an area of about 3.55sq.deg. around the dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph) Leo I, and construct a high S/N star-count map of Leo I via an optimized filter in color-magnitude space (g,r,i). Although the radial surface-density profile of the dwarf deviates from the best fit empirical King model towards outer radii, we find no evidence for tidal debris out to a stellar surface-density of 4*10^(-3) of the central value. We determine the total luminosity of Leo I, and model its mass using the spherical and isotropic Jeans equation. Assuming that 'mass follows light' we constrain a lower limit of the total mass of the dSph to be (1.7+/-0.2)*10^7 Msol. Contrary, if the mass in Leo I is dominated by a constant density dark-matter (DM) halo, then the mass within the central 12' is (2+/-0.6)*10^8 Msol. This leads to a mass-to-light ratio of >>6 (Ic_sol), and possibly >75 if the DM halo dominates the mass and extends further out than 12'. In summary, our results show that Leo I is a symmetric, relaxed and bound system; this supports the idea that Leo I is a dark-matter dominated system.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in A

    Nonlinear Eigenvalues and Bifurcation Problems for Pucci's Operator

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    In this paper we extend existing results concerning generalized eigenvalues of Pucci's extremal operators. In the radial case, we also give a complete description of their spectrum, together with an equivalent of Rabinowitz's Global Bifurcation Theorem. This allows us to solve equations involving Pucci's operators

    Simulation des écoulements à surface libre dans les turbines Pelton par une méthode hybride SPH-ALE

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    International audienceAn Arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE) description of fluid flows is used together with the meshless numerical method Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) to simulate free surface flows. The ALE description leads to an hybrid method that can be closely connected to the finite volume approach. It is then possible to adapt some common techniques like upwind schemes and preconditioning to remedy some of the well known drawbacks of SPH like stability and accuracy. An efficient boundary treatment based on a proper upwinding of fluid information at the boundary surface is settled. The resulting SPH-ALE numerical method is applied to simulate free surface flows encountered in Pelton turbines.La méthode numérique sans maillage Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) est modifiée par l'adoption d'une description Arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE) des écoulements fluides, dans le but de simuler des écoulements à surface libre. Le formalisme ALE conduit à une méthode numérique hybride s'apparentant sur de nombreux points à une approche volumes finis. Il est alors possible d'adapter des techniques numériques courantes comme les schémas décentrés et le préconditionnement pour résoudre certains défauts majeurs de la méthode SPH, comme la stabilité numérique ou le manque de précision. Par ailleurs, le traitement des conditions limites est réalisé par un décentrement approprié des informations fluides sur les surfaces frontières. La méthode numérique SPH-ALE résultante est appliquée à la simulation d'écoulements à surface libre tels que ceux rencontrés dans les turbines Pelton

    The Resolved Structure and Dynamics of an Isolated Dwarf Galaxy: A VLT and Keck Spectroscopic Survey of WLM

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    We present spectroscopic data for 180 red giant branch stars in the isolated dwarf irregular galaxy WLM. Observations of the Calcium II triplet lines in spectra of RGB stars covering the entire galaxy were obtained with FORS2 at the VLT and DEIMOS on Keck II allowing us to derive velocities, metallicities, and ages for the stars. With accompanying photometric and radio data we have measured the structural parameters of the stellar and gaseous populations over the full galaxy. The stellar populations show an intrinsically thick configuration with 0.39q00.570.39 \leq q_{0} \leq 0.57. The stellar rotation in WLM is measured to be 17±117 \pm 1 km s1^{-1}, however the ratio of rotation to pressure support for the stars is V/σ1V/\sigma \sim 1, in contrast to the gas whose ratio is seven times larger. This, along with the structural data and alignment of the kinematic and photometric axes, suggests we are viewing WLM as a highly inclined oblate spheroid. Stellar rotation curves, corrected for asymmetric drift, are used to compute a dynamical mass of 4.3±0.3×1084.3\pm 0.3\times10^{8} M_{\odot} at the half light radius (rh=1656±49r_{h} = 1656 \pm 49 pc). The stellar velocity dispersion increases with stellar age in a manner consistent with giant molecular cloud and substructure interactions producing the heating in WLM. Coupled with WLM's isolation, this suggests that the extended vertical structure of its stellar and gaseous components and increase in stellar velocity dispersion with age are due to internal feedback, rather than tidally driven evolution. These represent some of the first observational results from an isolated Local Group dwarf galaxy which can offer important constraints on how strongly internal feedback and secular processes modulate SF and dynamical evolution in low mass isolated objects.Comment: 14 Pages, 17 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap