
Entropy estimates for a class of schemes for the euler equations


In this paper, we derive entropy estimates for a class of schemes for the Euler equations which present the following features: they are based on the internal energy equation (eventually with a positive corrective term at the righ-hand-side so as to ensure consistency) and the possible upwinding is performed with respect to the material velocity only. The implicit-in-time first-order upwind scheme satisfies a local entropy inequality. A generalization of the convection term is then introduced, which allows to limit the scheme diffusion while ensuring a weaker property: the entropy inequality is satisfied up to a remainder term which is shown to tend to zero with the space and time steps, if the discrete solution is controlled in L \infty and BV norms. The explicit upwind variant also satisfies such a weaker property, at the price of an estimate for the velocity which could be derived from the introduction of a new stabilization term in the momentum balance. Still for the explicit scheme, with the above-mentioned generalization of the convection operator, the same result only holds if the ratio of the time to the space step tends to zero

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