241 research outputs found

    Stiff knots

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    We report on the geometry and mechanics of knotted stiff strings. We discuss both closed and open knots. Our two main results are: (i) Their equilibrium energy as well as the equilibrium tension for open knots depend on the type of knot as the square of the bridge number; (ii) Braid localization is found to be a general feature of stiff strings entanglements, while angles and knot localization are forbidden. Moreover, we identify a family of knots for which the equilibrium shape is a circular braid. Two other equilibrium shapes are found from Monte Carlo simulations. These three shapes are confirmed by rudimentary experiments. Our approach is also extended to the problem of the minimization of the length of a knotted string with a maximum allowed curvature.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dedicated core-on-anvil production of bladelet-like fakes in the Acheulean at Thomas Quarry I - L1 (Casablanca, Morocco)

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    The ability to produce large cutting tools (LCTs) is considered as the technological marker of the Acheulean and the indicator of a greater technological complexity compared to the previous Oldowan. Although Acheulean techno-complexes are also composed of a concurrent core-and-flake technology, the iconic handaxes have attracted more attention than any other lithic component. Consequently, little is known of the small and medium-sized flake productions (small flaking), especially starting from 1 Ma, when handaxe and cleaver manufacture becomes intensive and widespread across Africa, including the Atlantic coastal regions of Morocco. Research at Thomas Quarry I yielded a rich early Acheulean lithic assemblage, mainly composed of quartzite LCTs and small flaking, together with a small-sized flint production. Here, we report a particular aspect of this flint assemblage, i.e. a flint bladelet-like flake production. This process represents a discrete technical behaviour among those related to small flaking both in quartzite and flint: pebbles were flaked using the bipolar-on-anvil technique repeatedly employing a specific method to produce bladelet-like flakes. This production represents the oldest dated occurrence of bladelet-like technology in Africa and reveals technical competencies hitherto unknown for these periods, providing further elements for the techno-economic diversification of the African Acheulean

    Dietary fat intake as a risk factor for the development of diabetes. Multinational, multicenter study of the Mediterranean Group for the Study of Diabetes (MGDS)

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    In the context of the Multinational MGSD Nutrition Study, three groups of subjects were studied: 204 subjects with recently diagnosed diabetes(RDM),42subjectswithundiagnoseddiabetes(UDM)(AmericanDiabetesAssociation criteria—fasting plasma glucose [FPG] 126 mg/dl), and 55 subjects with impaired fasting glucose(IFG)(FPG 110and126mg/dl).Eachgroupwascomparedwithacontrolgroupof nondiabetic subjects, matched one by one for center, sex, age, and BMI. Nutritional habits were evaluated by a dietary history method, validated against the 3-day diet diary. In RDM, the questionnaire referred to the nutritional habits before the diagnosis of diabetes. Demographic data were collected, and anthropometrical and biochemical measurements were taken. RESULTS— Compared with control subjects, RDM more frequently had a family history of diabetes(49.0vs.14.2%;P0.001),exercisedless(exerciseindex53.5vs.64.4;P0.01),and more frequently had sedentary professions (47.5 vs. 27.4%; P 0.001). Carbohydrates contributed less to their energy intake (53.5 vs. 55.1%; P 0.05), whereas total fat (30.2 0.5 vs. 27.8 0.5%; P 0.001) and animal fat (12.2 0.3 vs. 10.8 0.3%; P 0.01) contributed moreandtheplant-to-animalfatratiowaslower(1.50.1vs.1.80.1;P0.01).UDMmore frequentlyhadafamilyhistoryofdiabetes(38.1vs.19.0%;P0.05)andsedentaryprofessions (58.5vs.34.1%;P0.05),carbohydratescontributedlesstotheirenergyintake(47.61.7vs. 52.81.4%;P0.05),totalfat(34.71.5vs.30.41.2%;P0.05)andanimalfat(14.2 0.9 vs. 10.6 0.7%; P 0.05) contributed more, and the plant-to-animal fat ratio was lower (1.6 0.2 vs. 2.3 0.4; P 0.05). IFG differed only in the prevalence of family history of diabetes (32.7 vs. 16.4%; P 0.05). CONCLUSIONS— Our data support the view that increased animal fat intake is associated with the presence of diabetes

    Desenvolvimento de procedências de erva-mate em duas regiões de Santa Catarina.

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    Dois testes combinados de procedências e progênies de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.) foram plantados, no mês de julho de 1997, em duas regiões ecologicamente distintas de Santa Catarina (Chapecó e Três Barras) com o objetivo de identificar indivíduos geneticamente superiores para a implantação de pomares de sementes por mudas e clonais. O material genético consiste de 137 progênies de meios-irmãos provenientes de oito procedências. O delineamento experimental empregado nos dois locais foi o de blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições de seis plantas por parcela, no espaçamento de 3,0 x 1,5 m (4,5 m2 por planta). A poda de formação foi efetuada em agosto de 1999. As podas de produção foram efetuadas em agosto/setembro de 2001 e janeiro/fevereiro de 2003, por volta de quatro anos e aos cinco anos e seis meses após o plantio, respectivamente. Os resultados apresentados nesse trabalho referem-se ao peso fresco de massa foliar obtido por ocasião da primeira e da segunda poda de produção. Tanto em Chapecó como em Três Barras as procedências mais produtivas foram as de Ivai, Cascavel, Quedas do Iguaçu e Barão de Cotegipe. O caracter peso de massa foliar está sob controle genético de média magnitude. Ganhos expressivos podem ser obtidos com a transformação dos testes combinados de procedência e progênie de erva-mate em pomares de sementes por mudas. Contudo, a estratégia de clonar os 50 indivíduos mais produtivos para um pomar de sementes clonal consiste na alternativa mais viável em virtude dos altos ganhos genéticos estimados para a produção de massa foliar.Secão: Conservação, Melhoramento e Multiplicação. Feira do Agronegócio da Erva-mate, 1., 2003, Chapecó. Integrar para promover o agronegócio da erva-mate

    Hierarchical organization of urban mobility and its connection with city livability

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordThe recent trend of rapid urbanization makes it imperative to understand urban characteristics such as infrastructure, population distribution, jobs, and services that play a key role in urban livability and sustainability. A healthy debate exists on what constitutes optimal structure regarding livability in cities, interpolating, for instance, between mono- and poly-centric organization. Here anonymous and aggregated flows generated from three hundred million users, opted-in to Location History, are used to extract global Intra-urban trips. We develop a metric that allows us to classify cities and to establish a connection between mobility organization and key urban indicators. We demonstrate that cities with strong hierarchical mobility structure display an extensive use of public transport, higher levels of walkability, lower pollutant emissions per capita and better health indicators. Our framework outperforms previous metrics, is highly scalable and can be deployed with little cost, even in areas without resources for traditional data collection.Conselleria d’Educacio, Cultura i Universitats of the Government of the Balearic IslandsEuropean Social FundSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesNational Agency for Research Funding AEIFEDER (EU)Maria de Maeztu program for Units of Excellence in R&DNYS Center of Excellence in Data Science, University of RochesterU. S. Army Research Office (ARO

    Effects of temporal correlations in social multiplex networks

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    Multi-layered networks represent a major advance in the description of natural complex systems, and their study has shed light on new physical phenomena. Despite its importance, however, the role of the temporal dimension in their structure and function has not been investigated in much detail so far. Here we study the temporal correlations between layers exhibited by real social multiplex networks. At a basic level, the presence of such correlations implies a certain degree of predictability in the contact pattern, as we quantify by an extension of the entropy and mutual information analyses proposed for the single-layer case. At a different level, we demonstrate that temporal correlations are a signature of a ‘multitasking’ behavior of network agents, characterized by a higher level of switching between different social activities than expected in a uncorrelated pattern. Moreover, temporal correlations significantly affect the dynamics of coupled epidemic processes unfolding on the network. Our work opens the way for the systematic study of temporal multiplex networks and we anticipate it will be of interest to researchers in a broad array of fields

    The physics of spreading processes in multilayer networks

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    The study of networks plays a crucial role in investigating the structure, dynamics, and function of a wide variety of complex systems in myriad disciplines. Despite the success of traditional network analysis, standard networks provide a limited representation of complex systems, which often include different types of relationships (i.e., "multiplexity") among their constituent components and/or multiple interacting subsystems. Such structural complexity has a significant effect on both dynamics and function. Throwing away or aggregating available structural information can generate misleading results and be a major obstacle towards attempts to understand complex systems. The recent "multilayer" approach for modeling networked systems explicitly allows the incorporation of multiplexity and other features of realistic systems. On one hand, it allows one to couple different structural relationships by encoding them in a convenient mathematical object. On the other hand, it also allows one to couple different dynamical processes on top of such interconnected structures. The resulting framework plays a crucial role in helping achieve a thorough, accurate understanding of complex systems. The study of multilayer networks has also revealed new physical phenomena that remain hidden when using ordinary graphs, the traditional network representation. Here we survey progress towards attaining a deeper understanding of spreading processes on multilayer networks, and we highlight some of the physical phenomena related to spreading processes that emerge from multilayer structure.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Multi-scale spatio-temporal analysis of human mobility

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    The recent availability of digital traces generated by phone calls and online logins has significantly increased the scientific understanding of human mobility. Until now, however, limited data resolution and coverage have hindered a coherent description of human displacements across different spatial and temporal scales. Here, we characterise mobility behaviour across several orders of magnitude by analysing ∼850 individuals' digital traces sampled every ∼16 seconds for 25 months with ∼10 meters spatial resolution. We show that the distributions of distances and waiting times between consecutive locations are best described by log-normal and gamma distributions, respectively, and that natural time-scales emerge from the regularity of human mobility. We point out that log-normal distributions also characterise the patterns of discovery of new places, implying that they are not a simple consequence of the routine of modern life

    Evaluation of circulating sRAGE in osteoporosisaccording to BMI, adipokines and fracture risk: a pilot observational study

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    Background: Osteoporosis is a systemic metabolic disease based on age-dependent imbalance between the rates of bone formation and bone resorption. Recent studies on the pathogenesis of this disease identified that bone remodelling impairment, at the base of osteoporotic bone fragility, could be related to protein glycation, in association to oxidative stress. The glycation reactions lead to the generation of glycation end products (AGEs) which, in turn, accumulates into bone, where they binds to the receptor for AGE (RAGE). The aim of this study is to investigate the potential role of circulating sRAGE in osteoporosis, in particular evaluating the correlation of sRAGE with the fracture risk, in association with bone mineral density, the fracture risk marker FGF23, and lipid metabolism. Results: Circulating level of soluble RAGE correlate with osteopenia and osteoporosis level. Serum sRAGE resulted clearly associated on the one hand to bone fragility and, on the other hand, with BMI and leptin. sRAGE is particularly informative because serum sRAGE is able to provide, as a single marker, information about both the aspects of osteoporotic disease, represented by bone fragility and lipid metabolism. Conclusions: The measure serum level of sRAGE could have a potential diagnostic role in the monitoring of osteoporosis progression, in particular in the evaluation of fracture risk, starting from the prevention and screening stage, to the osteopenic level to osteoporosis

    Model Checking Probabilistic Real-Time Properties for Service-Oriented Systems with Service Level Agreements

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    The assurance of quality of service properties is an important aspect of service-oriented software engineering. Notations for so-called service level agreements (SLAs), such as the Web Service Level Agreement (WSLA) language, provide a formal syntax to specify such assurances in terms of (legally binding) contracts between a service provider and a customer. On the other hand, formal methods for verification of probabilistic real-time behavior have reached a level of expressiveness and efficiency which allows to apply them in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we suggest to employ the recently introduced model of Interval Probabilistic Timed Automata (IPTA) for formal verification of QoS properties of service-oriented systems. Specifically, we show that IPTA in contrast to Probabilistic Timed Automata (PTA) are able to capture the guarantees specified in SLAs directly. A particular challenge in the analysis of IPTA is the fact that their naive semantics usually yields an infinite set of states and infinitely-branching transitions. However, using symbolic representations, IPTA can be analyzed rather efficiently. We have developed the first implementation of an IPTA model checker by extending the PRISM tool and show that model checking IPTA is only slightly more expensive than model checking comparable PTA.Comment: In Proceedings INFINITY 2011, arXiv:1111.267